Measurement of Permanent Electric Dipole Moments of Proton, Deuteron and Light Nuclei in Storage Rings J. Pretz RWTH Aachen/ FZ Jülich on behalf of the JEDI collaboration SSP2012, Groningen June, 2012 1 / 37 Outline Electric Dipole Moments (EDMs) What is it? Why is it interesting? What do we know about it? How to measure it? 2 / 37 What is it? 3 / 37 Electric Dipole Moments: What is it? EDM: Permanent spatial separation of positive and negative charges Water molecule: d = 2 · 10−9 e· cm Water molecule can have large dipole moment because ground state has two degenerate states of different parity This is not the case for proton. Here the existence of a permanent EDM requires both T and P violation, i.e. assuming CPT invariance this implies CP violation: That makes it interesting! 4 / 37 T and P violation of EDM ~d: EDM µ ~ : magnetic moment – d~ µ ~ P + + T + – CPT T violation → CP violation 5 / 37 Why is it interesting? 6 / 37 Why is it interesting? CP violation of Standard Model predicts Proton EDM < 10−31 e·cm This corresponds to a separation of two u−quarks from a d−quark by ≈ 10−30 cm, i.e 10−17 of the proton radius! 1.6fm 10−17fm d~ + 23 + 23 − 13 Not reachable experimentally in foreseeable future Extensions of Standard Model predict EDM as large as 10−24 e·cm Sources of CP outside the realm of SM are needed to explain matter/anti-matter imbalance in universe 7 / 37 What do we know about (hadron) EDMs? 8 / 37 What do we know about (hadron) EDMs? Particle/Atom Neutron 199 Hg → Proton Current Limit/e·cm < 3 · 10−26 < 3.1 · 10−29 < 7.9 · 10−25 Deuteron ? 3 He ? direct measurement only for neutron proton deduced from atomic EDM limit no measurement for deuteron (or other nuclei) 9 / 37 History of Neutron EDM 50 years of effort Extensions of SM allow for large EDMs from K. Kirch 10 / 37 Sources of CP violation CP can have different sources Weak Interaction (unobservably small) QCD θ term (limit set by neutron EDM measurement) ———– Part of Standard Model ———– sources beyond SM ⇒ It is important to measure neutron and proton and deuteron and . . . EDMs in order to disentangle various sources of CP violation. 11 / 37 How to measure it? 12 / 37 How to measure it? General Idea: For all edm experiments (neutron, proton, atom, . . . ): ~ Interaction of ~d with electric field E For charged particles: apply electric field in a storage ring: d~s ~ ~ ∝d ×E dt ~s ~ E φ Wait for build-up of vertical polarization s⊥ ∝ |d|, then determine s⊥ using polarimeter d~s ~ × ~s In general: =Ω 13 / 37 “Thomas-BMT” formula ~ = Ω e~ ~ mc [GB+ G− 1 γ 2 −1 ~ ~ ~v × B)] ~ 1 η(E+ ~v × E+ 2 e~ ~ ~ ~d = η e~ S, ~µ = 2(G + 1) S 2mc 2m Several Options: 14 / 37 “Thomas-BMT” formula ~ = Ω e~ ~ mc [GB+ G− 1 γ 2 −1 ~ ~ ~v × B)] ~ 1 η(E+ ~v × E+ 2 e~ ~ ~ ~d = η e~ S, ~µ = 2(G + 1) S 2mc 2m Several Options: 1 Pureelectric ring 1 with G − 2 = 0 , works only for G > 0 γ −1 15 / 37 “Thomas-BMT” formula ~ = Ω e~ ~ mc [GB+ G− 1 γ 2 −1 ~ ~ ~v × B)] ~ 1 η(E+ ~v × E+ 2 e~ ~ ~ ~d = η e~ S, ~µ = 2(G + 1) S 2mc 2m Several Options: 1 2 Pureelectric ring 1 with G − 2 = 0 , works only for G > 0 γ −1 ~ B ~ ring Combined E/ 1 ~ ~ =0 ~v × E GB + G − 2 γ −1 16 / 37 “Thomas-BMT” formula ~ = Ω e~ ~ mc [GB+ G− 1 γ 2 −1 ~ ~ ~v × B)] ~ 1 η(E+ ~v × E+ 2 e~ ~ ~ ~d = η e~ S, ~µ = 2(G + 1) S 2mc 2m Several Options: 1 2 3 Pureelectric ring 1 with G − 2 = 0 , works only for G > 0 γ −1 ~ B ~ ring Combined E/ 1 ~ ~ =0 ~v × E GB + G − 2 γ −1 Pure magnetic ring 17 / 37 Required field strength G= proton g−2 2 1.79 p/GeV/c ER /MV/m BV /T 0.701 10 0 deuteron −0.14 1.0 −4 0.16 3 He −4.18 1.285 17 -0.05 Ring radius ≈ 40m Smaller ring size possible if BV 6= 0 for proton GBcβγ 2 E= 1 + Gβ 2 γ 2 18 / 37 1. Pure Electric Ring Brookhaven Proposal 19 / 37 ~ B ~ ring 2. Combined E/ Under discussion in Jülich (design: R. Talman) 20 / 37 3. Pure Magnetic Ring Main advantage: Experiment can be performed at the existing (upgraded) COSY (COoler SYnchrotron) in Jülich on a shorter time scale! COSY provides (polarized ) protons and deuterons with p = 0.3 − 3.7GeV/c ⇒ Ideal starting point 21 / 37 3. Pure Magnetic Ring e~ ~ + 1 η~v × B ~ Ω= GB mc 2 Problem: Due to precession caused by magnetic moment, 50% of time longitudinal polarization components is || to momentum, 50% of the time it is anti-||. ~ ∗ = ~v × B ~ E ~s p~ 50% ~s˙ d = ⊗ J ~ B 50% ~s˙ d = J ~∗ E 22 / 37 3. Pure Magnetic Ring e~ ~ + 1 η~v × B ~ Ω= GB mc 2 Problem: Due to precession caused by magnetic moment, 50% of time longitudinal polarization components is || to momentum, 50% of the time it is anti-||. ~ ∗ = ~v × B ~ E E ∗ field in the particle rest frame tilts spin due to EDM up and down ~s p~ ⇒ no net EDM effect 50% ~s˙ d = ⊗ J ~ B 50% ~s˙ d = J ~∗ E 23 / 37 3. Pure Magnetic Ring e~ ~ + 1 η~v × B ~ Ω= GB mc 2 Problem: Due to precession caused by magnetic moment, 50% of time longitudinal polarization components is || to momentum, 50% of the time it is anti-||. ~ ∗ = ~v × B ~ E E ∗ field in the particle rest frame tilts spin due to EDM up and down ~s p~ ⇒ no net EDM effect > 50% ~s˙ d = ⊗ Use resonant “magic Wien-Filter” ~ + ~v × B ~ = 0): in ring (E ~ B ∗ E = 0 → part. trajectory is not affected but B ∗ 6= 0 → mag. mom. is influenced ⇒ net EDM effect can be observed! J <50% 50% ~s˙ d = J ~∗ E 24 / 37 Summary of different options 1.) pure electric ring (BNL) 2.) combined ring (Jülich) 3.) pure magnetic ring (Jülich) , ~ field needed no B / works only for p ~ and B ~ both E required existing (upgraded) COSY lower sensitivity ring can be used , shorter time scale works for p, d, 3 He, . . . 25 / 37 Statistical Sensitivity ~ σ≈p NfT τp PEA P beam polarization 0.8 τp Spin coherence time/s 1000 E Electric field/MV/m 10 A Analyzing Power 0.6 N nb. of stored particles/cycle 4 × 107 f detection efficiency 0.005 T running time per year/s 107 ⇒ σ ≈ 10−29 e·cm/year (for magnetic ring ≈ 10−24 e·cm/year) Expected signal ≈ 3nrad/s (for d = 10−29 e·cm) (BNL proposal) 26 / 37 Systematics One major source: Radial B field mimics an EDM effect: Difficulty: even small radial magnetic field, Br can mimic EDM effect if :µBr ≈ dEr Suppose d = 10−29 e·cm in a field of E = 10MV/m This corresponds to a magnetic field: dEr 10−22 eV Br = = ≈ 3 · 10−17 T µN 3.1 · 10−8 eV/T Solution: Use two beams running clockwise and counter clockwise, Separation of the two beams is sensitive to Br 27 / 37 Main Challenges Spin Coherence Time (SCT)≈ 1000s Beam positioning ≈ 10nm (relative between CW-CCW) Polarimetry on 1 ppm level Field Gradients ≈ 10MV/m 28 / 37 Polarimeter Principle: Particles hit a target: Left/Right asymmetry gives information on EDM Up/Down asymmetry gives information on g-2 29 / 37 Polarimeter Cross Section & Analyzing Power for deuterons 30 / 37 Polarimeter Available at COSY for tests: EDDA polarimeter 31 / 37 Results on Spin Coherence Time (SCT) Spins decohere during storage time very preliminary results form Cosy run May 2012 using correction sextupole ⇒ SCT of ≈ 200s already reached (Ed. Stephenson) 32 / 37 pEDM at Brookhaven Time-lines: 2013-2014 2014 R&D preparation final ring design 2015-2017 ring/beam-line construction 2017-2018 Installation 33 / 37 Stepwise approach of JEDI project in Jülich JEDI = Jülich Electric Dipole Moment Investigation (Collaboration since March 2012, ≈ 70 members, still growing) 1 Spin coherence time studies Systematic Error studies 2 COSY upgrade first direct measurement at 10−24 e· cm 3 Build dedicated ring for p,d and 3 He 4 EDM measurement at 10−29 e· cm COSY COSY COSY Dedicated ring Time scales: Steps 1 and 2 <5 years Steps 3 and 4 >5 years 34 / 37 Storage Ring EDM Efforts Common R&D work • Spin Coherence Time • BPMs • Spin Tracking • Polarimetry • ... Jülich BNL • all electric ring (p) • first direct measuremet with upgraded COSY • all-in-one ring (p,d,3He) 35 / 37 Summary EDM of (charged) hadrons are of high interest to disentangle various sources of CP violation searched for to explain matter - antimatter asymmetry in the Universe Measurements of p,d and 3 He needed in addition to neutron efforts at Brookhaven and Jülich to perform such measurements 36 / 37 EDM Workshop at ECT∗ Trento EDM Searches at Storage Rings October 1-5, 2012 Organizers: Frank Rathmann (Jülich) Hans Ströher (Jülich) Andreas Wirzba (Jülich) Mei Bai (BNL) William Marciano (BNL) Yannis Semertzidis (BNL) 37 / 37