Max Freshwater Res., 1995,46,947-52 Salinity Tolerance and Osmoregulation in the Silver Perch, Bidyanus bidyanus Mitchell (Teraponidae), an Endemic Australian Freshwater Teleost R. Guo, P. B. at her^ and M. F. Capra School of Life Science, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Qld 4001, Australia. *To whom all correspondence should be addressed. Abstract. Juvenile silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus, were subjected to direct transfer from fresh water to various test salinities. No mortality was observed when the fish were transferred from fresh water to a salinity of 12, but 40% mortality was observed at a salinity of 15 after seven days. Pre-acclimation of silver perch to a salinity of 12 for seven days resulted in only marginally better survival at higher salinities. Plasma osmotic concentrations of silver perch rose slightly in salinities below 9 but rapidly at higher salinities, following the same track as the iso-osmotic line. Minimum body water content was observed in individuals subjected to a salinity of 15 for 24 h. As found in other freshwater teleosts, chloride cells were found in the branchial epithelium of silver perch. Accessory cells were observed beside the chloride cells in both freshwater and salt-water conditions. Fish subjected to a salinity of 12 for seven days showed chloride cells with a more developed tubular system than controls. The length of the junctions between chloride cells and accessory cells was significantly shorter in fish adapted to a salinity of 12 than in controls. The ultrastructural feature of 'interdigitations' of accessory cells was not observed during salt-water adaptation. These data indicate that silver perch is the least tolerant of high salinities and the most truly freshwater Australian teleost species examined to date. Introduction There is little published information on osmoregulation in Australian freshwater fishes. The silver perch, B, bidyanus, is a freshwater fish native to the Murray-Darling river system of southeastern Australia (Merrick and Schmida 1984). Silver perch is a potamodromous species, migrating wholly within fresh water. The adults undergo extensive upstream migrations and require an increase in water level to induce spawning (Cadwallader 1986). Silver perch generated from hatchery stock have been stocked in many waterways and ponds in eastern Australia and are also considered to have high potential for aquaculture (Rowland and Barlow 1990). The chloride cells of the gill epithelium are thought to play a major role in the hydromineral regulation of teleosts (Keys and Willmer 1932; Philgott and Copeland 1963; Maetz 1971). It has been well documented that, during adaptation to salt water, chloride cells increase their cell number andlor cell volume (Utida et al. 1971; Thomson and Sargent 1977; Hootman and Philpott 1978; Pisam 1981) and also show ultrastructurall changes associated with the development of the tubular system and mitochondria (Doyle and Epstein 1972; Karnaky et al. 1976; Hossler et al. 1985). It has also been reported that salt-water adaptation involves the development of the so-called accessory cells next to, and in close association with, the apical portion of chloride cells (Dune1 and Laurent 1973; Sardet et al. 1979; Hootman and Philpott 1980; Chretien and Pisam 1986). A striking ultrastructural feature of accessory cells is the presence of lateral cytoplasmic processes that penetrate the apical portion of the chloride cell and form numerous plasma membrane interdigitations during salt-water adaptation (Dune1 and Laurent 1973; Hootman and Philpott 1980). Chloride cells and accessory cells are linked by shallow junctions compared with the tight junctions between chloride cells and pavement cells (Sardet et al. 1979). The ability to possess accessory cells and to change the intercellular organisation and junctional structures has been suggested as being correlated with the euryhalinity of fish (Hwang and Hirano 1985). Parts of the Murray-Darling system are naturally saline, but since the development of extensive irrigation the salinities of some rivers have increased (Collett 1978). To date, there has been no evidence of significant effects of increasing salinities on the fish fauna. Guo et al. (1993) reported that there were no significant effects of salinities below 9 on development of silver perch eggs. Larvae hatched at a salinity of 6 had a better survival rate than those hatched in fresh water during the first 20 days after hatching (Guo et al. 1993). It is likely that during the course of their evolution many species associated with the Murray-Darling system have had to contend with large natural fluctuations in salinity (Cadwallader 1986). The present study examines the R. Guo et al. salinity tolerance and osmoregulation of silver perch, a freshwater teleost species that has had to contend with both natural and artificial fluctuations in salinity. Materials and Methods The salinity units used in this paper follow the Practical Salinity Scale of 1978 (PSS 78). Juvenile silver perch between 6 and 8 cm total length were purchased from a local freshwater fish hatchery. The fish were kept in tanks supplied with recirculated fresh water for at least four weeks before use. Fish were fed twice a day with a pelleted commercial fish food. Water temperature ranged from 22°C to 27°C during this period. Salinity Tolerance of Silver Perch Two experiments were carried out. Experiment 1 was to determine the effects of direct transfer of juvenile silver perch from fresh water to a number of test salinities. The experiment was conducted in four recirculated-water systems; each system contained three experimental tanks (12 L) with a header tank (25 L) and a large bottom tank (50 L). Water was pumped from the bottom tank to the header tank and then fed by gravity through the experimental tanks. Overflow water then flowed into the bottom tank. Seven test salinities were used (0,6, 12,15,18,21 and 24). generated by mixing sea water (30) with aged tap water. Experiments were divided into two sets. First the test salinities 0, 6, 12 and 24 were used, followed by the test salinities 0, 15, 18 and 21. Each test salinity occupied one recirculated system. Therefore, the overall design of this experiment consisted of seven salinities x three replicates, or 21 individual experimental tank trials. Photoperiod was maintained in a 1ight:dark regime of 12 : 12 with light from 0700 to 1900 hours, and water temperature was kept at 24°C & 1°C by controlling room temperature. Ten fish were transferred directly from a freshwater rearing tank to each individual experimental tank. Survival was recorded each hour for the first 6 h and then at 12, 18,24,48,72,96, 120, 144 and 168 h after the start of each trial. Half volumes of water in each system were changed during the experimental period, and the fish were fed as normal (feeding activity was generally low). The experiment was terminated after individuals had been subjected to the individual test salinities for seven days. The aim of Experiment 2 was to determine the effects of transferring juvenile silver perch (which were acclimated to a salinity of 12 for seven days) to higher salinities. The experiment was canied out in recirculated-water systems similar to those described above. Three test salinities were used (12, 18 and 24). Sets of 10 juvenile silver perch that had been acclimated to a salinity of 12 were transferred into individual test tanks. Survival rate was monitored over the next seven days. Efjects of Salinity on Plasma Osnzoric Concentration and Body Water Content Six tanks (12 L) were set up with salinities of 0,6,9, 12, 15 and 18. Ten juvenile silver perch chosen randomly were transferred directly from a freshwater rearing tank into each experimental tank. At 24 h after transfer, fish were sampled to measure plasma osmotic concentration and body water content. Individuals exposed to a salinity of 18 were sampled earlier at 15 h after transfer to avoid death before the experiment concluded. Sampled fish were first anaesthetized in MS-222 (Sigma Chemical Co.) (1 : 10000) for 5 min, and then the blood from five individuals per treatment was sampled by severing the caudal peduncle and collecting the free-flowing blood into 1.5-mL Epindorf tubes. Individual blood samples were then centrifuged to isolate plasma. The osmotic concentration of individual plasma samples was measured with a Fiske freezing-point osmometer. The remaining five individuals per treatment were sacrificed and dried with filter paper. Individuals were weighed, then dried in a 105°C oven until they reached constant dry weight. Branclzial Chloride Cells of Silver Perch Gills from silver perch reared in fresh water and a salinity of 12 for seven days were dissected out and pre-fixed with 3% glutaraldehyde (in cacodylate buffer, pH 7.4) for 1 h at room temperature. They were then stained by a Mn-Pb staining technique (based on Pisam et al. 1987, except with lead nitrate instead of lead citrate; Pisam, personal communication) for 2 h at room temperature. Tissue samples were post-fixed by a technique based on ferrocyanide-reduced osmium (Kamovsky 1971) (1% osmium tetroxide, 1.5% K4Fe,(CN),.3H,O, buffered with cacodylate, pH 7.4) for 1 h at room temperature. After being washed with distilled water, the post-fixed gills were then dehydrated through a graded ethanol and acetone series and embedded in Spun's resin (Spurr 1969). Ultrathin sections, of a golden colour, were obtained with the aid of a Reichert 0 M U 2 ultramicrotome with glass knives, and with a lead citrate stain (2-5 min). Observations of prepared specimens were made with a JEM-1200EX transmission electron microscope. Results Salinity Tolerance After direct transfer to test salinities, juvenile silver perch showed 60% survival at a salinity of 15 but could not tolerate higher salinities (Table 1). Fish in salinities higher than 15 died within 18 h (Table 1). Survival of individuals pre-acclimated to a salinity of 12 for seven days was only Table 1. Mortality of silver perch (%) after direct transfer from fresh water to various test salinities Time after test (h) 0 6 12 Test salinity 15 18 21 24 Table 2. Mortality of pre-acclimated silver perch (%) after direct transfer froma salinity of 12 to higher salinities Silver perch had been acclimated to a salinity of 12 for seven days Time after test (h) 12 Test salinity 18 24 Osmoregulation in the Silver Perch marginally better in higher salinities (Table 2). All pre-acclimated individuals transferred to salinities higher than 15 died within 24 h (Table 2). All individuals showed stress responses following transfer to salinities above 15. For the first 2 h individuals were generally calm, swimming slowly near the bottom of the tanks, following which they moved up, close to the water surface, where many attempted to gulp air. Later, individuals turned black in colour and some developed skin haemorrhages. Finally, individuals lost the ability to swim and lay on the bottom until breathing activity ceased completely. Salinity Effects on Plasma Osmotic Concentration and Body Water Content Plasma osmotic concentrations of individuals exposed to different test salinities showed that with an increase in environmental salinity, plasma osmotic concentration also rose at salinities between 0 and 9. Further increases in salinity resulted in a rapid increase in plasma osmotic concentration that followed the same track as the iso-osmotic line (Fig. 1). Individuals exposed to a salinity of 18 for 15 h had virtually the same osmotic concentration (570 mOsm kg-' H20) as the external medium. Analysis of the body water content of silver perch exposed to the different test salinities showed that individuals displayed some dehydration even after exposure to a salinity of 6 (Fig. 1). Minimum body water content was recorded in fish 0 6 12 exposed to a salinity of 15, where it reached a value of 67.5%, which was 2.5% less than that of freshwater control fish (Fig. 1). Characterization of the Branchial Chloride Cells of Silver Perch Chloride cells were observed in the branchial epithelium of silver perch on the trailing edge of the filaments. All chloride cells showed the same basic morphology. Mitochondria were numerous and evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm. An abundant smooth-walled tubular system opened to the basolateral plasma membrane, which was densely ramified throughout the cytoplasm. Most chloride cells also had their apical membranes directly exposed to the outer medium. Part of the basal membrane made close contact with the basal lamina. Chloride cells were located either at the base of the secondary lamellae or in the interlamellar region. In most instances, two or more chloride cells occurred together and formed a multicellular complex. Silver perch chloride cells were large and lightly stained, and their apical surfaces were endowed with short microvilli (Figs 2 and 3). Numerous membrane-bound bodies with electron-dense contents were present in the apical regions (Fig. 3). Inside the multicellular complex, smaller accessory 18 Test salinity body water content in silver perch Pig. 1. (0)Plasma osmolality and (0) 24 h after direct transfer from fresh water to various test salinities. The dashed line is the iso-osmotic line. Data points are means + s.e., sample size is 5 for each data point. Standard errors less than 5 (mOsm kg-' H20) are not shown. Fig. 2. Low-magnification photographs of the gill epithelium of silver perch in freshwater condition. Three chloride cells (cc) are observed at the base of secondary lamellae, in close contact with the pillar capillaries (P). Chloride cells are associated with an accessory cell (ac), which is darker in colour. Scale bar, 2 y m. 950 cells were observed beside chloride cells (Figs 2, 3 and 4). Accessory cells could be easily distinguished from chloride cells by their smaller size, less developed tubular system, and darker colouration. Many isolated glycogen particles were distributed throughout the accessory cell cytoplasm (Figs 3 and 4), but no membrane-bound bodies were observed in the apical regions except for some small vesicular and tubular elements. No apical interdigitations were observed between individual chloride cells and their accessory cells. Fig. 3. Chloride cells (CC) of silver perch from fresh water. The tubular system is heterogeneous and consists of loosely anastomosed membranous tubules (t). Many membrane-bound bodies (mb) are encountered in the apical portion of the chloride cell. In an accessory cell, a few glycogen particles (g) are observed. m, mitochondrion; er, endoplasmic reticulum; PC, pavement cell; AC, accessory cell; j, apical junction between CC and AC. Scale bar, 0.5 pm. Fig. 4. Chloride cell (CC) of silver perch exposed to a salinity of 12 for seven days. The tubular system is more developed than under freshwater conditions (Fig. 3) and consists mostly of a network of tightly anastomosed membranous tubules (t). m, mitochondrion; er, endoplasmic reticulum; g, glycogen particles; j, apical junction between CC and AC. Scale bar, 0.5 pm. R. Guo et al. The chloride cells in the gills of silver perch exposed to a salinity of 12 for seven days did not show any cytoplasmic interdigitations as have been reported occurring in sea-water or sea-water-adapted euryhaline fish. Their tubular system developed extensively to form a tight network of anastomosed membranous tubules (Fig. 4). There were fewer microvilli on apical surfaces, and all the membrane-bound bodies disappeared from apical regions (Fig. 4). The length of the apical junction binding both chloride cells and accessory cells was shorter: 2 0 4 0 nm in length (Fig. 4) compared with 80-140 nm in control fish (Fig. 3). Discussion The ability to maintain a suitable stable internal environment is a necessary requirement for animals to survive in osmotically unfavourable external environments (Eckert et al. 1988). In fish, this ability has evolved over a long period of time and is achieved by several osmoregulatory organs involving the gill, gut and renal systems. Endocrine regulation is also involved in fish osmoregulation. Silver perch occur naturally throughout the Murray-Darling river system except in the cool, high, upper reaches of streams (Pollard et al. 1980; Merrick and Schmida 1984). So far, only 22 native species of fish have been found to complete their life cycles in fresh water within the Murray-Darling system (Cadwallader 1986). Salinity tolerance studies of native freshwater fish have shown that fish from the Murray-Darling river system can tolerate relatively high salinities, e.g. golden perch (Macquaria ambigua) has been found to tolerate salinities up to 36 (Dulhunty and Merrick 1976; Langdon 1987) and four smaller species (Retropinna semoni, Craterocephalus stercusrnuscarum, Hypseleotris klunzingeri and Melanotaenia splendida) have their LD50 at salinities of 58.7,43.7,38 and 29.8, respectively (Williams and Williams 1991). Spangled perch (Leiopotherapon unicolor), a close relative of silver perch also found in the Murray-Darling river system, can tolerate salinities up to 35.5 (Beumer 1979). The present experiments demonstrate that silver perch have a relatively poor ability to tolerate raised salinities (above 15) in comparison with other common native species in the Murray-Darling river system. Freshwater species such as Retropinna semoni, Hypseleotris klunzingeri and Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum are also found naturally in saline lakes in Victoria with salinities (Chessman and 1974). perch occur naturally in the Bohle River drainage (northern Queensland), where salinities range from 4 to 15.2 (Beumer 1979). ~ ~perchlis alsod found~in ~~k~ ~ E ~ ~ often ~ , contains hypersaline water (Dulhunty and Merrick 1976; Glover and Sim 1978). Bsmoregulation in the Silver Perch Silver perch have never been reported from natural systems with salinities that exceed 3. They do occur, however, in a few tidally influenced coastal streams in New South Wales, where they may have been introduced (Lake 1971). Generally, fishes adapted solely to fresh water (water salinities <3) cannot regulate plasma ion concentrations when external osmolality rises above plasma osmolality (Williams and Williams 1991). Most stenohaline freshwater fish, e.g. the catfish (Clarias lazera), carp (Cyprinus carpio), and goldfish (Carassius auratus) die at external salinities between 10 and 20 (Chervinski 1984; Geddes 1979; Threader and Houston 1983). Death is due to abnormal ion ratios in the body fluids, resulting in neuromuscular malfunction and dehydration (Holliday 1971). Laurent and Dunel (1980) claimed that accessory cells never occur in freshwater fish. During a study on the freshwater rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri), Pisam et al. (1989) reported that numerous accessory cells could also be found in freshwater-adapted fish. Hwang and Hirano (1985) reported that smaller, more electron-opaque cells often occurred beside chloride cells in freshwater carp (Cyprinus carpio) and freshwater ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis); these smaller cells resemble accessory cells but do not interdigitate with neighbouring chloride cells. The chloride cells of silver perch observed in the present study were similar to those reported by Hwang and Hirano. Accessory cells are thought to have a role in the osmoregulation of sea-water-adapted fishes (Sardet et al. 1978, 1979; Hwang 1987, 1988; Pisam et al. 1988, 1990; Hwang et al. 1989; Pisam and Rambourg 1991). The development of interdigitations and leaky junctions at the apexes of chloride cells has been suggested as being associated with the requirement for larger ion exchange in sea-water-adapted gills (Sardet et al. 1979; Laurent and Dunel 1980; Hwang and Hirano 1985; Hwang 1987). In silver perch, although there were some modifications of the tubular systems and the Qunctional structures, the important cytological feature of 'interdigitations' was not observed during salt-water adaptation. The biological function(s) of accessory cells in freshwater fish remain unknown. Salinities in the Murray River of south-eastern Australia now rarely exceed 1.2 (Mackay et al. 1988). It is believed that, before impoundment, the Murray River was degraded during very dry seasons to a series of pools where salinities reached 6 (Mackay et al. 1988). The fact that silver perch possess accessory cells on their gills may indicate that this species or some immediate ancestor has been subjected to relatively high salinities in inland waters in the recent past andlor that the presence of this characteristic is simply a legacy of the marine or estuarine ancestry of the species. Whatever the origins, silver perch appear in many respects to have evolved further towards a purely freshwater life cycle than have other modern native species found in the Murray-Darling river system. References Beumer, J.P. (1979). Temperature and salinity tolerance of the spangled perch Therapon unicolor Gunther, 1859 and the east Queensland rainbow fish Nematocentris splendida Peters, 1866. 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