HemaTrax Cellular Therapy Troubleshooting Guide - Digi-Trax

HemaTrax Cellular Therapy
Troubleshooting Guide
Document Date: March 10, 2010
Jeff Dragoo and Paul Kornkasem
The purpose of this document is to provide a quick reference guide for the installation of
HemaTrax Cellular Therapy and the setup of the Zebra GX series printer. While the software is
compatible with the Zebra ZM400, and Zebra Z4Mplus printers, information and troubleshooting
procedures for those printers are already covered in other documents.
This document is subject to change, as new information is obtained and the software modified.
Note: Screenshots may not be an exact match to what you may see on your screen due to
differences in desktop settings or operating systems.
The Zebra GX430t Printer
The GX430t Printer opened with a ribon, and a roll of 4x4 labels installed.
System Requirements:
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or greater (or AMD equivelent)
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Hard Drive Space: 50 MB of free space
Setting up the GX430t Printer.
The easiest way to connect the GX430t printer to your PC is by using the USB ports on the
computer and the printer.
The printer should come packaged with a USB Cable (6 ft.).
Notice that the Zebra GX430t has the capability to connect to a PC via Serial Cable and USB.
The USB ports found on the PC are flat, rectangular shaped. They can be located on the front
and or back of the computer. They may also be located on the sides of most notebook PCs.
Connect the appropriate ends of the cable to the PC and Zebra printer. The cable ends are
specifically shaped to fit only one way, so do not force the cable into the connection socket.
Installation Tips:
You must have administrator rights to the PC that you are installing the HemaTrax CT software
When downloading the software from the Digi-Trax website, create a folder on your Windows
desktop for the .exe file.
When upgrading your version of HemaTrax CT, you must uninstall the previously installed
If you need to keep previously entered data for users, products, facility locations, or activity log,
you will need to copy the .mdb files that hold that information before you uninstall the program.
Be sure to select the Zebra TLP-3844-Z driver that is listed during the software installation
process. Do not select the Zebra GX430t drivers. While other drivers may be compatible and
may even appear to work, subtle differences may affect the appearance of the label and the
ability to make adjustments to the printer.
Be sure to set the Print Darkness / Head Temperature to 20+, and adjust accordingly, if necessary.
Alternative Printer Connection Method
Like other Zebra printers, the GX430t can also be used as a network printer.
Digi-Trax strongly recommends assigning a Static IP Address to the Zebra printer. If you are
unfamiliar with how to setup a Static IP Address, contact your IT / LIS personnel.
Common Issue Encountered
Issue: After clicking on the “Print” button, a label comes out of the printer, but there is nothing
printed on the label, or the print is too faded.
Possible Cause #1: Darkness Setting is too low. The Darkness / Temperature setting for the
print head needs to be set to 20 or higher. If the label appears to be faded, set the temperature to
a higher setting.
Within the HemaTrax CT program, open the label format you are going to print, and select the
Configure Printer button. Select the Zebra TLP3844-Z (if not already selected) and choose the
Settings option. Increase the Temperature option to 20. Make sre the Print speed is set to 2.000.
Possible Cause #2: The ribbon may be installed in the printer incorrectly (upside down).
By using the sticky side of a piece of tape or label, you should be able to pick up the thermal
resin off the ribbon, from the side facing down on the label.
If the ribbon had been installed incorrectly, simply remove the ribbon and reinstall it in the
correct orientation.
Issue: Printer is not responding or there is an error message saying that the printer is not
Possible Cause: Check to see if the printer is on, connected to power, and that the printer is
connected to the computer by the USB Cable, or the printer is connected to the network.
Issue: I cannot print out the desired ICCBBA product. It does not appear on the drop down
menu for the Product Code.
Possible Cause: The Product Code number has not been added to the Quick Pick List. Click on
the “Add/Edit Product Codes” button and proceed to add the Product Code Number to the Quick
Pick List. Remember to save your changes.
Issue: Data enter into , User, or Product databases do not remain / do not become permanent.
Possible Cause: Changes were not saved after entering the data. Be sure to right click on the
database window and select “Save Changes”.
Issue: I cannot find the print log. Where is it?
Solution: The Print Log can be viewed from any label print screen. Select any label format,
then click on the “View Print Log” button.
Issue: Enter data for printing labels do not remain when switching between label formats.
This issue is being addressed, and will be resolved with the next release of HemaTrax CT.
Issue: Data entry for the label fields appear to be very slow, or hesitating.
This issue is being addressed, and will be resolved with the next release of HemaTrax CT.
Issue: After completing an update, HemaTrax CT isn't performing properly.
When upgrading to a newer version of HemaTrax CT, it is necessary to uninstall the previous
version prior to running the setup.exe program for the new version.
To save previously entered data / current databases, you need to make a copy of the HemaTrax
CT Database folder. Copy this folder to your desktop or a removable storage device, such as a
USB Flash Drive.
If you are still having difficulties, please feel free to contact us.
You can visit our website at http://www.digi-trax.com or call us at 1-847-613-2100.