Hysteresis comparators Simple comparators have two drawbacks: For a very slowly varying input output switching can be rather slow. For a noisy input signal the output may make several undesirable transitions (commutations) as the input passes through the threshold voltage value (trigger point) no more undesirable transition How can we implement such a VTC ? 1/8 Solution: Two threshold values VThH and VThL Two distinct output values: VOH and VOL the commutation takes place at VThH only if vO=VOH the commutation takes place at VThL only if vO=VOL ⇒ The threshold values should depend on the output value → The output voltage should be fed back to the input to contribute to the threshold values: positive feedback (PF) (to strengthen the effect) Feeding back one fraction of the output voltage to the non-inverting input by means of a resistive divider 2/8 Inverting hysteresis comparator VTC ? R1 v = vO R1 + R2 + v _ = vI R1 vD = vO − v I R1 + R2 R1 vD = 0 vO = VTH R1 + R2 R1 VThH = VOH R1 + R2 R1 VThL = VOL R1 + R2 3/8 ∆VTh = VThH − VThL R1 (VOH − VOL ) = R1 + R2 moving direction on the hysteresis at a certain moment only one threshold is “active” hysteresis comparators are bistable circuits the input signal triggers the switching of the output, the switching process being sustained by the PF suppose vO=VOL , vI>VThL , vI ↓, when vI passes through VThL vI ↓, vD ↑, vO ↑, v+↑, vD↑, vO ↑ PF once the vO starts to change its value the transition is sustained by the circuit itself due to its PF ⇒ fast (accelerated) switching Bistable multivibrator circuit or Schmitt triggers 4/8 Illustration CSTV ? 5/8 Inverting comparator with asymmetric thresholds Circuit ? R1 R2 v = vO + VREF R1 + R2 R1 + R2 R1 R2 + − vD = v − v = vO + VREF − vI R1 + R2 R1 + R2 + VThL VThH R1 R2 = VOL + VREF R1 + R2 R1 + R2 R1 R2 = VOH + VREF R1 + R2 R1 + R2 6/8 Non-inverting hysteresis comparators R1 R2 vD = v − v = vO + vI − 0 R1 R1 + R2 R1 + R2 VThL = − VOH R1 R2 R2 + − R1 + R2 VTh vO + R1 + R2 R1 =− vO R2 VP = 0 R1 VThH = − VOL R2 7/8 Illustration R1 R2 vD = v − v = vO + v I − VREF R1 + R2 R1 + R2 + − 8/8