No. of Printed Pages : 4 04804 TS-2 TOURISM STUDIES (CTS, DTS, BTS, MTM-II) Term-End Examination June, 2014 TS-2 : TOURISM DEVELOPMENT : PRODUCTS, OPERATIONS AND CASE STUDIES Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Attempt any five questions in about 600 words each. All questions carry equal marks. 1. 2. 3. 4. TS-2 What do you understand by Profiling of Tourists ? Discuss the profiles of foreign tourists visiting India from 2009 onwards. 20 Write a detailed note on relationship between occupation and income with travel propensity and travel frequency. 20 How would you describe a monument to tourists ? Do you require any preparation for this ? Write a brief commentary on any one monument of your choice. 20 What is the relevance of entertainment in tourism ? Mention the importance of theme dinners in this regard. 20 1 P.T.O. 5. 6. 7. Discuss the relevance of arts and crafts in tourism. Substantiate your answer with relevant examples. 20 Discuss important festivals of India. Also differentiate between fairs and festivals. 20 What do you mean by the term "tour package" ? Discuss in detail various destinations covered by Palace on Wheels. 8. How does a State Government plan and promote tourism ? Explain with a case of Maharashtra. 9. 20 Critically examine the "Heritage Hotel Scheme" developed by the Rajasthan Government. 10. Define the following : TS-2 20 20 10+10=20 (a) Ethnic Tourism (b) Pilgrimage Tourism 2 Z1.714.-2 altzgR lifiVT 2014 :4401-RWR :3c4 1q, titltM.iat17 apzi-ER 37rETI 3iT : 100 64/q : 3 4/ti RFT- A7-ef ffurcr 1gaft 11I ?7Ttra- R -cttlgr 1. 7-4-60 2009 ?T -U T3Erk alc ITT -caf7I 2. drH F7277 600-600 7".. -a-2U t 41=4 T14ti. T 31-rtrwr idtt tr-4-64- * ? 7:1tLET fq-luT 20 3Tr1%RR o cl tj I -a-2n 3-Trzr faturtrilfffftR I fa 47r k4-11tch alTET 3. 1:14Z4 aTFO%-lft tzrift ? cv-itTEr . fwErt tth ? aTc[lt tr-4-q 1 -4-4Tur ffti7 I 4. trzi-C4 q 31T TS-2 etY-41 NR1Plq-K11 TA-Ti4 20 ? ITT 4th .tf- &I43 20 I 20 P.T.O. 5. trzi-d7 14 ..-0-r i f7r- T tt NR-614)c-1r 1 =4-cif P-R-11 143-1714 3-K-it tr trr--$7 I -atrzfth- 37-00 20 a .. tr -A7 - I 6. ITR.ff rq)- c =r-al TruLui 3--cir.ti ttr Tr t7f fib I 1 1)---ol WT 20 7. "qIAI 47" 31-rcr cm WT0 ' ? 4u 31-fq 41T4f-4- ITT 4 -ci-cli qtkl cPT f*-7 s3i1 qA fell-q li-d- Ff 20 I 8. \lch 1-T:1' titchtt -471 51R trzi-a4 ' -1 sftzlYAR. -ff2TT A7 1 dt t ?TM-17* T1-0 4 0241{Ar *11 -9-)T-WF -T- 20 th3-R-2TH -1k,.1,R qtki 11cbRid *r Ali tfi---7- .1e,(1 9. TzaTT" r w-1141-FTE. trftvtirr trr77 I 10. -PIHR-iRgd tr trft4rErr rr77 : 20 10+10=20 (-) . --Ar--4i-zr trzizq (L•) t2i 44-e-4 TS-2 4 4,500