Gas Choice - Consumers Energy

From groceries to gas stations to banks, you’re used to having a wide range of
choices when you go shopping.
Now you can add natural gas to the list. That’s right. Now you can choose
where to buy your natural gas.
Choice means competition. A number of companies are competitors for your
business by offering different prices in an open market. You are able to compare prices and shop for natural gas just like you shop for everything else.
But while competition means greater choice, and hopefully lower prices, it also
means that you will have to do your homework before deciding where to buy
your natural gas. With choice comes the responsibility to get all the information you can about what your choices are and what kind of service you need.
The information here will help you understand what choice means to you, and
help you become an informed shopper.
Why Choice?
Introduced to residential and business customers in April 2001, choice was
driven by market forces and by people like you who wanted freedom to
choose where to buy natural gas.
History of Choice.
From 1998 - 2001, more than 150,000 Michigan customers chose a different
natural gas supplier by participating in a successful pilot program called Gas
Customer Choice. An expanded Gas Customer Choice program was phased
in. By April 2003, every Consumers Energy natural gas customer was eligible
to choose his or her supplier.
Exactly What’s
Changed ...
What Stays the Same?
Traditionally, companies such as Consumers Energy have provided all of the
services needed to bring natural gas to your home.
We take care of buying the natural gas. We deliver it to your home or ­business
and charge you for this service. We make sure our delivery ­system – a network
of gas pipelines – is well-maintained and operates safely. If there are problems,
we’re the folks who show up to fix them.
With choice, you can shop around for your best deal, and select someone else to
provide your natural gas.
Whatever choice you make, we still deliver the natural gas to your home or business. We still make sure the delivery system is maintained. And we still fix
problems that might occur.
How it Works Now
Consumers Energy will maintain
and repair gas lines and respond to
emergencies, as it always has.
With Choice
Your Supplier
Making Your Choice.
Your Choice
I want to switch
NOTE: If you switch, you
must stay with a supplier
other than Consumers
Energy for 12 months
I have switched, and
want to switch again
NOTE: If you switch back
to Consumers Energy, you
must ­continue buying gas
from us for at least 12
I don’t want to switch
Getting Started
Visit the MPSC Web site at for
a list of participating suppliers
Talk with suppliers. Use
the guide in this brochure
to note prices and other
details before making your
Visit the MPSC Web site at
for a list of participating
Talk with suppliers. Use the
guide in this brochure to
note prices and other details
before making your decision
You do nothing
Switching Suppliers
Pick a supplier and sign up. Your
switch will be ­confirmed when
we list the name and phone
number of your new supplier on
your gas bill
If you are switching to a supplier other than Consumers
Energy, make your new deal.
Your new supplier will coordinate the switch with us
If you are switching back to
Consumers Energy, contact your
current supplier and let them
know you want to switch. They
will handle the details
As a natural gas customer, you have two basic choices. You can choose to switch to
another supplier. Or you can choose not to switch. This chart explains what steps to
take, and what happens with each choice.
The supplier you choose
sets the price you pay for
natural gas
Consumers Energy
delivers the gas to you
Consumers Energy sends
you one bill. It will list the
cost of your supplier’s gas
and our delivery charge
The supplier you choose
sets the price you pay for
­natural gas
Consumers Energy
delivers the gas to you
Consumers Energy sends
you one bill. It will list the
cost of your supplier’s gas
and our delivery charge
You pay Consumers Energy’s
current rate, which may
vary from month to month
Consumers Energy
delivers the gas to you
Consumers Energy sends
you one bill. It will list the
cost of our gas and our
delivery charge
You pay Consumers Energy’s
current rate, which may
vary from month to month
Consumers Energy
delivers the gas to you
Consumers Energy sends you
one bill. It will list the cost
of our gas and our delivery
Cost of Gas
How Do I Decide?
Shopping for a natural gas supplier may be a new experience for you, but it’s
just like any other important purchase; when you’re well-informed, you can
make the decision that’s best for you. Before making any decisions, ask each
supplier the following questions.
Are you licensed with the Michigan Public Service
Commission to supply natural gas in Michigan?
What is the price you will charge me per thousand cubic
feet (Mcf) or per hundred cubic feet (Ccf)?
Does this price include all fees?
Is the price fixed, or does it change?
If the price is variable, how often does it change?
Are there any built-in price increases or decreases?
Is there any membership or other fee to sign up with you?
Do I need to sign a contract?
What is the length of the contract?
Is there a fee if I cancel the contract early?
Is there a customer incentive for signing up?
What happens when my contract expires?
How Do I Find A Supplier If They Don’t Find Me?
Participating natural gas suppliers are listed on the Michigan Public Service
Commission’s Web site at You also may reach this list from
the choice section of Consumers Energy’s Web site at
You can switch once every 12 months of the program year (April-March) for free.
You pay $10 for each additional switch during that same April-March period. Be
sure to check any contract you sign with a ­supplier to see if there is a penalty for
early termination.
If you return to ­buying natural gas from Consumers Energy, you must ­continue
buying from us for at least 12 months. Our rate can vary from month to
month, and is regulated by the Michigan Public Service Commission.
Help Comparing Prices.
Your energy bill will tell you how much natural gas you used during the past
12 months, so that you can compare prices for an entire year.
FAQs Gas Customer Choice
Do I have to choose a new supplier?
No. You may choose to continue buying natural
gas from Consumers Energy. You do not have to
take any action if you choose this option.
Is there a deadline for choosing a new
back to Consumers Energy, you must continue
buying gas from us for at least 12 months.
What happens if I pick a supplier who then
goes out of business?
Consumers Energy will supply your gas at its
current rate at the time, unless you choose
another supplier. Your supply of gas will not be
No. You may choose a new supplier any time
you want.
How do I make the switch to a new ­supplier?
All you have to do is sign up with your supplier.
That supplier will notify Consumers Energy that
you have switched.
If I choose another supplier, will my service
decline or be slower in emergencies?
No. You will continue to receive the same reliable service you always have received, regardless of what supplier you choose. Consumers
Energy will provide equal service to all customers, whether we provide both supply and delivery, or just delivery.
How do I know that I’ve been successfully
Once the switch is effective, we’ll include your
supplier’s name and phone number on the
energy bill we send you.
Who do I call with a billing question?
What are you doing to prevent “slamming,”
changing my supplier without my consent?
To help prevent ­slamming, we’ll list your supplier’s name and phone number on the energy
bill we send you. If you didn’t consent to buying
from the supplier we list, you can contact that
supplier and ask to be switched back.
If I choose a new supplier, can I switch to
another supplier at any time?
Yes, but there may be a cost. Once you have
chosen a different supplier, there is a $10 fee if
you switch again within each 12-month ­period
(April-March). In addition, the contract you
signed may have a penalty for early ­termination.
If I choose a new supplier, can I switch back
to Consumers Energy?
You should call your natural gas supplier if you
have questions about the price you’re paying for
natural gas. Call us if you have questions about
our ­delivery cost or other Consumers Energy
charges on your bill.
If I choose another supplier, will I still
receive financial help from programs for
which I may be eligible?
Yes. Assistance from programs such as LIHEAP
(Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program)
and the Winter Protection Plan is available to
eligible customers regardless of who supplies
their natural gas.
Is all natural gas the same, or can a lower
price mean lesser quality?
The price you pay will not affect the quality of
the natural gas you receive, regardless of the
supplier you choose.
Yes, if you’ve been with a supplier other than
Consumers Energy for at least 12 months. In
addition, the contract you signed may have a
penalty for early termination. Once you switch
If I am on the Budget Plan, can I participate?
Still Have Questions?
Our Web site contains plenty of
information about choice.
In addition, our customer service
representatives are happy to
answer your questions.
You may reach them at:
(800) 418-2263
For gas leaks and emergencies, call
(800) 477-5050.
We'll respond day or night.
Looking for Ways
to Save on Your
Energy Bill?
About 40 percent of your total home energy cost is for heating during
the cold winter months. While no one can control the weather, here
are some tips that can reduce your heating costs:
• Every degree you dial down could save 1 percent to 3 percent in
heating costs
• Keep furniture, carpeting and curtains from blocking heat registers
and air return ducts
• Have your furnace serviced before the heating season to save up to
2 percent on your heating costs during the year
• Install a programmable thermostat to save up to 20 percent on your
heating costs and recover your investment in the first year
• Replace weather stripping and seals on windows and doors to save
5 percent to 10 percent on your annual heating costs
For more tips on no-cost and low-cost ways to save on energy,
see our online brochure “More Than 100 Ways to Save on Your
Energy Bill” at For a printed copy,
call us at (800) 477-5050. We’ll be happy to send you a copy free
of charge.
One Energy Plaza
Jackson, MI 49201
15819 8/07 10M 62-56820