LED illumination for Machine Vision made by www.net-gmbh.com Introduction into LED Illumination Technology The rapid advances in LED technology have made the mass production of bright, high quality LEDs possible at reasonable prices. Offering a wealth of advantages, LED illumination devices have become the solution of choice for demanding illumination tasks: • Flexibility in shape and design • Very long life time • Low power consumption • Low heat radiation • Different colors available (red, green, blue, white, IR, UV) • Short response time when used in strobes The Color of Light Most of our illumination devices are available in red, green, blue and white. The following images demonstrate the effects from using different light for illumination. For special applications we can supply customised LED illuminations with IR or UV LEDs. IR illumination is interesting because many materials have a better transmission for IR light, than for visible light. UV light on the other side is very effective for surface control on polished materials. UV light is provides also a higher resolution if combined with a very high magnification lens. Direct Illumination An array of LEDs arranged in a ring or rectangular matrix provides a very bright and concentrated light. The object is illuminated directly with light closed to the optical axis. The direct ring is suitable for non-reflective parts, and wherever strong illumination is needed. This type of illumination is also available as a strobe version which provides increased intensity during flash. Low Angle and Horizontal Illumination A ring of LEDs illuminates the object at a very low angle up to completely horizontal light. The low angled light emphasis even smallest deviations of the surface. This is very helpful to detect scratches, tool marks and edges on reflective parts. This type of illumination is also available as a strobe version. Flat Ring Illumination This illumination uses either a special light diffusion plate to achieve a highly diffused and homogeneous light field. There are also flat ring illumination devices available that use direct LED illumination, which provides much more intensity but less diffusion. Flat ring illumination devices are an effective solution for highly reflective parts, where reflections and shadows are a problem. This type of illumination is also available as a strobe version. Back Light Illumination Back light illumination achieves a highly homogeneous light on a large surface. Back light illumination can be used either to measure very precisely the contour of an object of to inspect printing on transparent or semi-transparent parts. Coaxial Illumination Coaxial illumination is the best solution for highly reflective parts and for parts that are covered with a transparent cover. This can be the case for example for objects that are checked in their blister packing. There are two types of coaxial illumination, box type and telecentric illumination. The box type coaxial illumination can be used with nearly every machine vision lens. The special coaxial telecentric illumination provides the best results, but it can only be used with telecentric lenses. Please refer to our separate lens brochure. Dome Illumination For shiny spherical and convex objects dome illuminations provide a diffuse and homogeneous light without reflections. LED Strobe Illumination Strobe Ring Strobe Flat Ring Strobe Bar Strobe Ring Illumination for non-reflective objects *Available Colors Number of LED Size (V) Size (H) WD (Red / other colors) (Red / other colors) (mm) (mm) (mm) ISR-50/28 R / G / B / White 54 / 45 50 28 30 × 70 ISR-70/39 R / G / B / White 120 / 96 70 39 50 × 100 ISR-90/50 R / G / B / White 216 / 108 90 50 60 × 120 ISR-110/60 R / G / B / White 250 / 160 110 60 60 × 120 ISR-140/95 R / G / B / White 360 / 180 140 95 80 × 130 Type Strobe Low Angle Ring Illumination for edge and surface detection on reflective surfaces ISR-LA100/68 R / G / B / White 180 / 90 100 68 20 × 30 ISR-LA120/70 R / G / B / White 217 / 119 120 70 20 × 35 ISR-LA140/108 R / G / B / White 342 / 171 140 108 15 × 20 ISR-LA200/170 Red 396 200 170 15 x 20 Strobe Flat Ring Illumination for surface detection on reflective surfaces ISR-F52/20 R / G / B / White 72 / 54 52 20 ISR-F70/37 R / G / B / White 108 / 90 70 37 ISR-F90/50 R / G / B / White 204 / 102 90 50 ISR-F110/60 R / G / B / White 240 / 153 110 60 Strobe Bar Illumination rectangular LED arrays for non reflective parts ISB-20/20 Blue/Green/White 16 20 × 20 with diffusor ISB-50/50 R / G / B / White 144 / 90 50 × 50 with diffusor ISB-70/75 R / G / B / White 168 70 × 75 with diffusor ISB-72/24 R / G / B / White 108 72 x 24 ISB-300/24 Blue/Green/White 420 300 x 24 *For orders please specify color LED Ring Illumination Direct Ring Low Angle Direct Ring Direct Ring Horizontal Ring Flat Diffused Ring Direct Ring Illumination for non-reflective objects • High intensity light Type *Available Colors (Red / other colors) Number of LED (Red / other colors) Outside Dia. (mm) Inside Dia. (mm) WD Power (Watt) (mm) (Red / other colors) Diffuser IDR-38/15 R / G / B / White 36 / 36 38 15 30~40 1.5W / 1.5W optional IDR-40/25 R / G / B / White 24 / 24 40 25 40~65 1.0W / 1.0W + IDR-55/20 R / G / B / White 66 / 66 55 20 25~65 2.7W / 2.7W + IDR-50/28 R / G / B / White 54 / 54 50 28 30~70 2.2W / 2.2W + IDR-66/36 R / G / B / White 108 / 108 66 36 170~310 4.4W / 4.4W + IDR-70/28RA24 Red 180 70 28 20~50 7.2W / 7.2W (24VDC) + IDR-70/39 R / G / B / White 120 / 120 70 39 50~100 4.8W / 4.8W + IDR-90/50 R / G / B / White 216 / 216 90 50 60~120 8.7W / 8.7W + IDR-110/60 R / G / B / White 252 / 252 110 60 60~120 10.1W / 10.1W + IDR-140/95 R / G / B / White 360 / 360 140 95 80~130 14.4W / 14.4W + Low Angle Direct Ring Illumination for edge and surface detection on reflective objects IDR-LA50/24R-2 Red 48 50 24 10~20 2.0W / 2.0W + IDR-LA100/68-3 R / G / B / White 180 / 90 100 68 20~30 7.2W / 7.2W + IDR-LA120/70-2 R / G / B / White 156 / 78 120 70 20~35 6.3W / 6.3W + IDR-LA120/70-3 R / G / B / White 228 / 114 120 70 20~35 9.2W / 9.2W + IDR-LA120/70-4 R / G / B / White 294 / 147 120 70 20~35 11.8W / 10.8W + IDR-LA140/108-3 R / G / B / White 264 / 132 140 108 15~20 10.6W / 10.6W + IDR-LA140/108-4 R / G / B / White 348 / 174 140 108 15~20 14.0W / 14.0W + IDR-LA150/110R-5 Red 348 140 108 15~20 14.0W / 14.0W + IDR-LA200/170R-3 Red 396 200 170 40~45 15.9W / 15.9W + Flat Direct Ring Illumination for surface detection on reflective objects IDR-F32/10 R / G / B / White 18 32 10 - 0.8W / 1.5W + IDR-F50/15S R / G / B / White 54 50 15 - 2.2W / 4.4W + IDR-F52/20 R / G / B / White 72 / 54 52 20 - 2.9W / 4.4W + IDR-F70/37 R / G / B / White 108 / 93 70 37 - 4.4W / 7.5W + IDR-F90/50 R / G / B / White 204 / 102 90 50 - 8.2W / 8.2W + IDR-F110/60 R / G / B / White 240 / 159 110 60 - 9.6W / 12.8W + Horizontal Ring Illumination for surface detection on highly reflective objects IDR-T75/46-1 R / G / B / White 48 75 46 - 2.0W / 4.0W + IDR-T84/54-1 R / G / B / White 48 84 54 - 2.0W / 4.0W + IDR-T96/60-1 R / G / B / White 60 96 60 - 2.4W / 4.8W + IDR-T122/92-1 R / G / B / White 77 122 92 - 3.2W / 6.3W + IDR-T152/114-1 R / G / B / White 96 152 114 - 3.9W / 7.7W + IDR-T176/140-1 R / G / B / White 120 176 140 - 4.8W / 9.6W + IDR-T206/170-1 R / G / B / White 144 206 170 - 5.8W / 11.6W + Flat Ring Illumination homogeneous diffused top lighting for reflective parts IFR-100 R / White 72 102 33 - 2.9W / 5.8W + IFR-130 R / White 90 125 44 - 3.6W / 7.2W) + *For orders please specify color LED Bar Illumination Direct Bar Direct Bar Bar for Line Scan LED Direct Bar Illumination Type *Available Colors Number of LED Size (Red / other colors) (Red / other colors) (mm) Working Distance Power (Red / other colors) IDB-11/14 Red 6 11 × 14 0.3W IDB-15/26 R / G / B / White 18 / 18 15 × 26 0.8W / 1.5W IDB-25/25 R / G / B / White 36 / 36 25 × 25 1.5W / 2.9W IDB-50/11 R / G / B / White 24 / 24 50 × 11 1.0W / 2.0W IDB-50/15 R / G / B / White 36 / 36 50 × 15 1.5W / 2.9W IDB-27/30 Red 42 27 × 30 1.7W IDB-27/34 R / G / B / White 48 / 48 27 × 34 2.0W / 3.9W IDB-42/198 Red 480 42 × 198 19.2W IDB-100/11 R / G / B / White 48 / 48 100 × 11 2.0W / 3.9W IDB-140/11 R / G / B / White 70 / 70 140 × 11 2.9W / 5.8W IDB-16/400 R / G / B / White 75 / 75 16 × 400 3.2W / 6.0W IDB-104/12 R / G / B / White 78 / 78 104 × 12 3.2W / 6.3W IDB-132/15 R / G / B / White 96 / 96 132 × 15 3.9W / 7.7W IDB-72/24 R / G / B / White 108 / 108 72 × 24 4.4W / 5.8W IDB-50/50 R / G / B / White 90 / 90 50 × 50 3.6W / 7.2W IDB-15/200 R / G / B / White 147 / 147 15 × 200 6.0W / 11.8W IDB-70/75 R / G / B / White 168 / 168 70 × 75 6.8W / 13.5W IDB-185/30 R / G / B / White 216 / 216 185 × 30 8.7W / 17.3W IDB-220/50 R / G / B / White 460 / 460 220(V) x 50(H) 220 × 50 18.5W / 37W IDB-80/200 R / G / B / White 546 / 546 80(V) x 200(H) 80 × 200 21.9W / 43.7W IDB-60/250 R / G / B / White 600 / 600 60(V) x 250(H) 60 × 250 24.0W / 48.0W IDB-100/100 Red 342 / 342 100(V) x 100(H) 100 × 100 13.7W IDB-100/180 R / G / B / White 680 / 680 100(V) x 180(H) 100 × 180 27.4W / 54.5W IDB-100/210 Red 800 / 800 100(V) x 210(H) 100 × 210 32.2W IDB-100/250 Red 980 / 980 100(V) x 250(H) 100 × 250 39.4W IDB-200/260 Red 1938 / 1938 200(V) x 260(H) 200 × 260 77.6W Bar illumination for Line Scan Working Distance IDB-1200/16 R / G / B / White 234 / 234 1200(V) x 16(H) 1200 × 16 9.4W / 18.8W IDB-300/24 R / G / B / White 420 / 420 300(V) x 24(H) 300 × 24 16.8W / 33.6W IDB-300/20 R / G / B / White 174 / 174 300(V) x 20(H) 300 × 20 7.0W / 14.0W IDB-600/20 R / G / B / White 354 / 354 600(V) x 20(H) 600 × 20 14.2W / 28.4W IDB-900/20 R / G / B / White 534 / 534 900(V) x 20(H) 900 × 20 21.4W / 42.8W IDB-1200/20 R / G / B / White 714 / 714 1200(V) x 20(H) 1200 × 20 28.6W / 57.2W IDB-1500/20 R / G / B / White 894 / 894 1500(V) x 20(H) 1500 × 20 35.8W / 71.6W IDB-1800/20 R / G / B / White 1074 / 1074 1800(V) x 20(H) 1800 × 20 43.0W / 86.0W IDB-2100/20 R / G / B / White 1254 / 1254 2100(V) x 20(H) 2100 × 20 50.2W / 100.4W IDB-2400/20 R / G / B / White 1434 / 1434 2400(V) x 20(H) 2400 × 20 57.4W / 114.8W *For orders please specify color Special LED Illumination Edge Light Plate Square Tilted Square Surface Chip LED Plate Box Type Co-axial Edge Light Plate Illumination • Back light for silhouette inspection or transparent objects Type *Available Colors Number of LED Size Power (Red / other colors) (Red / other colors) (mm) (Red / other colors) IFL-25/25 R / G / B / White 6/6 25 × 25 0.3W / 0.5W IFL-30/41 R / G / B / White 10 / 10 30 × 41 0.5W / 1.0W IFL-50/50 R / G / B / White 48 / 48 50 × 50 2.0W / 3.9W IFL-80/100 R / G / B / White 84 / 84 80 × 100 3.4W / 6.8W IFL-135/180 R / G / B / White 144 / 144 135 × 180 5.8W / 11.6W IFL-150/200 R / G / B / White 168 / 168 150 × 200 6.8W / 13.5W Square tilted Illumination • Adjustable illumination from direct to low angeled light IDB-Q230 R / G / B / White 48 / 48 (LED 12pcs × 4) 2.0W / 3.9W IDB-Q360 R / G / B / White 144 / 144 (LED 36pcs × 4) 5.8W / 11.6W IDB-Q690 R / G / B / White 432 / 280 (LED 108pcs × 4 / 70pcs × 4) 17.3W / 23.2W IDB-Q830 Red 1920 / 1920 (LED 480pcs × 4) 76.8W Square surface Illumination for surface detection on reflective objects IPQ-32 R / G / B / White 12 / 12 0.5W / 1.0W IPQ-48 R / G / B / White 24 / 24 1.0W / 2.0W IPQ-75 R / G / B / White 48 / 48 2.0W / 3.8W IPQ-96 R / G / B / White 84 / 84 3.4W / 6.7W Chip LED Plate Illumination • High intensity back light for transparent objects or direct illumination for non reflective parts IDM-30/30 R Red 36 30 × 30 1.5W IDM-30/60 R Red 72 30 × 60 2.9W IDM-30/90 R Red 108 30 × 90 4.4W IDM-30/120 R Red 144 30 × 120 5.8W IDM-60/60 R Red 144 60 × 60 5.8W IDM-60/90 R Red 216 60 × 90 8.7W IDM-60/120 R Red 288 60 × 120 11.6W IDM-90/90 R Red 324 90 × 90 13.0W IDM-90/120 R Red 432 90 × 120 17.3W IDM-120/120 R Red 576 120 × 120 23.1W IDM-30/30 RT Red 36 30 × 30 with holding flange 1.5W IDM-30/60 RT Red 72 30 × 60 with holding flange 2.9W IDM-30/90 RT Red 108 30 × 90 with holding flange 4.4W IDM-30/120 RT Red 144 30 × 120 with holding flange 5.8W IDM-60/60 RT Red 144 60 × 60 with holding flange 5.8W IDM-60/90 RT Red 216 60 × 90 with holding flange 8.7W 11.6W IDM-60/120 RT Red 288 60 × 120 with holding flange IDM-90/90 RT Red 324 90 × 90 with holding flange 13.0W IDM-90/120 RT Red 432 90 × 120 with holding flange 17.3W IDM-120/120 RT Red 576 120 × 120 with holding flange 23.1W Box Type Co-axial Illumination • Homogenouse illumination for high reflective parts IFV-13R-HM R / G / B / White 9/9 13 × 13 (window size) 0.8W IFV-20 R / G / B / White 25 / 25 ø19 (window size) 1.2W / 2.2W IFV-40 R / G / B / White 64 / 49 32 × 32 (window size) 2.6W / 4.1W IFV-50 R / G / B / White 100 / 81 36 × 32 (window size) 4.1W / 6.5W IFV-70 R / G / B / White 168 / 168 50 × 50 (window size) 6.7W / 13.5W Co-axial Illumination for telecentric lenses • Telecentric illumination for high reflective parts IV-14 R / G / B / White 1/1 O.D. ø14, Tip ø8 0.2W / 0.3W IV-27 R / G / B / White 7/7 O.D. ø27, Tip ø8 0.5W / 1.0W *For orders please specify color LED Dome Illumination Dome Illumination 3 Color RGB Dome Illumination Horizontal Dome Dome Illumination • Homogeneous illumination, omni-directional light Type Available Colors Number of LED Size (Red / other colors) (Red / other colors) (mm) Power (Red / other colors) IDD-K80 R / G / B / White 96 / 72 20 × 20 (window size) 3.9W / 5.8W IDD-K120 R / G / B / White 156 / 120 40 × 40 (window size) 6.3W / 9.6W IDD-K150 R / G / B / White 288 / 234 50 × 50 (window size) 11.6W / 18.8W IDD-K80 R / G / B / White 96 / 72 3.9W / 5.8W IDD-K120 R / G / B / White 156 / 120 IDD-K150 R / G / B / White 288 / 234 ø20 (window size) ø32 (window size) ø42 (window size) IDD-70/50 R/G/B 228 / 192 / 159 RGB (independently controllable) 9.2W / 15.4W / 12.8W 6.3W / 9.6W 11.6W / 18.8W Combined Dome and Horizontal Illumination • Two independently controllable illuminations devices in one housing IDD-T80 R / G / B / White 144 / 120 IDD-K80 + IDR-T84/54-1 5.9W / 9.8W IDD-T120 R / G / B / White 233 / 197 IDD-K120 + IDR-T122/92-1 9.5W / 15.9W IDD-T150 R / G / B / White 384 / 330 IDD-K150 + IDR-T152/114-1 15.5W / 26.5W *For orders please specify color Power Supply for LED Illumination Power Supply for LED Illumination Power supply IWDV-10S-V 1 Channel, 10W, 0-12VDC adjustable voltage control for Direct illumination Power supply IWDT-10D-V 2 Channel, 10W 12V adjustable pulse control for Direct illumination NET USA, Inc. 3037 - 45th Street #8 • Highland, IN 46322, USA Tel.: (219) 934 - 90 42 • Fax: (219) 934 - 90 47 E-mail: netusa@bellsouth.net (NET) Prosp.U6/illumination/VS/12-2002 NET GmbH NEW ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY Lerchenberg 7 • D 86923 Finning, Germany Tel.: +49(0)88 06 - 92 34-0 • Fax: +49(0)88 06 - 92 34-77 E-mail: info@net-gmbh.com