RESPONSE OP TUMORIGENIC VIRUSES AND OP CELLS TO BIOLOGICALLYACTIVE COMPOUNDS. I. METHODS FOR DETERMINING RESPONSE AND APPlICATION OP TX1 Gustave Freeman, Audrey Kuehn, and Ishkhan Sultanian2 ABSTRkCT Methods i. e. ; threshold, were applied for assessing concentrations the responses of 65 biologically of cell-virus active systems compounds. The in culture systems to subtox.ic, were a pair of tu morigenic viruses, Rous sarcoma (RSV) and polyoma (PYV), aixi a pair of lytic viruses, encephalomyocarditis (EMCV) and vaccinia (W) . RSV and EMCV are ribonucleic acid viruses; PYV and SN are deoxyribonucleic acid viruses. RSV and W were assayed in chick cells and PYV and EMCV in mouse cells. The viral species had a major influence on response, the type of viral nucleic acid was of secondary importance, and the host species had a negligible influence. INTRODUCTION New compounds, synthesized or extracted by investigators in antibiotic research and cancer chemo therapy, are being used effectively (1, 3-6, 8) to study the biochemistry of viral synthesis, 1. e. , to in hibit specific biochemical steps in cellular and cell-viral metabolism. These compounds are generally classified according to the type of biosynthesis, ribonucleic acid (RNA) or deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), with which they interfere in normal and infected cell cultures. However, the conceniration of a compound required to achieve maximum inhibition of a biochemical step has been reversibly injurious, at the least, or lethal to the cells. This report discusses the chemical control of viral propagation and/or tumor cell induction and rep lication without apparent jeopardy to the cellular homeostasis, or, more particularly, the control of cellu lar activities caused by viruses without disruption of activities essential to cell growth. Our main con siderations are (1) methods of determining the effectiveness of compounds and (2) the kinds of information that can be derived by the methods. The 65 biologically active compounds chosen for the study have mechanisms of action that are rea sonably well understood. Initial tests were done with the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) , in chick cells, and the polyoma virus (PYv) , in mouse cells. They were chosen to form the pair of tumorigenic cell-virus complexes because: 1. RSV (Bryan strain) and PYV are being studied as etiologic agents in great detail in several laboratories. The infected cells can be studied directly. When RSV and PYV are used, a background of unirifected cells can be observed. RSV and PYV replicate as RNA and DNA products, respectively, and take on cell derived or specific viral proteins. RSV and PYV lend themselves to quantitative analyses of normal and infected cells and viruses. The effect on the results of infection with RSV and PYV can be defined as a dose response relationship. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1 Supported Transfiguration3 by contract can be observed PH-43-65-43 Cancer Institute, National Education, and Welfare. Institutes from the directly. Cancer of Health, Chemotherapy Public Health National Service, Service Center, U. S. Department National of Health, 2 Department of Medical Sciences, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California. 3 We prefer “transfiguration―to “transfcrmation@because the changes are morphologic and behavioral are not yet known to be genetic. 1609 and 1610 Cancer Research Later a pair of nontumorigenic (W) was selected for use in chick cells. The reason for their Vol. 25, October 1965, Part 2 cell-virus systems was added to the cells, and the RNA encephalomyocarditis addition is discussed study. virus The DNA vaccinia virus (EMCV) for use in mouse in the Results. MATERIALS The secondary chick embryos The cell cultures (Kimber Farms) RSV (standard were derived from embryos of randombred known to have a low incidence Bryan strain) was obtained from Dr. The PYV was that used at the California Institute of Technology Laboratories, where it was prepared from infected hens' eggs. Type Culture Swiss mice and from a line of of leukosis. W. Ray Bryan, National Cancer Institute. (2). The VV was obtained from the Lederle The EMCV was obtained from the American Collection. The 65 compounds in other systems, Service Center tested including (Table tumors 1) included in man. (CCNSC) , National several The agents Cancer were of each supplied type that has shown by the Chemotherapy Cancer biologic activity National Institute. METHODS Toxicity in Mouse and Chick Cells. --The least concentration of the compound that inhibited cell division during exponential growth was determined in unin.fected cells to indicate the dose range for the cell-virus assay. Experiments were done on 24-hour secondary cultures in 35-mm plastic Petri dishes. All cultures were grown initially in modified Eagle' s medium supplemented with 10 per cent calf serum before their use in experiments. Then, for all mouse cell assays, medium and serum described by Dulbecco and Freeman (2) was used. For all chick cell assays, medium, serum, and tryptose phosphate was used according to Temin and Rubin (7). Cells were counted on sample pairs of plates by a Coulter Counter, calibrated for each cell type. Then serial dilutions of the compound were added to the cultures. The compound was dissolved in the appropriate solvent (see Table 1) , generally at a concentration of 2 x 102 gm/mI, and five tenfold dilu tions were prepared in medium to give final concentrations of l03 to io7 gm/mi. Each of five pairs of Petri dishes, with equivalent numbers of cells in the monolayers, was covered with 2 ml of one tenfold concentration; concentrations were shifted when indicated. For the control, a sixth pair of dishes (con taming monolayers) was covered with medium without compound. Also the concenirations of solvent used to dissolve the compound were added to control monolayers if the solvent was nonaqueous. The cultures were incubated for 48 to 72 hours at 37° C in a humidified atmosphere containing CO2. After and incubation 1 ml of buffered the medium trypsin solution was removed, was added the monolayers to each washed were washed plate to suspend with the serum-free cells. medium, The paired cultures were pooled, diluted to fit the linear range of the counter, and counts were made at the correct setting for the cell type. The 95 per cent confidence level of significant difference between mean counts of treated cultures and controls was taken as ±15 per cent deviation from controls, because the standard deviation (SD) from the mean count of 20 consecutive cultures not treated with a compound was determined to be ±6per cent for mouse and chick cells on several occasions. (Cell counts were consonant with those done by a hemocytometer.) were Cell-Virus essentially Assays Inhibition of Virus and Cytotoxicity. those described previously (2, 7). --Plaque- and focus-fcrmation methods Culture plates were prepared as for the toxicity tests (cell count) , except that 60-mm Petri dishes were used for plaque formation with Ply, w, or EMCV, and 35-mm dishes for RSV. The medium differed from that used in the toxicity tests only by the use of 0. 9 per cent agar in mouse cell cultures and 0. 6 per cent agar in chick cell cultures for overlaying the infected monolayers. After removal of the medium from 24with Eagle' s medium, and 0. 1 ml of virus two dilutions (one about twice the other) of one dilution of RSV (focus-forming) per pair or 48-hour secondary cultures, the monolayers were washed suspension was allowed to spread over the surface. Each of the plaque-forming viruses was placed on one pair of plates; of plates was sufficient. RSV cultures were incubated for 45 FREEMAN minutes et at. Cancer and the others fcr 60 minutes, Che,motherapy at 370 C. was then flowed on and allowed to gel. Screening Medium Data containing 1611 one tenfold dilution of the compound Cultures were stained with neutral red the day before reading the assays. EMCV plaques were counted on the fourth day, RSV foci and W plaques on the fifth, and PYV plaques on the eleventh. Plaques were counted on either cc both pairs of plates, depending on which had the largest clearly countable number. Foci on either or both plates of RSV cultures were counted. Counts were compared medium with those contained Variance cultures only studies of the control the solvent plates, in which which were prepared the compound were done to determine significant differences, treated with compounds and control cultures. cells, prepared as tively. The SD' s of plaques or foci iently, and 50 to in the same way, in plaque Twenty consecutive and focus plates centrations SD' s. studies, Another done as working conditions indication of drug activity above the minimum causing In addition scopically between described for each of several doses of virus, were infected with PYV and RSV, respec varied between 10 and 1 5 per cent from the means, inversely with the average number per series of plates. (Between 40 and 150 plaques per plate can be counted conven 300 foci per plate.) even though new variance reduced counts, each of mouse and chick On the basis of an average SD of about 12 per cent, a value of 25 per cent was of significant difference (@ 0. 05) from control counts. This value was retained what except that the was dissolved. to counting for quality plaques and compared significant and techniques was that improved, continued on the control or morphologically Toxic effects No stained Few ++ Moderate number size or shape. of stained + No obvious cells ± change in pattern of the monolayer, or an alteration in size, configuration, cc internal morphology. Uncertain changes but suggestive of the type considered in regardless dead of but with were examined were +++ cells, intact cells on all plates plates. +1±1- stained showed some to decrease con reduction. or foci,. the background with those counts selected as the level throughout the study graded micro as follows: cells. changes in cells , regardless a reduction size or shape. of changes in concentration, in a the + category. - Treated and at higher Results are expressed occurred significant changes fold. Cell-Virus the compound, Ratio. --The control monolayers identical, but gradual changes concentrations. as ranges of minimum concentrations (p.g/ml) of the compounds within from controls (@ = 0. 05). Ranges were usually tenfold and sometimes concept of cell-@virus ratio (CV?.) was used to define the relationship the host (cell) , and the virus (plaque or focus formation) . Theoretically, which five between the CVR is the ratio of the minimum amount of compound causing threshold injury tocells to the minimum causing sig nificant reduction in plaques or foci. Operationally, the “amounts― were ranges of concentrations (@g/ml). The amount of compound that produces threshold injury (numerator) lies between the highest concentration showing no injury and the lowest showing at least ±injury. The amount of compound that produces sig nificant reduction of plaques or foci (denominator) lies betweeTi the highest concentration causing less than a significant reduction and the lowest concentration causing a significant reduction. Numerators and denominators ample: were absolute Highest Lowest Highest values concentration concentration concentration and were neither interpolated showing no cellular showing least causing in plaques or foci Lowest concentration causing in plaques or foci cellular change change ncr derived from plotted 1 @.@g/ml 10 p@g/ml <2 5 per cent reduction . 1 @g/ml >25 per cent reduction 1 @g/ml — 1-10 . p.g/ml 1-1 p.g/ml points; for ex 1612 • Cancer Research Vol. 25, October 1965, Part 2 RESULTS Toxicity in Mouse and Chick Cells. --Dose-response slopes varied considerably. Figures 1 and 2 are examples of typical responses. As the concentration of 2' -deoxy-5-fluorouridine was increased, in hibition of growth (cell count) of mouse cells gradually increased. @-Anisaldehyde thiosemicarbazone produced an abrupt increase in inhibition of chick cells at doses higher than 10 @g/ml. Curves were fitted by eye. Table 2 compares mouse and chick well within a tenfold range of concentration responded at the same concentrations. cell responses to a series of compounds. Reproducibility was for a particular cell species; mouse and chick cells generally However, striking exceptions occurred with N- @-([(2, 4-diamino 6-pteridinyl)methyl)amino]benzoyl]glutamlc acid (aminoptermn) and purine-6-thiol hydrate (6-mercapto purine); mouse cells were much more sensitive than chick cells to both. The reverse was true with 5bromo-2' -deoxyuridine; chick cells were more sensitive. Concentrations of the last four compounds listed in Table 2 were not high enough • to achieve significant inhibition; with several other compounds, con centrations greater than 500 p.g/ml were necessary -- a level unreasonably high for practical purposes. In such cases, cell-virus assays were made at subtoxic levels to determine whether plaques or foci might be inhibited. Cell-Virus Assays Inhibition of Virus and Cytotoxicity. azolin-2-yl-2-nitroterephthalanilide dthydrochloride sponse that occurred in cell-virus assays. --The response is an example As the concentration of PYVto 4' , 4' ‘ -dl-2-imid of the most common type of dose-re of the compound increased, cell damage in the monolayer was roughly parallel to reduction@ in the number of plaques (Fig. 3 and Table 3). Thus, the CVR was approximately 1 . The response of EMCV to 9-@-D-arabinofuranosyladenine represents a second type of dose-response. The cell monolayer showed injury before there was any reduction in the number of plaques (Fig. 4 and Table 3) . This effect in any of the four systems was called relative en hancement. The third type of dose-response is represented by the response of W to 9-@-@-arabinofuran osyladen.tne. A significant reduction in plaques occurred at a concentration of the compound that did not apparently affect the background cells (Fig. 5). Comparison of Tests Cells in Monolayers. for Toxicity --The sensitivity Growth Inhibition (Cell Count of cell growth and morphologic Versus changes the cell-virus monolayers were compared as indicators of toxicity to determine calculating the CVR. Table 4 compares the results for each cell species. Morpholoqy of Uninfected in the background which should cells of be used in Monolayers of chick cells infected with RSV or W appeared to be equally sensitive to treatment with a given compound, the difference being generally within a tenfold range. The duration of both these assays was 5 days. The assays with mouse cells lasted 1 1 days for PYV and 4 days for EMCV; when there was a difference in sensitivit'y, the assays of longer duration (PYV) were usually more sensitive, i. e. , the mono layer showed toxicity at lower concentrations of the compound. Generally the morphology of the background cells in chick and mouse monolayers appeared equal to or more sensitive than cell growth inhibition as an indicator of toxicity. The morphology was less sensi tive than inhibition of growth (cell count) in only 1 (W) of 32 chick cell-virus assays and in only 1 PYV assay and in 5 EMCV assays of 26 mouse cell-virus assays. The cell count was more sensitive in assays that had a relatively short duration. On the basis of these data, the morphology of cells was selected as the criterion of toxicity for determining the CVR. There was an additional advantage: the environment of the baekground cells was the same as the environment in which plaque and focus formation took place. However, viewer. judging Influence the degree of cell of the Cell Species the host cell species in determining damage adequately depends on the training and experience of the on Cell-Virus Responses to Compounds. --The question of influence of cell-virus responses to compounds was important. Therefore, we compared the sensitivity of the tumorigenic virus systems in terms of their CVR' s with 14 compounds, i. e. , a ratio was formed of the CVR for the mouse-PYV system and the CVR for the chick-REV system. Then these ratios were compared to the ratios of toxicity for the same compounds in uninfected mouse and chick cells. The ratio of toxicity was the minimum amount (range) of compound causing significant growth in hibition of mouse cells divided by the minimum amount (range) causing significant inhibition of chick cells. FREEMAN et at. Cancer Chenwtherapy Screening Data 1613 The results are given in Table 5; the ratios of toxicity and of the CVR' s are ranked according to their mag nitude. If the effect of the compound on plaque and focus formation depended on the response of the cell species to the compound, there should be some correlation between the two orders of magnitude; in fact, there is none. This suggests that cell-virus behavior was not primarily a function of cell species sensi tivity to the compounds. This conclusion was substantiated later by the observation that there was no significant difference in CVR' 5 when 5-bromo-2' -deoxyuridine was added to cultures of established embry onic human lung or kidney cells or to secondary embryonic mouse or chick cells infected with VV (Freeman, Kuehn, and Sultanian: unpublished data). Influence of T@@eof Viral Nucleic viral nucleic acid in determining Acid on Response cell-virus to Compounds. susceptibility --The significance to compounds was investigated. of the type of The first tests were done with the tumorigenic viruses, PYV (DNA virus) and RSV (RNA virus). It became obvious that the compounds were not similarly active in both systems4 and that the differences were not attributable to the host species (see Table 5). Therefore, W (DNA virus) in chick cells and EMCV (RNA virus) in mouse cells, both nontumorigenic viruses, were added to serve as controls. Table 5 6 shows The the effects compounds There appeared to be efficacy against the equally susceptible to ly active in W would are of 29 compounds, listed in order of randomly their selected efficacy from the agents (ascending CVR' s) in tested, the on all four W-chick system. a lack of correlation between the efficacy of a compound against W (DNA) and its tumorigenic PYV (DNA) in mouse cells. Therefore the two DNA systems were not the same compounds. Nevertheless, the probability was high that compounds clear have borderline efficacy in PYV (Table 7). Examination of the results in the RNA-virus systems (RSV in chick cells and the lytic EMCV in mouse cells) failed to reveal a consistent relationship. Neither was there an apparent correlation between the tumorigenic and lytic viruses (Tables 6 and 7). On the other hand, the occasional similarities of re sponses to particular compounds and may have (see Table 7) may indicate reacted at sites common that these cell-virus are active in multiple species divided Relative Sensitivities Among the Four Virus Systems. --A group of 12 1 randomly selected CVR' s was into three categories: @highsI(active), both values of the CVR at least 10; ‘1low'1(inactive) , one value less than 1; “borderline,“ both values at least equal number of CVR's for each of the four systems. to different compounds viral systems. 1 and one value less than 10. There were a nearly Almost half of the CVR's were about 1, and almost half were below 1. The rest (7 per cent, nine CVR' s) were >10; most of these (eight) were in the W-chick cell system (Table 8). In the two tumorigenic viruses none of the compounds had high CVR' s but 17 and 19 had borderline CVR' s in the PYV-mouse system and the RSV-chick system, respectively. DISCUSSION These experiments dependent were designed upon tumorigenic to explore viral infection a possible cleavage and essential between homeostatic cellular cellular biochemical events. events To do this, we observed the effects of a series of compouzxis of various types in the four cell-virus systems (a DNA-RNA pair of viruses and a DNA-RNA pair of lytic viruses); the efficacies of the compounds against viral-determined events appear to support the following: 1. The outstanding sensitivity RNA viruses, to drug control of plaque properties of the DNA-VV, and the lack of sensitivity of the DNA-PYV or the or focus formation imply that the viral species and its individual have a major role in determining such sensitivity. It is especially interesting that the corn pounds effective against W -- 2' -deoxy-5-iodouridine; 5-bromo-2' -deoxyurithne.; l-rnethylindole-2, 3dione, 3-(thiosemicarbazone); statolon; and 9-p-D-arabinofuranosyladenine-represent different types. The possibility of a common responsive factor in the cell-virus complex to the variety of compounds is being studied. 2. indicated activity A second but less important determinant of response is the type of viral nucleic acid. This is by the fact that the compounds with borderline activity against the DNA-PYV had outstanding against the DNA-VV (Table 7). 3. The cell species has a negligible influence compounds, proved both by comparisons of host cell 4 In the assays the lytic action 5 Assays with the tumorigenic in the lytic virus. of PYV In mouse on the sensitivity sensitivities with cells viruses were often repeated was measured, so that tests of the cell-virus plaque and focus not would Its tumorigenic be simultaneous system to the responses and activity. with assays 1614 Cancer Research by study however efficacy of 5-bromo-2' -deoxyuridine against extensive, do not deny the occasional of a compound. Vol. 25, October 1965, Part 2 VV in three different cell species. These observations, strong influence of host specificity in determining the 4. The majority of responses to the compounds imply that plaque and focus formation were reduced only by concentrations that injured uninfected cells. This suggests that the ability of the cell to propagate virus and to become transfigured usually depended on the capacity of the host cell to function normally. However, the several clear instances of antiplaque responses, without toxic responses, suggest significant cleavage took place between normal cellular functions and cellular activities caused virus. This favors potential therapeutic efficacy. On the other hand the effect produced by certain icals indicates that viral propagation was carried on, and possibly favored, despite interference cellularhomeostasis. that by the chem with In the investigation reported here, total viral propagation, as reflected by plaque formation, was the criterion of efficd'cy of a compound against the and lytic PYV (DNA) and in the pair of con trol lytic viruses, EMCV (RNA) and VV (DNA); cellular transfiguration, as reflected by focus formation, was the criterion of effectiveness against the tumorigenic RSV (RNA). The mechanism of drug control of both types of viral effect is now being studied by using the more active compounds. Preliminary obser vations indisate that the selective inhibition of virus is not achieved by a reaction of the drug with free virus. Control of propagation may occur at any a! the multiple steps between attachment of virus to cells and the discharge of newly synthesized virus. Agents like actinomycin D (5), whose mechanism of action with respect to DNA is known, may reflect the nature of the cell-virus relation. In addition, investigation of the biologic effects of less well-understood compounds might throw light on their modes of activity. Our results were based upon the effects of single “doses―of the compound put into the medium immediately after infection of the cells. Other methods of administering the agents are being studied in an effort to enhance the activity of subtoxic concentrations of the compounds that were more selective against plaque and focus formation, particularly by the tumorigenic viruses. ACKNOWLEDGMENT virus We are very grateful to Dr. W. Ray Bryan of the National and to Lederle Laboratories for the vaccinia virus. Institutes of Health for the Rous sarcoma REFERENCES 1. Cohen, S. S. ; Flaks, J. G. ; Barner, of 5-Fluorouracil and Its Derivatives. 2. Dulbecco, R. , and Freeman, 3. Nathans, Ribosomes D. , and Lipmann, of @.coli. Proc. 4. Reich, E. , and Franklin, R. M. Effect of Mitomycin Natl. Acad. Sci., US, 47:1212—17, 1961. 5. Reich, E. ; Franklin, R. M. ; Shatkin, A. J. ; and Tatum, E. L. Effect of Actinomycin Nucleic Acid Synthesis and Virus Production. Science, 134:556-57, 1961. 6. Simon, E. H. 18, 1961. 7. Temin, H. M. , and Rubin, H. Characteristics of an Assay Cells in Tissue Culture. Virology, 6:669-88, 1958. for Rous Sarcoma 8. Wecker, E. , and Richter, A. Conditions tativeBiology, 27:137—48, 1962. of Infectious Evidence C. H. D. ; Loeb, Proc. Natl. Plaque Production M. R. ; and Lichtenstein, J. Acad. Sci. , US, 44: 1004-12, by the Polyoma F. Amino Acid Transfer Natl. Acad. Sci. , US, for the Non-participation Virus. Virology, for Arninoacyribonucleic 45:1721-29, 1959. C on the Growth The Mode 1958. 8:396-97, Acids on Some Animal of DNA in Viral RNA Synthesis. for the Replication of Action 1959. to Protein Viruses. on Proc. D on Cellular Virology, 13:105- Virus and Rous Sarcoma Viral RNA. Sympos Quanti , FREEMAN Cancer Chemotherapy &reening Data et (ii. U, -a @ U, U I 1615 I I I I 0.1 I 10 00 .15 “a U I 0 U -IS — I-'.. @ -‘5 OW @z 0 z 0 > ‘a 0 > C 0.1 I 10 100 COMPOUND CONCENTRATION-@jg/mI Figure ‘a @ I @IOOO C Tooo COMPOUND CONCENTRATION-Mg/mI 1 Figure 2 I I I U, +25 @ I I I I-., @ U -25 @ INJURY @ TO MONOLAYER INJURY — @ @ I C 5 -I- \4N@. I .55. f 10 TO z 2 MONOLAYER 4 f 50 I C 100 I 01 I COMPOUND CONcENTRATION-Fig/mI COMPOUND CONCENTRATION -,.tg/mI .c-s.u -?4 . Fig@re Figure 4 3 U, ‘a I I I I ::±s@@:i ‘1 TO MONOLAYER > I C I 0.001 I aoi 01 0 COMPOUND CONCENTRATION-Fig/mI .c-)'sz-,. Figure 5 Figure 1. --@Typic*1 mouse CYtc*CXiCLtytest inhibition ct cell growth, compared to control, th@eased gradually as dose of 2' -decxy-5-flucrourldine was Increased; cells counted 48 to 72 hours eft@ addition of compound.. Figure 2. --Typical chick cytotcxiclty test; inhibition of cell growth. compared abruptly at doses higher then 10 @g/m1of @-anisa1dthyde thiosemicarbazone; 72 hours after addition of compound. @ @ to control. in@eased cells counted 48 to Figure 3. --Most common dose-response in cefl-viru.s assays: cell damage In the monolayer roughly poMMel to reduction in number of plaques. comj@red to costrols, as concen@at1on of compound is increased; PYV on mouse cells @eatedwith 4' , 4' ‘ anilide dthydrochloride; duration of assay, 1 1 days. Figure 4. --Second type ot dose-@response In cell-virus assays: injury to cell monolayer before re duction in number of plaques, compared to con@o1s; EMCV on mouse cells @eated with 9-@-@arabinofuranosyladenine; duration of assay, 4 days. Figure 5. --ThIrd type of dose—response in cell-virus assays: reduction in number of plaques at a concentration of compound that did not apparently damage background cells; W on chick cells @eatedwith 9-@-@-arabinofuranosyladenine; duration of assay. 5 days. 100 CancerResearch 1616 1Listof NO.NSC 66635 TABLE Studied(solvent Compounds andsourcecodes explained table)ENTRY Vol. 25, October 1965, Part 2 at the end of the NO.COMPOUNDNAMEMOLECULAR 3069 FORMULASOLVENTSOURCE 2, 2-dich1oro-@-Q3-hydroxy-a-(hydroxy 2 27P 2 4p 1 39K 3 20 chloramphenicol21123053Actinomycin -Acetamide, methyl)-@-nitrophenethyl]-; 66636 @ 66637 66638 66639 66640 DN12O16C62H86836531-Adamantanamine, hydrochloride1 HC1404241Adenine, 17 9-@3-@-arabinofuranosyl N504C10H133056Adenosine, 3' -amino-3' 83 505 1@-Alanine, 81@42 -deoxy-@, 229A @-dimethyl 3-(@-(bis(2-thloroethyl)amtho)phenyl)-; 2 4p @-sarcolysinN2O2C12C @ 66641 66642 66643 66644 66645 66646 66647 66648 10@-Alanine, 3- [@-Ibis(2-chloroethyl)amlnojHC168984Q-Anisaldehyde, phenyl]-, hydrochloride; sarcolysin221 .- 8 thiosemicarbazone11712@-Anisaldehyde, thiosemicarbazoneN305C9H11401 575Benzimidazole, 5, 6-dichloro- l-@-@-rthofuranosyl 12H124052-Benzimidazolemethanol, N204C12C a-phenyl N20C14H1215506Benzimidazole, 2-(octylthio)-N2SC15H223088Butyric 19746Carbamic acid, 4-[@-lbis(2-chloroethyl)amino]phenyl] NO2C12C esterN02C3H7757ColchicineNO6C22H2551954 acid, ethyl 66649 66650 66651 antibiotic 5 19 15 M259 Cyclohexanecarboxamide, @, @‘ -[3, 6-bis(1-aziri dinyl)-@-benzoquinon-2 66652 @ 66653 @ 66654 1026 , 5-yleneJbis Cyclopentanecarboxylic acid, 2, 2' -dichloro-@-methyl-, HC13051Formamide, 2 57A 2 20 2 74R 2 79 2 2 3 37p 1 49 43 1 302P 2 5A 233D 1 l7A 3• 1 35D 1 1 4 6 20 1 49 3 229A 43 3 32B 1 20 2 37 2 27 1-amino 63878Crystalline Cytosine, 1-@-@-arabinofuranosyl-, HC1762Diethylamine, 36 2 N404C24H32 261 hydrochlorideUnknown 4 hydrochlcride1 66655 @-methy1-NOC2H5758u-Glucose, 66656 HC1739 66657 2-amino-2-deoxy-, .Glutamic hydrochlorideN05C6H13. acid, N-1,@-[((2,4-diamino-6-pteridinyl)- aminopterinN805C20H2259407Glutamic methyl]amino]benzoyl]-; 66658 66659 66660 acid, N—(,@—([(2, 4—diamino—5, 6, 7, 8—te@aH2O185Glutarimide, hydro-6-quinazolinyl)methyl]amino]benzoyl]-, dihydrateN6O5C21H26. 5H236981 3-(2-(3, 5-dimethyl-2-oxocyclohexyl)2-hydroxyethylJ-; 1Indole-2, 3-dione, 2 actidione1 1-methyl-, 3-(thiosemi carbazone) 66661 13875 Melamine, hexamethyl-@N4SC10H10 N6C9H18 FREEMAN Cancer Chemotherapy Screening Data et al. 1617 TABLE1(Continued)ENTRY NO.NSC 66662 NO.COMPOUND 750 NAMEMOLECULAR Methanesulfonic acid , tetramethylene FORMULASOLVENTSOURCE ester; 14 myleran 66663 26980 Mitomycin 66664 28693 Monocrotaline 66665 52141 Nonactin 66666 26271 2@-1 , 3, 2-Oxazaphosphorine, 2-[bis(2-chloroethyl)amino]tetrahydro-, 2-oxide, hydrate; cyclo phosphamide C N06C1 6H23 012C40H64 66667 6396 Phosphine 66668 25154 Piperazine, 66669 753 Purine 66670 743 Purine, 66671 752 Purine-6-thiol, 66672 406021 66673 755 66674 3055 N405C15H18 sulfide, 75 612 1 , 4-bis(3-bromopropionyl)- 26 2-amino-; 9H-Purine-6-thiol, 9-@3-@-arabinofuranosy1- Purine-6-thiol, Puromycin, 6-thioguanine 7@@-Pyrro1o[2, 3-@jpyrimithne, ribofuranosyl-; tubercidin 66676 46401 a-Sarcin 66677 742 L-Serine, 66678 10123 Serine, diazoacetate; 71901 Statolon 37917 Streptozotocin 66681 35847 Terephthalanilide, 14574 1 229A 4 35C 4 26 3 27 3 21C 1 3 65D 1 35 2 254 1 1 1 32B 3 50 4 32B 3 371? 2 66683 68929 66684 749 Thymine, HC1 N5012C14H27 1-[[2-(diethylamino)ethyl]hydrochloride; miradil 1-@-@-arabinofuranosyl v-Triazolo[4, 5-djpyrimidin-7-ol, N704C26H23 HC1 N20SC20H24. HC1 D N206C10H14 5-amino-; 5 37 Unknown Thioxanthen-9-one, amino)-4-methyl-, 2 3 . 2 66682 1 32 1 4' , 4' ‘ -di-2-imidazolin-2-yl-2- 1 3 N3O4C5H7 dihydrochioride 243 50 3-phenyl 66679 1 3 N404C1 1H14 azaserine 52C N5SC5H5 Unknown 66680 nitro-, 4-amino-7-@-@- 2 37 43 . 56408 5 1 N7O5C22H29 66675 2 N6C5H6. H20 N4SC5H4. H2O dihydrochioride 6 317? 43 N404SC10H12 hydrate; 6-mercaptopurine 2 1 N4C5H4 hydrate 37 . H2O tris(1-aziridinyl)- 2, 6-diamino-, 5 N60C4H4 8-azaguanine 66685 62403 @-Tryptophan, 5-@bis(2-chloroethy1)amino]- 66686 57695 @-Tryptophan, 66687 68928 Uracil, 1-I3-@-arabinofuranosy1- 66688 406444 Uracil, 1-@-@-arabinofuranosy1-5-f1uoro Uracil, 5-bromo 66689 19940 5-methyl 19 N2O2C12H14 912 1 N2O2BrC4H3 1 32B 3 32 3 7P 1618 Cancer Research Vol. 25, October 1965, Part 2 TABLE 1 (Continued) NAMESOLVENTSOURCE6669082222Uracil, NO.COMPOUND ENTRYNO.NSC N2O6BrC9H11332B6669123519Uracil, 1-@3-@-arabthofuranosy1-5-bromo 5-diazo-, H20163P6669219893Uracil, hydrateN4O2C4H3. 5—fluoro N202FC4H33217?6669357848Uradil, N2021C4H337?6669482221Uracil, 5—iodo l-@-@-arabthofuranosyl-5-iodo N206IC9H11332B6669532065Urea, N202CH41526669638297Uridine, hydroxy N2O5BrC9H1137?6669739661Uridine,5—bromo—2'—deoxy, V—deoxy—5—iodo— 2'—deoxy—5—flucro N2O5FC9H111217P6669949842Vincaleukoblastine, sulfate, hydrateN409C46H56. H2S04 . H201365k D@LA@ION@Cf@ CODES SOLVENTS Cede Solvent Water Ethyl alcohol Sodium hydroxide Hydrochloric acid Acetone 2 3 4 5 6 Miscible with water SOURCE OF COMPOUNDS Soui'ce Chemical-Biological Center 5k National Research Council 2101 Constitutioji Avenue North Chicago, 6 D@ C. Research Rahway, and 7P Dohme Research Laboratories 17k Merck, Sharp, and Dohme Department “P. following a source cede number indicates California Prof. Clarence I. Noll 2 1 1 Whitmore 20 Abbott Laboratories North Chicago, Illinois Los Angeles, College of Science The Pennsylvania State University New Jersey Dr. JohnA. Carbon Biochemistry Research Calbiochem 3625 MedfOrd Street Research Laboratories Rahway, New Jersey 5 of Laboratories Syracuse 1, New York Institute New York Section Head, Research Data and Sample Register Sharp, Illinois Bristol Laboratories Dr. Anthony H. Land Merck, Laboratories Dr. H. Leo Dickison Director Dr. Maurice L. Tainter, Director Sterling-Winthrop 4? Dr. Walton E. Grundy Abbott Rennselaer, 4 Coordination National Academy of Science Washington, 2 Source Laboratory University Park, Pennsylvania Dr. Frank M. Schabel, Jr. Director, Chemotherapy Research Southern Research Institute 2000 NinthAvenue, South Birmingham, Alabama that the compound was purchased by CCNSC. FREEMAN Cancer Chemotherapy Screening Data et at. 1619 TABLE 1 (Continued) SOURCE OF COMPOUNDS Source Source 21C 39K Dr. Gordon N. Walker Chemical Research Department Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, Inc. E. I. du Pont de Nemours Dr. Birger H. Olson, Chief Antibiotic and Fermentation Section Division of Laboratories 43 49 Parke, Davis and Company 2800 Plymouth Road Chairman California Dr. Douglas A. Shepard Francis Earle Laboratories, Peekskill, New York 52 Miss Barbara Stearns 52C 30 1 Henrietta Street 35D 57A Biological Screening Office Institute of Antibiotics of Medical Plrogovskaia Sciences 11 Nutritional Biochemicals 21010 Miles Avenue Cleveland 28, Ohio 74R George Luttermoser Corp. Laboratory of Parasite Chemotherapy National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 79P Moscow, U. S. S. R. 37 Prescott 63P 30 1 HenrIetta Street Kalamazoo, Michigan Academy Bolshaia Dr. Benjamin Bethesda, Maryland The Upjohn Company 36 Dr. Ralph E. Bennett Science Information Section National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Room 207, Building 5 National Institutes of Health Michigan Dr. Paul W. 0' Connell Inc. The Squibb Institute for IG@edical Research New Brunswick, New Jersey Dr. Charles G. Smith The Upjohn Company Kalamazoo, Industries Organic Chemistry Section Squibb Institute for ?4.edical Research New Brunswick, New Jersey Bio-Organic Chemistry Department Stanford Research Institute Menlo Park, Products 50 Michigan Dr. Leon Goodman, Distillation Rochester 3, New York Upjohn Company Kalamazoo, Michigan 35C Dr. Carl J. Wessel National Academy of Sciences National Research Council 2101 Constitution Avenue, N. W. Dr. George Hitchings Washington Research Director Chemotherapy Division Welicome Research Laboratories 2 17P Scarsdale Road Tuckahoe 7, New York 229A 25, D. Hoffmann-LaRoche, Nutley, New Jersey C. Inc. 07110 Dr. J. M. Ruegsegger Clinical Research Section 37P Service Dr. JohnR. Dice Ann Arbor, 35 National National Institutes of Health Room B1-04A, Wiscon Building Bethesda, Maryland Research Laboratories Parke, Davis and Company 2800 Plymouth Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 32 32B Chemotherapy Center National Cancer Institute Michigan Department of Health 27P Dr. D. Jane Taylor Cancer Highway M-l74 Lansing 4, Michigan 27 & Company Experimental Station Wilmington, Delaware 556 MorrisAvenue Summit, New Jersey 26 Dr. Edward C. Herznann, Manager Medicinal Chemistry Section Welcome Research Laboratories Scarsdale Road Tuckahoe 7, New York “P@followinga source cede number indicates Led@le Laboratories Division American Cyanamid Company Pearl Rivei@ New York that the compound was purchased by CCNSC. . Cancer Research 1620 Vol. 25, October 1965, Part 2 TABLE 1 (Concluded) SOURCE OF COMPOUNDS Code 233D Dr. ProsperLoustalot Ciba, Limited Basle, Switzerland 243 Dr. Kenneth N. Campbell Director, Medicinal Chemistry Research Laboratories Mead Johnson and Company Evansville, Indiana 254 Dr. Fred H. Schultz, Jr. 3 17? Cyclo Chemical Corporation 1930 East 64th Street Los Angeles, California 365k Dr. Koert Gerzon Organic Chemical Division The Lilly Research Laboratories Eli Lilly and Company Indianapolis 6, Indiana 365D Dr. Otto Research Chemical The Lilly Eli Lilly Director of Pharmacology Dorsey Laboratories P. 0. Box 1113 Lincoln 1, Nebraska 302 ‘IpI@ a source cede number indicates K. Behrens Advisor Research Division Research Laboratories and Company Indianapolis, Fisher Scientific Company 7722 Woodbury Drive Silver Spring, Maryland following Source Code Source 37 1P that the compound was purchased Indiana Regis Chemical Company 12 19 North Wells Street Chicago 10, Illinois by CCNSC. FREEMAN et at. Cancer Chemotherapy Screening Data 1621 TABLE 2 MINIMUM CONCENTRATIONS GIVING SIGNIFICANTINHIBITION OF GROWTH (CELL cOUNT)OF UNINFECTEDCELLS IN 72 HOURS COMPOUND/Lg/.1.001 10,000. - .01 0.1 1 . Glutainic N-[p-[[(2,4-diaatino-6-pteridinyl)methyllaminolbenzoylltPurine-6-thiol, acid, hydrateL.Serine, diazoacetate———-Diethylamine, hydrochloride'—Uracil, 2.2'-dichloro-N-uaethyl-, 5-fluoro Purine::::Methanesulfonic esterD-Glucose, acid, tetramethylene hydrochloride-@jCyclopentanecarboxylic 2-amino-2-deoxy, acid, 1-amino @-Colchicine— —Phosphine — — tris(l-aziridinyl)-————v-Triazolo[4,5-dlpyrimidin-7-ol, sulfide, 5-amino >2-Benzimidazolemethanol , a-phenyl thioaemicarbazoneUracil, p-Anisaldehyde, 1-,8-D-arabinofuranosyl-5-fluoro —Uridine, LDL-Tryptophan, 2'-deoxy-S-iodo L___Thioxanthen-9-one, 5- [bis(2-chloroethyl)aminol hydrochlorideLLLBenzimidazole, l-[[2-(diethyla.ino)ethyl]amino]-4-methyl-, 5,6-dichloro-1-fl-D.rihofuranosyl Terephthalanilide, 4'.4―-di-2-imidazolin-2-yl-2-nitro-, dihydrochiorideGlutarimide, 3-[2_(3,5-dimethyl-2-oxocyclohexyl)-2-hydroxyethyl]-“<Adenine, 9-,8-D-arabinofuranoayl ——7H-Pyrrolo[2,3-djpyrimidine, — 4-amino-7-@8-D-ribofuranosyl —(Purine-6-thiol, 2-amino >—Uridine, ———Uracil, 5-bromo-2'-deoxy .@__tjracil, 5-iodo- 5-bromo @:@:_:Formamide, N-methyl 9H-Purine-6-thiol, 9-fi-D-arabinofuranoayl S t Compared The linea to controls. show the Cells actual that the concentration counted conceatratioaa was nontozic by above Coulter and Counter. below (>) or toxic (<). the points Bracketing of .igaificaat change. Arrow is used in lieu of interpolation of retainingconservativevalues. C—) ouse cells, (---.) chick cells. tail indicates as a .esns 10 100 1000 1622 Cancer Research Vol. 25, October 1965, Part 2 TABLE 3 Representative COMPOUNDDOSE Responses in Cell-Virus Assays per pair of MONOLAYER*Number (@ig/ml)PLAQUESINJURY (%)PyV control TO CELL from platesDifference CELLSTerephthalanilide,4'. ON MOUSE 4―—di—2—imidazolin—2—1000—100++++yl-2-nitro-, dihydrochloride-100++++10168—34+5252—2—Control0257--------EMCV ON MOUSE CELLSAdenine, 9-@-D-arabinofuranosyl 10062-21++1095+22+175-4±.177—1—Control078--------*See Methods for grades of toxicity.TABLE 4Comparison andMorphology of Sensitivity of Growth Inhibition Assay of UninfectedToxicityNUMBER Cells in Monolayers as Estimates COMPOUNDSDEGREEOF SENSITIVITY*DEGREE OF COMPOUNDS CAUSINGPERCENT OF SENSITIVITY/TOTALCAUSING OFCOMPOUNDS TESTtSENSITIVITYCHICK FOR EACH CELLSRSV monolayersNearly vs W equal5/1436RSV sensitive5/1436RSV less 4/1428Cell more sensitive. count (CC) monolayersNearly vS RSV equal9/1560CC sensitive6/1540CC less sensitive0/150Cell more monolayersNearly count vs VV equal10/1759CC sensitive6/1735CC less more sensitive1/176MOUSE CELlSPYV monolayersNearly vs EMCV equal8/1362I'YV sensitive0/130PYV less more of sensitive5/1338(Concluded on following page) OF DEGREE FREEMAN Cancer Chemotherapy Screening Data et al. 1623 TABLE 4 (Concluded) OF COMPOUNDS CAUSING DEGREEOF OF COMPOUNDS CAUSING DEGREEOF SENSITIVITY/TOTAL COMPOUNDS FOR EACH TESTtPERCENT DEGREEOF SENSITIVITY*NUMBER SENSITIVITYCell count vs PYVmonolayers Nearly equal CC less sensitive CC more sensitive Cell count vs EMCV monolayers Nearly equal CC less sensitive CC more sensitive6/13 * The sensitivities of the two 6/13 46 1/13 8 5/1 3 3/13 38 24 38 5/1346 systems being compared were considered nearly equal if about the same amount of compound produced the same degree of toxicity in both systems. The amount of compound was expressed as a range of minimum concentrations; the toxicity was between - and ±(or greater) injury to the monolayers or significant inhibition of growth (cell count). The duration of assays was 5 days for RSV and VV, 11 days for PYV, 4 days for EMCV, and 48 to 72 hours for the growth inhibition assay. t Total of 59 compounds were used in all tests. TABLE 5 Influence of Cell Species On Drug Inhibition of Plaque or Focus -Mouse Formation OF vs Chick CellsPolyoma RousRank . vs COMPOUNDSENSITIVITY of ratio (descending order RousGlutamic of Polyoma/CVR of of_magnitude)P;:I@0ofCVR 810006300yl)methyl]amino]benzoyl] acid, N—(,@—(((2, 4—diamino—6—pteridin hydrate73002<1£—Serine, Purthe-6-thiol, diazoacetate610031Phosphine tris(1-azlridinyl)-5102<1Uridine, sulfide, 5104>1Diethylamine, 5-bromo-2'-deoxy -dichloro-li-methyl-,4>531hydrochlorideUracil, 2, 2' 354>1Glutarimide, 5-fluoro 211. 3-(2@-(3, 5-dimethyl-2-oxocyclo 15hexyl)-2-hydroxyethyl]-@-Anlsaldehyde, thiosemicarbazone2131Colchicine212<1Thioxanthen-9-one, 1-([2-(diethylamino)ethyl]-212<1amino]-4-methyl-, hydrochlorideUridine, 2155Benzimidazole, V -deoxy-5-iedo 1<1319B-Purine-6-thiol, 5, 6-dichloro-l-@—D-ribo furanosyl 9-@-D-arabinofuranosyl * Ratio of causing the minimum significant concentration growth inhibition (range) 1<131 causing of chick cells. significant growth inhibition of mouse cells to minimum (range) 1624 Cancer Research Comparative Cell-Virus ratios of Compounds Vol. 25, October 1965, Part 2 in Four Cell-Virus Systems VIRUSES(Chick)PYV VIRUSESRNA (Mouse)OrderCVR*OrderCVR*OrderCVR*OrderCVR* (Mouse)RSV (Chick)EMCV COMPOUNDDNA Purine-6-thiol, Uradil, 2-amino- 5-fluoro- Actinomycin D 1 <. 1 3 . 01-. 1 -- 6 <1 1 <. 1 3 <. 1 4 . 1—10 1 <. 01 2 -@. 1 4 -@.1 2 @. 5 3 @.1 7 . 1—10 2 2 <. 1 Benzimidazole, 5, 6-dichloro-1—@3-D-rthofuranosyl— 3 . 1-1 Carbamicacid, ethylester 3 <1 10 3 <1 7 . 2-1 Glutarimlde, 3—[2@(3,5—dimethyl-2—oxocyclohexyl)-2-hydroxyethyl]- 4 . 1—10 10 2—10 Colchicine 4 . 1—10 4 -@. 1 1 @.1 5 ‘@. 2 4 . 1—10 7 . 1—10 3 . 1—10 3 .01—1 4 . 1-10 7 . 1-10 -- 6 4 . 1- 10 7 . 1— 10 2 . 1— 1 —- 6 . 1-1 1 . 01-1 -- @-Tryptophan, 5-fbis(2-chloroethyl)amino]- Thioxanthen-9-one, l-ff2-(diethylamino)ethylj- amino]-4-methyl-, Terephthalanilide, Uradil, 9 —10 -- 11 8 1—10 4 <.2 5—100 —— hydrochloride 2-Benzimidazolemethanol, 2 -nitro-, —5 1. —1 a-phenyl- 4' , 4' ‘ -di-2-imidazolin—2—yl- . 1-1 dthydrochloride 1-@3-@-arabinofuranosyl-5-fluoro- 5 >1 @-Anisaldehyde, thiosemicarbazone 6 1—10 9 .1-10 4 .1-10 7 6 >5 2 <. 04 2 . 2-1 4 Purine-6—thiol, hydrate 7 @10 1 —.01 9 -lO 7 ‘@l Indole—2,3—dione, 1—methyl—, 3—(thiosemi— 8 >10 —— 3 1—10 9 Diethylamine, 2, 2' -dichloro-N-methyl-, .1—10 <. 2 hydrochloride 10 1—10 1-100 1 @. 01 9 1-100 9 9 1—100 5 9 1—100 6 1—100 9 carbazone) L-Sermne, diazoacetate Acetamide, - 2, 2-dichloro-N-[@-hydroxy-a- . 1-10 2 10 <1 -- 1-100 3 . 01-1 10 100 (hydroxymethyl)-@-nitrophenethyl] 2H—l,3,2—Oxazaphosphorine, ethyl)amino)tetrahydro-, 2—[bis(2—chloro— 2-oxide, Uridine, 2'—deoxy—S—fluoro— 9H-Purine-6-thiol,9-@-@-arabinofuranosyl— Glutamic acid, 1—1 9 hydrate N—(@—(((2, 4—diamino-6-pteridinyl)— 9 <1 12 .1-10 10 l0—l@0 8 >1 Uracil,5—bromo— 10 10—100 3 .01—1 Uridine, 5—bromo—V—deoxy— 10 10—100 11 —‘5 Adenine, 9—@3—@-arabinofuranosyl- 11 >100 7 >1000? 2 <1 2 1.-1 6 .1-1 9 >1 3 @.1 methyl]amino]benzoyl] Uridine, 2'—deoxy—S—iodo— 12 200—l0@ 12 Glutamic acid, N—[@—[((2, 4—d.tamino—5, 6, 7, 8— —— 7 .1—10 2 . 1—1 .1-10 4 .1-10 1—100 4 . 1—10 4 . 1—1 7 . 1-10 6 . 1—1 6 <1 6 <1 9 . 1-10 —— 5 .04-1 —— . 2—5 tetrahydro-6-quinazolinyl)methyl]amino]- benzoylj-, Benzimidazole, Uracil, * When dihydrate 2-(octylthio)- 5—iodo— the CVR is one 10 number, a complete dose-response curve was not obtained. 4 1—10 (--) 2 compound <1 not tested. FREEMAN et at. Cancer Chenwtherapy Screening Data 1625 TABLE7 Relative Sensitivities of Systems to Compounds --DNA virusesvVPYvEMCVRSVUridine, COMPOUNDSENSITIVITY OF virusesRNA +*±--Uridine, 2' -deoxy-5-iodo +±--Indole-2, 5-bromo-2'-deoxy 3-(thiosemicarbazone)+±--Statolon+±--Adenine, 3-dione, 1-methyl-, +±--Uridine, 9-@3-D-arabinofuranosyl 2' -deoxy-5-fluoro ±--±2@j-l, 2-[bis(2-chloroethyl)-±-±amino]tetrahydro-, 3, 2-Oxazaphosphorine, hydrateGlutamic 2-oxide, 4-diamino-6-pteridinyl)-±±-±methyl)amino]benzoyl] acid, N-[@@-[((2, Glutarimide, 5-dimethyl-2-oxocyclohexyl)-±±-±2-hydroxyethyl)-2-Benzimidazolemethanol, 3-(2-(3, a-phenyl ±-±-Carbamic ester-±±-* acid, valueless CVR values ethyl (range between two limiting than 10; (-) one value less values): (÷) both values at least 10; (±J both values at least 1 and one than 1.TABLE 8Relative TestedCVRCOMPOUNDS Susceptibilities Systemsto of the Four Cell-Virus all Compounds WITH SPECIFIC CVR AGAINST--TOTAL CVR. virusesVVPYV@@@RSVEMCVNumber DNAvirusesRNA (%)Both values (7)Both at least 108 (49)value values at least 1 and one14 COMPOUNDS WITH SPECIFIC (%)Number (%)Number (%)Number (%)Number (28)0 (0)0 (0)1 (4)9 (48)17 (50)19 (61)9 (33)59 (24)17 (50)12 (39)17 (63)53 (100)34 (100)31 (100)27 (100)121 <10One value (44)TOTAL29 <17 (100)