University of Split Department of Professional Studies TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS COURSE SYLLABUS 1 COURSE DETAILS Type of study programme Professional study - 180 ECTS Study programme ELECTRONICS Course title Telecommunications Systems Course code SEL024 ECTS (Number of credits allocated) 6 Course status Core Year of study Third Semester Fifth (fall) Course Web site Prerequisite(s) Lectures Practicals (Numeric exercises) Laboratory exercises and practical demonstration None Lecturer(s) Winton Afrić, Ph.D., College professor, Language of instruction English, Croatian (for incoming ERASAMUS students possible simultaneous instruction in Italian) Total lesson hours per semester 30 15 15 2 COURSE DESCRIPTIPON • Course objectives: • • 1. 2. Learning outcomes: 3. On successful completion of this course, student should be able to: 4. 5. 6. Course content: understanding the basic concepts and structure of telecommunications networks for narrowband and broadband services, showing the basic principles of the modern telecommunication,. understanding the basic settings in the operation of telecommunications systems and devices. explain the basic physical and technical principles underlying the modern digital telecommunications network, describe the basic principles of action with modern digital telecommunication devices, systems and networks, conduct experiments and measurements in the laboratory and on actual components, devices, equipment and systems in telecommunication,. interpret the acquired multimedia systems measurements data, describe the development and application of digital telecommunications systems examine the communications equipment for the technical functionality. Model of telecommunications system. Telecommunication networks: the topology of telecommunications networks, hierarchies, numbering, routing, tunneling, channel and packet switching. Central and access network. Next generation network NGN, migration of existing telecommunications networks to NGN. Migration paths. The most existing telecommunications networks; PSTN switching, switching elements, switching exchange AXE 10 structures. Signaling networks and network transmission customer service as logically separate subnet. N - ISDN upgrade to AXE commutations BRA, PRA. The migration of PSTN and ISDN to NGN. W - ISDN, broadband access networks as NGN. IP / MPLS core network. Physical and transmission level ATM network (ATM, adaptable and flexible multiplexing.) and Ethernet (GbEthernet, 10GbEtherent, Fast Ethernet). Access Network: xDSL access technology, ADSL and VDSL access technology, compound access and core 3 network, access via coaxial hybrid optical networks HFC, fixed wireless WiMAX IEEE 802.16d and IEEE 802.162004. Physical and logical level of communication. IT network, LAN, MAN, WAN (WLAN, WMAN). Emulation packet transmission in the SDH (Ethernet, ATM). DWDM transmission. CONSTRUCTIVE ALIGNMENT – Learning outcomes, teaching and assessment methods Alignment of students activities with learning outcomes Activity Lectures Practicals Laboratory work Mid-term exam Self-study Office hours and final exam TOTAL: Student workload ECTS credits 30 hours / 1 ECTS 1,2,3,4,5 15 hours / 0.5 ECTS 15 hours / 0.5 ECTS 15 hours / 0.5 ECTS 90 hours / 3 ECTS 15 hours / 0.5 ECTS 1,2 1,2,4 1,2,3 4,5 1,2 ,4,5 Learning outcomes 180 hours / 6 ECTS 1,2,3,4,5 CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT Continuous testing indicators Performance Grade ratio Ai (%) ki (%) Class attendance and participation 70 – 100 10 First mid-term exam Second mid-term exam Third mid-term exam 50 - 100 30 50 -100 50 -100 30 30 4 FINAL ASSESSMENT Performance Grade ratio Ai (%) ki (%) Practical exam (written) 50 - 100 40 Theoretical exam (written and/or oral) 50 - 100 60 Performance Grade ratio Ai (%) ki (%) Practical exam (written) 50 - 100 40 Theoretical exam (written and/or oral) 50 - 100 60 Testing indicators – final exam (first and second exam term) Testing indicators – makeup exam (third and fourth exam term) PERFORMANCE AND GRADE Percentage Criteria Grade 50% - 61% basic criteria met sufficient (2) 62% - 74% average performance with some errors good (3) 75% - 87% above average performance with minor errors very good (4) 88% - 100% outstanding performance outstanding (5) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Teaching materials for students (scripts, exercise collections, examples of solved exercises), teaching record, detailed course syllabus, application of e-learning, current information and all other data are available by MOODLE system to all students ( 5