Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training Why this course? Raise awareness on CERN’s KT activities and explain different forms of KT • Learn about available tools to facilitate knowledge and technology transfer and to secure ownership and recognition for the knowledge developed at CERN • Understand what services and support are available to the CERN community from the KT Group • Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training Outline of the course 08:30 – Introduction 30’ 09:00 – Medical Applications 10’ 09:10 – Intellectual Property 45’ 09:55 – Coffee Break 20’ 10:15 – Contracts 45’ 11:00 – Entrepreneurship 20’ 11:20 – Examples of KT 55’ 12:15 – Concluding Remarks 15’ Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training Did you know? Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training KT: one of CERN’s missions CERN Mission Quarks Proton Develop new technologies for accelerators and detectors Train scientists and engineers of tomorrow Unite people from different countries and cultures Knowledge Transfer Push back the frontiers of knowledge in nuclear research Electron Nucleus Atom Molecule Matter Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training Why Knowledge Transfer? Our aim is to maximize the dissemination and the impact of CERN’s technologies and know how, and secure recognition Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training KT Modes Easy Access IP Open Source Software Licensing Open Hardware Business Incubation Procurement Service and Consultancy EU Projects Training R&D Collaborations Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training CERN Easy Access IP Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training CERN Open Hardware Licence A legal framework to facilitate knowledge exchange across the electronic design community. In the spirit of knowledge and technology dissemination, the CERN OHL was created to govern the use, copying, modification and distribution of hardware design documentation, and the manufacture and distribution of products. Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training CERN OHL: it is making an impact! • CERN OHL v1.1 Launched in 2011, great interest from the worldwide community • More than 100 hardware designs licensed under CERN OHL • More than 20 companies are using it • The license is being used by people outside our community as well (and for any kind of hardware) • Thanks to the interactions with the community, we improved the license and launched v1.2 in 2013 Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training CERN@school allows students to use a Timepix chip in the lab to visualise radiation Langton Ultimate Cosmic ray Intensity Detector uses 5 Timepix chips to monitor the radiation environment in Space Data from LUCID and CERN@school detectors will be uploaded to the Grid and made available for students to analyse Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training The KT Fund: bridging the « valley of death » Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training The KT fund • • CERN’s incentive scheme to help transferring our Knowledge and Technologies Projects selected by a committee composed by the Heads of Department and KT Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training KT implementation ways Market Pull Transfer to Existing Companies Technology Push Creation of New Companies Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Spin-Off Support Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training CERN Business Ideas Accelerator External financial resources CERN IP (Technologies) Entrepreneurs CERN Pre-Incubator STFC CERN BIC National BIC National BIC National BIC Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation National BIC Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training CERN BIC Network Established incubators: UK – STFC-CERN BIC Netherlands – NIKHEF-CERN BIC Norway – NTNU BIC of CERN Technology Greece – Technopolis BIC of CERN Technology Austria – Austria BIC of CERN Technology France – InnoGEX BIC of CERN Technology Finland – Finnish BIC of CERN Technology Spain – Spanish BIC of CERN Technology Advanced Pipeline: Italy Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training Network of BIC’s of CERN Technologies STFC-CERN BIC (UK, 2012) NTNU BIC of CERN Tech. (NO, 2014) NIKHEF CERN BIC (NL, 2014): CamsTech Ltd Austria BIC of CERN Tech. (AT, 2014): InnoGex (FR, 2015): Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training Knowledge Transfer through Procurement Results from a survey of companies involved in technology-intensive procurement contracts with CERN. 178 questionnaires analyzed, related to 503 MCHF procurement budget. Results: 44% indicated technological learning 42% increased their international exposure 38% developed new products 36% indicated market learning 13% started new R&D teams 52% would have had poorer sales performance without CERN 41% would have had poorer technological performance Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training KT Annual Reports Communicating KT at CERN in a comprehensive and coherent way Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation Giovanni Anelli, CERN KT Training