Xenia Community Schools – Fact Sheet Bond Issue on the

Xenia Community Schools – Fact Sheet
Bond Issue on the November 8, 2016 Ballot
Xenia Community Schools’ levy on the November 8th ballot is a 3.9-mill, 37-year bond issue. The cost to
taxpayers would be less than $12 a month per $100,000 of appraised property value. By law, the bond
issue funds can only be used for building construction and improvements.
The Ohio School Facilities Commission did an assessment of Warner Middle School (built in 1962) and
Xenia High School (built in 1976) and recommended both buildings be replaced because of the extent and cost - of numerous building issues. The assessments cite:
o a lack of fire suppression systems,
o leaking roofs and water-damaged ceilings,
o rusted and collapsed pipes with failing shut-off valves,
o aging and unreliable heating systems,
o numerous issues with ADA compliance,
o inadequate wiring and electrical systems,
o classrooms that are too small and poorly configured,
o and several other problem areas that need costly repairs, updates, or replacement.
The state estimated the cost of repairs and renovations totals more than two thirds the cost of building
new, up-to-date schools and has offered to pay more than $28 million to help replace the buildings,
contingent upon the passage of a bond issue to fund our local share.
Cost to repair/renovate:
State Share - $26.5 M
Local Share - $35.7 M + Locally funded initiatives
Cost to build new middle/high school:
State Share - $28.8 M
Local Share - $35.7 M + LFI (included in levy)
Through a process of community engagement and working with our teachers and staff, parents, the State
of Ohio, and local architects, the Xenia School Board chose to proceed with a combined middle and high
school building plan that would consist of a single site with middle school students and high school
students in separate wings of the building and shared spaces between, to:
o eliminate duplicating costly mechanical systems and spaces like the kitchen, cafeteria,
gymnasium, and auditorium;
o increase curriculum options and give younger students greater access to advanced courses;
o and expand opportunities for staff collaboration and sharing of resources.
The site will be located on 106 acres located at the northwest corner of St. Rt. 42 and US 35 (farm fields
across from where Ledbetter Rd. dead ends into St. Rt. 42).
Without voter approval of a bond issue, the state money goes away and Xenia Community Schools is
faced with trying to fund the needed building repairs and renovations on our own.
The current project budget includes funds to demolish both the middle and high school buildings.
However, since we have until 2020 before we would move out of the buildings, there is time to find an
entity that can remodel the building(s) for another use. No final decisions have been made at this time.
Timeline: Bond passage Nov. 2016, Design in 2017, Construction from 2018-2020
Election Day is November 8, 2016. Early voting begins October 12, 2016.
www.xenia.k12.oh.us / 937-376-2961 / 819 Colorado Dr., Xenia, OH. 45385