Joel Warren Barna is a u t h o r of The SeeThrough Years. He lives in Austin. Paul Hester is a principal of the photography firm Hesrer+Hardaway. T h o m a s Colbert is a H o u s t o n architect and Director of Graduat e studies at the University of Houston's Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture. Allison Hunte r is a writer, web designer, and artist living in H o u s t o n . She is also editor of SPOT magazine, published by the Housto n Center for Photography. Tcrrence Doody is a professor in rhe English Department at Rice University. Lauren Kern is a freelance writer living in N e w Haven, Connecticut. She was previously associate editor of the Houston Press. Lisa Gray is managing editor of Cite. W. M a r k G u n d e r s o n is an architect in Fort Worth. He is immediate pastpresident of the Dallas Architectural I * d.itinn and is .1 11 T,I i ihuting editor to Buildings of Texas* to be published later this year by Oxford University Press. Cite The Architecture and Design Review of Houston A Publication or the Rice Design Alliance William F. Stern is an architect a n d a principal in the firm of Stern and Bucek Architects. He is also an adjunct associate professor in the University of Houston's Gerald D . Hines College of Architecture. Bruce C. Webb is a professor in the University of Houston's (ierald D. Hines C ollege lit Architecture. Barry M o o r e is an architect at Gensler. i le is also an adjunct professor in the I Iniversitj ol I loustnifs (ierald 1 >. I lines College of Architecture, and directs its W o r k s h o p for Historic Architecture. Christof Spieler, P.E. is a senior associate at Matrix Structural Engineers and a lecturer in the Rice University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Cite I ISSN: 8755-04151 is published quarterly by the Kiev Design Alliance, Rice University, 6100 Main Street, Houston, Texas 77005-1892. Individual subscriptions: U.S. and its possessions: $15 far one year, $25 for two years. Foreign: S.10 for one year, $50 for two years. Cite is indexed in the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals. Copyright O 2004 by the Rice Design Alliance. Reproduction of all or part of editorial content without permission is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed in Cite do not necessarily represent the views of the hoard of directors of the Rice Design Alliance. Publication of this issue is supported in pan by grams from the Susan Vaughan Foundation and the City of Houston and the lex as Commission for the Arts through the t uliural Arts Council of Houston/Harris County. WchCitc: The Rice Design Alliance, established in l°72, is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to the advancement of architecture and design. 60: Spring 2004 RDA C o r p o r a t e Sponsors A is; l; — H i e Graphics Complex American t onstrucfion Investigation, Baker Hulls I .1 I'. W. S, Bellows ( (instruction ( orp. Berger Iron Works, Inc. Brochsteins Inc. Builders West Inc. TIK1 Office tit James Burnett Burns DeLatte &: McCoy, Inc. i lameron Management Capp Electrk Carter iV Burgess, Inc. CcnterPoint Energy, Inc. Centex t onstruction Co, Conine & Robinson Constructors & Associates, Inc. Continental Airlines, Inc. Creative Flooring Resources Crescent Real Estate Equities, Ltd. DMJM Rottel Debner + Company td2s inc. PKP Architects, Inc. Frctz Con struct ion Company Gensler Gilbanc M.irh Andrade and Alfred C. Glassell III Cirover Printing I [attunes Company ol Wl inc. M c u g c r Construction C Mmer-Dcdcrick Constructors, Inc. Walter I'. M o o n - Curtis St Windham Architects L. Barry Davidson Architects ALA, Inc. Rey de la Re?.a Architects, Inc. Morris Architects, Inc. The til-IS O'Neill Hill Planning Design Research Corporation Powers Brown Architecture Francois de Mcnil, Architect. P.( . T h e DotiglaslCiroup | I I )l \ ' N t oiisiriiciiou I loiiston Dul'ont Flooring Systems Elegant Additions Fugro South, Inc. Cowan Inc. Greenwood King Properties John Hansen Investment Builder 1 term.ill Miller, Inc. I hues H o u s t o n AGC Qu.ililv Woodwor k Interiors Raven Mechanical, l.P Redding l i n d e n Burr. LLC Rfii.uss.iiKc Builders, Inc. Ridgway1! Karen Rose Engineering £\ Surveying SWA Group I unis.i Stude Sarofam Schenck and Company Robert Shaw Architectural Woodwork SpawMaxwell Company Sleelcase Inc. Juhcii J. Sttidley, Inc. Hill Swift Architects TDIndustries, Inc. I rghting Unlimited Lockwood, Andrews tV Newnam McDugald-Steele Landscape Architects Mil.iin & Co. Painting, Inc. Mission Constructors, Inc. Montalbano Lumber Co., Inc. 1. A. Nanian + Associates Tcllepsen Builders, L P . Triune cV GorclonlCBRE Turner Construction C o m p a n y O'Doiincll/Sinder Construction Inc. Perkins & Will Pierce G o o d w i n Alexander & Linville Vanguard Environments, Inc. Vaughn Construction Charlotte RothweU TAS Commercial Concrete Const. LP The Warwick Hotel W.itkins I laimltou Ross Architects, Inc. Haytics Whaley Associates, I DC. Wchh Architects Ik-lliiinth, + Kassabaum Wemg.inen Realty Management File Woodlands O p e r a t i n g C o . \\ \ In , \ A w , I.HI -,, Inc. tinell M a n a g e m e n t and ltivesimcnt Company Jackson and Company [ackson iV Ryan Architects Jimenez Contract Services, Inc. Kcndall/l Ic.iton Associates Keystone Concrete Kirksey I inheck I Construct Kin Corporation m Architects MDI Resources The Marek C o m p a n i e s Met o j Workplace Solutions McKinnon As-.oci.ites MetroNatJonal Knudsoii 8c Associates The Lent/ Group Inc. RDA Corporate Members Anchorage Foundation ol Texas S.L. Anderson ( o m p a n y 1JCA Hricker + C a n n a d y Architects Brand+AI leu Architects, Inc. Brookstone, L.P. Browne Penland McGregor Stephens Architcts Inc. (Carol Kreymcr/Robert j . Card M.l). Cokinos, Bosicn Hi. Young Smith Seckman Rcicl, Inc. Stern and Bucek Architects 1D/I Wells Design/Jerry J e a n m a r d , Inc. W i n d h a m Builders I contents 4 RevolvelEvolvc RDA celebrates its 17th annual gala. 7 R D A N e w s : H e r m a n n Park p a r t y , N e w m a n a g i n g e d i t o r f o r Cite. 8 Calendar 11 C i t c L i n c s : Microprcserves 13 Endangered C i t y : Preservation, Piece by Piece BARKY M O O R * 14 Big-Ticket Urbanism Can money bring life to the e.tsT end oi downtown? J O L L W A R R K N BARNA 19 Big M o n e y . B i g B u i l d i n g s . Can human life exist in the super-sized Building district? T O M C O L H I RT 20 Spectacle C i t y Did Super Bowl visitors love 1 lotiston, or the city I louston impersonated? BRUCE C. WEBB 22 M o v i n g O n : A n Interview W i t h M a y o r B i l l W h i t e Houston's new mayor discusses his vision of the city. BARRY M O O R E , W I L L I A M F. STERN, A N D LISA GRAY 24 U r b a n Garden Digging into Kcnzn Piano's Nasher Sculpture Center W. M A R K G U N D E R S O N 26 Immanent Domains I low private acts can change the public realm. TEBJLENCE DOODY 28 T h e Surprising Beauty o f the P a r k i n g Ciarage Some Houston garages stand as proof that the utilitarian need not he ugly. T E X T BY W I L L I A M I". STERN; PHOTOGRAPHS BY PAUL HESTER 35 ArtCiting: Trespassing: Houses x Artists REVIEW BY ALLISON HUNTER 36 C i t e R c a d i n g : A Freeway Runs Through R E V I E W BY C I I R I S T O I SPILI I K , P.I•'.. 11IIH Cover: (iar.inf Four ai BMC Software, liy Dank], Mann, johnvm \ McnJinh.ill, 2000. I'IIIHII by McsiiT+Hardaway. It