GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 74, NO. 4 共JULY-AUGUST 2009兲; P. S85–S93, 12 FIGS. 10.1190/1.3131383 Full-wave directional illumination analysis in the frequency domain Jun Cao1 and Ru-Shan Wu1 the rays. However, the high-frequency asymptotic approximation and the caustics inherent in ray theory might limit severely its accuracy in complex regions 共e.g., Hoffmann, 2001兲. Furthermore, the ray method cannot describe the finite-frequency effect of seismic waves. To obtain reliable and frequency-dependent illumination, we need a wave-theory-based method. One-way wave-equation-based propagators are widely used in illumination analysis. Although they neglect multiples, they can handle multiple forward-scattering phenomena, including focusing/defocusing, and diffraction. Unlike the ray-based methods, the wavefield obtained from wave-equation-based methods do not explicitly specify the directional information. Recently developed techniques, such as local slant-stack 共LSS兲 共e.g., Xie and Wu, 2002兲 and beamlet decomposition 共e.g., Wu et al., 2000兲, can decompose the wavefield into local plane waves, from which we can compute LAD illuminations 共e.g., Wu and Chen, 2002, 2006; Xie et al., 2003, 2006; Mao and Wu, 2007; Cao and Wu, 2009兲. However, the amplitude of the one-way wave propagator is inaccurate in complex models with sharp contrasts, even after corrections 共e.g., Zhang, 1993; Zhang et al., 2003; Kiyashchenko et al., 2005; Wu and Cao, 2005兲. Numerical implementations based on a one-way wave equation with the z-axis as the preferred propagation direction always have inherent limitations in wide-angle accuracy. Some one-way propagation-based methods can model backscattered waves or turning waves 共e.g., Wu, 1996; Xie and Wu, 2001; Kiyashchenko et al., 2005; Jin et al. 2006; Wu and Jia, 2006; Xu and Jin, 2006; Zhang et al., 2006兲; however the amplitude accuracy for these propagators still is in question because of various factors. Full two-way wave equations solved by the finite-difference or finite-element method can simulate accurate and complete wave behavior in complex media. Therefore, full-wave equation-based illumination analysis should provide full-angle true-amplitude illuminations of all arrivals for survey design and image amplitude corrections. Both full-wave modeling and LAD illumination analysis can be implemented in the time or frequency domain. Xie and Yang 共2008兲 proposed an illumination method using a time-domain fullwave finite-difference method as the propagator and a time-domain local-slowness analysis method to derive the directional informa- ABSTRACT Directional illumination analysis based on one-way wave equations has been studied extensively; however, its inherent limitations, e.g., one-way propagation, wide-angle error, and amplitude inaccuracy, can severely hinder its applications for accurate survey design and true-reflection imaging corrections in complex media. We have analyzed the illumination in the frequency domain using full two-way wave propagators considering the extensive computation and huge storage required for time-domain methods, and the fact that the illumination is frequency dependent. This full-wave analysis can provide frequency-dependent full-angle true-amplitude illumination not only for the downgoing waves but also for the upgoing waves, including turning waves and reflected waves. Two methods were considered to decompose the full wavefield into the local angle domain: a direct full-dimensional decomposition and more efficient split-step decomposition composed of three lower-dimensional decompositions. The results of illumination analysis demonstrated the advantages of this method. The two decomposition methods produced similar results. INTRODUCTION Local angle-domain 共LAD兲 illumination analysis 共e.g., Wu and Chen, 2006兲 studied the acquisition aperture and propagation-path effects. It has many applications, including survey design 共e.g., Li and Dong, 2006兲, studying the influences of acquisition geometry and overburden structures on the image 共e.g., Jin and Walraven, 2003; Wu and Chen, 2006; Xie et al., 2006兲, and image amplitude correction 共e.g., Wu et al., 2004; Cao and Wu, 2005, 2008兲. Traditionally, illumination analyses have used ray-based methods 共e.g., Schneider and Winbow, 1999; Bear et al., 2000; Muerdter et al., 2001; Muerdter and Ratcliff, 2001a, 2001b; Lecomte et al., 2003兲, in which the directional information is inherently carried by Manuscript received by the Editor 13 August 2008; revised manuscript received 23 October 2008; published online 5 June 2009. 1 University of California, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Santa Cruz, California, U.S.A. E-mail:; © 2009 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved. S85 S86 Cao and Wu tion. The method is particularly useful for providing illumination analysis for reverse time migration. We propose to analyze the full-wave illumination in the frequency domain for several reasons. First, the illumination is frequency dependent. Second, the frequency-domain analysis method requires less storage compared with the time-domain method. Third, the frequency-domain angle decomposition of the wavefield is more efficient than the time-domain method. We illustrate the idea in 2D media. First we describe the basic concept for full-wave equation-based LAD illumination. Then we describe the two proposed wavefield decomposition methods for fullwave propagators. Following that, we show some examples demonstrating the advantages of full-wave illumination in the frequency domain, including the illumination for upgoing waves, such as turning waves, and reflected waves. We also show the illumination analysis for the BP 2004 benchmark model 共Billette and BrandsbergDahl, 2005兲. In the discussion section, we show the influence of multiples on the illumination strength and compare the angle resolution of the two proposed angle-decomposition methods. FULL-WAVE EQUATION-BASED DIRECTIONAL ILLUMINATION ANALYSIS One-way wave-equation-based LAD illumination is discussed in many papers 共e.g., Wu and Chen 2006; Xie et al., 2006兲. Here we briefly describe the basic concepts of wave-equation-based LAD illumination. The computation procedure of LAD illumination can be summarized as follows. First, in a given model we put a unit-strength source at the shot/receiver location 共xs / xRs兲 and propagate the wavefield into the model space x ⳱ 共x,z兲. Second, by local plane-wave decomposition techniques, e.g., LSS 共Xie and Wu, 2002兲 and beamlet decomposition 共Wu et al., 2000兲, we can obtain the Green’s functions in the local source/receiving angle 共 ¯ s,¯ g兲 domain, G共x,¯ s;xs兲, G共x,¯ g;xRs兲. Third, with the LAD Green’s functions from all shot and receiver locations, we can compute the LAD illuminations for this acquisition configuration. For a single frequency, the directional illumination is defined as 共e.g., Wu and Chen 2006兲 DI共x,¯ s兲 ⳱ 冋 兩G共x,¯ s;xs兲兩2 兺 x s 册 1/2 共1兲 , 冋兺 兺 xs ¯ r DI2共x,¯ s;xS兲 兺 DI2共x,¯ g;xRs兲 xR s WAVEFIELD DECOMPOSITION FOR FULL-WAVE PROPAGATORS Local plane-wave decomposition techniques, such as the LSS method and beamlet decomposition method, were applied along the horizontal coordinate共s兲 共e.g., Xie and Wu, 2002; Wu and Chen, 2002; Xie et al., 2003兲, which is appropriate to one-way propagators. First we summarize these two decomposition methods for one-way propagators. Then we describe two decomposition methods for fullwave propagators: direct 2D decomposition and split-step decomposition using 1D decompositions. Wavefield decomposition for one-way propagators 1D local slant stack for one-way propagators which measures the incident-angle response of the source aperture in a given model. The acquisition dip response 共ADR兲 is defined as 共e.g., Wu and Chen 2006兲 ADR共x,¯ n兲 ⳱ For full-wave equation-based illumination, the first step, generating the space-domain wavefield, has been studied extensively. To obtain the frequency-domain wavefield, the frequency-domain modeling 共e.g., Marfurt, 1984; Operto et al., 2007兲 or time-domain modeling plus the running discrete Fourier transform 共DFT兲 sum can be used 共e.g., Luo et al., 2004; Nihei and Li, 2007; Sirgue et al., 2008兲. Nihei and Li 共2007兲 compared the requirements of storage and floating-point operations of the time-domain and frequency-domain finite-difference methods for 2D and 3D multiple-source frequency-response modeling. 共In the comparison, the time-domain method is an explicit scheme, and the frequency-domain method uses direct solution of the linear system equations by LU-factorization with the nested dissection reordering.兲 Their comparison shows that, for most 2D problems, when there is ample memory the frequency-domain method can efficiently provide the frequency responses for multisource problems; however, for 3D problems, a better choice is time-domain modeling plus the running DFT sum over time marching 共see also Sirgue et al., 2008兲. For the third step, illumination formulas originally defined for the one-way propagator can be used for the full-wave case, except that the local angle ranges are different 共full-wave illumination can obtain the illumination not only for downgoing waves, but also for upgoing waves兲. Therefore, the main task here is the second step: to decompose the space-domain full wavefield into LAD. 册 1/2 , 共2兲 where ¯ n ⳱ 共 ¯ s Ⳮ ¯ g兲 / 2,¯ r ⳱ 共 ¯ s ⳮ ¯ g兲 / 2 represent the local dip and reflection angle, respectively. The ADR measures the dip-angle response of the whole acquisition system, including the source and receiver apertures.All contributions from the various source-scattering angle pairs for the same dip are summed together to obtain the ADR for that dip. Because the Green’s function is calculated by wave-theory-based one-way propagators, the illumination includes the path effects, including all forward-scattering phenomena. However, backscattering is excluded because of the one-way approximation of the propagator. In 1D LSS, using a windowed Fourier transform along a horizontal coordinate, we can decompose the wavefield uz共x, 兲 at depth z for frequency , obtained from any extrapolator, into local plane waves 共Figure 1兲, uz共x,¯ , 兲 ⳱ 冕 w共x⬘ ⳮ x兲uz共x⬘, 兲eⳮi共x⬘ⳮx兲·k共x兲sin dx⬘, ¯ 共3兲 where ¯ is the local plane-wave propagating angle with respect to the vertical direction, w is a 1D window in the horizontal direction and centered at x, and k共x兲 ⳱ / V共x兲; V共x兲 is the local velocity. 1D beamlet decomposition for one-way propagators The wavefield uz共x, 兲 also can be decomposed into beamlets by the following formula, Full-wave directional illumination uz共x, 兲 ⳱ 兺 兺 ûz共x̄n,¯ m, 兲bmn共x兲, m 共4兲 u共x,¯ , 兲 ⳱ n where bmn are the beamlets 共decomposition basis vectors兲 located at space window x̄n and wavenumber window ¯ m, and where ûz共x̄n,¯ m, 兲 are the corresponding decomposition coefficients. References in the introduction provide details on beamlet decomposition, including the formula to obtain the decomposition coefficients. We can obtain the local plane waves uz共x,¯ m, 兲 by partial reconstruction of the beamlet-domain wavefield, uz共x,¯ m, 兲 ⳱ 兺 ûz共x̄n,¯ m, 兲bmn共x兲. 共5兲 n By the dispersion relation of the wave equation, we also can convert these local plane waves from the wavenumber domain to the angle domain. Wavefield decomposition for full-wave propagators When the local Fourier transform or beamlet decomposition is applied only along the horizontal coordinate, the local plane waves uz共x,¯ , 兲 or uz共x,¯ m, 兲 include not only the waves with positive vertical wavenumbers 共propagating downward兲 but also corresponding negative vertical wavenumbers 共propagating upward兲. In one-way propagators, the waves propagate along only one primary direction; therefore decomposition along only the horizontal coordinate is appropriate. However, the full-wave propagators usually include both the downgoing and upgoing waves. The 1D decomposition techniques above will mix the downgoing and upgoing waves, resulting in incorrect illumination amplitude and artificial interference patterns in the illumination map 共see, e.g., Figure 2; and Luo et al., 2004兲. We decompose the full waves using direct 2D decomposition and an efficient split-step decomposition. 冕 w共x⬘ ⳮ x兲u共x⬘, 兲 ⫻ eⳮik共x兲·共共x⬘ⳮx兲sin Ⳮ共z⬘ⳮz兲cos 兲dx⬘, ¯ ¯ 共6兲 where w is a 2D spatial window 共Figure 3兲. Split-step decomposition for full-wave propagators The 2D decomposition discussed above can directly obtain the wavefield for all directions; however, it costs much more than 1D decomposition. Here, we propose an efficient split-step decomposition method to obtain the LAD wavefield for full-wave propagators using 1D decomposition techniques. First we decompose the full wavefield along the vertical direction using the 1D technique to separate the downgoing and upgoing waves. Then we apply 1D decomposition along the horizontal direction to the downgoing and upgoing waves to obtain the wavefields in all directions. We need three 1D decompositions to decompose the full wavefields. This method can be extended to the 3D case with 1D decomposition along the vertical direction and 2D decomposition along the horizontal coordinates. For the first step, we need to separate the waves with positive and negative vertical wavenumbers. The Gabor-Daubechies frame and local exponential frame beamlet-decomposition methods are very efficient in providing the local wavenumber-domain wavefield with uniquely defined directional localization; hence, they can be used for this step. We use Gabor-Daubechies frame beamlet decomposition in this step because it can provide a more accurate directional wavefield than the local exponential frame beamlet decomposition 共Cao and Wu, 2009兲. Appendix A summarizes the Gabor-Daubechies frame beamlet decomposition and partial reconstruction to obtain the local plane waves. For the second step, we can use either the LSS method or the more efficient method with the Gabor-Daubechies frame beamlet decomposition proposed by Cao and Wu 共2009兲. EXAMPLES OF LOCAL-ANGLE-DOMAIN FULL-WAVE ILLUMINATION ANALYSIS 2D decomposition for full-wave propagators One direct way to obtain the LAD wavefield for full waves is by using 2D local plane-wave decomposition for 2D problems. Similarly to 1D LSS, we can decompose the wavefield for a given frequency into local plane waves using 2D LSS, We demonstrate the advantages of full-wave equation-based illumination in the frequency domain, i.e., providing frequency-dependent full-angle true-amplitude illuminations for all arrivals. We Depth (km) a) x 2 4 Surface location (km) 6 8 10 12 14 1 2 3 1 2 3 In ci de nt w av e θ 0 b) Depth (km) 1D window S87 z Figure 1. Basic geometry of 1D local angle-domain analysis for the 2D model. 0 Max Figure 2. Acquisition dip-response maps for 15 Hz using the fullwave equation with 1D LSS applied along horizontal direction for different dips: 共a兲 Ⳮ30°; 共b兲 ⳮ30°. Note the interference patterns caused by the interaction between upgoing and downgoing waves. S88 Cao and Wu show illumination for downgoing waves with the 2D SEG/EAGE salt model 共Aminzadeh et al., 1994; Aminzadeh et al., 1995兲, illumination for turning waves with a V共z兲 model and reflected waves with a two-layer model, frequency-dependent illumination with a lens model, and final application in the BP 2004 benchmark velocity model 共Billette and Brandsberg-Dahl, 2005兲. We discuss the illumination of multiples in the following section. In examples below, we consider only a frequency of 15 Hz for illumination calculation except where otherwise specified. Downgoing-wave illumination in the 2D SEG/EAGE salt model The acquisition geometry of synthetic data for this model consists of 325 shots with 176 left-side trailing receivers for each shot. The shot and receiver intervals are 160 feet 共50 m兲 and 80 feet 共25 m兲, respectively. The ADR results for dips Ⳮ30° and ⳮ30° from the split-step method are very similar to those obtained by the much more expensive 2D LSS method 共Figure 4兲. Interference patterns in the illumination maps using 1D decomposition along the horizontal direction 共Figure 2兲 do not appear in these results. Turning-wave and reflected-wave illumination in simple models e av W 2 θ2 x W av e 1 θ1 2D window z Figure 3. Basic geometry for 2D local plane-wave decomposition for the 2D model. 0 1 12 14 Frequency-dependent illumination 3 To demonstrate frequency-dependent illumination, we use a lens model consisting of a homogeneous elliptical lens 共2000 m / s兲 embedded in a homogeneous background 共3000 m / s兲. For 15-Hz Split-step 1 2 a) 3 Depth (km) Depth (km) Surface location (km) 6 8 10 2 c) Depth (km) 4 Split-step b) 2D LSS 1 2 0 2 4 6 Surface location (km) 8 10 12 14 16 18 1 2 3 4 3 d) Depth (km) 2 b) 2D LSS Depth (km) Depth (km) a) Turning waves and reflected waves can image overhung or vertical structures 共e.g., Jin et al. 2006; Xu and Jin, 2006; Zhang et al., 2006; Jia and Wu, 2007兲, which downgoing waves in traditional oneway propagators cannot image. The examples here are for a single shot. First we use a V共z兲 共 ⳱ 1.5Ⳮ 0.625z km/ s兲 model to demonstrate the illumination by turning waves. The directional illumination for incident angle 135° from the split-step method is similar to that obtained by the 2D LSS method 共Figure 5兲. We notice that the illumination from the split-step method has a lower resolution; we discuss this result in the following section. The interference pattern is caused by the interaction of turning waves and a weak upgoing reflected wave. This reflection is produced by the sharp velocity-gradient change at the model bottom, where we pad the V共z兲 model with a constant velocity in the full-wave modeling. In the next example, we use a two-layer model to show the illumination by reflected waves. It consists of a 5-km-thick homogeneous layer with a velocity of 3.0 km/ s and a half-space with a velocity of 4.5 km/ s. The directional illumination for an incident angle of 135° from the split-step method is very similar to that obtained by the 2D LSS method 共Figure 6兲. The interference pattern in the lower-right corner of the model is caused by the interaction of reflected waves and head waves. 1 2 3 0 Max Figure 4. Acquisition dip-response maps for 15 Hz using the fullwave equation from the split-step decomposition method 共a-b兲 and the 2D LSS method 共c-d兲 for different dips: 共a, c兲 Ⳮ30°; 共b, d兲 ⳮ30°. 1 2 3 4 0 Max Figure 5. Directional illumination at 15 Hz for an incident angle of 135° in a V共z兲 共 ⳱ 1.5Ⳮ 0.625z km/ s兲 model: 共a兲 from the split-step method; 共b兲 from the 2D LSS method. In this and following plots, the star represents the source location. Full-wave directional illumination DISCUSSION Influence of multiples on the illumination strength The LAD wavefield-decomposition methods for the full wavefield can separate the downgoing and upgoing waves. However, the Depth (km) b) 0 2 4 6 Surface location (km) 8 10 12 14 16 2 3 4 12 16 20 2 6 10 b) 2 6 10 c) 2 6 1 10 2 d) 3 2 4 Max Figure 6. Directional illumination at 15 Hz for an incident angle of 135° in a two-layer model: 共a兲 from the split-step method; 共b兲 from the 2D LSS method. Depth (km) 1.5 2.0 2.5 d) Surface location (km) 2 4 6 e) 1.5 2.0 2.5 f) 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 6 10 e) Depth (km) Surface location (km) 2 4 6 a) c) 8 1 0 b) a) Depth (km) Depth (km) a) Surface location (km) 4 Depth (km) Finally we apply the full-wave-equation illumination to the complicated 2004 BP benchmark model. One challenge in this model is to delineate the vertical and overhung salt flanks 共e.g., circled area in Figure 8a兲. These targets can be imaged by the turning/reflected waves. The ADR map from a single source-receiver acquisition on the surface 共see Figure 8a兲 shows that this simple acquisition system can illuminate the vertical salt flank well 共Figure 8d兲, although it does not illuminate the overhung salt flank well 共Figure 8e兲. For comparison, we also compute the ADRs in the BP model without salt 共Figure 9兲. The illuminations are more uniform in space and very different from those in the exact model. However, the wave can still illuminate the potential vertical structures very well 共Figure 9d兲. Depth (km) Illumination in the 2004 BP benchmark velocity model downgoing waves include not only the primary incident waves but also multiples; the primary incident waves include the first arrival and multiarrivals. The ADR maps for the most energetic waves by the split-step method show some illumination holes 共Figure 10兲. Comparison with the ADRs for the full downgoing waves 共Figure 4a and b兲 shows that the other arrivals 共i.e., multiarrivals and multiples兲 provide extra illumination to the subsurface. The migration methods based on one-way propagators use not only the first arrival but also Depth (km) waves, the directional illumination from one shot right above the lens 共Figure 7a and d兲 shows obvious illumination shadows and wavefield focusing features below the lens because of the low-velocity anomaly. For lower frequencies 共5 and 2.5 Hz here兲, the illuminations below the lens are quite different from the illumination for 15 Hz: they seem to provide more even illumination, and the shadow zones shrink with decreasing frequency 共Figure 7兲. S89 2 6 10 Max Figure 7. Frequency-dependent single-shot directional illumination in a low-velocity lens 共black ellipse area in the figure兲 model. The left and right columns are for 0° and 20° incidence angles, respectively. The rows from top to bottom are for frequencies of 15 Hz 共a, d兲, 5 Hz 共b, e兲, and 2.5 Hz 共c, f兲, respectively. 0 Max Figure 8. Acquisition dip response from a single source-receiver acquisition for 15-Hz waves in the 2004 BP benchmark model: 共a兲 part of the exact model used; 共b-e兲 ADR for different dips: 共b兲 0°, 共c兲 40°, 共d兲 90°, 共e兲 130°. In this and following plots, the triangle represents the receiver location. S90 Cao and Wu multiarrivals; therefore the multiarrivals should be included in the illumination analysis for survey design and true-reflection imaging corrections. However, multiples, especially internal multiples, should be eliminated because most migration methods based on the one-way propagator do not use them. We cannot separate multiples from other arrivals in the frequency domain. In the time domain, it is also hard to do because both might have similar traveltimes in complex media. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate the relative illumination strength from multiples and multiarrivals in general media. Surface location (km) Depth (km) a) 4 8 12 16 20 2 6 10 Depth (km) b) 2 The one-way and one-return boundary element method in the frequency domain 共He and Wu, 2007兲 can calculate the primary transmitted waves and multiples for a layered model or an inclusion model. This method can handle strong velocity contrasts. Here, we investigate the influence of internal multiples on illumination strength with a simplified SEG/EAGE salt model, in which a homogeneous salt body 共4480 m / s兲 with the same shape as that of the original 2D SEG/EAGE salt model is embedded in a homogeneous background medium 共2380 m / s兲. This is a scalar-wave model. For the acousticwave model, the salt internal multiples will be weaker because the density of the salt usually is lower than that of the background sediment. Directional illumination maps from the primary transmitted waves and salt internal multiples in the subsalt region for incident angles ⳮ10° and ⳮ60° show that the maximum amplitude of the illumination of primaries is more than six times stronger than that of the multiples for these two angles 共Figure 11兲. Therefore the contribution of the multiples to illumination strength could be considered as a secondary effect here. However, we can also notice the difference in the spatial distribution of the illumination between results for multiples and those for primaries. For example, for the ⳮ60° incident angle, the primaries strongly illuminate only the left part of the subsalt area; however, the multiples illuminate the whole subsalt area more evenly and provide extra illumination to the shadow in the illumination by primaries 共right part in subsalt area兲. 6 Comparison of the 1D and 2D local slant-stack methods c) 2 Depth (km) 10 6 Previous results show that the split-step method based on 1D decompositions might produce a lower resolution result than the 2D LSS method 共Figure 5兲. Here we show a theoretical analysis and numerical investigation. For 1D decomposition, from the dispersion relation we have 兩d¯ 兩 ⳱ 兩d¯ 兩k0 cos ¯ , 10 6 10 a) 2 Depth (km) Depth (km) e) where k0 is the wavenumber. We can further obtain the angular resolution as a function of wavelength , window length Lwin, and the angle ¯ , 2 6 0 2 4 Surface location (km) 6 8 10 11 12 1 2 3 b) Depth (km) Depth (km) d) 共7兲 10 0 1 2 3 Max 0 Figure 9. Acquisition dip response from a single source-receiver acquisition for 15-Hz waves in the 2004 BP benchmark model without salts: 共a兲 part of the model used; 共b-e兲 ADR for different dips: 共b兲 0°, 共c兲 40°, 共d兲 90°, 共e兲 130°. Max Figure 10. Acquisition dip-response maps for the most energetic waves at 15 Hz with the split-step method for different dips: 共a兲 Ⳮ30°; 共b兲 ⳮ30°. Full-wave directional illumination 兩d¯ 兩 ⳱ 1 . Lwin cos ¯ The numerical results show that for waves propagating within about Ⳳ30° from the decomposition direction, the angular resolution of the 1D LSS method is similar to that of the 2D LSS method. The direction of the local plane wave having maximum energy from the 1D LSS decomposition still is consistent with the true incident direction of the global plane wave from any direction. 共8兲 Therefore, the angular resolution is angle and window-length dependent for a given . For the 2D LSS method, 兩d¯ 兩 ⳱ , Lwin 共9兲 CONCLUSIONS which is angle independent. This can explain previous differences of angular resolution in illumination results. Next we compare the methods numerically. We investigate the decomposed local plane waves for incident global plane waves along different directions, using the 2D LSS method and the 1D LSS method along the horizontal direction. Results show that the 2D LSS method gives the same angular resolution for the plane-wave incident along any direction 共Figure 12a兲. The 1D LSS method yields angular resolution decreasing with the increase of the propagating angle of the global plane wave 共Figure 12b兲, and it gives the best resolution 共red line兲 when the decomposition direction is parallel to the wavefront. Depth (km) a) Depth (km) c) 6 Surface location (km) 8 10 12 b) We have analyzed the local-angle domain 共LAD兲 illumination in the frequency domain with full-wave propagators using two wavefield decomposition methods: one is the direct 2D/3D local planewave decomposition; the other is the more efficient split-step decomposition. The methods can provide frequency-dependent fullangle true-amplitude illumination analysis for all arrivals. They are more efficient and storage saving compared with the time-domain angle analysis method. They can be used for accurate survey design and true-reflection imaging corrections. Results of illumination analysis from both decomposition methods are very similar, although the split-step method might produce a lower resolution result at wide angles. We conclude that the proposed methods provide efficient and accurate tools for the LAD wave-theory-based illumination analysis in complex models. Surface location (km) 8 10 12 6 S91 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1.8 The authors thank the associate editor and reviewers for their valuable comments that greatly improved this manuscript. We acknowledge Xiao-Bi Xie for helpful discussion on LSS, and Yaofeng He for generating the primary and multiple data with the one-way and one-return boundary element method. This research is sponsored by the Wavelet Transform on Propagation and Imaging 共for seismic exploration兲 Research Consortium 共WTOPI兲 at the University of California, Santa Cruz. We also thank BP and Frederic Billette for providing the 2004 BP 2D benchmark velocity model. 2.6 3.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 d) 1.8 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.04 0.06 2.6 3.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 Figure 11. Directional illumination for the primary transmitted waves and salt internal multiples at 15 Hz in a simplified SEG/ EAGE salt model: 共a兲 transmitted waves for ⳮ10°; 共b兲 multiples for ⳮ10°; 共c兲 transmitted waves for ⳮ60°; 共d兲 multiples for ⳮ60°. APPENDIX A GABOR-DAUBECHIES FRAME BEAMLET DECOMPOSITION a) 180 210 b) 1 180 210 150 150 0.6 0.6 Wavefield amplitude 1 0.8 0.8 240 120 240 120 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 90 270 270 90 The Gabor-Daubechies frame 共GDF兲 beamlets 共e.g., Wu et al., 2000; Wu and Chen, 2001; Chen et al., 2006兲 have uniquely defined and good localization information available after decomposition. The GDF beamlets for the beamlet decomposition equation 4 are Gaussian function windowed exponential harmonics, ¯ 300 60 330 30 0 Decomposed angle ( ° ) 300 60 330 30 0 Decomposed angle ( ° ) Figure 12. Decomposed local plane waves for incident global plane waves from different directions 共dashed lines show the true incident directions兲 using the 共a兲 2D LSS and 共b兲1D LSS methods. bmn共x兲 ⳱ g共x ⳮ x̄n兲ei mx, 共A-1兲 where ¯ m ⳱ m⌬ 共⌬ is the wavenumber sampling interval兲, and g共x兲 is a Gaussian window function, 冉 冊 g共x兲 ⳱ 共 s2兲ⳮ1/4 exp ⳮ x2 , 2s2 共A-2兲 S92 Cao and Wu s2 ⳱ R · ⌬N2 , 2 共A-3兲 where s is the scale of the Gaussian window, R is the redundancy ratio, and ⌬N is the lateral sampling interval of the frame. Substituting the GDF beamlet representation A-1 into the beamlet decomposition equation 4, we can obtain the partially reconstructed local plane waves, ¯ uz共x,¯ m, 兲 ⳱ ei mx 兺 g共x ⳮ x̄n兲ûz共x̄n,¯ m, 兲, 共A-4兲 n with the decomposition coefficients ûz共x̄n,¯ m, 兲 ⳱ 具uz共x, 兲,b̃mn共x兲典 ⳱ 冕 * 共x兲dx, uz共x, 兲 · b̃mn 共A-5兲 where 具·典 stands for inner product, * stands for complex conjugate, and b̃mn共x兲 are the dual GD frame atoms ¯ b̃mn共x兲 ⳱ g̃共x ⳮ x̄n兲ei mx, 共A-6兲 with g̃共x兲 being the dual-window function of g共x兲. The dual-window function can be calculated by pseudoinversion of the original window function 共Qian and Chen, 1996; Mallat, 1998; Wu and Chen, 2001兲. From equation A-4, we can see that the local plane wave is a weighted average of the windowed beamlets with the same wavenumber from neighboring windows. The total space-domain wavefield can be written as uz共x, 兲 ⳱ 兺 uz共x,¯ m, 兲. 共A-7兲 m REFERENCES Aminzadeh, F., N. Burkhard, T. Kunz, L. Nicoletis, and F. 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