Assignment 11-02 Business Skills: Writing

Assignment 11-02
Business Skills: Writing
Activity: Case Study: Writing Assignment: Article about the Competition
Objective/Task: Analyse and discuss a case study; Write a magazine article describing
the recent leather ware event.
Assignment: Students analyse and discuss a case study that concerns a competition to
invent a new product made out of leather, on pages 60-61. They present their product
ideas to the class. Then they write an article about the competition.
Introduce the activity by writing the following questions on the board. Have students
read page 60 to find the answers. Then go over the answers with the class.
- What is the ILA? (International Leatherware Association)
- What awards does it make? (It gives prizes to companies with outstanding ideas
for new leather products.)
- Why is the event important to the competitors? (It provides valuable publicity.)
Students read the case study information on pages 60-61 and tell them to start thinking
about possible new leather products.
Unit 7 Case Study Organiser: Guidelines for Product Development
Directions: Fill in the information below as you plan your new leather product with
your partner.
1. Plan your opening sentence. Decide how you will introduce yourselves. Plan one
sentence in which you tell the audience what you're going to talk about. (See the
"Useful Language for Making Presentations.")
2. Name your new product idea.
3. Describe the product's:
• design
• features
• consumer benefits
4. Describe the product's target market.
5. Mention other competing products.
6. Present your strategy for the new product:
• Branding, packaging, other product features (e.g., guarantee)
• Pricing strategy
• Distribution (What sales outlets will be used?)
• Promotion (What advertising, product launch and sales promotions will be used?)
7. Describe any ideas for television or radio commercials.
Writing Assignment: Article About the Competition
Unit 7 Case Study: International Leatherware
Write a 200-word article about the Leatherware competition for your company's inhouse magazine. The focus is to inform your colleagues about the recent
Leatherware event. Include the products that were introduced and the winner of the
event. Give your opinion with reasons about whether or not the judges made the
best choice.
Use the Newsline article at the top of page 61 as a model.