I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: AL UMI n UM I n T E R I O R 5- 9 EX T E RIOR d Es I g n 1 0 -1 1 16 - 2 5 Re f ine d visu al dram a wit h a scul p t ured el eg ance, d es ig ne d in a ccordan ce with the J ag uar val ues o f p urit y, s i m p l i c i t y a n d c o n s i s t e n c y. T h e X J i s t h e w o r l d ’s m o s t b e a u t i f u l sporting sedan. Efficient and aerodynamic. It makes a s t a t e m e n t o f d y n a m i s m w i t h a l o w, w i d e s t a n c e , a t a u t wa i s t l i n e a n d m u s c u l a r w h e e l a rc h e s . S t ri ki ng feat ure s s uc h a s the stan dard pano ram ic ro o f a n d t h e c at ’s c l aw rear light cluster add stunning touches. Environmental responsibility and the optimization of pe r fo r ma n ce . A l i gh t we i gh t a l u mi n u m bo dy to ge t h e r w i t h a e r o s p a c e c o n s t r u c t i o n t e c h n i q u e s g i ve h i g h s t r e n g t h , b e t t e r a c c e l e r a t i o n a n d f u e l e c o n o m y a s w e l l a s l ow e r e m i s s i o n s c o m p a r e d t o s t e e l b o d i e d a l t e r n a t i ve s . T h e XJ is between 300 and 600 lbs lighter than some of its competitors and has near per fect weight distribution o f 5 1 : 4 9, f r o n t a n d r e a r, f o r s u p e r b h a n d l i n g . Te c h n o l o g y e n h a n c e s t r a d i t i o n i n s i d e t h e X J . T h e c l e a n l i n e s o f t h e i n t e r i o r m e a n l e s s c l u t t e r, w h i l e the highest quality materials are tactile, rich and carefully selected to stimulate the senses. Chrome i s co o l to t h e to u c h . L e at h e r i s wa r m a n d s o f t . Wo o d envelops the c a b in. At night, cool p hosp hor b lue ha lo m o o d l i g h t i n g b a t h e s e ve r y t h i n g w i t h a n a l l u r i n g a i r of contemporary sophistication. d E s I g n I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: en gin es c o n tr o l li fe c yc le 2 8- 31 32-33 3 8 - 3 9 d e s i g n A range of advanced modern engines to suit a l m o s t e v e r y i n d i v i d u a l re q u i re m e n t a n d d r i v i n g s t y l e . F ro m t h e f l a g s h i p 5 . 0 L i te r V 8 S u p e rc h a rge d 5 1 0 H P e n g i n e t o t h e 5 . 0 L i t e r V 8 S u p e rc h a r g e d 470 HP an d 5. 0 Liter V 8 nat ural l y as p irated 3 85 HP engines, every XJ engine delivers a powerful driving experience. A m o r e r e s p o n s i ve , m o r e i n vo l v i n g d r i ve . T h e X J a s s i s t s t h e d r i ve r i n a l l co n d i t i o n s . A d a p t i ve D y n a m i c s co n t i n u a l l y va r i e s d a m p i n g by c a l c u l a t i n g t h e a p p r o p r i a t e s u s p e n s i o n r e s p o n s e 500 times a second helping to keep the car flat and stable t o i m p r ove c o n t r o l a n d h a n d l i n g w i t h o u t l o s s o f c o m f o r t . Ready for anything and to deal with the unexpected, safety s y s t e m s a r e d e s i g n e d t o b e a n t i c i p a t o r y a n d u t i l i z e a n a r r ay of technological features. More than 10 years ago Jaguar formulated a strategy for building more efficient cars from aluminum. The all-aluminum structure of the XJ is the result. Recycled metal makes up as much as 50 percent o f t h e b o d y, s av i n g a p p r o x i m a t e l y 3 t o n s o f C O 2 compared to using 100 percent primary aluminum. I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: bre akING t h e m o l d T h e re i s a sc u l pt u ra l e l e ga n ce a n d a re fi n e d vi s u a l dra ma in the form of the Jaguar XJ. Designed in accordance w i t h t h e co re J a g u a r va l u e s o f b e a u t y, p u r i t y, s i m p l i c i t y a n d c o n s i s t e n c y, t h e o b j e c t i ve wa s n o t o n l y t o c r e a t e t h e w o r l d ’s m o s t b e a u t i f u l s p o r t i n g s e d a n b u t t o p u s h further and harder and to produce a more efficient, m o re a e ro d y n a m i c s h a p e . E ve n at a g l a n ce , t h e J a g u a r XJ makes a statement of dynamism and sporting character with its wide stance, muscular wheel a rc h e s a n d t a u t wa i s t l i n e . 5 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: de s I G N C l o s e r e xa m i n at i o n reve a l s u n i q u e d e t a i l s t h at n o t o n l y w o r k w i t h a n d a d o r n t h e c a r ’s f i n e l i n e s b u t a l s o e n h a n ce e f f i c i e n cy, s a fe t y a n d ove ra l l p l e a s u re . Stunning touches such as the panoramic roof and t h e c a t ’s c l aw r e a r l i g h t c l u s t e r s h ave b e e n a d d e d to the striking signature styling cues of the XJ. I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: 7 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: V I rt U a l realItY F ro m C o N C e P t to r e a l I t Y. T h e a e s t h e t i c b e a u t y o f t h e s t r e a m l i n e d b o d y o f t h e X J wa s a p r i m e c o n s i d e r a t i o n i n i t s c r e a t i o n . B e f o r e a s i n g l e p a r t o f t h e c a r b e c a m e a p h y s i c a l r e a l i t y, t h e X J wa s r e v i e w e d v i r t u a l l y i n o n e o f t h e w o r l d ’s m o s t a d va n c e d t h r e e d i m e n s i o n a l v i r t u a l r e a l i t y s u i t e s . E ve r y c o m p o n e n t wa s p a i n s t a k i n g l y m o d e l e d i n o ve r 4 3 , 0 0 0 s e p a r a t e s i m u l a t i o n s . I n t e n t o n c r e a t i n g t h e m o s t l u x u r i o u s a n d c o m f o r t a b l e J a g u a r m o d e l e ve r, t h e d e s i g n e r s c o u l d s i t i n , t e s t , a n d a l t e r e ve r y p a r t o f t h e X J a s s u r i n g e r g o n o m i c a n d a e s t h e t i c p e r f e c t i o n f a r b e y o n d t h e s c o p e o f t r a d i t i o n a l d r aw n c a r d e s i g n . O n l y t h e n wa s t h e X J p r o t o t y p e c o n s t r u c t e d . I n a c o m p u t e r i z e d t e s t i n g c h a m b e r s i m u l a t i n g s o m e o f t h e r o u g h e s t a n d m o s t h a r s h d r i v i n g e n v i r o n m e n t s i n t h e w o r l d , t h e X J wa s p a c e d t h r o u g h t h r e e m i l l i o n m i l e s o f v i r t u a l t e s t i n g . 9 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: ALUMINUM Ba l an c e With an almost per fect weight distribution of 51:49 between the f r o n t a n d re a r o f t h e c a r, t h e J a g u a r X J i s p o i s e d , r e a d y t o d e l i ve r su perb ha nd l ing . T h is is o ne o f t h e m any be n e fi t s o f t h e Li gh t we i gh t Ve h i c l e A rc h i t e c t u re b o d y c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d , w i t h t h e c o m p a n y ’s f o c u s o n e n v i ro n m e n t a l re s p o n s i b i l i t y, i s t h e ve r y c o r e o f J a g u a r e n g i n e e r i n g a n d d e s i g n p h i l o s o p h y. f u s i o n L i g h t w e i g h t Ve h i c l e A r c h i t e c t u r e m e a n s a n a l l - n e w l i g h t w e i g h t a l u m i n u m b o d y s t r u c t u re t h at u s e s t h e s t ate - o f - t h e - a r t a e ro s p a ce construction techniques of bonding and riveting. It also means f u s i o n a l l oy t e c h n o l o g y, m a g n e s i u m , h i g h - s t r e n g t h a l u m i n u m a n d one-piece door assemblies and that the XJ is between 300 and 600 lbs lighter than some of its competitors. Less weight reduces the m a s s t h at re q u i re s a cce l e rat i o n a n d re s u l t s i n b e t te r f u e l e co n o m y a n d l ow e r e m i s s i o n s . 11 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: VI eWPoIN t A 12 D I F F E R E N T P E R S P E C T I V E W i t h i t s s t a n d a r d g l a s s p a n o r a m i c r o o f, t h e X J b r i n g s a t o t a l l y n e w e x p e r i e n c e t o a j o u r n e y. N o t o n l y c a n t h e w o r l d b e r e l i s h e d f r o m a n e w p e r s p e c t i ve b u t t h e cabin is flooded with natural light making the entire e n v i r o n m e n t f e e l m o r e a i r y. T h e s e n s a t i o n o f e x t r a space is more than just a feeling. T he thinner p rofile of the gla ss c reates m ore hea d room inside the vehicle without compromising the low s t r e a m l i n e d c o n t o u r s o f t h e X J b o d y. T h e s p e c i a l l y reinforced glass is designed to reflect heat and filter o u t h a r m f u l r ay s f r o m t h e s u n t o e n s u r e t h e c l i m a t e control works to its optimum per formance. I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: 15 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: s e N so rY U s i n g t i m e l e s s m a t e r i a l s , t h e X J o f f e r s a n a r ray o f t a c t i l e p lea s u res. Set tlin g in to t h e g l ove-so f t l eat h er, s urro un de d b y t h e s t y l i s h c u r v e d s w e e p o f t h e w a r m w o o d v e n e e r, the luxurious interior has been fashioned to delight t h e s e n s e s . C l a s s i c m ate r i a l s a re co m b i n e d w i t h m o d e r n styling to create a contemporary elegance, from the interior surfaces wrapped in leather to the jet-engine i n s p i re d a i r v e n t s a n d t h e m i n i m a l i s t c o n t ro l s d e t a i l e d in glinting chrome. E ve n b e fo re t h e w h e e l s a re i n m o t i o n , s i m p l y s t a r t i n g t h e X J i s a m ov i n g e x p e r i e n ce . T h e s o f t l i g h t b e h i n d t h e s t a r t b u t t o n p u l s e s i n v i t i n g l y. L i g h t l y p r e s s i t a n d t h e f l u s h a lumin u m Jag u arDrive S el ec to r T M rises up o ut o f t h e ce n te r console as the dashboard bathes the cabin with a cool phosphor blue. The virtual instrument panel emerges behind the steering wheel, and the distant sound of the engine gently purrs. 17 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: OYSTER | IVORY | FIGURED EBONY I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: No detail is too small for the at tention to absolute l u x u r y t h e J a g u a r p ro v i d e s . E ve r y i n c h o f t h e i n t e r i o r o f t h e X J d e m o n s t rat e s t h e c a r ’s p e e r l e s s r e f i n e m e n t . Supple hand-stitched leathers are fit ted throughout, t h e i r s e a m s f i n e l y c ra f t e d t o a m i n i m u m t o l e r a n c e . The overhead consoles are carefully fashioned to p ro d u ce a wate r fa l l o f l i g h t c a s c a d i n g d ow n t h e ce n t e r o f t h e c a b i n to s p o t l i g h t t h e co n t ro l fe at u re s w i t h o u t d i s t u r b i n g t h e d r i v e r ’s n i g h t t i m e v i s i o n . E v e n t h e anal o g cl o ck is co ns t ruc te d to e c h o t h e c l a ss i c de s i gn o f a n av i at o r ’s w r i s t wat c h . In the XJ, the seat leather is carefully molded to provide optimum comfort during longer journeys a n d r e f l e c t t h e c a r ’s e l e g a n t t a i l o r e d c h a r a c t e r. T h e l e at h e r i n t e r i o r i s ava i l a b l e w i t h a r a n g e o f t h e f i n e s t q u a l i t y g ra i n s a n d a w i d e s e l e c t i o n o f d i f fe re n t c o l o r s a n d p i p i n g t o re f l e c t t h e ow n e r ’s i n d i v i d u a l style and personal taste. 19 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: G ro u n d b re a k i n g te c h n o l o g y e m p owe r s b u t n eve r ove r p owe r s t h e d r i v i n g e x p e r i e n ce . A V i r t u a l I n s t r u m e n t Pa n e l re p l a ce s the conventional dashboard cluster with a clear 12 .3-inch T h i n F i l m Tr a n s i s t o r ( T F T ) s c r e e n d i s p l ay i n g a s e l e c t i o n o f g a u g e s t h a t a p p e a r a s s o l i d t h re e - d i m e n s i o n a l i n s t r u m e n t s . With beautiful surrounds that change color to reflect the se l e c te d d r i v i n g m o d e , t h e sc re e n w i l l a u to m at i c a l l y va r y t h e d i s p l ay to a d v i s e t h e d r i ve r o f t h e m o s t re l eva n t i n fo r m at i o n , w h e t h e r i t i s N av i g at i o n i n s t r u c t i o n s o r i t s c u r re n t f u e l ra n g e . A s i n g l e H D 8 - i n c h To u c h - s c r e e n i n t h e c e n t e r c o n s o l e d i s p l ays n av i g at i o n i n fo r m at i o n a s we l l a s co n t ro l s t h e physical cabin of the XJ. The system is designed to ideally complement the design philosophy of Jaguar - simple and int uitive. Beyon d th e b ut to ns and fo r h and s -f ree co n ve n i e n ce , I n t e r a c t i v e Vo i c e T M c o n t ro l a n d “s ay w h at y o u s e e” c o m m a n d s o f fe r co n t ro l o f a u d i o , n av i g at i o n a n d eve n t h e To u c h - s c re e n . 21 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: go the eXtra mIle To e x p e r i e n ce t h e rea r seat s i n a n X J i s to e n j oy u n p a ra l l e l e d comfor t and peace on the move. All XJ models come with heated rear seats - and the Portfolio, Supercharged and Supersport models come standard with both heated and co o l e d re a r s e at s . Fo r t h o s e w h o n e e d a b i t m o re , t h e L o n g W h e e l b a s e ve r s i o n s o f fe r n o l e s s t h a n 4 4 i n c h e s o f l e g ro o m and include four-zone climate control, side window blinds and reading lamps. With the Rear Seat Entertainment package (standard on S u p e r s p o r t a n d o p t i o n a l o n a l l o t h e r m o d e l s ) , t h e re a r c a b i n i s a l s o f u r n i s h e d w i t h d u a l 8 - i n c h LC D s c r e e n s m o u n t e d i n t h e d r i v e r a n d p a s s e n g e r h e a d r e s t s . A s l e e k To u c h - s c r e e n , m e n u - d r i ve n r e m o t e c o n t r o l , w h i c h s t o w s n e a t l y i n t h e r e a r ce n te r a r m re s t , a l l ows e a c h re a r s e at p a s s e n ge r to i n d i v i d u a l l y s e l e c t c o n t e n t . To g e t h e r w i t h a c e n t e r c o n s o l e - m o u n t e d D V D p l aye r a n d rea r m e d i a i n te r fa ce , p a sse n ge r s c a n v i ew t h e i r choice of media on rear screens while listening through w i r e l e s s W h i t e f i r e® h e a d p h o n e s . I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: 23 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: 3 STAG E ADJUSTABLE RE AR WITH SE AT RECLINE LUMBAR AND 24 HE ADREST SUPPORT MASSAGE I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: e x t r a . . . The Long Wheelbase XJL Superspor t offers the ultimate i n rea r seat co m fo r t w i t h t h e s t a n d a rd R ea r S eat Co m fo r t Pack. Should even more than the 44 inches of extra l e g ro o m b e d e s i re d , w i t h t h e to u c h o f a b u t to n t h e f ro n t p a s s e n g e r s e at g l i d e s f o r wa rd t o p r o d u c e a n u n r i va l l e d s p a c e i n w h i c h t o s t re t c h t h e l e g s . T h e s p e c i a l l y d e s i g n e d re c l i n i n g rea r seat s a re f i t te d w i t h a 4 - w ay a d j u s t a b l e l u m b a r s u p p o r t w h i c h c a n e m b r a c e a n d m o l d to t h e s h a p e o f t h e s p i n e a l l ow i n g u n p a ra l l e l e d comfort. In pursuit of total relaxation, the Rear Seat Comfor t Pack also includes winged headrests, angled footrests and, within the seats themselves, a massage sys tem to so o t h e away tens io n . W i t h a l l t h at co mfo r t a n d l u x u r y, t h e X J L S u p e r s p o r t b e c o m e s a n e n v i r o n m e n t o f s u p e r l at i v e p e a c e a n d t ra n q u i l i t y. I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: t h e s p e e d o f so U N d In creating a driving experience that surpasses all others, nothing but the highest fidelity sound system will suffice. The XJ and XJL Por t folio come standard with an incredible f o u r t e e n - s p e a k e r, 6 0 0 W J a g u a r p r e m i u m s o u n d s y s t e m . Fo r t h e t r u e a u d i o p h i l e , o p t i o n a l o n X J a n d X J L Po r t fo l i o a n d standard on Supercharged and Supersport models, is the Bowers & W ilkins® p rem ium so und sys tem . A co us t i c a l l y de s i gn e d exclu sively for th e uniq ue so und scap e o f t h e X J c a bi n , i t de l i ve r s 1 2 0 0 W o f p u r e s o u n d t h ro u g h t w e n t y s t rat e g i c a l l y p o s i t i o n e d s p e a k e r s . W i t h a c h o i c e o f D o l b y ® P r o L o g i c ® I I X a n d DT S T M N e o : 6 ®, a n d c o m b i n e d w i t h t h e e x c e p t i o n a l c l a r i t y o f t h e A u d ys s ey M u l t E Q® a u d i o t u n i n g sys te m , t h e B owe r s & W i l k i n s® p r e m i u m s o u n d s y s t e m p ro v i d e s o u t s t a n d i n g s o u n d q u a l i t y. 26 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: d e G r a h C r e s U P F I V e l I t e r V 8 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: 5 l i t e r N AT U R A LLy A SP I R AT E D 5.0l v8 power hp – 385 @ 6,500rpm 0-60 mph seconds – 5.4 top speed – 121 MPH city/highway (mpg) – 16/23* * B as e d o n EPA e s t i ma te . A c t u al mi l e a ge may va r y. 30 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: 5 l i t e r S U P E R C H A R G E 5.0l v8 supercharged power hp – 470 @ 6,000 - 6,500rpm 0-60 mph seconds – 4.9 top speed – 155 MPH (limited) city/highway (mpg) – 15 /21* 5.0l v8 supercharged power hp – 510 @ 6,000 - 6,500rpm 0-60 mph seconds – 4.7 top speed – 155 MPH (limited) city/highway (mpg) – 15 /21* * B a s e d o n EPA e s t i ma te . A c t u al mi l e a ge m a y va ry. D I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: Co Nt ro l To m a n e u v e r w i t h t h e p r e c i s i o n t h a t t h e X J c r a v e s , t h e dr i ve r i s co n s t a n t l y a ss i s te d by t h e i n h e re n t e x pe r t i se o f t h e c a r i t s e l f. T h e r e vo l u t i o n a r y A d a p t i ve D y n a m i c s System of the XJ continuously monitors the suspension, varying the damping to suit the conditions, whether t h e c a r i s co r n e r i n g , n av i g at i n g p o t h o l e s o r a cce l e rat i n g o n t h e h i g h way. T h e s y s t e m c a l c u l a t e s t h e a p p r o p r i a t e s u s p e n s i o n r e s p o n s e 5 0 0 t i m e s e ve r y s e c o n d . A d j u s t i n g the dampers helps to keep the car as flat and stable as p o s s i b l e a n d i t i m p r ove s c o n t r o l a n d h a n d l i n g w i t h o u t any loss of ride comfort. I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: 33 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: assUred aNd CoNFIdeNt W i t h i t s l i g h t a n d e xc e p t i o n a l l y r i g i d a l u m i n u m b o d y t h e r e s p o n s i v e n e s s o f t h e X J i s re m a r k a b l e . I t s a g i l i t y i s f u r t h e r e n h a n ce d by t h e A c t i ve D i f fe re n t i a l ( s t a n d a rd w i t h S u p e rc h a rge d e n g i n e s ) w h i c h a n a l y z e s t h e ava i l a b l e t ra c tion of the road s ur face and ad jus t s t h e d is t rib u t i o n of power to each wheel to constantly optimize grip, he lpin g the vehicle to s t ick to t h e ro ad o n t h e t ig h te s t of bends. Winter Mode is a standard feature on every Jaguar model, and is designed to help Jaguar drivers get the most from their cars, throughout every season. S e l ec ted via the Jag uarD rive Co nt ro l T M , w h en ac t ivate d, W i n t e r M o d e t r a n s f o r m s t h e way t h e X J re s p o n d s i n slippery conditions: the engine, transmission and Dynamic Stability Control work together to help av o i d s l i p p i n g a n d s k i d d i n g w h i l e m a x i m i z i n g ava i l a b l e t r a c t i o n i n a d v e r s e w e at h e r c o n d i t i o n s . 34 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: 8 A IRBAGS , INCLUDING S IDE 36 DRIVER CURTAINS A ND FRO NT F RONT A ND PA SSENGER RE A R T HO RAX PROTECTION , I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: STRUCTURE AL U MI N U M SAF E Ty HO N E yCO MB FO R e x P e C t t h e U N e xP e C t e d B e n e at h t h e a e ro d y n a m i c l i n e s o f t h e X J i s a b o d y t h at i s amongst the industry leaders for strength and stiffness, e n ve l o p i n g d r i ve r a n d p a s s e n ge r a l i ke . T h e s a fe t y sys t e m s o f t h e X J a r e a n t i c i p a t o r y. T h e X J u t i l i z e s a n a r r a y o f t e c h n o l o g i c a l f e at u re s t o b e re a d y f o r a l m o s t a n y t h i n g . It assists the driver in dealing with the unexpected and co n t i n u o u s l y a u g m e n t s t h e d r i v i n g e x p e r i e n c e a s we l l a s b e i n g e q u i p p e d w i t h a i r b a g s t h at s e n s e t h e p r e s e n c e o f t h e v e h i c l e ’s p a s s e n g e r s . C E L L DE SI GN STRE N GTH. I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: lIFeCYCle desIGN J a g u a r i s f o c u s e d o n c r e a t i n g b e a u t i f u l , e x h i l a r a t i n g - t o - d r i ve c a r s t h a t m e e t t h e e n v i ro n m e n t a l c h a l l e n g e s o f a r a p i d l y c h a n g i n g w o r l d . I t i s a focus that is centered on using new materials that remove weight, g i v i n g b e n e f i t s t o e f f i c i e n c y, p e r f o r m a n c e a n d s a f e t y. I t i s a f o c u s o n i m p rov i n g t h e way c a r s a re b u i l t , re d u c i n g t h e u se o f e n e rg y a n d n at u ra l resources, and eliminating waste: focusing on the entire ‘lifecycle’ im p ac t o f a veh icl e. N o t h i n g de mo n s t rate s o u r co n t i n u e d dr i ve towa rds a s u s t a i n a b l e f u t u re b e t t e r t h a n t h e J a g u a r X J . I t b r e a k s n e w g r o u n d by using recycled and reclaimed aluminum for over 50 percent of the weight of its body and, at the end of its life, 85 percent of the XJ is recyclable. And all Jaguar cars are powered by a remarkable n e w g e n e rat i o n o f J a g u a r e n g i n e s t h a t u s e t e c h n o l o g y s u c h a s d i r e c t i n j e c t i o n t o b o t h i m p r ove f u e l e f f i c i e n c y a n d p r ov i d e t r u l y r e f i n e d , dynamic performance. Fo r m o re i n f o r m at i o n o n t h e J a g u a r s u s t a i n a b i l i t y p o l i c y, v i s i t W W W. J AG U A R U S A .C O M /S U STA I N A B I L I T y 38 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: 40 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: d e s I G N e r’s C h o IC e From its earliest concept, the XJ was built with the individuality of its owners in mind. With a wide range of enhancements, options and stylistic choices, every XJ is made to reflect the u n i q u e t a s te a n d i n d i v i d u a l d i s ce r n m e n t o f i t s ow n e r. B eyo n d model range, an entire spectrum of exterior and interior f i n i s h e s , c o l o r s a n d m at e r i a l s c a n b e c h o s e n . Jaguar designers selected carefully harmonized color combinations, d r aw i n g i n s p i r a t i o n f r o m a d i v e r s e r a n g e o f p a l e t t e s : f r o m t h e s p o r t y s h a d e s o f c l a s s i c B r i t i s h ra c i n g to t h e m i n i m a l h u e s o f t h e m o d e r n b o u t i q u e . A t h l e t i c o r e l e g a n t , c l a s s i c o r c o n t e m p o r a r y, with the array of options available, the XJ excels at complementing t h e c h a r a c t e r, b e a r i n g a n d d e m e a n o r o f i t s o w n e r. I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: XJ 44 XJL PORTFOLIO 48 XJ & XJL SUPERCHARGED 52 XJ & XJL SUPERSPORT 56 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: X J PA S S I O n R A N G E F O R q U A L I T y J a g u a r ’s p a s s i o n f o r q u a l i t y i s b u i l t i n t o e ve r y X J m o d e l , b o a s t i n g t h e h i gh e s t sta nd a rd s of refinem ent, sp a ce a nd com for t b efit ting a wor ld - c la ss l u x u r y s e d a n . T h e a e r o d y n a m i c a l l y - h o n e d l i g h t w e i g h t a l u m i n u m b o d y, i n t u i t i ve c o n t r o l s y s t e m s a n d c h o i c e o f f o r m i d a b l e e n g i n e s a l s o e n a b l e t h e X J t o d e l i v e r t h e s h e e r p o w e r, i m m e d i a t e t o r q u e , a n d l i g h t n i n g re s p o n s i ve n e s s o f a ge n u i n e s p o r t s c a r. A t h e a r t , eve r y X J i s a t r u e s p o r t s s e d a n . J a g u a r o f f e r s a va r i e t y o f m o d e l s t h a t e n h a n c e t h e X J f u r t h e r t o match the singular desires of its owners. The XJ combines stunning contemporary design with state-of-the-ar t i n t u i t i ve te c h n o l o g y a n d a 3 8 5 H P 5 . 0 l i te r V 8 e n g i n e . T h e X J L Po r t fo l i o offers the same engine, and spor ts an interior at the cut ting edge of contemporary design with 5 inches of addtional rear seat space. I t i n c l ud es a r ic h ra nge of enha nced sp ec ific ations a nd offer s a n ex tensive c h o i ce o f p e r s o n a l i z at i o n o p t i o n s . T h e X J a n d X J L S u p e rc h a rge d fe at u re a p o w e r f u l 47 0 H P 5 . 0 l i t e r V 8 S u p e r c h a r g e d e n g i n e . T h e X J a n d X J L Supersport, with their 510 HP 5.0 liter V8 Supercharged engine and e xq u i s i te l u x u r y i n te r i o r d e s i g n , a re t h e u l t i m ate J a g u a r f l a g s h i p ve h i c l e s . W i t h t h eir excep tiona l c ra ftsm a nship a nd refined d eta iling, the Sup er sp or t m o d e l s co m b i n e t h e u l t i m ate i n l u x u r y w i t h s i m p l y awe - i n s p i r i n g , hear t-thumping, breath-taking per formance. 43 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: XJ I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: PERFORMAnCE 5. 0L V 8 385 HP 0-60 mPH SECONDS – 5.4 CITY (mPG) – 16* HIGHWAY (mPG) – 23* MAIn FE ATURES WHEELS InTERIOR: standard soft grain leather heated and cooled front seats soft grain leather heated rear seats soft grain leather dash fascia and door top rolls heated leather steering wheel Jaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless entry and Keyless start front and rear parking aid with touch-screen visual indicator and reverse park camera with guidance Blind spot monitor virtual instruments high definition touch-screen interactive voicetm Jaguar 600w premium sound system with 14 speakers 30gB hard drive for music storage, dvd, hd radio and sirius® satellite radio (subscription required) media hub with ipod®, usB port and Bluetooth® with wireless audio streaming Jaguarsensetm lighting and glovebox controls phosphor blue halo illumination and interior blue mood lighting dual Zone climate control dashboard mounted premium analog clock EXTERIOR: 19D aleutian options 19D toba 19D toba polished 20D Kasuga 20D Kasuga polished 20D orona 20D orona polished 19D aleutian wheels panoramic sunroof with electric blinds power opening and closing trunk power folding heated mirrors *Based on epa estimate. actual mileage may vary. 45 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: XJ InTERIOR CHOICE VEnEERS option Burl walnut satin elm piano Black carbon fiber cashew soft grain leather seats with truffle leather upper fascia and canvas headlining ivory soft grain leather seats with oyster leather upper fascia and ivory headlining I n T E R I O R CO M b I n AT I O n S HEADLInInG UPPER FASCIA S E AT T R I M A n D L E AT H E R InTERIOR SHOWn cashew soft grain leather seats with truffle leather upper fascia, Burl walnut veneer and canvas headlining Jet soft grain leather seats with Jet leather upper fascia and ivory headlining dove soft grain leather seats with Jet leather upper fascia and ivory headlining 47 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: XJ L PORTFOLIO I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: PERFORMAnCE MAIn FE ATURES 5. 0L V 8 385 HP 0-60 mPH SECONDS – 5.4 CITY (mPG) – 15* HIGHWAY (mPG) – 22* With these features of the XJ model: WHEELS standard InTERIOR: soft grain leather heated and cooled front seats soft grain leather heated rear seats soft grain leather dash fascia and door top rolls heated leather steering wheel Jaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless entry and Keyless start front and rear parking aid with touch-screen visual indicator and reverse park camera with guidance Blind spot monitor virtual instruments high definition touch-screen interactive voicetm Jaguar 600w premium sound system with 14 speakers 30gB hard drive for music storage, dvd, hd radio and sirius® satellite radio (subscription required) media hub with ipod®, usB port and Bluetooth® with wireless audio streaming Jaguarsensetm lighting and glovebox controls phosphor blue halo illumination and interior blue mood lighting dashboard mounted premium analog clock EXTERIOR: 19D toba options 19D aleutian 19D toba polished 20D Kasuga 20D Kasuga polished 20D orona 20D orona polished panoramic sunroof with electric blinds power opening and closing trunk power folding heated mirrors Plus these additional features: 19D toba wheels long wheelbase with 5 inches of extra rear seat legroom front seat massage cooled rear seats interior with contrast stitch, piping and embossed leaper logo on headrests suedecloth premium headlining four Zone automatic climate control sun blinds for rear side windows portfolio script in side power vent *Based on epa estimate. actual mileage may vary. 49 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: XJL PORTFOLIO InTERIOR CHOICE VEnEERS option figured ebony Burl walnut satin elm piano Black carbon fiber I n T E R I O R CO M b I n AT I O n S HEADLInInG UPPER FASCIA S E AT T R I M A n D L E AT H E R InTERIOR SHOWn ivory soft grain leather seats with Jet contrast stitch and piping and Jet leather upper fascia, Burl walnut veneer and ivory suedecloth premium headlining Jet soft grain leather seats with ivory contrast stitch and piping and Jet leather upper fascia navy soft grain leather seats with ivory contrast stitch and piping and navy leather upper fascia cashew soft grain leather seats with truffle contrast stitch and piping and truffle leather upper fascia ivory soft grain leather seats with Jet contrast stitch and piping and Jet leather upper fascia ivory soft grain leather seats with truffle contrast stitch and piping and truffle leather upper fascia ivory soft grain leather seats with oyster contrast stitch and piping and oyster leather upper fascia ivory soft grain leather seats with navy contrast stitch and piping and navy leather upper fascia london tan soft grain leather seats with navy contrast stitch and piping and navy leather upper fascia london tan soft grain leather seats with Jet contrast stitch and piping and Jet leather upper fascia suedecloth premium headlinings are available in canvas, ivory or Jet as shown above. 51 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: XJ & X J L SUPERCHARGED I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: PERFORMAnCE MAIn FE ATURES 5. 0L V 8 SUP ERCHARGED 470 H P 0-60 mPH SECONDS – 4.9 CITY (mPG) – 15* HIGHWAY (mPG) – 21* With these features of the XJL Portfolio model: WHEELS standard InTERIOR: soft grain leather heated and cooled front seats with massage soft grain leather heated and cooled rear seats soft grain leather interior with contrast stitch, piping and embossed leaper on headrests with soft grain leather dash fascia and door top rolls suedecloth premium headlining heated leather steering wheel Jaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless entry and Keyless start front and rear parking aid with touch-screen visual indicator and reverse park camera with guidance Blind spot monitor virtual instruments high definition touch-screen interactive voicetm 30gB hard drive for music storage, dvd, hd radio and sirius® satellite radio (subscription required) media hub with ipod®, usB port and Bluetooth® with wireless audio streaming Jaguarsensetm lighting and glovebox controls phosphor blue halo illumination and interior blue mood lighting four Zone automatic climate control dashboard mounted premium analog clock sun blinds for rear side windows‡ 20D Kasuga options 19D aleutian † 19D toba † 19D toba polished † 20D Kasuga polished 20D amirante 20D orona EXTERIOR: panoramic sunroof with electric blinds power opening and closing trunk power folding heated mirrors long wheelbase with 5 inches of extra rear seat legroom‡ Plus these additional features: 20D Kasuga wheels 470 hp supercharged v8 engine active differential Bowers & wilkins® 1200w premium sound system with 20 speakers rear seat business trays‡ powered rear window sunblind adaptive front lights with cornering lamps and intelligent high Beam supercharged script in side power vent *Based on epa estimate. actual mileage may vary. †all 19D wheels come with all-season tires and lower top speed ‡long wheelbase model only 20D orona polished 53 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: XJ & XJL SUPERCHARGED InTERIOR CHOICE VEnEERS option rich oak Burl walnut figured ebony satin elm piano Black carbon fiber I n T E R I O R CO M b I n AT I O n S HEADLInInG UPPER FASCIA S E AT T R I M A n D L E AT H E R InTERIOR SHOWn london tan soft grain leather seats with navy contrast stitch and piping, navy leather upper fascia, Burl walnut veneer and canvas suedecloth premium headlining Jet soft grain leather seats with ivory contrast stitch and piping and Jet leather upper fascia navy soft grain leather seats with ivory contrast stitch and piping and navy leather upper fascia cashew soft grain leather seats with truffle contrast stitch and piping and truffle leather upper fascia ivory soft grain leather seats with Jet contrast stitch and piping and Jet leather upper fascia ivory soft grain leather seats with truffle contrast stitch and piping and truffle leather upper fascia ivory soft grain leather seats with oyster contrast stitch and piping and oyster leather upper fascia ivory soft grain leather seats with navy contrast stitch and piping and navy leather upper fascia london tan soft grain leather seats with navy contrast stitch and piping and navy leather upper fascia london tan soft grain leather seats with Jet contrast stitch and piping and Jet leather upper fascia suedecloth premium headlinings are available in canvas, ivory or Jet as shown above. 55 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: XJ & X J L SUPERSPORT I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: PERFORMAnCE MAIn FE ATURES 5. 0L V 8 SUP ERCHARGED 5 1 0 HP 0-60 mPH SECONDS – 4.7 CITY (mPG) – 15* HIGHWAY (mPG) – 21* With these features of the XJ Supercharged model: InTERIOR: heated and cooled front seats with massage heated and cooled rear seats soft grain leather dash fascia and door top rolls Jaguar smart Key systemtm with Keyless entry and Keyless start front and rear parking aid with touch-screen visual indicator and reverse park camera with guidance Blind spot monitor virtual instruments high definition touch-screen interactive voicetm Bowers & wilkins® 1200w premium sound system with 20 speakers 30gB hard drive for music storage, dvd, hd radio and sirius® satellite radio (subscription required) media hub with ipod®, usB port and Bluetooth® with wireless audio streaming Jaguarsensetm lighting and glovebox controls phosphor blue halo illumination and interior blue mood lighting four Zone automatic climate control dashboard mounted premium analog clock sun blinds for rear side windows‡ powered rear window sunblind rear seat business trays‡ WHEELS standard 20D mataiva options 19D aleutian† 19D toba† 19D toba polished † 20D amirante 20D Kasuga 20D Kasuga polished 20D orona 20D orona polished EXTERIOR: panoramic sunroof with electric blinds power opening and closing trunk power folding heated mirrors active differential adaptive front lights with cornering lamps and intelligent high Beam long wheelbase with 5 inches of extra rear seat legroom‡ *Based on epa estimate. actual mileage may vary. †all 19D wheels come with all-season tires and lower top speed ‡long wheelbase model only Plus these additional features: 20D mataiva wheels 510 hp supercharged v8 engine semi aniline leather seats soft grain leather headlining six unique interior trim choices including tipped leather option illuminated air vents, door sills and trunk finisher heated wood and leather steering wheel (gloss woods only) rear seat entertainment system with dual 8-inch lcd screens mounted in the rear of the front seat headrests, touch-screen remote control and whitefire® emitter and two wireless headphones rear seats with recline, massage and adjustable lumbar and winged headrests front and rear‡ supersport script in side power vent 57 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: XJ & XJL SUPERSPORT InTERIOR CHOICE VEnEERS rich oak with linear laser inlay GLOVEbOX walnut curl piano Black satin Zebrano figured ebony with ribbon laser inlay carbon fiber mauveine lined glovebox on Jet/Jet interior T I P P E D L E AT H E R O P T I O n S I n T E R I O R CO M b I n AT I O n S HEADLInInG UPPER FASCIA S E AT T R I M A n D L E AT H E R InTERIOR SHOWn parchment semi aniline leather seats with Bordeaux contrast stitch and piping, Bordeaux leather upper fascia, figured ebony with ribbon laser inlay veneer and parchment leather headlining Bordeaux semi aniline leather seats with tonal stitch, Bordeaux leather upper fascia and parchment leather headlining london tan semi aniline leather seats with Jet contrast stitch, london tan piping, Jet leather upper fascia and parchment or Jet leather headlining Jet semi aniline leather seats with tonal stitch, Jet leather upper fascia and parchment or Jet leather headlining parchment semi aniline leather seats with truffle contrast stitch and piping, truffle leather upper fascia and parchment leather headlining parchment semi aniline leather seats with navy contrast stitch and piping, navy leather upper fascia and parchment leather headlining parchment semi aniline leather seats with Bordeaux contrast stitch and piping, Bordeaux leather upper fascia and parchment leather headlining Jet tipped leather upper fascia detail available on Jet/Jet interior truffle tipped leather upper fascia detail available on parchment/truffle interior 59 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: EXTERIOR COLORS SOLID Ebony M E TA L L I C Polaris White Ultimate Black** Jaguar designers developed the new color palette to reflect the vitality and elegance of the vehicle. Choose from Solid or Metallic paint colors. Xirallic paint is also available on selected Metallic colors and contains special particles to further enhance the sparkle of the paint. Racing Inspired finishes evoke the formidable sporting heritage of Jaguar. 60 **Xirallic paint †Available from November 2011 ‡British Racing Green replaces Botantical Green with January 2012 production Due to recent events, certain exterior paint colors may change or be in limited availability. Please consult your local authorized Jaguar dealer for complete information. Botanical Green** ‡ Stratus Gray** Lunar Gray Rhodium Silver I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: RACE INSPIRED Cashmere Crystal Blue Indigo** Caviar** Claret British Racing Green** † Italian Racing Red** 61 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: STA N DA R D F E AT U R E S ALL MODELS POWERTRAIN AND DRIVING DYNAMICS 6-speed electronic automatic transmission with Jaguar Sequential ShiftTM JaguarDrive ControlTM - Winter Mode JaguarDrive ControlTM - Dynamic Mode JaguarDrive SelectorTM DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) with Trac DSC mode Electric Parking Brake (EPB) - drive-away release Adaptive Dynamics Cruise Control with Automatic Speed Limiter (ASL) E X T E R I O R F E AT U R E S Twin tailpipes Heated rear window with timer Rain sensing windshield wipers Bi-function HID xenon headlights with washers and front LED signature lights LED tail lights Solar attenuating, hydrophobic and acoustically laminated glass Exterior mirrors with electric adjustment, heated, power folding, auto dimming with puddle lamps and memory function Solid or Metallic paint SAFETY AND SECURITY Emergency Brake Assist Reverse park camera with guidance Front and Rear parking aid with Touch-screen visual indicator 3-flash lane change indicators Remote control central locking with drive-away locking function Power trunk lid (open and close) Airbags - front and side (driver and front passenger) Airbags - side curtain Front seats - whiplash protection system Seat belt reminder (front and rear) with Virtual Instrument Display ISOFIX anchor points for rear child seats Blind Spot Monitor WHEELS Alloy space saver spare wheel Please consult your local Jaguar dealer for details and availability. Please refer to the glossary for a more detailed description of features. 62 I N T E R I O R F E AT U R E S Front and rear electric windows with one-touch open/close and anti-trap Panoramic glass roof - tilt/slide front section with electric blinds Steering column with electric adjustment for reach and height with entry and exit tilt-away Auto-dimming interior rear view mirror Front center console with illuminated stowage, auxiliary power socket and armrest Heated 3-spoke leather steering wheel Twin front cup holders Sun visor - driver and front passenger, with illuminated vanity mirrors Rear coat hooks Front and rear courtesy footwell lights Phosphor blue halo illumination and interior mood lighting Door puddle lamps (front and rear) Approach illumination (via remote) JaguarSenseTM - glovebox opening JaguarSenseTM - overhead light console operation (front) Driver’s foot rest Carpet mat set (front and rear) Intaglio (‘Jaguar’ script) Rear seats - center armrest with twin cup holders Jaguar premium analog clock Jaguar Smart Key SystemTM with Keyless entry and Keyless start Heated and cooled front seats/heated rear seats Leather seats, dash fascia and door panels M U LT I M E D I A Virtual Instruments 8-inch Touch-screen Single slot CD/DVD Interactive VoiceTM Interactive Controls Media Hub including Front Media Interface, Bluetooth® audio streaming HD Radio/Sirius Satellite Radio (subscription required) iPod® and USB audio connections Navigation system with hard disk drive STA N DA R D O N LO N G W H E E L BA S E Four Zone automatic climate control with air filtration, humidity sensing and Four Zone temperature control for driver, front passenger and independent control for left and right rear passengers Illuminated rear vanity mirrors Manual rear side window sunblinds L badge adjacent to XJ logo on trunk Heated and cooled rear seats I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C AT I O N S ENGINES 385 HP 5.0 LITER V8 AJ-V8 GEN III 470 HP 5.0 LITER V8 SUPERCHARGED AJ-V8 GEN III 510 HP 5.0 LITER V8 SUPERCHARGED AJ-V8 GEN III 8/4 3.64 (92.5) 3.66 (93.0) 305.1 (5,000) 385 6,500 380 3,500 11.5 6-speed automatic 8/4 3.64 (92.5) 3.66 (93.0) 305.1 (5,000) 470 6,000 - 6,500 424 2,500 - 5,500 9.5 6-speed automatic 8/4 3.64 (92.5) 3.66 (93.0) 305.1 (5,000) 510 6,000 - 6,500 461 2,500 - 5,500 9.5 6-speed automatic 5.4 121 (limited) 4.9 155 (limited)* 4.7 155 (limited)* Cylinders/Valves per Cylinder Bore in. (mm) Stroke in. (mm) Capacity cu. in. (cc) Maximum power HP-SAE @rev/min Maximum torque lb.ft @rev/min Compression ratio:1 Transmission PERFORMANCE Acceleration Top speed 0-60 MPH MPH F U E L C O N S U M P T I O N (1) City Highway Tank capacity Standard Wheelbase Long Wheelbase Standard Wheelbase Long Wheelbase Standard Wheelbase Long Wheelbase 16 23 21.7 15 22 21.7 15 21 21.7 15 21 21.7 15 21 21.7 15 21 21.7 W E I G H T (2) Curb weight Gross vehicle weight Standard Wheelbase Long Wheelbase Standard Wheelbase Long Wheelbase Standard Wheelbase Long Wheelbase 4,045 5,072 4,131 5,149 4,281 5,215 4,323 5,270 4,281 5,215 4,323 5,270 (lbs) (lbs) *Top speed limited to 121 mph if 19” wheels fitted. (1) Based on EPA estimate. Actual mileage may vary. (2) Please consult your local Jaguar dealer for details of changes associated with option fitment. Weights reflect vehicles to standard specifications. Optional extras increase weight. 63 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: OPTIONS IMPROVE ON PERFECTION Jaguar offers a wide range of enhanced specifications and customized features that can make every XJ uniquely individual. The extensive array of hand-picked extras offers the very best in luxury and performance. Although standard features are abundant, the options and packs available add an additional level of comfort to an already well appointed vehicle. 64 O O E X T E R I O R F E AT U R E S Adaptive Front Lighting, cornering lamps and Intelligent High Beam Heated front windshield P P 2 2 O O O O I N T E R I O R F E AT U R E S Dual Zone automatic climate control with air filtration, humidity sensing and dual zone temperature control for driver and front passenger Four Zone automatic climate control with air filtration, humidity sensing and Four Zone temperature control for driver, front passenger and independent control for left and right rear passengers Rear business trays (Long Wheelbase only) Front ashtray and cigar lighter Electric rear window sunblind INTERIOR TRIM Suedecloth premium headlining Soft grain leather headlining 3-spoke soft grain leather heated steering wheel with Jaguar Sequential ShiftTM paddles and remote controls for audio system, cruise control, Bluetooth® telephone connectivity and Interactive VoiceTM 3-spoke wood and leather heated steering wheel‡ with Jaguar Sequential ShiftTM paddles and remote controls for audio system, cruise control, Bluetooth® telephone connectivity and Interactive VoiceTM Active ventilated rear seats - heated and cooled Front seat massage 2 – – – P 2 2 2 – P 2 2 O O O O - P O O P 2 2 – – – – 2 2 2 2 O O O O 2 P 2 2 2 P 2 2 2 M U LT I M E D I A Jaguar 600W premium sound system with single slot CD/DVD, MP3 disc compatibility, hard disk drive (HDD) for audio files and 14 speakers Bowers & Wilkins® 1200W premium sound system with single slot CD/DVD, MP3 disc compatibility, hard disk drive (HDD) for audio files, remote power amplifier and 20 speakers including 2 subwoofers and 2 front door woofers Rear Seat Entertainment - dual 8-inch LCD screens (mounted in rear of front headrests) with rear Multimedia Interface, Touch-screen remote control and two sets of WhiteFire® digital wireless headphones PACKS Visibility Pack - Adaptive Front lights, cornering lamps and Intelligent High Beam Illumination Pack - Illuminated Jaguar script sill tread plates, illuminated front and rear air vents and illuminated trunk latch finishing plate Rear Seat Comfort Pack (Long Wheelbase XJL Supersport only) - reclining rear seats with massage, winged headrests and footrests Portfolio Pack - upgrades XJ to XJL Portfolio trim specifications Executive Pack - rear seat business trays, electric rear sunblind, wood and leather heated steering wheel‡, premium floor mats and chrome mirror covers X J & X J L S U P E R S P O RT X J & X J L S U P E R S P O RT O XJ & XJL SUPERCHARGED XJ & XJL SUPERCHARGED POWERTRAIN AND DRIVING DYNAMICS Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with Forward Alert and Advanced Emergency Brake Assist X J L P O RT F O L I O X J L P O RT F O L I O O O P T I O N A L F E AT U R E S XJ XJ I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: 2 2 – – O O 2 2 O O O 2 O O 2 2 O O O 2 – – – 2 O – – – – O – – Please consult your local Jaguar dealer for details and availability. Please refer to the glossary for a more detailed description of features. 2 Standard O Option P Option as part of Pack – Not available ‡Not available with Satin Veneers, Carbon Fiber or Piano Black 65 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: ACCESSORIES EXTERIOR STYLING CHROME MIRROR COVERS Chrome mirror covers accentuate the stylish design of the exterior mirrors. LOCKING WHEEL NUTS Protect your wheels with custom designed high security locking wheel nuts. WHEEL NUTS Enhance the look of your wheels with Jaguar logo branded black or chrome wheel nuts. WHEEL CENTER CAP - RED 66 SPLASH GUARDS Front and rear Jaguar branded splash guards complement the lines of the XJ and provide protection to the vehicle from dirt and stone chipping. I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: INTERIOR STYLING POLISHED CHROME EXHAUST FINISHERS Polished chrome exhaust finishers add the ultimate touch of power and refinement to the XJ, requires fitting kit. I L L U M I N AT E D S I L L T R E A D P L AT E S Elegantly styled aluminum sill tread plates illuminate when the driver or passenger doors are opened. Highlighted by soft phosphor blue lighting. S P O RT P E DA L COV E R S Made from stainless steel and rubber, the pedal kit fits securely over existing pedals for a contemporary, sporting appearance. 67 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: ACCESSORIES SAFETY & PROTECTION I N TA G L I O To add a further degree of individuality, the Jaguar branded Intaglio at the front of the XJ cabin can be personalized with your own name, inscription, design or logo. It is also offered with a variety of other designs, including XJ creator Ian Callum’s signature. R U B B E R F O O T W E L L M AT S Hard wearing Jaguar branded rubber mats provide added protection for your XJ carpets. L U G G AG E C O M PA RT M E N T N E T A set of two nets provide additional enclosed storage in the luggage compartment and help to secure loose items such as bags or small parcels. Jaguar recommend that these nets are ordered in conjunction with the Rear Seat Comfort Pack to enable stowage of footrest when not in use. L U G G A G E C O M PA RT M E N T P R E M I U M C A R P E T M AT Luxurious soft luggage mat in jet black with the Jaguar logo. Deep premium pile with nubuck edging and Dove contrast stitch. 68 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: L U G G AG E C O M PA RT M E N T L I N E R This premium liner tailored specifically for the XJ luggage compartment will protect the load space area of the trunk. Light and durable, it is easily removable for cleaning. I L L U M I N AT E D T R U N K F I N I S H E R Outlining the luggage compartment with thin phosphor blue lines of light this stylish Jaguar branded stainless steel finisher fills the area with a cool distinctive glow. SNOW SOCK WINTER TRACTION AID An innovative lightweight textile alternative to snow chains for traction in snowy and icy conditions. Please consult your local Jaguar dealer for the correct pack to suit your wheel and tire size. SPIKE SPYDER WINTER TRACTION AID High grip snow chain traction system for driving in snowy, muddy or icy conditions. Fits the rear wheels only. (not shown) A L L - W E AT H E R C A R C O V E R All-weather tailored cover for the XJ with the Jaguar logo. Protect your XJ from the elements, including showers, frost and dust. Quick and easy to fit. W A R N I N G T R I A N G L E - (not shown) 69 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: GLOSSARY POWERTRAIN AND DRIVING DYNAMICS TM JAGUAR SEQUENTIAL SHIFT Provides the choice of Drive, Sport Automatic or Manual gearshift modes, with one-touch paddles mounted behind the steering wheel to control gear changes up and down manually. J A G U A R D R I V E C O N T R O L TM Interacts with the DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) engine and transmission management systems to change the characteristics of engine mapping, transmission shifts and brake interventions. It offers different modes including Winter and Dynamic modes, selectable by buttons to optimize the vehicle response depending on driving conditions and style. WINTER MODE Softens the responsiveness of the engine and modifies the gear change strategy to help maintain optimum traction in slippery or adverse conditions. When active, Winter Mode also selects 2nd gear for pulling away on level ground (no incline). Dials and graphic details change in the Virtual Instruments when Winter Mode is selected. DYNAMIC MODE Optimizes vehicle systems to deliver a more involving driving experience. When selected, engine torque delivery characteristics and gear shift points are modified to further improve responsiveness. When selected while the transmission is in full manual mode, transmission up-shifts are fully controlled by the driver, with no automatic up-shift when the rev limit is reached. Dials and graphic details change in the Virtual Instruments when Dynamic Mode is selected. A D A P T I V E D Y N A M I C S (1) Provides the optimum balance between low speed ride comfort and high speed handling precision, analyzes body movement, steering and road wheel inputs up to 500 times a second and continuously adjusts the suspension settings through electronically controlled dampers. (1) ACTIVE DIFFERENTIAL An electronically controlled, active differential with Handling Functionality that limits the slip between the rear wheels to optimize traction and stability in different driving conditions, working in harmony with the Traction, ABS and DSC systems. C R U I S E C O N T R O L W I T H A U T O M A T I C S P E E D L I M I T E R ( A S L ) (1) In tandem with cruise control, an Automatic Speed Limiter (ASL) allows the driver to select a maximum speed not to be exceeded. 70 A D A P T I V E C R U I S E C O N T R O L ( A C C ) (1) Uses microwave radar technology to monitor for slower moving traffic and can alert the driver to potential hazards ahead. It also controls both throttle and brakes to help maintain a constant time gap to the vehicle in front. Forward Alert provides an audible warning if traffic ahead slows. A D V A N C E D E M E R G E N C Y B R A K E A S S I S T (1) An enhancement to the ACC function. Using the ACC radar, the system calculates distance and speed of approach to the vehicle in front and pre-charges the brakes to help minimize impact speed if a collision is anticipated. D Y N A M I C S T A B I L I T Y C O N T R O L ( D S C ) (1) Intervenes in demanding driving situations by applying braking to individual wheels and reducing engine torque. TRAC DSC MODE Provides a higher intervention threshold for the more skilled driver. E X T E R I O R F E AT U R E S A D A P T I V E F R O N T L I G H T I N G (1) Sensors react to the car’s speed and steering input; the system can deflect headlamp beams casting light deeper into corners, and giving added confidence at night. Intelligent High Beam will automatically switch the headlamps to high beam. When sensing preceding, oncoming traffic or street lights, the headlamps will automatically switch to low beam, maximizing driver visibility and appropriate beam usage. B L I N D S P O T M O N I T O R (1) Uses radar sensors to remotely monitor areas that cannot be seen either directly or by mirror, and alerts the driver of overtaking traffic with an amber warning icon in the external mirrors. F R O N T P A R K I N G A I D (1) Sensors are designed to detect obstacles in the front of the car and alerts the driver with both audible signal and visual display on the Touch-screen. R E V E R S E P A R K C A M E R A W I T H G U I D A N C E & R E A R P A R K I N G A I D (1) Combines a rear-facing camera with the Touch-screen information, it features colored distance guides and on-screen guidance lines that move according to steering wheel angle to indicate the area into which the car will reverse. The rear parking aid uses ultrasonic sensors mounted in the bumper and is designed to detect objects and provide an audible alert as well as a display on the center console Touch-screen. I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: INTERIOR THEMES & PACKS XJ INTERIOR THEME Soft grain leather seats with driver’s and passenger’s electric adjustment (16/12 way) including fore/aft, recline, cushion tilt, height, 2-way lumbar support and 3-position driver memory. Variable heated and active cooled front and heated rear seats with perforated leather. Soft grain leather on upper fascia, door top roll, arm rests and center console lid. XJL PORTFOLIO INTERIOR THEME Soft grain leather seats with embossed Leapers on headrests, contrast stitch and piping. Driver’s and passenger’s electric adjustment (20-way) including fore/aft, recline, cushion tilt, height, 4-way lumbar support, 3-position driver and passenger memory, front massage and adjustable bolster. Active ventilated seats - heated and cooled front and rear seats. Soft grain leather on upper fascia, door top roll, door pannier, door armrest and center console lid with twin needle stitch, and Suedecloth premium headlining. XJ & XJL SUPERCHARGED INTERIOR THEME Soft grain leather seats with embossed Leapers on headrests, contrast stitch and piping. Driver’s and passenger’s electric adjustment (20-way) including fore/aft, recline, cushion tilt, height, 4-way lumbar support, 3-position driver and passenger memory, front massage and adjustable bolster. Active ventilated seats - heated and cooled front and rear seats. Soft grain leather on upper fascia, door top roll, door pannier, door armrest and center console lid with twin needle stitch, and Suedecloth premium headlining. XJ & XJL SUPERSPORT INTERIOR THEME Semi aniline leather seats with embossed Leapers on headrests offered in six different interior themes. Driver’s and passenger’s electric adjustment (20-way) including fore/aft, recline, cushion tilt, height, 4-way lumbar support, 3-position driver and passenger memory, front seat massage and adjustable bolster. Active ventilated seats - heated and cooled front and rear seats. Soft grain leather on upper fascia, door top roll, door pannier, door armrest, seat valance, center console lid and end cap, with twin needle stitch, and leather headlining. Includes Mauveine lined glovebox with Jet colorway. PORTFOLIO PACK Upgrade the XJ to the Portfolio Interior Theme including extended Portfolio interior trim color and veneer choice, Portfolio soft grain leather seats with electric driver’s and passenger’s adjustment (20/20 way), front seats with massage functionality, active ventilated front and rear seats – heated and cooled, Four Zone automatic climate control, premium carpet mat set (front and rear) and Suedecloth Premium headlining. Available only on the XJ. E XECUTIVE PACK Features rear seat business trays finished in hand crafted veneer, electric rear sunblind, wood and leather heated steering wheel, premium floor mats and chrome mirror covers. Available only on the XJL Portfolio. SAFETY AND SECURITY A I R BAG A N D S E AT O CC U PA N T S E N S I N G SYST E M Side airbags, curtain airbags and two-stage driver and front passenger airbags, all controlled by a seat occupant sensing system. An Anti-Whiplash System is built into the front seats of the XJ, and ‘soft-landing’ technology in the seat-belt retractors soften contact with the airbags in the front. POWER TRUNK LID WITH CUSTOMIZABLE HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT The trunk lid is opened and closed electronically, with either a single press on the remote key, a switch inside the trunk lid or by the external bumper switch. The trunk lid is easily programmed to open to your required height. I N T E R I O R F E AT U R E S J A G U A R S E N S E TM An electronic control system that operates the front overhead console lights and opening of the glovebox by a light touch. LONG WHEELBASE Long Wheelbase models feature additional space in the rear cabin with 44 inches of rear legroom, 5 inches more than the Standard Wheelbase. Additional features as standard include Four Zone automatic climate control with independent temperature controls for rear seat passengers, illuminated rear vanity mirrors, and rear passenger window manual sunblinds. Rear business trays, finished in hand crafted veneer, are also standard on XJL Supercharged and XJL Supersport, and optional on XJL Portfolio with Exectuive Pack. J A G U A R S M A R T K E Y S Y S T E M TM With the Jaguar Smart Key in your pocket or bag, the car automatically unlocks as you pull the door handle. Simply depress the brake pedal and push the ignition button to start the engine. Upon leaving, simply press a button on the door handle to lock the car or use the Jaguar Smart Key. R E A R S E AT CO M F O RT PAC K Features two independently reclining rear seats with 4-way adjustable lumbar support and massage function, winged headrests for front and rear seats, angled rear seat footrests and front seat passenger away function. Standard only on the XJL Supersport. F O U R Z O N E C L I M AT E CO N T RO L Adds independent automatic temperature control for left and right rear passengers in addition to the front Dual Zone. D U A L Z O N E C L I M AT E CO N T RO L With humidity control, air filtration and dual temperature control for driver and front passenger. I L L U M I N AT I O N PAC K Phosphor blue illumination in front and rear air vents, illuminated door sill tread plates and trunk latch finisher. Standard on Supersport models, optional on all other models. 71 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: GLOSSARY M U LT I M E D I A (2) VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTS Virtual Instruments 12.3-inch screen with TFT (Thin Film Transistor) technology replaces a traditional instrument cluster. Virtual information display includes speed, RPM, distance, trip computer functionality and key information for navigation, audio and telephone. Includes normal, Winter and Dynamic Mode displays. T O U C H - S C R E E N (2) 8-inch color Touch-screen display that controls major functions simply and intuitively including audio, climate control, Bluetooth® telephone connectivity, trip computer and navigation. This allows mechanical buttons to be reduced to a discreet panel below the navigation screen. INTERACTIVE CONTROLS Two 5-way steering wheel mounted controls allow the driver to manage frequently-used functions via Virtual Instrument menus without taking hands off the wheel or looking at Touch-screen menus. Additional controls below the steering wheel spokes operate Cruise Control, telephone and Interactive VoiceTM functions. I N T E R A C T I V E V O I C E T M (2)( 3) Using ‘Say What You See’ technology to guide the user to the correct commands for voice control of audio, Bluetooth® telephone connectivity and navigation. When in operation, audible prompts as well as all commands appear within the Virtual Instrument Display. MEDIA HUB The Media Hub allows various devices to be connected to the car, whether wirelessly via the Bluetooth® audio streaming or through the Front Media Interface for audio and video. Located in the center console storage box, a docking panel includes a 3.5mm auxiliary jack plug socket, a 12-volt power supply, plus two USB connectors that allow connectivity with a wide range of USB devices. The dock is compatible with most iPod® devices from Generation 3 to the latest iPod® touch. It will also support any USB mass-storage device such as a memory stick, and MP3 digital music player with USB connectivity. Full function control of iPod® or MP3 digital music player is available through the Touch-screen menus enabling easy search by artist, album title or song title, genre and playlists. 72 S I N G L E S L O T C D / D V D (1) Single slot CD/DVD which is capable of playing video and audio discs. File formats include Windows Media Audio (WMA), AAC, DVD Audio and Video and MP3 digital music. FRONT MEDIA INTERFACE Part of Media Hub, it allows the connection of an iPod®, MP3 digital music player or two USB Mass Storage Devices to the in-car sound system, each independently controlled via the 8-inch Touch-screen and steering wheel mounted controls. REAR MEDIA INTERFACE Part of Media Hub, it allows the connection of an iPod®, MP3 digital music player or one USB Mass Storage Device in the rear when Rear Seat Entertainment is fitted. BLUETOOTH® AUDIO STREAMING Enables hands free use of a compatible phone at any time when the phone is in the car through the Touchscreen. Bluetooth® also provides the ability to stream audio content, and full function control enables easy track selection. Bluetooth® is compatible with many cell phones from most manufacturers including Apple, BlackBerry and HTC. J A G U A R 6 0 0 W P R E M I U M S O U N D S Y S T E M (1) With a powerful 12-channel Class-D, DSP amplifier featuring Audyssey MultEQ® audio equalization, a hard disk drive (HDD) for storage of up to 10 CDs of uncompressed music and Dynamic Volume Control with 14 speakers, including two subwoofers and two 8-inch front door woofers. In addition to the cabin audio output this system features three additional audio channels which can be accessed through the WhiteFire® digital wireless headphones when Rear Seat Entertainment is specified. B O W E R S & W I L K I N S ® 1 2 0 0 W P R E M I U M S O U N D S Y S T E M (1) With Dolby® Pro Logic® IIx and DTSTM Neo:6®, a hard disk drive (HDD) for storage of up to 10 CDs of uncompressed music and 20 speakers including two subwoofers and two front door woofers. In addition to the cabin audio output this system features three additional audio channels which can be accessed through the WhiteFire® digital wireless headphones when Rear Seat Entertainment is specified. The headphone system includes Dolby® Headphone Surround when listening to the DVD source. I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: N A V I G A T I O N S Y S T E M W I T H H D D M A P P I N G (2) Hard Disk Drive (HDD) based system, providing faster access to data with voice guidance, voice control input and Traffic Messaging Channel (TMC)/Dynamic Route Guidance, accessed through Touchscreen control system. The Navigation system interacts with the Virtual Instruments on approach to a junction or turn and navigation information will be displayed in the information dial in the Virtual Instruments. T R A F F I C M E S S A G E C H A N N E L ( T M C ) (2) A specific application of the FM Radio Data System (RDS) used for broadcasting real-time traffic. Data messages are received silently and decoded by the TMC-enabled navigation system and can offer dynamic route guidance, alerting the driver of a problem on the planned route and calculating an alternative route to avoid the incident. R E A R S E A T E N T E R T A I N M E N T (4) State of the art digital Rear Entertainment system with dual 8-inch screens controlled by a rear Touch-screen remote control that docks and charges in the rear center armrest. The system also includes a Rear Media Interface, that allows connectivity with a wide range of USB devices. With Rear Seat Entertainment fitted rear passengers can watch DVD or streamed video via the Rear Media Interface. The system includes dual WhiteFire® digital wireless headphones and transmitter. W H E E L S P E C I F I C AT I O N S 19D Aleutian alloy wheels 19D Toba alloy wheels 19D Toba Polished alloy wheels 20D Amirante alloy wheels 20D Kasuga alloy wheels 20D Kasuga Polished alloy wheels 20D Orona alloy wheels 20D Orona Polished alloy wheels 20D Mataiva alloy wheels FRONT REAR 9.0J x 19D 9.0J x 19D 9.0J x 19D 9.0J x 20D 9.0J x 20D 9.0J x 20D 9.0J x 20D 9.0J x 20D 9.0J x 20D 10.0J x 19D 10.0J x 19D 10.0J x 19D 10.0J x 20D 10.0J x 20D 10.0J x 20D 10.0J x 20D 10.0J x 20D 10.0J x 20D (1) These features are not a substitute for driving safely with due care and attention and will not function under all circumstances, speeds, weather and road conditions. The driver should not assume that these features will correct errors of judgement in driving. Please consult owner’s manual or your local authorized Jaguar dealer for more details. (2) The navigation system must always be used in conditions that will not affect the driver’s ability to drive safely or affect the safety of other road users. (3) Interactive Voice - please consult your local Jaguar dealer for language availability. (4) Different DVDs exist in different regions. Please consult your local Jaguar dealer for details of which countries are covered by the DVD supplied with your vehicle. 73 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: XJ OWNERSHIP EXPERIENCE S E RV I C E , A SS U R A N C E , A N D P E AC E O F M I N D A R E A L L PA RT O F T H E P R I D E O F OW N I N G YO U R N E W X J . J A G U A R P L A T I N U M C O V E R A G E* JAGUAR MERCHANDISE The passion we put into building our vehicles continues long after you drive away in one with an ownership program called Jaguar Platinum Coverage. For 4 years/50,000 miles on all 2012 Jaguar cars, Jaguar Platinum Coverage includes complimentary schedule maintenance, 4/50 New Vehicle Limited Warranty and 24/7 roadside assistance. The only thing that surpasses the beauty of driving a 2012 Jaguar car is the beauty of owning one. To extend Jaguar luxury to other facets of your life, we offer the Jaguar Collection, a beautiful range of products that carry the Jaguar name and logo. The collection features exclusive leisure and sporting wear, travel accessories, scale models and much more. Visit www.JaguarUSA.com/collection or contact your local authorized Jaguar dealer for a merchandise collection catalog. TOTA L C A R E J A G U A R V E H I C L E A C C E S S O R I E S ** Seamless support for your new Jaguar car so you can relax and drive. A combination of vehicle warranty, paint and corrosion protection and Jaguar Assistance. Jaguar vehicle accessories enable you to personalize your car, to create a driving experience that is even more individually rewarding. All Jaguar accessories are tested rigorously for safety and durability in the most arduous of climates and conditions. With a comprehensive range of styling options and interior and exterior accessories, you can tailor your Jaguar vehicle to suit your personal style. What’s more, every accessory is covered for 12 months unlimited mileage or the balance of the New Vehicle Limited Warranty, whichever is greater. W A R R A N T Y (1) Jaguar Cars offers a comprehensive, 4 year/50,000 mile New Vehicle Limited Warranty as well as a 6-year/unlmited mileage Corrosion Protection Limited Warranty. J A G U A R A S S I S TA N C E (2) Handled by Jaguar-trained specialists, this incident management program provides complimentary towing service, jump-starts, lockout assistance, gasoline delivery, tire changes and trip routing help, 24/7. Just call 1.800.4.JAGUAR. JAGUAR FINANCIAL GROUP Available both for individuals and businesses, Jaguar Financial Group offers leasing and financing packages that can meet most needs. Ask your local authorized Jaguar dealer for details. AWARD WINNING JAGUAR DEALERS Jaguar ownership begins with an award-winning dealership experience. It continues with the outstanding support from dealership service teams dedicated to maintaining your vehicle’s condition and performance. You will find only the best factory-trained technicians at authorized Jaguar dealers. Any genuine Jaguar Accessories (excluding gift items and luggage from Jaguar Collection) supplied and fitted by an authorized Jaguar dealer within one month or 1,000 miles (whichever occurs first) of a new vehicle being put into service will benefit from the same warranty terms and duration as the New Vehicle Limited Warranty. Accessories purchased outside of this period will be subject to 12 month unlimited mileage warranty. JAGUAR MAGAZINE Jaguar Magazine is the official magazine of Jaguar Cars. It features the new Jaguar XJ, XK and XF, and the worlds of luxury, style, design and travel. Also available, a fully interactive iPad® app takes the very best of the print edition of the Magazine and adds extra images, and exclusive information, allowing you to explore the world of Jaguar in a whole new way. JAGUARUSA.COM Visit the official web site to access the dealer locator, car configurator, price lists, model comparisons and more. Sign up for “Keep Me Informed” to receive all the latest news and special offers. *Jaguar Platinum Coverage includes all factory scheduled maintenance for four years or 50,000 miles, whichever occurs first. All work must be performed by an authorized Jaguar dealer. For complete details on Jaguar Platinum Coverage, including warranty and maintenance coverage and exclusions, please vist your local Jaguar Dealer or Jaguar USA.com. **All Jaguar approved accessories are rigorously tested to the same exacting standards as those applied to our vehicles. Performance in extreme hot and cold temperatures, corrosion resistance, impact and airbag deployment highlight some of the exhaustive product testing carried out so that Accessories are both durable and importantly, continue to comply with current legalization. (1) See your authorized Jaguar dealer for complete terms and conditions of limited warranty coverage. All elements of Jaguar Assistance are available only while your Jaguar New Vehicle Limited Warranty is in effect. (2) 74 I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: IMPORTANT NOTICE Jaguar Cars Limited is constantly seeking ways to improve the specification, design and production of its vehicles and alterations take place continually. Whilst every effort is made to produce up-to-date literature, this brochure should not be regarded as an infallible guide to current specifications, nor does it constitute an offer for the sale of any particular vehicle. Distributors and dealers are not agents of Jaguar Cars Limited and have absolutely no authority to bind Jaguar Cars Limited by any express or implied undertaking or representation. Illustrations in this brochure may include optional extras. ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICE Jaguar Cars Limited has a vision of being amongst the world’s leading companies in demonstrating progress towards sustainability. We aim to do this by contributing to a better quality of life, with corporate citizenship at the very heart of our company, and by reducing our environmental footprint through innovative design and manufacturing, minimizing resource and energy use. Environmental responsibility is a core value in Jaguar, and it is our policy to continually improve our environmental standards in all areas of business activity. This brochure is produced using certified FSC® mixed sources material from well managed forests and is manufactured under a strict ISO 14001 environment system. 10% of this material is recovered fiber, diverting waste from landfill. The innovative use of aluminum construction is one tangible example of the commitment by Jaguar Cars Limited continually to pursue technologies that support efficiency and sustainability. In addition to its engineering and dynamic benefits, lightweight aluminum construction contributes to fuel efficiency, and therefore helps create fewer emissions – supporting Jaguar Cars Limited’s policy of responsible design and manufacture. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Jaguar Cars Limited is under license. iPod®, iPod touch® and iPad® are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Dolby® and Pro Logic® are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. DTSTM and Neo: 6® are registered trademarks of DTS Inc. Audyssey MultEQ® is a registered trademark of Audyssey Laboratories, Inc. WhiteFire® is a registered trademark of Unwired Technology LLC and any use of such marks by Jaguar Cars Limited is under license. Bowers & Wilkins® is a registered trademark of B&W Group Limited. Jaguar Cars 555 MacArthur Boulevard, Mahwah, NJ 07430-2327 JaguarUSA.com I nf or mat i onPr ov i dedby: Jaguarusa.com 800.4.Jaguar (800.452.4827)