ea : oa : ow F04 Write the words clean cream Day 2 dream beach © each _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ float toast brown drown clown _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ Fill the gap with a list word Copy the sentence We clean ourselves with water. _______________________________________________ I like to eat cream. A boat can float. _____________________ _________________________ I should not drown if I learn to swim. _______________________________________________ My eyes are brown. I dream when I sleep. _____________________ ________________________ We come to school each week day. _______________________________________________ Copy the word and match to the picture clown clown toast toast beach beach Copy the list word and draw a clown a clean shirt clown clean a piece of brown paper brown cream on some jelly cream ea : oa : ow F04 Write the words clean cream Day 3 dream © beach each _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ float toast brown drown clown _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ Write the two colour words from the list brown cream Find small words clean lean an Opposites dirty clean sink float Singular / Plural clown clowns dream dreams beach beaches Verb families clean cleans dream dreams float floats drown drowns toast toasts beach be each Comparatives / Superlatives clean cleaner cleanest cleaning dreaming floating drowning toasting cleaned dreamed floated drowned toasted Combine with a list word Write the list words that beach ball rhyme with brown clown toaster drown F04 Day 4 Interest words builder : © Houses - workers painter plumber carpenter tiler bricklayer roof tiler plasterer electrician Write the base word of each word tiler tile plasterer plaster builder build painter paint Extend these base words (words from which longer words are made) to indicate a person clean cleaner garden gardener repair repairer own owner Choose one of the people from the pictures Find out what they do when building a house You may need to go to the library or computer