Fluid Particle Interactions Basics u ? Outline

Fluid Particle Interactions Basics
1. Single sphere: Stokes and
turbulent drag
2. Many spheres: Stokes flow
3. Many spheres: intermediate Re
4. Many spheres: terminal velocity
1. Single sphere: Stokes and turbulent drag
1. Single sphere: Stokes and turbulent drag
Stokes drag (Re Æ 0):
Turbulent drag (Re > 103 ):
General form of drag relation for a single sphere:
Re Æ 0
with drag coefficient
Re > 103
1. Single sphere: drag coefficient
1. Single sphere: drag coefficient
Re < 10-1:
Re > 103 :
General Re:
Most simple expression
Dallavalle (1948)
Turton &
1. Single sphere: drag coefficient
1. Single sphere: terminal velocity
First application: terminal velocity v of a sphere
For which v do the forces
exactly balance?
for Re
1. Single sphere: terminal velocity
1. Re < 10-1:
2. Re > 103:
3. General Re:
Solve numerically
1. Single sphere: Galileo experiment
Second application:
Galileo Galilei, dropping a large and small iron ball from the tower of Pisa.
Common conception:
Balls hit the ground at the same time
(= true without air effect)
Actual observation of Galileo:
“when the larger has reached the
ground, the other is short of it by two
1. Single sphere: Galileo experiment
Equation of motion for the sphere:
Solving the differential equation for d = 0.22 m and d = 0.05 m gives that
when the larger has reached the ground, the other is short of it by 96 cm!
2. Many spheres: Stokes flow
Dimensioneless drag force
2. Many spheres: Stokes flow
What is known from theory?
Kim & Russel, 1985:
Accurate up to
= 0.1
Brinkman, 1947:
Diverges for
= 0.667
2. Many spheres: Stokes flow
2. Many spheres: Stokes flow
“Pragmatic” approach: make link with pipe flow
Laminair flow through circular pipe, with pressure gradient
(exact result)
volume of fluid
wet surface
Laminair flow through
arbitrary shape pipe
Can be well described by
the above expression
2. Many spheres: Stokes flow
Flow through a network of pipes:
k: kozeny constant
Experiments for the pressure drop over a wide range of porous media
shows that k = 5, independent of the type of medium:
Darcy’s law:
2. Many spheres: Stokes flow
Flow through an array of spheres:
Carman-Kozeny equation
Relation to F ?
volume of fluid
wet surface
2. Many spheres: Stokes flow
Relation pressure drop to drag force Fd that fluid exerts on a particle
Total force that fluid exerts
on a particle:
Force that each particle
exerts on the fluid:
Steady fluid flow: total
force on fluid is zero
2. Many spheres: Stokes flow
2. Many spheres: Stokes flow
Accurate up to
Kim & Russel, 1985:
= 0.1
Brinkman, 1947:
Diverges for
Carman-Kozeny, 1937:
Does not approach 1 for
Van der Hoef, Beetstra & Kuipers, 2005:
= 0.667
2. Many spheres: Stokes flow
3. Many spheres: intermediate Re
Dimensioneless drag force
3. Many spheres: intermediate Re
What is known from theory?
Kaneda, 1986:
Accurate for Re <
< 0.01
Pragmatic approach: connection with pipe flow
Pressure drop for turbulent flow through circular pipe
For bed of spheres:
BurkePlummer eq.
3. Many spheres: intermediate Re
Limit of low Re: Carman-Kozeny
Re > 4000: Burke-Plummer:
For general Re: try equation of the form
Fit to 640 experimental data points: A = 150, B = 1.75 Æ Ergun equation
3. Many spheres: intermediate Re
3. Many spheres: intermediate Re
3. Many spheres: overview
Expressions for the dimensionless drag force
Stokes flow
in the limit
Drag for single particle at finite Re
given by
, and
Drag for low Re flow through dense
random arrays Æ Carman
Ergun equation from
pressure drop data
General form of “Ergun”
type equations
General form of “Wen & Yu”
type equations
4. Many spheres: terminal velocity
Steady state: force balance for one particle:
(mass displaced suspension)
(mass particle)
4. Many spheres: terminal velocity
Note that the terminal velocity is a function of
4. Many spheres: terminal velocity
Assuming a dimensioneless drag force of the form
Terminal velocity experiments are fitted to the form:
Hence the exponents are related as:
3. Many spheres: terminal velocity
Experimental results for the exponent n :
Wen & Yu (1966):
Di Felice (1994):
over entire Re range
4. Many spheres: overview
Expressions for the dimensionless drag force
Stokes flow
in the limit
Drag for single particle at finite Re
given by
, and
Drag for low Re flow through dense
random arrays Æ Carman
Ergun equation from
pressure drop data
Wen & Yu equation from
terminal velocity data
3. Many spheres: overview
Expressions for the dimensionless drag force
Stokes flow
in the limit
Drag for single particle at finite Re
given by
, and
Drag for low Re flow through dense
random arrays Æ Carman
Ergun equation from
pressure drop data
General form of “Ergun”
type equations
General form of “Wen & Yu”
type equations
4. Many spheres: terminal velocity
Steady state: force balance for one particle:
(mass displaced suspension)
(mass particle)
4. Many spheres: terminal velocity
Note that the terminal velocity is a function of
4. Many spheres: terminal velocity
Assuming a dimensioneless drag force of the form
Terminal velocity experiments are fitted to the form:
Hence the exponents are related as:
3. Many spheres: terminal velocity
Experimental results for the exponent n :
Wen & Yu (1966):
Di Felice (1994):
over entire Re range
4. Many spheres: overview
Expressions for the dimensionless drag force
Stokes flow
in the limit
Drag for single particle at finite Re
given by
, and
Drag for low Re flow through dense
random arrays Æ Carman
Ergun equation from
pressure drop data
Wen & Yu equation from
terminal velocity data