Identifying active submarine faulting beneath Pegasus Bay in the aftermath of the Canterbury earthquakes: Geophysical imaging and 3-dimensional analysis Philip Barnes National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand ALGIM 2014 GIS Symposium, 7-8th April, Auckland Outline 1. Tectonic faulting and plate boundary deformation in NZ 2. Canterbury earthquake sequence of 2010-2012, & regional setting 3. 2011 NIWA marine geophysical survey: Geoscience response coordinated by the NZ Natural Hazards Research Platform (NHRP) 4. Below the ocean floor: Identifying geological surfaces and faulting 5. Characterising earthquake sources for hazard assessment An Earthquake Happens When a Fault in the Earth Breaks Three Types of Faulting..…in a simple world Thrust Normal Strike-Slip Crustal shortening Crustal Extension Wrench tectonics …but pre-existing rock weaknesses (old faults) often add complexity source USGS What happens when a region formerly under tectonic extension is put under compressional stresses? …..…….tectonic structural inversion Uplifted islands squeezed by PAC – AUS convergence 70 Myr Zealandia AUS 5.5 cm/yr PAC 3.5 cm/yr 50 Myrs of crustal extension (110-60 Ma) Zealandia Widespread normal faulting The obliquely convergent continental Pacific – Australia plate boundary zone Photo c/o Rob Langridge South Island active faults Litchfield et al. 2013 Sibson et al., 2012 Canterbury earthquake sequence of 20102012 & regional geological structure The 2010-2012 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence Magnitude vs Time NHRP Geoscience Response Magnitude Seismic reflection Gravity & Magnetic s Seismology, GPS, InSAR Lidar Aerial photography Geol & Geotech- field work All material sourced from GNS Science At least 10 faults involved…………..incl. several different types Strike-slip Thrust Oblique-slip reverse Greendale Fault rupture Max. 5m displ. Ristau et al., 2013 December 23rd EQ Max. ~1.2m displ. Beavan et al., 2011 Quigley et al., 2012 Villamor et al., 2012 February 22nd EQ Max. 2.5m displ., ~1m at surface sourced from GNS Science Synoptic Geological Map of the Canterbury Plains and Foothills Map of Gravity gradients Davy et al., 2012 Jongens et al. 2012 > 60 Myr extensional fault basins buried beneath plains Ground surface Widespread normal faults Hinds Graben Inherited faults and structural inversion Depth km Jongens et al. 2012 Ghisetti et al., 2012 Fault scarp Springbank Structure Photo c/o Jarg Pettinga Active submarine faults identified before the Sept 2010 Darfield Earthquake Barnes 1996 ……..already incorporated into previous assessments of seismic hazard 2011 NIWA marine geophysical survey: Geoscience response coordinated by the NZ Natural Hazards Research Platform (NHRP) Responding to coastal earthquake disaster: Development of crossinstitutional decision making and coordinated geoscience operations through the NHRP Typical land-based field geoscience responses: • GEONET instrument deployments, seismic reflection, gravity & magnetic surveys • Geotechnical/EQ engineering field teams • Coastal geological field teams (fault?, tsunami, landslides…) • Societal impacts Marine geo response? Factors to consider: • • • • • • Coastal/marine fault involved? Earthquake magnitude and mechanism? Seafloor rupture expected? Tsunami? Severity of damage, loss of lives, impacts? What could we learn and contribute? Understanding the cause and science of the event, ………informing authorities for response & recovery Image courtesy of Ian Chan Various marine survey options: • • • • • Seismic reflection profiling Multibeam bathymetry Sediment cores Seafloor video/photography Vessel availability Philip Barnes Claire Castellazzi Steve Wilcox Submarine Faulting Beneath Pegasus Bay, Offshore Christchurch National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Andrew Gorman University of Otago Research to Inform the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery. NHRP Short Term Project: Offshore Faults Funding: Natural Hazards Research Platform, EQC & NIWA Time (seconds two-way-travel) Marine Seismic Reflection Techniques Very strict permitted procedures required for seismic surveying: Marine Mammal Observations Hector’s dolphin Kaharoa Seismic Survey KAH1105 Acknowledgements: Geosphere Ltd High-Resolution Subsurface Profiler Data Identifying geological surfaces and faulting beneath Pegasus Bay …..using seismic reflection data tied to boreholes, submarine geological samples, and sea-level cycles Cretaceous Rift Basins and Cover Sequences Seismic Imaging of Banks Peninsula Volcanics A B C Post-Volcanic L. Miocene-Quaternary Gravel-rich Cover Sequence (7 Myr – Present) Late Quaternary Climate-Cycle Sedimentation Interglacials: Present day Glacials: last culmination 20 kyrs ago Lowstand Glacial shoreline at canyon rim Lowstand Coastal plain Active (Holocene) Kaikoura Canyon Glacial age (Lowstand) activity in Pegasus, Pukaki, and Okains Canyons: Presently relatively inactive Low s.l. High s.l. Max. 120 m s.l. variations Cox et al,. 2012; Brown & Webber 1992; Brown & Naish, 2003 Reactivated faulting & inversion tectonics Mapping faults at NIWA in ArcGIS Fault tip Fault structure beneath Pegasus Bay Young, immature inversion, & low slip rates No Holocene Displacement 0.13 - 0.17 mm/yr L. Quat. faulting south of the Pegasus Bay Fault? Yes, but relatively short structures, & very low displ. faults V. small (<20 m) vertical displacements on Late Miocene horizon east of Kaiapoi Incl. normal separation: Possibly strike-slip Late Pleistocene fault with normal separation east of Kaiapoi: Central Pegasus Bay Fault Possibly strike-slip Simplified Geological Map of the Ashley River Area, West of Rangiora • Cust Anticline • Ashley Fault • Springbank Fault Campbell et al. 2012 Drawn by J.K. Campbell Beavan et al 2011 Can we see the 22nd Feb 2011 fault offshore? Weak folding of the cover sequence off the Heathcote Estuary L. Quat. faulting or velocity artifacts? L. Quat. faulting off Banks Peninsula: Fault geometry not constrained Dec 23 Mw5.8 CHCH June 13 Mw5.9 Beavan et al., 2012 Ristau et al., 2013 Ongoing research work funded by the NZ Natural Hazards Research Platform: Structural modelling of Inversion tectonics 1. Building a 3D subsurface geological model 2. Structural restorations of fault development & evolution Building a 3D subsurface geological model in depth domain Attributed stratigraphy and rock physical properties for depth conversion and restoration workflows Converting post-stack time migrated seismic to depth, using interval velocities, to construct geological sections Depth surfaces G. Reynolds How the data will be used to characterise earthquake sources to improve hazard assessment Canterbury earthquakes in the national tectonics & hazard context Earthquake Source model Ground shaking hazard maps e.g., Peak ground accelerations expected at 500 year return times (informs NZ Loadings Standards) Historical seismicity 2010 Model 500-yr PGA(g) shallow soil Fault source domains Greendale Fault Stirling et al. 2012 National Seismic Hazard Model Fault Sources Stirling et al. 2012 1000 yr Probabilistic PGA (Stirling et al 2012) Fault source examples Type Length Dip Type Index (km) Dip dir Boo Boo Ohariu Sth Shepards Gully WellingtonHV ss ss ss ss 3 3 3 3 90 53 51 74 90 75 NW 90 80 SE Depth Top 15 15 15 15 Sr 0 10.00 0 1.50 0 0.50 0 6.60 Width Area Mw SED 15 1350 7.6 16 823 7.3 15 765 7.2 15 1127 7.5 5.5 3.2 3.1 4.5 RecInt 545 2141 6180 679 Conclusions • Canterbury earthquake is structurally complex • Available marine seismic reflection data, incl. 2011 NIWA survey: best insights into basement faulting • Widespread Cretaceous-Paleogene (>60 Ma) extensional faults • Young (~1 ± 0.4 Ma) tectonic overprint: immature basin inversion (~10%) + new faults • Oblique-slip reverse + strike-slip: Ongoing studies in progress to flesh out structural complexity • Very low L. Quat. displacement rates; decreasing to SE • Long EQ recurrence intervals (10 3 - 104 yrs) • Faults already in hazard models: new results won’t significantly change models outcomes