CITY HALL GOAL Goal: To improve the conditions of the public buildings for community users and city employees within a three-year timeframe. Why a new City Hall? Inadequate community meeting rooms and counter space. 40% of City Hall is unusable due to safety concerns. Ceiling collapses and roofing falls on desk Structural and energy efficiencies and a safe staff environment are needed. Retrofit cost is 94% of new construction cost and does not achieve efficiencies. HISTORY 1921-56 1975 1990-92 2003-07 2013 2014 •School building constructed and addition added •City Purchased School Property for City Hall Site •South building not able to be occupied •Community Center Master Plan & Design prepared •Vote by community for a bond issuance to build was defeated at ballot •Feasibility Studies and Public Workshop to assess mixed-use options (City Hall & Commercial) •Facility Needs Assessment & Goal for City Hall Replacement Defined •First Community Workshop – Site Selection •Second Community Workshop – Identified Preferred Uses •Initiate Master Planning Phase •Four site development options •Third Community Workshop to gain feedback on what additional uses, if any, the public would like to see Today incorporated at the City Hall site 1050 CAMINO DEL MAR Preferred Site December Workshop, Survey and City Council prioritize 1050 Camino del Mar (the current City Hall site) as the location for a new City Hall & Town Hall. Municipal Program The City Council identified the needs of the municipal program: City Hall: 9,250 SF 100-seat Town Hall City Hall 9,250 SF 3,200 SF Offices for city departments, conference rooms, support space. Minor increase in size from existing for more public space, eliminate rented trailer, etc. Town Hall: 100-seat (3,200 SF) Plaza 15,000 SF Larger Council Chambers, flexible space to have community meeting rooms Plaza: 15,000 SF, same size as currently used by Farmer’s Market Parking 51 cars Parking: 51 cars, required by Del Mar Municipal Code for office/assembly Other: Other uses on remainder of site to be determined. Site 68,000 SF Civic Provides a City Hall with administrative offices; a Town Hall with public meeting rooms, City Council Chambers, DMTV, and multi-purpose space; a Civic Plaza for community activities; and 160 public parking spaces, where 60 spaces are located in a surface-level parking lot and 100 spaces are located in a tuck-under parking structure. Program: Features: Uses City Hall Town Hall Civic Plaza Total Parking Required Parking Surplus Parking • Provides more than 100 additional public parking spaces. • Lowest development intensity option. • No additional uses to activate site. Size 9,250 sf 3,200 sf 15,000 sf 160 spaces 51 spaces 109 spaces Financial: Public Development Cost: Potential Revenue: Net Cost to City: $12.4M $0 $12.4M • Provides flexibility with options for phasing of additional uses, if desired. • Conforms to current Public Facilities Zone; no zone change needed. • Requires DRB permits and CEQA analysis. • No potential revenue to offset net cost to City. • Shortest timeframe to groundbreaking (estimated 9-12 mos. for entitlements). Civic + Commercial Provides a City Hall with administrative offices; a Town Hall with public meeting rooms, City Council Chambers , DMTV, and multi-purpose space; a Civic Plaza for community activities; 3,400 SF of leasable commercial space; and 160 public parking spaces, where 60 spaces are located in a surface-level parking lot and 100 spaces are located in a tuck-under parking garage. Program: Uses City Hall Town Hall Civic Plaza Commercial Total Parking Required Parking Surplus Parking Features: Size 9,250 sf 3,200 sf 15,000 sf 3,400 sf 160 spaces 89 spaces 71 spaces Financial: Public Development Cost: (Less) Potential Revenue: $13.5M $2.1 M • Commercial Space Value* ($2.1M) Net Cost to City: $11.4M *assumes revenue from the commercial space can offset approximately $2 million of project cost • Provides 71 additional public parking spaces. • Provides off-set revenue from commercial leases that could reduce development cost. • Activates the site with commercial activity and contributes to downtown commercial district. • Requires zoning change to allow commercial uses. • Requires DRB permits and CEQA analysis. • Longer period of entitlements because of zoning change (18-24 mos. estimate) Civic + Commercial + 4 Homes Provides a City Hall with administrative offices; a Town Hall with public meeting rooms, City Council Chambers, DMTV, and multi-purpose space; a Civic Plaza for community activities, 3,400 SF of leasable commercial space; four single-family residences with private garages; and 204 public parking spaces located in a two-level parking garage. Features: Program: Uses City Hall Town Hall Civic Plaza Commercial Residential Total Parking Required Parking Surplus Parking Size 9,250 sf 3,200 sf 15,000 sf 3,400 sf 4 homes (2,100 sf/ea) 204 spaces 89 spaces 115 spaces Financial: Public Development Cost: (Less) Potential Revenue: $17.1M $_6.4M • Commercial Space Value* ($2.1M) • Residential Land Value** ($4.3M) Net Cost to City: $10.7M * Assumes revenue from the commercial space can offset approximately $2 million of project cost ** Assumes sale of residential land. A ground lease would reduce the value to $1.98M • Provides the most public parking with 115 additional public parking spaces. • Provides off-set revenue from commercial leases and residential land sales but with higher development cost. • Activates site with commercial activity and new housing opportunities • Residential density, lot size, and configuration is consistent with adjacent R2 Zone. • Requires DRB permits and CEQA analysis. • Requires zoning changes to allow commercial and residential uses. • Longer period of entitlements because of zoning change (18-24 mos. estimate). COSTS & FINANCING Financials: Project Financials Range of 4 Scenarios Public Development Costs $12.4 to $17.1 M (Less) Commercial Space Value* $0.0 to 2.6 M (Less) Residential Land Value ** $0.0 to $4.3 M Net Development Cost to City: $9.5 to 12.4 M * Assumes revenue from the commercial space can offset approximately $2 million of project cost ** High range assumes sale of residential land. A ground lease would reduce the value to $1.98M - $2.1M Financial Capacity: Financing Revenue Low Range General Fund Backed Financing High Range $10.4 M $17.6 M Cash (CIP Reserve by Fiscal Year 2015-16) $4.0 M $4.0 M PEG Fees Financing (for TV Studio) $.37 M $.49 M Cash (PEG Fees) $.16 M $.16 M $14.9 M $22.25 M Total Capacity: Note: Low Estimate by the City’s Finance Committee, high estimate by City’s Financial Advisor CIVIC USE SCHEDULE Master Planning Phase: Development Program Determination +/- 3 Month Completion Entitlement Phase: November 2014 – January 2015 Entitlement Process +/- 6 Month Completion - Design Review Board January – June 2015 Schematic Design +/- 3 Month Completion - Massing, Layout & Cost Refinement Design Phase: Development Program Determination +/- 3 Month Completion - Forms, Materials & Cost Refinement February – June 2015 Construction Documentation Construction Phase: +/- 6 Month Completion - Construction Documents & Bids Groundbreaking Construction and Ribbon Cutting July 2015 – December 2016