SU Wellness Centre Self-efficacy and Confidence Ann Laverty, PhD, R Psych Learning Objectives Building self-efficacy and confidence through: Understanding the value of self-efficacy Adopting a growth mind-set Developing strategies to manage mental challenges Remembering past success and learning from it Reflecting on your values Living with self-compassion & gratitude SU Wellness Centre Differentiating Terminology Self-esteem: general feelings of self-worth or selfvalue. Self-efficacy: belief in your capacity to succeed at tasks. Self-confidence: belief in your personal worth and likelihood of succeeding… a combination of selfesteem and general self-efficacy. SU Wellness Centre Why is self-efficacy important for graduate students? Strong sense of self-efficacy helps us: — View challenging problems as tasks to be mastered — Develop a deeper commitment to interests and activities — Recover quickly from setbacks and disappointments Weak sense of self-efficacy deters us by: — Avoiding challenging tasks — Believing difficult tasks and situations are beyond our capabilities — Focusing on personal failings and negative outcomes — Quickly losing confidence in personal abilities SU Wellness Centre Brainstorm Discussion What factors might help a graduate student feel confident in their capacity to succeed in their program? SU Wellness Centre How to strengthen self-efficacy Performance accomplishments: Successful experiences lead to greater feelings of self-efficacy. Vicarious experience: Observing someone else perform a task or handle a situation can help you to perform the same task by imitation. Verbal persuasion: When other people encourage and provide constructive feedback that you can perform a task, you tend to believe that you are more capable of performing the task. Mental health : Moods, emotions, physical reactions, and stress levels may influence how you feel about your personal abilities. SU Wellness Centre Normalizing Stress and self-doubt are part of the graduate student experience. Self-critical thoughts occur for everyone. Anxiety equation: Magnify the difficulty of the situation/task Minimize our ability to cope Let’s focus on some tips to help! SU Wellness Centre Adopting a Growth Mind-set Fixed Mind-set: Intelligence is fixed & unchangeable. Growth Mind-set: Intelligence is malleable. You can become smarter through effort, hard work, and persistence. — Affirming, encouraging statements reflect a more positive, accepting, honest, flexible and rational outlook help you to develop a growth mind-set. SU Wellness Centre The Human Triangle Cognitions: how we think about things Behaviours: how we act or behave Emotions: how we feel about things Interactional Pattern • Just get started – give it 20 minutes of concerted effort and see what happens • If you get 5 pages completed, take a break as a reward • I’ve written other papers, I can approach this one in the same way. • •• • • • •• Low motivation A bit of anxiety Increased Some fear of motivation failure Decreased Distraction anxiousness Overwhelmed Decrease in feeling overwhelmed Feeling Thinking • I know I should get started, but I’ll first grab a snack • I don’t know where to start. I’ve tried this before and it just didn’t start in the right way. • I’m not insightful enough to do this. • Break things into small steps • Grab a snack, then sit down to work, • Find starting withaa task snack that gets me • Check my engaged. email Acting • Talk with a colleague Exercise Think of a time when you questioned your ability to proceed in your graduate degree. On a piece of paper draw a triangle: — Identify what might be occurring in the triangle when problem is present — Create different thinking and action options – reflect on what new feelings might emerge. History Review Accomplishments & Disappointments When was the last time you faced an academic challenge? What did you accomplish? How did you overcome the challenge? (Resources, personal strengths) Creating Your Own Thesis/Dissertation Guidelines What resources and personal strengths did you use then that you can use now? What has been the secret of your successes and accomplishments to date? What worked well? What has helped me be productive? What strategies worked? SU Wellness Centre What Are Your Values? Values are qualities that help you live a fulfilled life. Values are something you do, or a quality of something you do. Assess your values: (go to VIA Survey of Character Strengths under Questionnaires) SU Wellness Centre Values: Guidance and Affirmation Wisdom and Knowledge: creativity, curiosity, judgment, love of learning, perspective Courage: bravery, perseverance, honesty, zest Humanity: love, kindness, social intelligence Justice: teamwork, fairness, leadership What values help guide your determination to complete your graduate degree? What values will you be able to demonstrate by completing your graduate degree? SU Wellness Centre Strategies for Building Self-Efficacy Establish specific, short-term goals that are challenging yet attainable (SMART!) Reflect on each small/large success before moving on to the next. Take time to acknowledge your achievements. Calmly and rationally, challenge any doubts. Create a supportive setting Understand how you learn & how you work Minimize new changes in your life that may impede completing your graduate program Others…??? SU Wellness Centre Self-compassion & Gratitude Self-compassion: extending compassion to one's self in instances of perceived inadequacy, failure, or general suffering. — Dr. Kristin Neff: Gratitude: positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. — Gratitude SU Wellness Centre Closing Thought SU Wellness Centre