Whereas,, the Associate Provost has asked that UGC consider the

Proposal for Students who Currently Meet LSP for One Major but not for their Second
Whereas the Associate Provost has asked that UGC consider the situation when students
meet the LSP for one of theirs majors but not for the second,
Whereas an example of this situation is provided below,
Whereas the students’ application for the second major is denied under current LSP and
university policy,
Whereas the student has an entire major in the mode that the student is lacking,
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that policy be changed to state:
A student who has met the LSP Modes of Inquiry requirements for one major will be
considered to have met it for additional majors.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that UGC ask its secretary to investigate catalog
language that will need to be changed to reflect this policy change and to advise UGC if
there are any issues regarding catalog copy of this policy change.
Consider a student is applying to graduate with two majors, one in Exercise Science and
one in Psychology. In the Exercise Science major, the student took General Psychology
to meet the Social Scientific Mode. However, under the second major, Psychology,
General Psychology is a major requirement. Therefore General Psychology may not be
used to meet the Social Scientific Mode. According to current policy, this student has
met the Social Scientific Mode for the Exercise Science major, but has not met it for the
Psychology major.
This Proposal addresses whether Students should have the Mode Requirement Waived if
they have a Major in the Area of the Mode.
Whereas the Associate Provost has asked that UGC consider the situation when students
meet the LSP for one of their majors but not for the second,
Whereas an example of this situation is provided below,
Whereas the students’ application for the second major is denied under current LSP and
university policy,
Whereas the student has an entire major in the mode that the student is lacking, and
Whereas a student whose major focuses intensely on one of the LSP modes has in the
course of pursuing the major met an even higher standard of competence in the Mode,
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the university’s policy be changed to state:
A student who earns a major in an area directly connected to an LSP Mode of Inquiry can
meet the directly related LSP Mode of Inquiry requirement with the major.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that UGC ask its secretary to investigate catalog
language that will need to be changed to reflect this policy change and to advise UGC if
there are any issues regarding catalog copy of this policy change.
Consider a student is applying to graduate with two majors, one in Exercise Science and
one in Psychology. In the Exercise Science major, the student took General Psychology
to meet the Social Scientific Mode. However, under the second major, Psychology,
General Psychology is a major requirement. Therefore General Psychology may not be
used to meet the Social Scientific Mode. According to current policy, this student has
met the Social Scientific Mode for the Exercise Science major, but has not met it for the
Psychology major.
Proposal to Address Double-Counting Courses toward Required Support, Minor, and/or
the LSP
Whereas the Associate Provost has asked that UGC consider the cases where students
may meet their Required Support by taking fifteen hours in a discipline outside their
major or through a minor,
Whereas many minors permit students to double count courses for the LSP and a minor,
Whereas when taken together these two provisions produce confusion because university
policy does not permit double-counting of courses for both the Required Support and
LSP credits unless otherwise stipulated in the catalog,
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that students may double count courses in their
Required Support category with either a minor or an LSP course requirement, or both.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that UGC ask its secretary to investigate catalog
language that will need to be changed to reflect this policy change and to advise UGC if
there are any issues regarding catalog copy of this policy change.
Proposal to permit Double Counting ANYWHERE in the Curriculum unless it is
Prohibited in the Catalog
Whereas UGC is considering a number of double-counting proposals,
Whereas current university policy is seen as confusing to many when trying to determine
when students can and can’t double count courses, and
Whereas double counting would permit students more freedom of choice to fulfill their
undergraduate degree,
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the university permit courses to double count
unless there is a specific provision prohibiting it.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that UGC ask its secretary to investigate catalog
language that will need to be changed to reflect this policy change and to advise UGC if
there are any issues regarding catalog copy of this policy change.
Proposal to Eliminate Double Counting Restrictions for the LSP Modes of Inquiry
Whereas currently students are not allowed to use courses required for their majors to
satisfy the LSP Modes of Inquiry;
Whereas currently students are not allowed to use courses in the required support for their
majors to satisfy LSP Modes of Inquiry requirements unless explicitly allowed in the
Whereas some disciplines bypass the current restriction by artificially shifting courses
that logically should be part of the major requirements to the list of required support
Whereas currently the rule for double counting courses which are listed as required
support and which satisfy the LSP Mode of Inquiry are inconsistent across majors;
Whereas the current double counting rule discriminates students by their majors as to
whether or not a course can be used to show proficiency in a particular LSP Mode of
Inquiry, coupling unnecessarily the LSP Mode of Inquiry with specific major
Whereas the LSP Modes of Inquiry requirement is primarily a proficiency requirement,
and courses approved to show proficiency in a particular LSP Mode of Inquiry do so
irrespective of the major of the student taking the course;
Whereas the current restriction, as reported to the UGC by the Associate Provost, in many
cases penalizes students that want to pursue a double major or to change majors after
satisfying one of the LSP Modes of Inquiry with a course required in the new major,
Whereas the current restriction leads to the illogical situation that students whose major
focuses intensely on one of the LSP Modes of Inquiry are required to take a course not
required by their major to satisfy this Mode of Inquiry, despite the fact that such students
have clearly met a higher standard of competence because of their major than the one
required by the LSP for that Mode; and
Whereas the Bachelor of Science degrees require a minimum of 6 additional semester hours
beyond the LSP in math and science-based courses, the current double counting restriction
adds unnecessarily to the burden of students pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that for the purpose of satisfying one of the LSP
Modes of Inquiry, a student only needs to show proficiency in one of the approved
courses for that mode, irrespective of the major of the student. This does not preclude a
program from imposing additional restrictions on that course for the purpose of satisfying
a major or a minor program requirement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the catalog indicate that courses used to satisfy the
LSP Mode of Inquiry requirement do so independently of other uses that these courses
may have across the curriculum.