BRITISH INDUSTRTES G('RP('RATI('N PORT u'ASHlrracTott, tt- Y. aid, to aou xn plann'ing high fidelity system Our correspondence shows thot we ore most often osked four questions' Therefore, let us consider these ot the outset: Question l: How much must I spend to really have high fidelity reproduction? Question 2: What components do yoz suggest? Answer: You vill lind that duc to the nature of Hin equiPment, ibe Answcr: As you ma]'know, a hish f people who selt it, and their method of doins business, hish lidelity components wilt cost idetity system is sen€ratly startcd \\,ith four basic compo- bents. (1) record playcr (2) am- plifier (3) spcaker (4) speaker cnclosure. These are tha heart of the sj"stem, and to them may be You less than completo, assembled sets of romparable qualiiy . . . in ,nany cases, for less ihan you misht expect. Naturalty, you will addcd ar AiIrFiri radio t-nner, tape recorder, and even a TV try to buy within your own In this connection, you chassis. A11 these parts are selfcontained and plug together very simply. It is sood advice to select budset. may well tind that the most ex- fron that p€nsive equipment will rot sound best to t/o?r' ear. Good advice here equipment which crit- ics, ensineers, and other oxpcrts have accordcd the llnest reputa- certainly is to buy sralirU, not quantityl A quality 8" speaker ill sound better than an ordinary 12" speaker. A quality record chanser will sound better than an ordinary turntable. A quality 10 watt arnplilier vill tion. We Nill troat erch of tho basic components further in this Question 3: Where Question 4: Where do I purchase a true high fidelity system? It is reasonabte to say that in no lield of home furnish- Answer: should I install my components for best results and appearance? Ans$er: ings can you {ind gieatcr varietY, or room for self'cxpression, than in hiph fidclity. Your hi-li asselnbted set, of components, can be In aU major cities, you estabtished audio d€alels, who specialize in the sale of hish fidelity cortponents . . . a\d these d€alers olten have ramarkable equipment for the compara- will find into tive playins of individual fer. there a!e cabinets of superb design available to you. These cabinets, which on the surface look like bome furniture of the hishest calibre, are designed with Yau aay be srrlrised to that the leadins such dealers in your community are not the stores from whom you have purchased your radio or record €quipment in the past. This is houscd in book cases, built factory cut pnnals, to lit your choice of hi-Jl conponents and to sive you best audio perfolmance as w.ll- rn sddition. there are inexpensive kits, which are acoustically correct, and which you can assenble and Jinish yourself, without special skiil or tools. sound better than an ordinary 20 watt ampliner. Also, remember that to.ny quality system... you Jind because they have devel.ped spe- cifically as hish li.deLitit spe.ial- ists and may not carry the commercial types of radio phonosraphs or t€levisio.. If you do not find a component spccialist in your neishborhood, we sussest you refer to one o{ the leading maaazines dcalina with hiah fi- delity, ior the nam€s ol eompanies who selt such equipment nationally throuRh thc mails. can alivays add other quality components and cxpand your hish lidelity s€t as a sood inv€st- rrr I oday, you can assemblc youl en til e high fidelity phonoglaph with B I C quality-endorsed components...eachthefrnestofitskind...fullyguaranteed...yourcontinuingsatisfac_ tion assured by leally complete service and spare parts facilities. Compare.the Bdtish Industries Group with any other components for craftsmanship and value. Your sound dealer will vedfy that despite theil unifolm superiority, B I C products are so competi_ tively pficed that they are often far less expensiie than even ordinary components. Naturally, however', any of the BIC components can be used with the hi-fi products of other leadinE manufacturels . . . and to your' complete satisfacLion. The British lndustries Group includes the following top qualily high fidelity components: G,{RRARD World's Finest Record Players. LEAK Amplifiers and Pre-Amplifiers LEAK Dynamic Pick Up and Tone Arm . WHAITFED-{LE Loudspeakers R-J Small Space Loudspeaker Enclosures. RIYER EDGE customized High Fidelity Cabinets GENALEX Finest Audio Tubes Ever Made. MULTICORE S-Core Solders, and others. components are described and listed on the following pages for convenience in planning your system ... Use the blank spaces for youi own comments and notes. These BIC RC88 "tRlU PH II",..3 Spcc.l Deluxc Auton'lanual llha.cer.-.successor to thc inconparablc RC80\ ollcrs thc,lrcsi leatures ol ii.s illustrious prcd cccssor. and.rlso incorpornics many innov{tions, includ ins a full nranual position: N.N truc turret drive, nith one pi€cc puller', suarantees pcr{ect spced $ithout 2udible flul.ler,$ows, or rumble. and vithout tlre use of drl!e bclts. Thc Triumph II noN carries on the illustrious Garrard reputation achie!cd throush nreticulous qu,rlitr'control in m.nufaciurins. GARRAnD Rcaa l€oru.e5: F! I monuol posi,ion gives rhis ouronoti..honser the oddi. t;oiol (onverlen.e ol a hanuol record ployer. Spe.idl Gorrord'built "lndu.tion.Surse nolor, wllh ex( usive dyioni.ollybolon.€!, weighled rotor. Smoothesi, quiet-ast, non upio'dore noror in ony rs.ord.hdnger. No ind!.ed hud when !sed wirh nosneri. .ori.idger- Coii poise live-r!bber h6tor dounk, lo. floorins power, The ex.lusive Gorrord Pushcr Plorlorh, t6olproof ond sentle to dll re.ords. lnle,.honsedb e prc.isio^ spindles, our6mori. oid donuo , for dll sp€edi. . . nondord ond wide .enle. holes. Irue-iurrel' shoded 4 pole drive wiih dired one pie.e pu ley id er edsosemenr, suordiiees p€rfe.t speed, wirho!r vib,oti.n, Ovetsized, Sofi lreod self n€utalizing pul ovoy ive-rubber idler i.odion wheel. Russed slee unli plore N€cvy sreel in.h hish precisiotr rurnioble, with ruhber sives llywheel o.tion, help3 lo e iminate nosneric hum Sient. lree wheelinq bal bearinq lurnroh e mount. Turnrobie broke. Aluminun irue l.ns€nt, non resondnr tone arm. Plus in untyeEc ahe ! wiih protesi.ncl flnser tfr, ni aI poputor hi n .or. r,idses. srr us presure ond pi.kup heiqhr adiunmenr\ on rone orm . . . eosiesr, mo,i o..e!! ble on any .honqer. Pdreired sensi,Mori. rrip ne.hon !n, permlts lowe+ iro.kirs presurer. A..esribl€ in!roir Fiiler.I F sw khes 3ide o(tloi.{or.ed outo. lof ; er.. bel?een re.ord3. New iype rhieLded ' ioi3e ihroush po iis, tor ois speote, !p.r shur.oE Broi:e bea. n,or iiIe. Pe,ie.l y E.ihe!, e : , o r ,. o u i d eea.s Al levers tuL r ddlusrobe. u.t oppr6ved6fi ine .ord. A!dio , ik!. .ob e, viih uiive6ol jc.k. . . reoCy lor c uq i. E!.luslye, ;irrc^,odeo!s tiop mo!nt Jorii! orem 5 r, Minimum Didenrio.e: l5lr" efi r. :le\r l3r!' lr.nt to €or. 5i: ' . €.ran.e obcve. 3%" .leorcn.€ be .' r.p .r n.ror boo,d. RC83 Gdrrord l.iudph E . . . 100 130 200 250 volk. 60 .r. es A C tes ( '.I dqe old 45 Rorn 6r,o ro , pilalRC38,/GE-with GE RPX.050A twilf corrridee {Sdpphire ? side, PC33 GFD w.F GF CP/ O52a .n t (.,r, dee {D a-ord t;, Soppr * p ; RC98 i : , $s 4.5O 61,25 72.50 f!t,...3 Speed Super-Auto ]fanuAl Chanaer.. . truty thc Wor.ld's Finest R€cord Chanserl Combines all tl,e advanccments of the r€ GATRARD RC98 ',CROWN nowned RC30. and the ne\r RC88 .. . providcs the E:reai€st EalarI of ne\r hish fidelit!'features c!cr found in an automatic rhrnse| includes automrtic an.l full manual performancei and contiruous I or vari^ble cortrol on all li specds, \Lith rvhich thc RC98 can be "tu.ed' to match a rnusical instrunent or for perfect fitch. iecrurer: All leotures 6l Model RC€3, plus et.lusiye, adv.i.€d ryre o ljpeed e .onrro , .heo3tot.operored, oid Jr.rion ej. - 6r - voriab ,15 rpm ouromori. rpindte in.tuded. /vrinimsm C.binel Dih€ntions: So'ne as RC38. RC'S G.tuord crown tr.. . 100/130 vorti. 60 .y(les A.C. ln.ludes 15 RPI dulono'i. ,pindre.t€$ .ortridse RC98/GE-Wirh GE lwist.orlridse (Sopphire 2 sid4) RC9alGE-wnh GE iwist .orrridse (Diomond lpj Sopphire 7s rpdl $67. sO 74.25 8 5.50 RCl2l "RINOWN"...3 Specd Auto-Nanunl llixer nct 2I GARIARD Chanser...Thc iirst straisht spindlc Garrard Chanser. and not to be confus€it lvith ordinarl, mass-produced units. It is the most compact, most econornical suiomaric chans.r cver p.escnted by (larrard...fits into anl' record chaneer cabinet. This nak€s it the idc.l rc!lace- nrcnt unit. in addition to its rtliabilitL hish pelfornrance and opcraiing simplicjt]. 5ifrp!l Aix Operalio.-Re..rds ot ony slandord dldmeter 112",lO", ot 7") moy be slo.ked toseiher hoti.m to lop, in otder ol size, ooded on rh€ stroishi !pindie dr one rime, ond the overorn pla(ed in posilion. Chonser ihen operole5 oslomoli.olly, resordlesr ot record slze. Fully oul.molic ond monuol operolion. .1 pole 3hod.d ' lndudion Surs€ molor, vilh dynomi.olry-balon.ed rotor. "Coni' Aluminumi true tonsenr lone orm. Foise livejubber Styrus pre*ure ond pirkup heiqhl ddiunments eo5iry o.c.*ib e on toie drn. lnrerchonqeoble Dluq ii Ieodi, nt o]l p.puldr hish lideLilv rdr,ridses. True.turret driye. Potented S€nri Motic Trlp. Heovv sieel unit plote. Steel precision iurnroble, wilh rubber irocli.n mol ''Sofi Iread 6ve6lzed llve rubb€r id er lro.tion wheel, rell_neukdliz ids puLl.okdy iype, Shielded .6nd€isor.re3irior network. elimi^oles rhulofi noise. A!ronotic siop. U t opproved 6 ft liae .ord Pi.kup .ob e, with oniveEal io.k, .eody lor Minimum adbinet Dimen5ions: 1,1rrl/ lell ro risht, 13" tronr lo rcu. 43/r" .tedta^.e ob6ve, 3ysl' beldw iop ol molor boord Rclzr: Reiowi , . . 100,/130 200/250 volts. 60.y.les A-C te , .d't id9e o.o a5 RPM o'roroli. (pildle RCl2l/GE-\tith GE lwist.drtridse {Sopphire 2 side\1 .. . RCl2lrrcED wilh GE rwnl .orlridse (Diom6nd lPr Sopphire 78 $42.sO 49.25 rpm) 60.50 30I "PROTESSIONAL" TRANSCRIPIION IURNIABLE ])C sisnoll to proaide lhc profrssional uscr an(l qualilr in its class . .. truli thc !nthusiasr $ ith 1 unlt srpr,4. lor use in the $or1(l's lincst transcriptioD turniablc honrel (;rort attcnlion has bccn gi!cn to qualit!. conlrol del^ils rtnrrciaicd b! thc connoisscur', inclu(lins the nrosi rxhnusli!e t,c].lornrancc test-procedurc cvcl. dc grNnroIhoDc visc(i LI a nranufactur.r. A..urare neorurefr€irs oI 5peed, vo*, nut,er, .umb e, nosh iiruLori.n .ontoinen in on ind;ytdud, in3pe.tlon .ord, 2-1 Fdse ond book b.und owner's n.i!ol ond pernonenr, heayy duly !t'obo3.opeTurnroble 12" diameier. ,.6 lb. .o!, aluminum, dynami..lly hol an.ed, pre.ision mo.hiied. Ne* h.ovy duiy l.pore shdded noror. Free noorins iso oied . . entire noior is luspended in oi. by ,wo !els of .ouiierbo on.ins tension sprinss Noise!e* moin spindle. Bui I id pre*ure lubri(atin9 !ystem. Vorioble speed .aitol throueh simp e, Joolproof eddy .urrenr broke Speed iofety l..k pre. ven,s ionniiq Resirtor'coidenror ner*ork ellminoler shutoii€. & rutuet driyc me.honism. Ex. usiye sy'em permitr unil ro be mounted lrm y io mororbodrd ii fixed .elorionshlp qed., r. . p or- c1r,..r, d e i.,' and .l . .i1L-. 5pe.ifi(arionr: Volrose, DuoL ronse, lO0 io 130 odd 200 to 250 vo ls, 50 Cy. e puley ovoiloble. Wo*i tes thon 0 2% riu er, le5s lhcn 0.05%. Cdbinet tp.(e required: 16" bo.k 10 lront x l3!/." v\de \ 21/1" obove {ex.ludi.e pi.lup) oid 3%" below top of moror boord. w€iehri Ner l6 lbs., Gross 20 bs. Model 3Ol-Trans(riprion lurnrable Model M30l -Udfinkhed 2-piece houilins boord d.(omnodoriis rny l? oJ I6 a,tr, -il rpi,i l-\c rdi,olo' Mode 33Ol E -2.pie.e ebo^y finished bdse, takes ony 12" or Id" arm revel indi.oror ond odiutoble fe€i, for a..u.ore teve ins ODETI $89.0O 7.50 24.50 CARRARD MODEL PLAYER ... a remrrkable valu€, and thc risht $nswcr for r qualit!' budgot s]:stem ... incorporatins all brsic rccord plalins lcatures of thc faned RC80 rccord ch!nscr. Thc comIrct, efilcient "Crcst",luarantees tincst " . -,,, ,ln-,ra,, l:',o.p,l ilh nranl leaturcs not usually found in 11 manual player. leoruret: Automotic nod ond nop. ! pole runble-free motor with *eishled, boldn.ed dhdiure. Heovy bolon.ed luhloble for nY*heel $ o(rion, ..nnonr speed. Eosy ny us pres!re odiostmeit. Univ€64 shell to fil 6l p6F!lor hi n .orrridses. Profesrional type fnser Iift Ior rale ndnuc'hondling of tone orn. tine (ord.nd pi.kup.obLe, rermlnctlns (obiner dimeniion3: l3yd" leit lo risht. t23L" trant to te 3tL" .reo.on.e dbov.. 3t/2" .teorcn.e he ow lop ol noror hoard. Model T G.rord Cren . . . l00r'130-200/r50 Yolh, 60 cvcle: .. . A.C. (50 .y.l€ bushlns avdilobLe). tess Corlridse I/GE Sohe, wirh GE rwin.oriridge. lSopphire 2 sides) . r TiGED Some, w ih GE twisr corrridse lDidmond tP; Sdpphire 73 rpm) 532.50 39.50 s0.50 .i..t,:- ,'45" ?tn 5PINDI.E erruirii PRISST'RE t$.: STYIU5 GAUGE "45" SPlNDl(-!sRPl,{ Auto6otic Spindle lor re..rd3 wirh wide center holes. . , Eo.ily in3ert6d vide spi.dle to ht edch Gdddrd.honqor. Renoin tdlionory whe. re.ord is pl.yed. Oily d small .ollor revolves, ds3urins lo.ger (enler hole ond re.ord v€or. ,1558 . . . Io. uro *itt1 RC88 o' RCaS ... . a5S2l .,. for Jse wirh RCI)l GAiRAID StYLUs PIE5SURE GAUGE . . . Usablc with any tone arrn. Quickly and accuratcly tclls thc weighi exerted by rour pick-up. W;]t srve b.!ck its modest cost time alter timc in sreater musical enjoyment and tonser rccold life- Scientifically catibrated and marked in larse, easyto-rerd lisures al one sram intervals. All movins parts ol l'Lhrs(ishr.^llo!., sc^leJ. Deluxc rnits, specificrlly designcd for Garrard products, and built of sarsoncd $oods, vith GARRAf,D AcCE55oRtESr dnFsl Jurable brass hs rdrv? rc, an,l,.ov"rinss : I RCAa Slyle B-8 B-8M Blond Ibony B-88 B:8E M-8 c,8 $4.45 1.95 1.95 4.95 2.25 r5.00 B,2r Slyle Pri B,T $4.15 B,2rM 4.60 8-2tB 4.60 $4.15 B-TM 4.60 8-TB 4.60 M-21 2.25 c-21 15.00 2.25 C Blonk, lJncut 5olid ,nolo. boo.d lo receive ony un;1................ .............. ... $15 lsee Model 301 Descr;pt;on obove for nounling bodtd ond bosel Slyle Trlro lr s rrl Pornl a,nc Rer'"1' ,(" ?"'r'liricr '\tr 'l ,n l 'ls rhil h"rc $on n,lni..rron ha!c bc'" mainl:1rn'd Tnro' ",,"i' ,,.,, i,"'iia" rt'.,,-ti",,,r "rn "rr. $irh 2.r 'rp n.$ KT-Al uutnur I lurrcs n I u.n I ull Hnlm^ni" Jts i..,,,;;-,,",, ;;;i;"; '" "n,lrnll .i!r. r,n..inr:,r r00n 'i.1,.. ru. ""., ;';,;'.,.,,"i",, or 8 sarrr " rnuteq"rrh!rt'hr'!r'.npni' rtt'ro'lucrion. llish lrnrpirs lnc "r o" i.!".lrt '1,,"t".. hunr l;\cl ." ?6dh L'' u$ full ouLnul P"' Zl, ,'"i t"'.iit;.,,.i]v t"una onll'in for more enpcnqirr rrniis LEAK l!/ro AMPLIaIER I unrr,lr cnnlroL Pre ar'rr,lrr,r' lti".r t,,ii r lr Lc,.t'. r:"r tnc L"r\ Conrrdl Ponel: ,l M.5ler Conlrols Con}lol I Tune., Tope, AES, NARTB FfRR, COL I P A"uroie equ.lizolion Ior ol! re.ords Conlrol 2 Tteble. 23db ronse. Conlrol 3-Bo$, 23db ronse n-On.ofi dnd Volume. lr.lueive tedlure: Tdpe re.order io.k3 {inPur o'd ourPur} on AdFlifier Dimer5ions: Il 'wide i 9'' deep i 6%" hish Pre-Amplifier Dinensions: lo wide x 3r hieh x 2%" Power: IO) vo r) 75 vo l 50 o 60 " lc: AC Leok deep' $l09.50 Tt/10 lll12 AMPLIFIER \\iith "\'ARI-slop€" Rtmol.eControl I'rc rDinliucr... Britain's linest... unsurpassed br anI Amrzinrl) l^\ nJ'n o-i' rii' or\u l'blI , . nr : T hr' o i o n ic'tt ril,n "t r e " :,nThc "ionl\'un' n'$ 1..ll,. re!;.Juclran. !irtui'll)- lislurtron fr'. tEAK for futurc "Van-stoirc" prc-alnpliller ,,sets the p.ritcrn err' enlv rhr"eh rhe niplr ri.lcirr\. r. nro,i"ins i ..\,,ri .oo.: i.riLur,....n \.u-^l, rh r:,t, rirs n.'ir lor r isr fr, ' an.l . ru. r '' r. rn, lh. I' s_F" " t^peL . . all n ithout hum ol. distortion: '.',.t.'l fr€quen.y resFonse: 20 20,000 Cv. e! a 0 l db distorri.n, o ?o or '000 .' 'r ' I0^ lnrerdoduloiio. ditrortion: o,{yc,,1O & 7000 C P.S. Amplifier dimetreions: 121/," r 10" ! 8i,i" hieh Pre-Amplifier dime..i6nt: lO' x 3' t 211!" hleh Fro r Pdnel: TL l2-Ahpline, Tl./25-AmpLife, Vori-5iope P'e AnPliner IEAK Plcl(uP ARM AND rEAK CARIIIDGE $t 49.50 176.50 69.50 MovlNc-colt caRlRlDGE ln a {ield ol n,an\ cxccll"nt proJuc(s, rh:s unil has l,' .n a.'l 'rm"d r,".".,:rLs "s the lin, st rn lhn rtorld. IL is \r.lPli use,l b] studios I ir'ludinE h' hisll] iir.niir.c labor.t"rles, g.lti.l' Broadcasiing cornpanv)' and record "iiii".i manufacturcrs, fot dubbins and plavback' anC is nos available Jor the hone. The counter-veishted arm is. of .a"anc"a aesie". witl' verv low inertia. Interchanseablc in heads--R€cord and slvlus $.rr lo$' r 'ha' on arI "1,'s ;ic[uD oI whicn w" have.osnrz{nc. Pla}ins$.ishr': r er"mmes f,r l,.P ; 5-6 srarnnes for 78. coil Pi(lup lo, r'( os'oo'e l3l% with di.mold needle intalled,oFd ho 'h Fs a.5 ,p.i '*-a. ""a I'anno Fe ... Ledk Movine Coil Pi.kuP onlv, * h diomo'd nvLus for lrdnddrd {78,pFl '*o,d' ii"i a,. .".'to" dir\ Mow'ne Kt66 2729 KT66-This Genolex --. k Briioin s worldJodoos 32.50 power omplitvins tekode 1., ;;. rhe roYo'ire tub. o{ e'peide'r€B 'id reseo(h i"r.-".,'... ' C",*"rt" be nq !upplied o3 oisinol eqJioh€n.ii or lJb6 dnd .-.-o|.i"" .; ti. r_i.r",r .ot't* The ndne GFNAtEx qud'dnl'6 rhol vou orc se'urinq the ot:s'rol Kl66 ..,i"" i, "ou i*o.t anseoble vilh Ameri(on rube 616 ' ii.. ona .on"..iion, expreslv Gen.ler 2729 - Hisien soin, lo*ett hum inpui tube delioned for hiqh auolJv oudio p'6 o pliler ond equorizer rtooe'o i.."t"r"iv su"oulds rrb6 er€n'rrs r:t \ionddrd i.*i""i . $59.OO . 'r'l"ra ao(ter pin triniolu.e $3.s0 IREQUENCY IRalrE 5PEAKER EOOXS BY G. BTTGGS: Although covering audio engi^. you \yill iind them easy to undeistand necring subjcrts, and most en;ovable for style and humor. i 368 Doner, 315 illu3lrdtion5. poges, 36 d d9'oFs ''Pidnos, Pidnisls ond Soni.s , 190 Fdses, 102 figures. ''Sound.eorodu.lion 'loLd,p-or-'3 , 38 $3.5o t.60 2.50 R-J FLooR MoDEts: AD {'ntircl! n.\r trcnd in,rLrdio dcsi!an. in 1)ri(. rn,l riarti.ul^rl! ada!tablc Sinrplc. llf\iirl,,1,,\ in roons whcr. st)aro r ust l)c cons.rrcd. Exccllcnt audio rlcsisn, .quxilr line {urnirure crr{tsnranshit. ll.rndDimensioni:20" hiqh r 20" lo^q i l6- deep, plus leq!. 52.5 0 t , v {ro l? 5pea1",, vo oooF l5-/"1 lFor l5" speole', Mohosoiy) |.Stlo ) speoLe,. Bo d" 'o.,ol E r< B {ro. . sp"oL-r Btorde ro, -d) ro el ' ') L ,o, ,: so"d."',- L'r.: l-". \p"or.. ^i.\ r t"'. cd,rto(e) 52.50 57.50 57,50 45.50 45.50 MoDlts: Iinginecred id!niicalt! r. '.he lloor ar. r1,dri.. thrsc tspr!i:tilv l.rsltL:lc li J Ilrcl.6utcs (i!..i;rill 1,, il Ll,r rr, hs. sizr,l li\ inir rnonr borksholl. jl5ii!llrti.ns. (Nl)i.rLs ,,f SL,lhlr fu'1,,rf , \isrLrs :tiftl, ri rtrtl! r,j >.,ti! , . l,!in:. R-, BoO(3HClF Double Sheli Model: 512 Lr F1, t .r :) Specr.r,l ?r | ! ! 32.5 0 sinsle shell Mod.l: s 3 Ll {for 3" Sp.oIer] ll" hiqh r l0'' deep $25,5O THE R-., WHARFEoAII , , . t ifrl and ,,r/, conrflcte lt ,l unill 'fwo gr.!t pro(lucts the R ,l Ilnclosur0.nrl thr \Vhnrfe (1ale Sprrltcr, lrrillir')lll nrrtchcdl Irinishc(i in c.nuin. 11!h,)sirr,,r I(.rina !rnlr('r, I)an(1'rubbr{l drrli or blondc (irillc|. is "Flrprnct" llxprndr(l (iol(leIr Alunrirunl ihe acousi.icrlll ' 1)erlccl' hrlal. lhc E" -qtclllicf is a \\'hrrfu(hh unil. (lcsisnc(l b! (.i. A. Brisss sp.cilicrlll ro nrrLch rhc Ii J Iincl0sure. Oimen5ionr: ll ' high \ 10" deep x 23!;" lons I B( B o.d" 57.50 60,00 \\'r shoN brl(,N .just n r n . r r r j ii r c',:.r) r tes ltiler s ,tr : I Ah | .. \\ Edac "tinislred" Cabinets, and Xjts. but there | | r , "or rrr ., rrrnl, t. ttr!pr l;JsF.araloau, ,vlodel i348 . . . A mosnificentry desisned cobinet, redrurins ronbour slide.oway doors. Widrh ,16" x Deprh 24" x !,eisnr 36". .5c' . ,roh09o1/ o, Co'do,on nlahosol, Blonde Mohogony, Wd nui, Lined Ook, Plotlnum, Fruitwood, rilople, lbor, Al or Oot. Nor"ol B,.l- tu.iie LV. Moskr 1no sloR .obilFr rp ro 2 .. 2. ot'7 cqL'pr e, o e o d plo/-, -' orr_ Remoyohle Fronr Mounlins w\cr o,d" Al'. orao d Ad . required). 17.25 3.OO RJ Spedker En.losure b!l i into speoker .ompo menr. No .horse lo. siondard 12" or 15" Sose R€tlex rliouk, ? ,o' - (oo re oro do. \ ol oo\. ood . .. sTYI.E "H" ffi@krll lEM]E] . STYTE "T- llffila ll)| lr- rL L[4]..."r1 t 7,50 7.50 E ITY1E "Y" 't" 572.OO rl: ll r:r ll ::;: I "RX" 9.OO 15 Wilh senuine lor $24E.6A 27 4.56 79.20 90.0o 97.20 l:ll lr {rl tL 3.OO iFl 48,0O 52.80 L41)l 99.5O 96.70 $89.70 98.67 107.20 t t6.t7 3,OO RIVER EDGE "D'O-lr"YOURSElr" KIIS. FoI m{ny enthusiasts, the kit one of the nost appcaling in hish 1id€lity ...and Ri!cr Edsc o'Iers kits of outstandins qualiiy, iiurabiliti' an(l pcrf ornrancc. 920 tqJiprPlr Cabinel o .2- I2 Speor"' Cdb, rer ots .,5- speore, cob 1.. 470 tqu:prert Cooinei 06?- t2 sped."r cobir"l 065- l5 Soed,e' Coo re lor I or 2-Woy Syrtems.llos 15" ord '2" ddopror .c Jdeo Arl kili in.lude %" pLywood dnd lumber cul 6nd ndcirined io 3izer hordvore; glu€; wood nller; sdndpdperr grill .loth; ocouni.ol insuld, ti.n; o$em6ly dnd finishing i.stru.tionr. $26.70 r 8.oo r 8.oo 35.94 24.OO 24.OO 900 Horn-looded Corner En.losure l-r Price! sliqhrlv hisher wen ot the Rocki€s 23.94