www.insofe.edu.in Online Entrance Exam Syllabus Max. Marks: 50 Topic Fundamentals of Mathematics Quantitative Aptitude Max. Duration: 60 minutes Suggested reading resource http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Function_ Logarithms (mathematics) Functions: Maxima, Minima, www.purplemath.com/ Differentiations, Integrations of www.analyzemath.com single variable functions, etc. http://www.zweigmedia.com/RealWor Matrices: Multiplication, Inverse, ld/tutorials4/framesc5_1.html etc. http://people.hofstra.edu/Stefan_Wan Co-ordinate geometry: Distance between points, Slope of a line, etc. er/RealWorld/index.html http://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/ Basic trigonometric relations http://www.sosmath.com/algebra/logs Visualizing planes, points and /log4/log41/log41.html lines in 3 dimensions www.intmath.com Set theory http://home.scarlet.be/math/matr.ht Number series m http://staff.argyll.epsb.ca/jreed/math7 /strand4/4103.htm http://staff.tuhsd.k12.az.us/gfoster/sta ndard/bgraph2.htm Probability Permutations and combinations Data and charts interpretation http://www.indiabix.com/aptitude/qu estions-and-answers/ http://www.preparebetter.in/aptitude In addition to the above, you will be asked to write a short paragraph about a given topic. (Max 100 words). This is to test your logical thinking, communication of ideas in a clear manner and attention to detail in spelling and grammar. Finally, you will be asked to write an algorithm for a defined problem. This is to test your ability to write simple programs in language of your choice 1|Page