ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE ROOTS OF A POLYNOMIAL WITH INTEGRAL COEFFICIENTS ROBERT BREUSCH The following question has been raised by D. H. Lehmer1 in connection with prime number problems: "If e is a positive quantity, to find a polynomial of the form f(z)=zT+aiZr~1+ - ■ ■ +ar where the a's are integers, such that the absolute value of the product of those roots of / which lie outside the unit circle, lies between 1 and 1 + e. " Lehmer calls this absolute value ß(/). Since, for f(z)=z2 —z —1, 0(f) = 1.6 • • • , we may assume e<l, and therefore ar= +1. Then ß(f) may be written in the form YLn-i I z»| [l"""> where the z„ are the roots of f(z). It is shown in this paper that no nonreciprocal polynomial f(z) exists with ß(/) < 1.179. Lehmer himself gives an example of a reciprocal polynomial of degree 10 for which 0(f) is less than this, namely 1.176 • • • ; no nonreciprocal polynomial seems to be known for which ß(f) < 1.32. Thus the present result is still far from being a complete answer to the question. Let/(z)=zr-r-aizr-1-f■ • • ±1 be a nonreciprocal polynomial with integral coefficients, irreducible in the rational field. The proof makes use of the resultant R(f, g) oif(z) and the polynomial g(z) m ±zrf(í/z) = zr+ • • • . All the roots of g(z) are of the form zX=zZx where the z„ are the conjugates of the roots z„ of f(z). Since/(z) and g(z) are irreducible and different, have integral coefficients and highest coeffi- cients 1, | R(f, g) | = Xln-i ITm-i I 2»~2m| must be not less than 1. I R(J, g) I - II n™l II \z^-zt\ ■\zm-z*n\-f[\zn- m>n z*n\=Pi-P2. n—1 If 0(f) = k, it will be shown in Lemma 2 that Pi < k2r•rT, and in Lemma 3thatPig(4(*-l)/r)'. Lemma 1. Pi=II«-i value compatible Hm>n |z„-z£| with the two conditions Iln-i k| "•»»= * (K*<2) ■[zm-z^j (I) [In-i has the greatest [z„|=l, (II) for \zi\ =k, |*| = • • • =|zr_i| =1, \Zr\=l/k. Proof. For n = \, 2, • • • , r, call bn values of the z„ for which Pi takes its greatest value when restricted by conditions I and II. Presented to the Society, April 28, 1951 ; received by the editors January 2, 1951. 1 D. H. Lehmer, Factorization of certain cyclotomic functions, Ann. of Math. vol. 34 (1933) p. 476. 939 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 940 ROBERTBREUSCH [December Assume that at least two of the b's are absolutely greater than 1, for example, |¿>i| >1, |i>2| >1. Pi may be rewritten in the form r Pi = (Zl - Z21)(Z2 — ZV1)' II * (Zl — Zn)(Zn — ZTX)(Z2 — Zñ1)(Zn ~ Z2l) •II II (Zn - Zm)(Zm— Zn) n=3 m>n The expression within the absolute bars is now an analytic function of Zi and z2 (but not of the remaining z's). Calling this expression P(zi, z2, z3, • • • , zr), and introducing A =¿>i52 (with 1< | A | ^k), our assumption implies that F(z, A/z, b3, • • • , br) which is analytic in 1 á | z\ ú\A\ takes its largest value in this region for z = Z»i.But this is impossible, for bi is by assumption an interior point of this region, because 1 < | bi | < | A \. Interchanging the z„ with the z* does not change Pi; thus not two of the | ¿>*| can be greater than 1, that is, not two of the | bn\ can be less than 1. Therefore (by proper arrangement of the subscripts) Pi takes its greatest value for Zi = £ei(\ z* = (\/k)ei6\ zT=(l/k)eie', z* = keie', Zn = eif", z*n=Zn (Kn<r). LEMMA2.Pi<k2rrr. Proof. Using the values found in Lemma 1, we get, for l<«<r' | zi - zl I • I z„ - z* I = I kem - eie"\-| = k | Zr — Zn | • | Zn — Zr | = Zr | • | Zr - keiS»- em \ ^-\zi-Zn\2 (since \kei6n —eie,\ = \ei>n —keiSl\ ). Similarly, | Zl - k Zl \ = | ß"1 - for l<n<r, *• | Zr — Zn |2, Ci9' |2 < | Zl - Zr |*. Therefore r-l r-l Pi < | Zl - Zr|2- II I 21- Zn|2- | Zr- Z„|2- IT IT | «. ~ Zm\2 n=2 n*=2 n<,m<r =n n n—1 Zn -- *_ Z « m>n License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 195»] DISTRIBUTIONOF THE ROOTSOF A POLYNOMIAL 941 The function ««)-^(»-T),n<«-''(T-)" •n n . iz„-2ro|2 n=2 n<m<r is analytic for 1 á | z| :£ °°, and has therefore its greatest absolute value in this region for \z\ =1. But for |z\ = 1, |G(z)| is the absolute value of the discriminant of the polynomial whose r roots z, ZiZr/z, z2, ■ ■ • , z,—i,all lie on the unit circle. This is known2 to be not greater than rr. Therefore \G(z)\ <r* lor |z|>l, and Pi<|z?| • | G(zx)| <k2T-rT. Lemma 3. // the z„ satisfy conditions I and 11 of Lemma 1, then P»-]I;-i|*.-*î|3(4(*-l)/r)'. Proof. = l+€n>l If |z„| =l+e„^l for » = 1, 2, • • • , s, and |z*| —|«»|—* for n = s+l, ■ ■ ■, r, then |z„-z*| =| |zj -|2»l_1| =1 +€„-l/(l+€n)á2enforn = l,2, • • ■, r. Also, since Ilñ-i (l+O =*, and IIfl-«+i(l+«n) =k, 1+ ¿„.i€„á^, 1+ Zn»«+iCn^k,and XXi«n £2(*-l). Therefore P2^ ffi-i Theorem. (2e.) ^(4(¿-l)/r)'. If f(z) is a nonreciprocal irreducible polynomial with inte- gral coefficientand highest coefficient1, then fi(/) = k > 1.179. Proof. If r is the degree of f(z), the statement rect for \ar\ >1, since k^t \ar\. is obviously cor- Thus we may assume by Lemmas 2 and 3, \R(f,g)\ =PiP2<k2rr'(4(k-l)/r)r This must be not less than 1; therefore ±k2(k-\) Amherst \ar\ =1. Then = (U2(k-l))r. ¿1, *> 1.179. College 11. Schur, Ueber die Verteilung der Wurzeln bei gewissen algebraischen Gleichungen mit ganzzahligen Koefiizienten, Math. Zeit. vol. 1 (1918) p. 385. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use