DRAFT PP Oct 15.pages

Putty People
The October 2015 newsletter of the Putty Community Association Inc.
President’s Note
In my September Note I encouraged you
all to participate in activities at the hall.
You have responded enthusiastically
and I want to thank you all for the great
contributions being made to our community.
I am very pleased that Sarah Stokes and Judy
Smits are organising a Halloween Night for our
youngsters in the Valley. More information will be
available at a later date.
Congratulations to Judy Smits, our designated and
approved Bar Manager for the Putty Hall. She will
manage the Responsible Service of Alcohol and it is
our responsibility to ensure that all current legislation
is in place regarding alcohol and smoking. Please
give Judy your support and understand that, like us
all, Judy is a volunteer. We must all work together to
ensure that goodwill and harmony prevail.
Plans for the Smoking Shelter have been prepared
by Tim Spooner and presented to Singleton Council
for approval. Tim has also prepared a plan for the
extension of the Licensed area for the hall which has
been submitted to the Licensing Sergeant,
Muswellbrook Police Station.
After much planning by the Management Team, The
Detour finally re-opened last Friday, 2 October. It
was a great turnout, with the community enjoying
themselves. Our thanks go to the Team, particularly
Jane, for their enthusiasm to ensure that the Detour
is an evening not to be missed.
I record here our thanks to Ann Fieldhouse, Solicitor,
for her very considered and considerable advice with
regard to the dilemma of the Electrical Installation at
the hall. The matter has been resolved and
correspondence prepared explaining the situation to
all members of the PCA.
I encourage your support for Aleda’s Concert at the
hall, 2pm, 18th October. Please bring your children to
be enchanted by this event.
Margaret Ferguson is heading up the planned
opening of the recently completed and stocked
Library, promotion of the Book Club (books provided
gratis by Singleton Library) and installation of a
memorial plaque for Maurice King. This is an
evening for recent arrivals to the Putty Valley
(defined locally as anyone newer that 25 years!!!!!).
Sadly on 19 September, we farewelled Michelle
and Roland Leggat. They were a wonderful
asset to our community and their enthusiasm for
Putty was an inspiration to us all. We will miss
them very much and wish them well in all their
Geoff King
by Jane Robinson
Mathew is one of two piglets born two weeks
ago to Ham and Bacon II at Pilgrims’ Rest. Both
Mathew and his brother
Mark or M&M for short
are growing fast and
getting cheekier by the
day. They are
intelligent and fun
loving babies and Fr
Max enjoys his morning
coffee watching their
antics in their free
range paddock.
Once they are able to leave their Mum they will
be available free to a good home – so please call
Fr Max if you are interested.
Putty People Newsletter October 2015, Page 2 of 6
FIREY NEWS from Margaret Ferguson
October has seen some very hot days already with Fire Danger Rating and the Putty FDR sign
pointing to Very High. Permits were suspended during this period. The Bush Fire Danger Period
(BFDP) will continue until the 31st March 2016 and PERMITS TO BURN are required during this time.
Along with all conditions relating to the lighting of fires at any time, permits must be obtained for any fire
other than a camp fire or the burning of rubbish in a purpose built incinerator. Total Fire Bans (TOBAN)
may be enforced by the NSWRFS Commissioner on days of extreme fire risk and that is exactly what is
meant. No camp fire, no incinerator, no exposed flame, NO FIRES at all on these days!
Twenty four hours before you intend to have a pile burn or hazard reduction you must notify Hunter
Valley Fire Control on 6575 1200, your neighbours and the NPWS, Forestry and the local brigade.
To ensure your fire does not leave your property, control lines must be put in to contain your fire prior to
lighting up. For the safety of those attending the fire, suitable clothing, boots, gloves, hats, goggles and
a scarf should be worn. The fire must be attended until it is extinguished.
Permits can be obtained from Greg Pierce on 6579 7037, Tim Spooner on 6579 7047 and Scott
Ferguson on 0419 689 466, who will explain the conditions of the permit.
Ambulance NSW volunteers
Eleven more Ambulance NSW Community
First Responders graduated and were
recognised for their achievement during a
ceremony held at the Hunter Valley District
Fire Control Centre on the 7th October.
Anthony Green, John Green and Mark McKie from
Howes Valley and Sarah Stokes from Putty, along
with seven others from Branxton, have successfully
completed their initial training. Certificates were
presented by NSW Ambulance Assistant
Commissioner Jamie Vernon, NSWRFS Assistant
Commissioner Steve Yorke and Superintendent
Greg Windeatt. They will join the existing team of
CFR’s from Putty, Howes Valley and Bulga to
continue training at four weekly intervals to ensure
their skills can adequately assist NSW Ambulance in
times of need.
The Putty Hall re-opened it’s doors to the
Friday night get together of locals and
friends last week. There was a great turnout and
Jane and her team spent the night really hopping
to serve 57 meals!
Rosie Drayton’s 9th birthday
Putty People Newsletter October 2015, Page 3 of 6
By Margaret Ferguson
Putty Rural Fire Brigade welcomes new
members, Father Max Augustine, Jane
Robinson and Sarah Stokes to the Brigade.
Congratulations are extended to Father Max and
Jane, who have recently completed their Basic
Firefighter course enabling them to participate
actively within the NSWRFS. Sarah is yet to do
the BF course as she has been busy training with
Ambulance NSW to be part of the Community
First Responders. As well as assisting with firefighting duties, Father Max wishes to take on a
role within the area of Chaplaincy while Jane would like to assist in the area of communications or
catering. We wish them well in their future roles within the NSWRFS.
Course participants were happy with their achievements, as the attached photo displays, with Jane
shown left front and Father Max, centre. Additional attendees were from Wybong, Whittingham and
Darlington Brigades. Trainers for the course were Michael Stemmer, Snr. Deputy Captain, Darlington
(right end of middle row); Adam McSweeney, Darlington, (middle row left); Kylie Ledger, DC Darlington,
(absent from photo); and Course Coordinator, Tony Leonard, back row, left.
Our sincere congratulations to
Rob and Kate Mace, who were
married on Saturday 19th October, at
Mali Brae Farm, Southern Highlands.
Rob, who bought the old Cafe
property on Box Gap Road about six
years ago, is a supporter of the PCA.
Greg Pierce is dumping more white gravel on problem spots on
the Putty Valley Road and next week will be laying some pipes near
the McLean’s property (Stowe’s old abode), with only minor delays
SON, JAKE’S 21st
Around forty well wishes
gathered around the fire to
celebrate Jake’s birthday,
complete with three rolled
roasts of lamb on a spit.
THANK YOU from Bob and Dezohn
Bob and Dezohn Murley would like to thank the community for
their good wishes. Hamanie - May is doing well!
THANK YOU from June Malmberg
“I would like to thank the PCA for organising the lovely bit of tarred
road by my house. It’s great being able to open windows and hang
out the washing any time, not to mention the healthier state of the
water supply!”
Putty People Newsletter October 2015, Page 4 of 6
Putty Rural Fire Brigade would like to thank Kim and John Grace and staff of the Grey Gum Café for
providing the opportunity for their patrons to support the Fire Brigade by means of a donation tin on the
counter at the café. Motor cycle riders especially and others travelling Putty Road are very aware of the
assistance given by the brigade and are keen to show their appreciation by helping out financially.
Kim recently handed over almost $400 which had been generously donated by the Café’s patrons.
This brings the total given during the last couple of years to over $1,000. Putty Brigade thanks
everyone who has contributed to these donations.
The Grey Gum Café now has an on premise liquor licence; you must eat to drink and on the first
Sunday of the month there will be live music from midday from “Non Blond,” a great covers duo.
Australian farmers grazing stock of any kind or over 100 head of poultry are required to complete an
Annual Land and Stock Return. This provides each Local Land Services Board with important information
about properties and livestock and helps build a state-wide bio-security picture about agricultural use and
livestock numbers. This return can be done online in a short period of time and transmitted in an instant.
The first such return by Putty farmers was submitted one hundred and thirty years ago and possibly
delivered to the Government by someone on
horseback. It is registered in the Votes and
Proceedings, NSW legislative Assembly of 1885
in the Parliamentary Return of Landholders for
the District of Windsor, Town of Putty.
The return contains the names of Andrew, George,
Henry and Thomas Laycock, R.E. Ridge and
Robert Ridge who between them occupied 1721
Acres (700 Hectares) of land in Putty. In all, they
declared 136 horses, 349 cattle and 36 pigs.
No actual use of land, such as cropping was stated.
Every Friday 6 - 10pm at Putty Hall.
Detour to the hall on your way home or
just for a drink, a snack and a chat.
Putty Detour Menu; Marinated BBQ
Chicken $8, Putty Patty (beef) $6. This includes
BBQ onions, serve yourself fresh salads and a
selection of homemade pickles and relishes and
served with two slices of buttered toast. Then
help yourself to more salad.
Snacks: Salad only $4, ham and cheese toast
$4, Aussie meat pie & sauce $3.50.
All profits support the Putty Community
On the 17 October, 2 - 4pm the Putty Rural Fire
Brigade will host a “Get Ready’ afternoon at the
Putty Brigade station.
The Putty Brigade Community Safety Team and
the Hunter Valley Fire Mitigation Officer will be
presenting this community meeting, which will
address our readiness for any bush fires which
may lie ahead.
Bush Fire Survival Plan booklets will be available
for completion to suit individual circumstances and
bush fire awareness for property, people and
animals will be discussed.
Afternoon tea will be provided.
Putty People Newsletter October 2015, Page 5 of 6
On 18 October at 2pm there will be
a concert at the Putty Hall
showcasing Nicole Hulette,
supported by Elise Lewis, Madalyn
Crismale and Sarah Mc Kenzie.
They will perform songs from shows
- old and new, popular
and country as well as
All performers are
students of our local
singing teacher, Aleda
Saturday 24 October, 4.30pm
The Putty
Welcome Social
is a bi-annual
event that
provides an
opportunity for
recent residents
and long term
Putty people to
connect to their community.
Find out what happens in Putty and meet new
friends or re- connect with old ones in a relaxed
friendly setting. You might even be interested to
hear how you can contribute to community life in
the glorious Putty environs.
Lunch and drinks may be purchased at the hall
from 12.30pm and the concert will begin at 2pm.
Concert: $10 with16 year olds and under free.
Lunch bookings: Margaret 6579 7077 or Kathy
6579 7047. Tickets available at the door.
Ladies requested to bring a plate for afternoon tea.
The October Putty Welcome social will also
incorporate the official opening of the Putty
Library and the dedication of a plaque to
Maurice King, a wonderful contributor to the
Putty community, who passed away in 2014.
Come along and enjoy a free BBQ dinner and
The Putty Hall bar will be open at 5.30pm.
RURAL FIRE BRIGADE on Saturday 31st
by Jane Robinson
On Saturday 24 October 3 to 4 pm, there will be
a formal General Meeting of members to give
them a voice in the important decision regarding
the future of the Three Valley’s Land Care group.
Based on the concerns for the viability of the
Three Valley’s Land Care at the last AGM, due to
low membership, a proposal was presented to the
PCA meeting in August 2015 to determine if the
PCA was agreeable to perhaps disbanding the
Three Valley’s Land Care as an incorporated
entity and establishing in its place a subcommittee of the PCA to take oversight of
activities, equipment and funds.
The PCA indicated it was willing to consider the
proposal should Three Valley’s Land Care
membership vote in favour of the proposal at the
next at their next AGM to be held in March 2016.
We look forward to seeing as many Three Valley’s
Land Care members and interested locals at the
meeting as is possible. I am sure there will be
robust debate and we will find a way forward that
will address the concerns of all parties.
October at 3pm will be held at the Putty
Brigade station
At the meeting, time will be set aside for the
presentation of Long Service Awards and letters of
congratulations to four Putty Brigade members.
Unfortunately these members were unable to
attend the Award presentation held in conjunction
with the official opening of the Hunter Valley District
Fire Control centre in August.
The presentation of their awards at this meeting is
a gesture of recognition towards their dedication to
the Putty Brigade and the Putty community.
Our Lady of the Valley services for 2015 will be
held at Putty Hall with resident Anglican Priest,
Fr. Max.
2nd Sunday and 4th Sunday of the Month:
Eucharist at 8:30am, Prayer and Bible Study
at 9:30am and Sunday School at 11am.
Putty People Newsletter October 2015 Page 6 of 6
Something to sell?
Place an ad in our advertising
Local Advertising works well!
Sept. 2015
14.10mm 18.50mm
Sept. 2014 17.40mm 18.80mm
Sept. 10 yr 38.65mm 40.20mm
Year to date
Sept. 2015
Sept. 2014
10 yr av
In publishing these ads, the PCA is not
endorsing or recommending any product
or service advertised below.
Munro’s Meats
Recordings were taken at Fairview, Putty, with
reference to the Bureau of Meteorology
Recordings were also taken at Mellong Grove, Putty
Road (south) and The Top Place, Putty Valley Road,
Fresh Food winner of the Australian
Small Business Champion Awards 2013.
Royal Easter Show award winning ham.
King Road, Wilberforce Shopping Centre
Ph: 4575 1961
If it rains at Putty, residents are encouraged to post
their rainfall on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/
PuttyCommunityAssociation so weekenders will
know if they need to water their gardens.
Fitzgerald Motors
Sales and service of mowers, ride-on
mowers, chainsaws, trimmers, mulchers,
water pumps, generators, posthole
diggers, sprayers etc
PUTTY WEBSITE ‘Putty Valley Online’
Putty Valley Online contains many interesting
links including:
Trades & Services Directory at
Weekly cattle sale prices from the Meat
and Livestock Authority (MLA) at
9 Fitzgerald Street, Windsor
Ph: 4577 3401
Aircon, refrigeration, electrician, heat
transfer kits. Lic: 167542C Ph: Matt Ward 0413 850 298
For news as it happens. If you haven’t already
signed up to our Facebook page, you can do so
by clicking Like at:
Please call with any news, activities or
photographs to include in our
monthly newsletter.
Martha Babineau, phone 6579 7000
Post your pictures and stories!
ADVERTISING: pca@putty.nsw.au