WORKSOFMERCY–GuidelinesforGroupLeaders TVBWITHOUTINTERRUPTION!"BURYTHEDEAD" PREPARINGFORTHEMEETING Death:adifficultissuetoaddress • Thetendencyinourcultureistodismissthetopicofdeath.Peopledon’twanttofaceitand especiallyavoidtalkingaboutitwithteensandchildren.Theresultisthatyoungpeopledon’t knowhowtomournalovedone,afriendoranacquaintanceinawaythathelpsthemtogrow. • Deathisnotunknowntoyoungpeople.Manyofthemhavealreadyexperiencedthelossofa familymemberorfriend,whocontinuetoliveintheirmemories.Theyabsorbwhatthemass media conveys about death, often without an opportunity to meet and talk about their feelings,questionsandfears. • Buryingthedeadisanexpressionofhumancompassion,butalsoawitnesstoourfaith inthefullandeternallifeinGod.ForChristians,deathistheencounterwithJesus,withGod who is Love. The cult of the dead, also present in many societies and traditional religions, showshowhumanbeingshavewithinthehopeofalifeafterdeath. Whatattitudesshouldbeencouragedintheyouth? • Toaddresstheissueofdeathandofsorrowforthosewhohavepassedontothenextlife,you need to create the right setting. Prepare an atmosphere of openness and great trust, with plentyoftime,peaceandquiet,withoutinterruptions,respectingtheviewsandexperiences, andalsothesilence,ofeachindividual.Bringingoutthefeelings,questionsandconvictions of the youth helps center on this important experience in life which they often face unprepared. • WecanencouragearelationshipwiththosewhoareintheHeavenlyMariapolis:eitherwith visitstothecemetery,caringforthegraves,etc.,orbymakingknownsomemomentsoftheir livesandprayingforthem,withtheintentionofcontinuingtheloverelationshipthatbindsus togetherevenafterdeath. • Inthecontextofacommunity,thisaspectoflifeisanopportunitytogivecomfortandsupport tooneanother,orstayingclosetofamilieswhohaverecentlylostalovedone,ortoremember togetherourdeceased. Someusefultextstoexplorethetopic CHIARA LUBICH, Like a rainbow, nature and physical life, Rome 2000, pp. 74 – 77 (attachment bury_A1 (odocx ChiaraLubich–BurytheDead2) BEFORETHEMEETING Whointhecommunitycanweinvolve?How? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ WORKSOFMERCY–GuidelinesforGroupLeaders TVBWITHOUTINTERRUPTION!"BURYTHEDEAD" ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ FICI) STEPSTOTAKETOGETHER(SPECIFICGOALS) • Encouragethesharingoffeelingsandexperiencesrelatedtothelossofalovedone,etc. • Promoteactionsthatshowrespectandcarefortheholinessofburialplacesandthedead. • Strengthen belief in the resurrection of the body and in the certainty that the love relationshipwiththosewhoarenowintheHeavenlyMariapoliscontinues. MATERIALSSUITABLEFORYOUTH PPT Hearts in Action live: Experiences of young people in "bury the dead" (attachment 07 PPT Burythedead) CHIARA LUBICH, ResponsetoSuperCongressofYouthforUnity,Arrivederci,Rome,May26,2002− attachmentburythedead_R2(ordocversion ChiaraLubich–BurytheDead1) PPT of gen 3 of the Heavenly Mariapolis − the life of Paulinha and of Mark, John Victor, Christopher,DavidandAndré Proposalsforactivitiestohelpdevelopthemeeting: • "DiadelosMuertos":ananimatedcartoonwithoutwordsthatpresentstheMexican traditionofhonoringthedeceasedandourrelationshipwiththem • Gospelpassage:"TheResurrectionofLazarus"withquestionsanddirectionsforan easierinternalizationofthetextattachment_bury_the_dead_R4(ordocxversion) • Forafilmforumwithdialogueandreflection:"LetterstoGod"(original:LetterstoGod), USA2010.Thefilm(translatedintoseverallanguages)givesanexplanationofthe supernaturalsignificanceofsufferinganddeathandthevalueofprayer.TrailerinEnglish EVALUATION • In this meeting have we strengthened our team spirit and sharing among all? Has this increasedtheclimateoftrustandmutuallove?HaveweexperiencedthepresenceofJesus amongus? • Does it seem that hope in the resurrection and our relationship with the deceased has beenstrengthened? • Haveweputthesewordsintopracticeindailylife,possiblywithsomeconcreteaction? • Haveweinvolvedthecommunity? WORKSOFMERCY–GuidelinesforGroupLeaders TVBWITHOUTINTERRUPTION!"BURYTHEDEAD" Findthematerialonthewebsiteforgroupleaders. CHIARA LUBICH Marino (Ice Palace), May 25, 2002, Gen 3 Supercongress Death frightens me terribly! To know that I won’t wake up anymore, that I won't be able to grow anymore, that I won’t be able to know anymore makes me even more fearful. I’d like to know how I can deal with this fear that I have? You’re afraid of death. This is understandable! No one is happy to see a dead person, no one! We are all frightened, saddened. However, we must be careful here to consider things in the right way. We say that death exists and it doesn’t exist. There is death for those who see you from the outside, for those who close your eyes, who see that you are not breathing anymore; but inside, you see, you see Jesus – this is in accordance with our Christian creed – Jesus appears to you as a judge to judge you… the life that you lived, but it’s always him and he is love. If you tried to love in your life, you’ll be able to repeat what that man who died a few days ago said: “I’m not afraid because my judge is my friend.” He had been his friend all his life through, and so he wasn’t afraid of the judge. So we must be careful and consider death in the right way, because we continue to live, we continue to live. Then you say: “I’m afraid of not waking up anymore!” But you do wake up! Another truth of our faith is the resurrection of the body. We will rise up more beautiful than we are now. In fact, we feel this so strongly, first of all, because Jesus rose, and 500 people saw him. He remained on earth for another 40 days to stay with his disciples and to lay the foundations of the Church. So if he rose and if he tells us: look, you will rise, we will rise. We feel this so strongly that when someone leaves…. The Movement is very vast and so people leave almost every day. When I hear: “He left…!” I don’t say: “What a pity!” Certainly, I pray that he goes to heaven, as high in heaven as possible. But then I say: “Until we meet again, until we meet again!” Because we will see one another again, we will see one another again. Many others are afraid too, like boys and girls who might say: “Oh, when my Mom dies, how…? And when my Dad dies…?” If this happens, you must not only cry, certainly, it’s logical, it’s human to cry, but say: “Until we meet again, until we meet again!” because this is the way it is. Then you say that you’re afraid that you won’t be able to know anymore. We do know, we do know…. We have the other life! This proves that there is another life, and it’s eternal. We will know more and more, more and more. Oh, what a heaven it will be! Gen 3 Congress, Castelgandolfo, January 6, 1999 Why does God, who can do all things, allow illness to take away from us the people we love so much? Because God knows things better than we do. He knows the value of suffering, suffering usually comes before death, and he knows the reason for death. He knows people better than we do and he knows that people are not only made to stay here on this earth for a few years, but that then there is eternity, there’s heaven, or also hell, if we don’t correspond to the grace of God. So we don’t understand the reason for suffering, for that headache, for that illness. He knows the reason for suffering. If he wanted to, he could have found another way to save us all. For example, he could have said: “I am coming like a great glorious king and I call everyone to the kingdom of God, saying ‘Come, I’ll bring you to heaven.’” Or else he could have said: “I’ll transform myself into music and I’ll sing all over the earth and draw all people into heaven.” Or who knows what else he could have said. Instead, he said: “I will go up on the cross and die,” because he knew that suffering is the most precious thing. “You, Lord, are my only good.” Why? Because it’s the most precious thing, the most precious thing! He chose suffering. And so we naturally ask: “Among all the possibilities that you had, why did you, Jesus, choose suffering?” I understood that He chose suffering, and he wants us to love suffering, too, because then for all eternity, we won’t have to say: “You saved me, you really had to come, you did everything, I’m nothing.” No, he wanted us to go to heaven holding our heads up high, saying: “With your grace, Jesus, I did my part, too. I embraced suffering, too.” Because he wants us to be sons and daughters with dignity, who know how things are. So suffering is the most precious thing there is. OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THOSE WHO HAVE REACHED THE HEAVENLY MARIAPOLIS “What should our relationship be with our brothers and sisters who have already reached the Heavenly Mariapolis? It’s a two-fold relationship: one with their body and one with their soul. Regarding their bodies we have a great desire: that they should be transferred, if possible, and buried near the places where we live, in the permanent Mariapolises that are being built. We feel for them a similar love to that of the first Christians for their martyrs. We want them to be surrounded by an atmosphere not of death but of life. We would like them to be laid to rest in marvelous gardens, where we can go and pray for them and remember their life and their example. As far as their soul is concerned, we can have a relationship with them that is essentially the one which we already had with them when they were on earth. And this relationship can be even greater. In fact, if something has remained in them, it is charity, the charity they had towards us in life and which has now been made perfect. For our part, we must have charity towards them. We can only love them through that work of mercy that tells us to pray for the living and the dead. If we pray for them, with the intention of giving them our tribute of love, they will certainly not fail to do their part, as we are already experiencing. These brothers and sisters of ours remind us that our movement is a mystery of suffering. Yet, just as we see the life of God in the sick which does not decrease with suffering but which increases, so too if we accept with joy this separation from them, which God has ordained, they will remain united with us, not only in the city or nation they worked in here on earth, but all over the world. We will be able to ask their intercession no matter where we are and receive their help.”1 OUR CEMETERIES “Recalling the first Christians, I would like our Heavenly Mariapolis (i.e. our cemeteries where we bury our dead) while conforming to all the health regulations, to be a beautiful, big, spacious parklike garden with benches scattered here and there among the tombs…. Then we can go there to have meditation and to talk in the midst of our dead, i.e. in the midst of our living. If the first Christians lived in the catacombs, in the midst of their dead without fear of being contaminated, so much more can we do it out in the open. This is the veneration for the dead that the Church wants because our bodies have been temples of the Holy Spirit and will rise again. We will place the Word of Life of each one on their tombs and we will conserve their writings and the books written about them.”2 “And today, All Saints Day, we went to visit our dead at the cemetery at Rocca di Papa. The tombs had been decorated for the feast. (…) Now these tombs begin to speak. I heard of someone who was deeply moved, just passing from one to the other, reading the Words of Life and seeing the love that continues. Therefore, our cemeteries, too, even though not limited to just ‘our people,’ begin to speak. And this is what we have always wanted. Our dead are alive. Love in them is always alight and it speaks and touches hearts. When we go to see them there is an atmosphere of celebration. And the feast days of the saints and the anniversary of the dead are for us like one and the same day.”3 1 C.Lubich,TalkfortheMariapolis,1964. C.Lubich,Tothezonedirectors,Zurich,11August1962. 3 C.Lubich,Diary,1November1968. 2 And what about death? Death is the door that leads us to the next Life, which is the one that goes on and on. Virgo1 has already passed through that door. She knows what it means. She went through this experience. If she could return, she would tell us about it, and say, “In that moment I met Jesus and he said to me: ‘Come with me, because you founded the Gen 3!’” That is what he would say to her. 1 Virgo Folonari (1934 - 1998). She worked with great passion for thirty years from 1966, together with Chiara Lubich, in laying the foundation of the new generations and in particular of the Gen 3 Movement entrusted to her. John Mark (Ital y) ) l i z a r B ( r o t c i V Christophe Dav r (Panama ide ( Italy ) ) CHAMPION! ) l i z a r B ( r o t c i V John On December 20, John Victor left for heaven. He was a gen 3 from Aracaju, Brazil. 3 n e G e Th e h t r e v all o world or f d e y a pr him. Gabo fr om Cos ta Rica ran in a race to raise funds f or his m edical expens es. Everyone who knew him agreed that John Victor was really ready for his special meeting with Jesus. During the entire period of his illness he and his family formed a close bond with Jesus Forsaken. When his father told him that his "departure" was near, he smiled and asked his parents to say goodbye to everyone for him - his relatives, schoolmates and friends. They also told him that soon he would be meeting with Jesus and Chiara, and that made him very happy. He left very peacefully for heaven. Now we have another little saint in heaven! We can ask him to help us to live as true gen. Thank you! John victor John Mark (Ital y) ) l i z a r B ( r o t c i V Christophe Dav r (Panama ide ( Italy ) ) DAVIDE “MY RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD” MY MEETING WITH JESUS FORSAKEN Davide was part of our Gen 3 unit. I remember that in the beginning it was not always easy among us, because we all had different characters, styles and ways of thinking. Davide was also our “white.” He looked after the other gen 3 with lots of love and always tried to tell them in a constructive way about the things that were going well and those that could be changed. The Gen 3 School in Loppiano was an important moment for him. When he went back home, he was totally committed to living the gen life. At the end of the school year he asked me to take a ride with him. At a certain point we stopped and he told me that he had not passed and would not be promoted to the next class. I could see that it was very hard for him. He told me that none of his friends knew yet. He felt like a real failure. We talked for a while and I asked him if he felt free to share this experience at our gen unit meeting. He thought a little while and then said "yes." The result was a greater communion among us in our gen unit. At first the gen would share some small thing, then gradually an experience, and then bigger concerns, like personal failures or relationships with girls or with their parents. We tried to see everything in the perspective of our choice to live as real gen. THE PA REM I JUSTCT: E I WAMBERE REN NT TO D. WIT EW IT H YO U. I remember one time I was in the car, rushing to get to work because I was late. I was preoccupied with a lot of thoughts and then I got his text saying "The pact: I just remembered it. I want to renew it with you.“ That whole day was totally different for me! Davide went through a difficult period at one point. God seemed to be far away from him and at times he even wondered if he really existed. He even felt like his relationship with his parents was not what it used to be. Nothing interested him anymore. He didn’t really care about anything. It seemed to be more than just a crisis of faith that young people sometimes go through. It was more profound, like God working in his soul. But, even feeling like this, he continued doing everything he could to build a relationship with the other gen and increase the communion among them. During the summer, at a certain point, he said he would like to take a break from being part of the gen life, not so much because of moving on to the gen 2 in September, but because he wanted time to process the experience he was going through. He said, “I had heard from some of the other gen my age about going through this stage, but I never knew it would be so hard!” that h g u o r h t g as goin w e h e and r h la g o u c o o h f t e n h e Ev went to t e h , t n e his dad m o m o m r f lt d u e ic f n r if d h he lea ic h w eting. ( e a m z 4 iz p n e e g d ma ll) for the e w y r e v and did In October Davide asked to move into a gen 2 unit. At that same time, the symptoms of his disease worsened and he had to undergo various medical exams. As time went on, there were gradually various "surprises" as he called them: longer stays in the hospital, the appearance of diabetes, the need for a transplant, a high fever... It was hard to accept each one of these “surprises” as they happened, but then he would say his yes. The last time we saw each other he pointed to his mom and said: “Her love is a very special medicine that heals better than anything else!” ( Daniel – his gen 3 assistant ) THANKS DAVIDE!!! John Mark (Ital y) ) l i z a r B ( r o t c i V Christophe Dav r (Panama ide ( Italy ) ) From the “Club of Giving” to Paradise Christopher PANAMA “Christopher Amaya was a 17-year-old Panamanian with the ‘gift of being a real person.’ He died tragically but he left behind a trail of love for many teens and young people to follow.” (taken from an article in a Panamanian newspaper) On October 31, 2010, Christopher was the victim of a robbery. He was on his way home when a thief stabbed him in the chest and stole his cell phone. Shortly before dying he was able to speak with his mother and even though he realized that his departure for heaven was near, he tried to calm her with a smile. In 2005 he met and got involved with the “club of giving.” Right away he committed himself to work on all the various projects the youth sponsored in order to spread the culture of giving and to help people who are very poor. He was one of the best workers. After the trial year, he received his membership card in the club during an official ceremony. It was a great joy for him, and he took the commitment very seriously, aware that he was making choice for life. He pledged himself to live the Gospel together with the gen 3 of his city. “Christopher's life reminds me of Chiara Luce’s,” is what Francisco of Panama said after he participated in the ceremony for her beatification in Italy. And he added: “Both were young, simple and with a normal life, but they looked for God in everything. They were two teens who brought God to everyone they met and who, with a smile, transformed your life." Christopher was only a year old when in 1994 this family moved to Panama, a country that became their second homeland. His parents separated when he was still very little, and despite the pain of his family situation, he endured it and became a point of reference for both of his parents. He got to know the spirituality of the Focolare and understood from it that behind every sorrow is a presence of Jesus in his greatest suffering when he cried out his abandonment on the cross. Christopher knew that this sad situation in his family was "his own special countenance of Jesus Forsaken.” The "club of giving" at his school was the way he first got to know the Focolare and Chiara. He quickly became a leader in this activity that promotes the culture of giving and the values of peace and solidarity. Gradually he learned about the gen 3 and became one of them. He established a personal relationship with Chiara and always considered her as his mother and his friend, a person he could turn to and trust to lead him to the truth. One day when he was living a difficult time in his family he confided, "My mother Chiara taught me to really forgive others and love them." He often spoke with the other gen about his life and his choices, because he felt he could experience with them the presence of Jesus, who had promised, "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them" (Mt 18:20) During a very profound sharing, he confided in the others that he felt God was calling him to leave everything and follow Jesus, even though he didn’t know yet in which way. Christopher participated actively in his parish and recently he had been working to unite the various youth activities. Many young people remember him as one who built bridges among the various parish groups so as to bring unity among all. This year he was chosen to be part of the honor guard at the national festival. It is a privilege that the schools grant only to the best students. They wear the tricolor arm bands and carry the flag of Panama. Christopher was killed before he could participate in the parade but his friends wanted him to be present anyway, so they carried a large banner with his picture on it and a appeal to stop violence. "I can testify to his yes to God,” said Sharlin, a friend of his, “and I assure you that he loved right to the very end. Who of us, stabbed in the chest, would have the courage to say, “Mom, be calm, don't be afraid”? Many messages came in from all over the world and were read at his funeral. His mother said, “I am happy because I realize how good my son was! All the good that he sowed will continue to grow in everyone who knew him and who follow the example of his life.” Marco (Ita ly) ) l i z a r B ( r o t c i João V Christophe Dav r (Panama ide ( Italy ) ) André Portugal Therewerefiveofusinourgenunitand itwasourgoodfortunetohaveAndré withus.Formanyyearshesufferedfrom aseriousillness,butbeingwithhimwas alwaysagreatjoyforallofus. Therewere>meswhenourunitywasnot atitsbestandtheonewhofeltthisthe mostwasAndre’.Heno>ceditrightaway becauseitwouldhaveaneffectonhis schoolworkandhewouldn’tdowellin class. Instead,whenwehadagreatunity amongus,hecouldfaceeventhehardest examswithdetermina>onbecausehefelt thesupportandunityofallofus.Atthose >mestheexamswentwellforhim. HeoFenhadtogotothehospitalfortreatments,and every>mewewenttovisithimtokeepJesusinthemidst withhimandbringhimjoy.Hewasalwaysveryhappy whenhesawusbecausehefeltthathewasnotalone, andweleFwithtwiceasmuchjoyaswehadbroughthim. Becauseofhisillness,Andréwasn’t abletodoallthethingsthatwecould do,hecouldn’trunorplaysports...but thishelpedustoappreciatemoreall theliIlethingswecanalldo. Hiswayoffacinghislimita>onshelpedustoget beyondeverysmallorbigproblemwemighthave. Seeinghowhefacedsufferinganddifficul>eswasfor usagreatexampleandanincen>vetokeepgoing alongourpath. Andre’wantedtoaIendtheNa>onalGen3Congressin thepermanentMariapolisofArcoIris."Fromthedayhe camehome,hewasadifferentAndré,”hisfamilytold us.“ThatstrongexperienceofJesusinthemidst changedhimprofoundly." “The festival [funeral] of his meeting with Jesus” Thechurchwaspackedwiththefamilyofthemovement. Thegen3readtheinten>ons. Theyalsopreparedallthesongs. Awhiteflower,symbolofhisbap>smalinnocence,wasplacedonthecasket. Flavio,the“white”ofhisunit,readabriefstoryofhislifeandexperiences. Jorge,hisfather,saidwithemo>on: “Duringthesedayssomeofyou haveaskedmewhatitwasliketo takecareofAndre’for16years.I canonlysaythatitwasagreat privilege!” Whenthecasketwasloweredintotheground,everyoneapplaudedandcolored balloonswerereleasedintothesky!!! Allthosepresentexperiencedthe"normalityofthesupernatural." Marco (Ita lia) ) e l i s a r B ( r o t João Vic Christophe Dav r (Panama ide ( Italia ) ) Marco Amato A“SUPER-KID” HE WAS ABLE TO COMMUNICATE VIA COMPUTER HELPED BY HIS MOM WITH MOM AND DAD WITH HIS GEN UNIT WITH THE GEN 3 WITH THE GEN 2 HE REGULARLY CORRESPONDED WITH CHIARA WALTER KOSTNER READS A LETTER OF MARCO TO CHIARA AFTER THE OPERATION ON HIS SPINAL COLUMN MASS WAS CELEBRATED IN MARCO’S HOME I think that nature gives us important lessons about life. The ever-flowing river suggests that we never remain stopped in one place... FROM ONE OF HIS WRITINGS The sun and the moon alternate in offering us their love… I know that God has filled my heart with a longing for paradise, and we find it on earth when we are in unity with nature and with one another... Because the most beautiful place in the world is not really beautiful unless it radiates our mutual love. HE CONSTANTLY COMMUNICATED WITH THE GEN 3 These days will be special if you are able to increase your love for God the Father who always loves us first. He is our Father who always offers us his help and teaches us the way to reach him, which is the whole goal of our journey. He is the only one who gives us pure joy, full light and confident hope. To the gen 3 ( Zoldo 2007 ) Hi gen 4! It’s beautiful to know that you are all united together and helping each other live to the full your relationship with Jesus. TO THE GEN 4 Jesus wants to grow inside each one of you, and become your special friend. He is the only one who will never abandon you, the only one who would jump into the fire to give you true joy. I have in my heart great gratitude for being present at the beatification of Chiara Luce, because experiencing her life has been an immense gift for me. MARCO WAS ABLE TO PARTICIPATE AT THE BEATIFICATION OF CHIARA LUCE When I saw the crowd so full of love and everyone so united, I told myself: "The people of God is a reality that is making an impact on the world! We have to do our part to concretize ‘that all may be one’ which is the deepest meaning of our Ideal." And you can do it by imitating Chiara Luce in her unconditional acceptance of the Father's will and by loving Jesus Forsaken, just like she was ready to love him and offer him her entire life. MARCO WAS ABLE TO BE PRESENT AT THE BEATIFICATION OF CHIARA LUCE Hello gen! I am very happy to have you here together once more, even though it’s the last time we will meet as a unit... But I know that we will never abandon one another, because Jesus in the midst will keep us united and faithful to our Ideal, which, as Chiara Luce reminds us, comes before everything else. We are called to do the will of God and to help one another to live as brothers and sisters who want to walk together along the Holy Journey. ... Let's give to the world the beauty of living colors just as we will find them in heaven, where the rainbow no longer need tears in order to show its colors. Now I have to say goodbye! Our greatest gift is to know that nothing and no one can take away God's love for us. All my unity to each and all! MARCO - AMATO MARCO AMATO BETTIOL JUNE 24,1992 – OCTOBER 15, 2010 Marco (Ita lia) ) e l i s a r B ( r o t João Vic Christophe Dav r (Panama ide ( Italia ) ) THE RESURRECTION OF LAZARUS (Jn 11,1-45) PREPARATION: This activity attempts to encourage a dialogue with the youth about our Christian belief in eternal life with God after death. It is advisable to involve a priest or religion teacher to answer their questions. The activity is suitable for 12-14 year olds. MATERIAL: Some hoops about 20-30 inches in diameter (like those used for hula-hoops). You will need a large enough space for the group to move about. TIME: About an hour STEP BY STEP: This Gospel passage can lead to reflections and questions about uncertainties or recall life events that have been important for the youngsters. Individually or in small groups, read the text describing the resurrection of Lazarus. We recommend dividing the text for easier reading: ● Jesus learns that Lazarus is sick and returns to Bethany to raise him (Jn 11:1-16). ● Jesus meets his two sisters and receives Martha’s profession of faith (Jn 11:17-31). ● The resurrection of Lazarus (Jn 11:32-45). Then the students are asked to move freely around the room. On the floor are circles with the names of some characters from the story. Some possible suggestions: ü The disciples of Jesus ü Jesus ü Martha and Mary, sisters of Lazarus In another part of the room is an empty chair. Anyone who sits on the chair has the right to speak and ask a question to one of the three characters, “I ask so and so...” Or they can express their thoughts by turning to one of them and saying, “I’d like to ask you...". Anyone can go into the circle with the name of the character and give an answer, offer further reflections, etc. After all the youth who want to enter the circle have done so, the facilitator (or priest or other invited person) may also go into the circle and present further information and clarify uncertainties or questions. Between questions, the group resumes circling around the room, until there is no longer anyone in the chair with the right to speak. AFTER THE ACTIVITY A prayer service or a Mass could be prepared to remember the deceased grandparents, relatives or acquaintances of the youth and of the community. THERESURRECTIONOFLAZARUS(Jn11:1-45) Readingsfortheyouth: ReadthetextdescribingtheresurrectionofLazarus,individuallyorinsmallgroups.Whilereading,tryto followthegroupofdiscipleswhofollowJesusfromGalileetoBethany.Trytocaptureallevents,fromthe MarthaandMarysendingthenewstoJesus,untiltheresurrectionofLazarus. Dividingupthetexttohelpwiththereading: Jn11:1-16:JesushearsthenewsandsetsoffforBethany Jn11:17-31:ThemeetingofJesuswiththetwosistersandMartha’sprofessionoffaith Jn11:32-45:ThegreatsignoftheresurrectionofLazarus Gospeltext 1- 1-16:Acertainmanwasill,LazarusfromBethany,thevillageofMaryandhersisterMartha.Mary wastheonewhohadpouredtheperfumedoilontheLordandwipedhisfeetwithherhair;her brotherLazaruswassick.Sothesisterssenttohim,saying,"Lord,behold,yourfriendisill."On hearingthis,Jesussaid,"Thissicknessisnotuntodeath,butforthegloryofGod,sothattheSonof Godmaybeglorified."NowJesuslovedMarthaandhersisterandLazarus.Sowhenheheardthat hewassick,hestayedtwodaysintheplacewherehewas.Thenhetoldhisdisciples:"Let’sgo backtoJudea."Thedisciplessaid:"Rabbi,theJewsjusttriedtostoneyouandyouaregoingback thereagain?"Jesusanswered,"Aretherenottwelvehoursofdaylight?Ifanyonewalksintheday, hedoesnotstumble,becauseheseesthelightofthisworld;butifonewalksatnight,hestumbles, becausethereisnolight."Hesaidthisandthenadded,"OurfriendLazarushasfallenasleep;butI willgoandwakehim."Thedisciplessaidtohim:"Lord,ifhehasfallenasleep,hewillrecover." Jesuswasspeakingofhisdeath,buttheythoughtthathemeanthewasjustasleep.ThenJesus toldthemplainly,"Lazarusisdead,andI'mgladforyouthatIwasnotthere,thatyoumaybelieve. Let’sgotohim."SoThomas,calledtheTwin,saidtohisfellowdisciples:"Let’sgotooanddiewith him." 2- 17-31: JesuscameandfoundLazarusalreadyinthetombforfourdays.Bethanywasnear Jerusalem,abouttwomilesawayandmanyJewshadcometoMarthaandMarytocomfortthem abouttheirbrother.WhenMarthaheardthatJesuswascoming,shewenttomeethim;Marysatat home.MarthasaidtoJesus,"Lord,ifyouhadbeenhere,mybrotherwouldnothavedied!But evennowIknowthatwhateveryouaskofGod,Godwillgiveyou."Jesussaidtoher,"Yourbrother willrise."Marthasaid:"Iknowthatheshallriseagaininthelastday."Jesussaid:"Iamthe resurrectionandthelife;hewhobelievesinme,thoughhedie,shallstillliveandwhoeverlivesand believesinmeshallneverdie.Doyoubelievethis?"Sheanswered,"Yes,Lord,Ibelievethatyou aretheChrist,theSonofGodwhocomesintotheworld."Whenshehadsaidthat,shewentand calledMaryhersister,andsaid:"TheTeacherishereandiscallingyou."Hearingthis,shegotup quicklyandwenttohim.Jesushadnotyetcomeintothevillage,butwasstillwhereMarthahad methim.WhentheJewswhowereinthehousewithhertoconsoleher,sawMaryrisequicklyand goout,theyfollowed"goingtothetombtoweepthere." 3- 32-45:Mary,therefore,whenshereachedwhereJesuswasandsawhim,shefellathisfeet,and said:"Lord,ifYouhadbeenhere,mybrotherwouldnothavedied."WhenJesussawherweeping, andtheJewswhocamewithheralsoweeping,hewasdeeplymoved.Hewasdistressedandsaid, "Wherehaveyoulaidhim?"Theytoldhim,"Lord,comeandsee."Jesuswept.SotheJewssaid, "Seehowhelovedhim."Butsomeofthemsaid,"Thismanwhoopenedtheeyesoftheblindman couldnotevenkeepthismanfromdying?"Jesus,oncemoredeeplymoved,cametothetomb;it wasacave,andastonewasplacedagainstit.Jesussaid,"Takeawaythestone."Martha,thesister ofthedeadmansaid:"Lord,bynowitwillsmell,foritisfourdays."Jesussaidtoher:"DidInottell youthatifyoubelieveyouwillseethegloryofGod?".Sotheytookawaythestone.Jesusliftedup hiseyesandsaid,"Father,Ithankyouforhearingme.Iknewthatyoualwayshearme,butIsaid thisforthepeoplearoundme,thattheymaybelievethatyousentme."Whenhehadsaidthis,he criedoutwithaloudvoice,"Lazarus,comeforth."Thedeadmancameout,hisfeetandhands boundwithbandages,andhisfacewrappedwithacloth.Jesussaidtothem,"Unbindhimandlet himgo."ManyoftheJewswhohadcometoMaryandseenwhathedid,believedinhim. Somequestionstohelpinthereflection •Whatmostcaughtyourattentioninthisepisoderelatedinsuchdetail?Why? •Whatisthecentralandmostimportantpointofallthatthetexttellsus?Why? •Whataretheattitudesofthedisciples?Whatdotheysayanddo? •WhataretheattitudesofMarthaandMary?Whattheysayanddo? •WhataretheattitudesoftheJews?Whatdotheysay,doandplan? •Withwhomdoyouidentifyyourselfmore:withthedisciples,withthesisters,withtheJews,or withanyofthem? •Haveyoueverhadmomentsofmingleddespairandhope,deathandlife?Whatsupportedyouin thesedifficulttimes? Somekeystothereading • TwowaysofbelievingintheResurrection:Thecentralpointisthecomparisonbetweentheold wayofbelievingintheresurrectionthatoccursonlyattheendoftime,andthenewwaybrought byJesus,whichalreadyconquersdeath.Marta,thePhariseesandthemajorityofthepeople alreadybelievedintheresurrection(Acts23:6-10;Mk12:18).Theybelieved,butdidnotrevealit, sinceitwasfaithinaresurrectionthatwouldtakeplaceonlyattheendoftimeandnotinthe resurrectionofthisstory,hereandnow.Thatfirstonedidnotrenewlife.Itfailedtomakethe jump.ThenewlifeoftheresurrectionwillappearwithJesus. • TheprofessionoffaithinJesusisaprofessionoffaithinlife:JesuschallengesMarthatomakethis jump.Itisnotenoughtobelieveintheresurrectionattheendoftime;youmustbelievethatthe ResurrectionisalreadypresenttodayinthepersonofJesusandinthosewhobelieveinhim.Death hasnomorepowerhere,becauseJesusisthe"resurrectionandthelife."SoMartha,evenbefore seeingtheconcretesignoftheresurrectionofLazarus,confessesherfaith:"Yes,Lord.Ihave believedthatyouaretheChrist,theSonofGod,theonewhoistocomeintotheworld." • Theyarehuman,veryhuman,justlikeallofus.Aftertheprofessionoffaith,Marthagoestocallher sisterMary.MarygoestomeetJesuswhowasinthesamespotwhereMarthahadmethim.She repeatsthesamewordsasMartha:"Lord,ifyouhadbeenhere,mybrotherwouldnothavedied." (Jn11:21).Marycries,everybodycries.Jesusismoved.Whenthepoorcry,Jesusgetsemotional andcries.SeeingthetearsofJesus,theothersconclude:"Seehowhelovedhim!"Thisis characteristicofthecommunitiesoftheBelovedDisciple:themutuallovebetweenJesusandthe membersofthecommunity.Somestilldonotbelieve;theydoubt:"Couldn’tthisman,whoopened theeyesoftheblind,keepthismanfromdying?"ForthethirdtimeJesusismoved(Jn 11:33,35,38).Thus,JohnputsemphasisonthehumanityofJesusagainstthosewho,attheendof thefirstcentury,spiritualizedfaithanddeniedthehumanityofJesus. The life of Paula, known as Paulinha, was a masterpiece, a true “Holy Journey.” She suffered from a very serious lung disease ever since she was a young child. She had to go constantly back and forth to the hospital for treatments. “With every passing day there are more and more things I can no longer do. I can’t climb the stairs anymore, I can’t walk very far, I can’t carry a backpack…” And yet everyone who knew her said she always had a smile on her face and a contagious zest for life. However, Paulinha did go through a very dark and difficult period. It was when she suffered a lot because she could no longer feel the presence of God. During the Gen 3 National Congress she heard about the path that Mary had traveled when she followed Jesus. She immediately tried to find out which steps she had already taken on this road…. Knowing she was on the Mary’s road was a great help to her. Furthermore, Paula had a wonderful relationship of unity with Chiara Lubich and shared with her everything she was going through. She wanted to share this special experience of hers with all the gen 3. It was a very powerful moment. At the end she urged everyone to aim always at unity, because only in this way is it possible to overcome every difficulties. The Ideal was really everything for her. The doctors were convinced that what was keeping her alive was this great treasure she had in her heart. Her desire was to spread it to many other people She didn’t give up, for anything in the world, the meetings with the other girls of the movement. She begged her doctors insistently to let her go, promising that she would bring everything she needed with her, like syringes, medications… In just a year and a half she brought about a real revolution in the new school in Sao Paulo where she was transferred for treatment. Instead of students not caring about one another, she brought a “new culture,” one of encounter and friendship. She died while a group of gen 3 and gen 2 were saying the rosary in the corridor outside her room. She was very peaceful… …like a person who had obtained what she had always wanted which was to be part of the generation of Chiara’s saints.