Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 1 2. Chapter: Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models Time of study: 6 hours Goals: • definition of the quiescent points set for the above tripoles • definition of the BJT admittance model • definition of the FET admittance model • definition of the triode admittance model Text THE QUIESCENT POINT OF A BJT (BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR) – an example Basic description of BJT principle A transistor can be considered as two diodes with a shared region (base). In typical operation, the emitter-base junction is forward biased and the base-collector junction is reverse biased. In NPN transistor, for example, positive voltage applied to the base-emitter junction injects electrons into the base (type P) region. These electrons wander (diffuse) through the base towards the collector (type N). The collector- base junction is reverse biased → electrons that diffuse through the base are swept into the collector by the electric field in the depletion region of the collector-base junction. The base region of the transistor must be made thin, so that carriers (electrons in the NPN structure) can diffuse across it in much less time than the semiconductor’s minority carrier lifetime, to minimize recombination. EMITTER INJECTION DRIFT CURRENT FORCE DIRRECTION N P N+ COLLECTOR Schematic IE IC E C +UCB B UBE + IB DEPLETION REGION ELECTRIC FIELD diagram showing the flows of electrons within n+-p-n bipolar junction transistor. The conventions for the electrical currents are shown. Since only a small portion of electrons will be recombined within base, we can use a small injection current (IB) to control a much bigger current (IC). β = IC / I B α = I C / I E = I C /( I C + I B ) = = ( I C / I B ) /( I C / I B + 1) = β /( β + 1) Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 2 UN I1 IC RC R1 Ri UC CV2 IB CV1 RE UCE R´E 0, 6 V ui R2 (a) IE RE UR2 Re = RE//R´E RZ UE (b) Fig. 1 A basic common emitter configuration (CE) – voltage divider biasing – a); a capacitor in fig. b) transfers AC signals through R´E to the earth (reference point), too – parallel connection RE//R´E gives Re for the AC signal Example – the circuit in the Fig. 1 – quiescent point 1. It uses voltage negative feedback to stabilize the quiescent point – this is provided by RE. 2. Since there is a ± 50 mV spread in UBE for defined IC value and about a -2 mV/°C temperature dependency on UBE it is best to allow UBE to be much larger than this variation. We therefore make UBE between 1 V and 3 V (the larger the better from the point of view of quiescent point stability). 3. The fixed DC bias is guaranteed by the divider action of R1 and R2. Since IB is drawn from this, it is usual to allow the voltage divider current I1 to be (5-10) x IB → the BJT load (base) current does not pull the bias voltage UR2 down to much. 4. RE introduces negative (DC) feedback. If the temperature increases, UBE (circa 0, 6 V) decreases (influence of temperature transistor properties) and IC increases and therefore UE increases, too. Since UR2 is fixed, this causes UBE to fall (influence of RE feedback properties), which causes IC to fall back to its original value. Biasing is determined by following steps (generally): 1. Choose the required IC (DC) value for the circuit – assume IE ≈ IC. 2. For a CE circuit, allow about 1 V (UE) to be dropped across RE – calculate it (you know its voltage and current – Ohm’s law). 3. For a CE circuit (and CB), the rest of the power supply must be dropped approximately equally across BJT and RC – calculate RC (you know its voltage and current – Ohm’s law). For a CC circuit, the rest of the power supply must be dropped across BJT only. 4. The quiescent base voltage UR2 is simply the emitter voltage UE plus UBE (assume 0, 6 V). 5. Find the lowest guaranteed β for the BJT used and calculate IB = IC/ β. Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 3 6. The voltage divider circuit of R1 and R2 must provide the required UR2. 6.1. Assume that the lower resistor R2 carries (5-10) times the IB value. Calculate R2 (you know its voltage and current). 6.2. The upper resistor R1 therefore carries the R2 current plus IB (Kirchhoff’s current law). This means that R1 carries (5-10) x IB + IB = (6-11) IB The voltage across R1 is found from the Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL): (UN – UR2) – calculate R1 (you know its voltage and current). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Example 1 Design the voltage divider bias for a CE BJT circuit- Fig. 1, where β >>1, the power supply UN = 12 V and the load resistance RZ = 100 kΩ (given, known). Solution (steps are slightly modified because we know the load resistance now) It is known (thereinafter) that the resistance RC defines (approximately) an output resistance of the CE circuit. Thus we must choose RC << RZ - or else it will degrade voltage gain of the circuit (Thévenin´s theorem). Thus we choose RC = 10 kΩ. We choose UE = 0, 6 V. We choose UC = 6 V (≈ UCE = 5, 4 V). Now we can calculate IC = UC/RC = 0, 6 mA. We suppose IE ≈ IC = 0, 6 mA. From this we can calculate RE = UE/IC = 1 kΩ. Now UR2 = UE + UBE ≈ 0, 6 + 0, 6 = 1, 2 V. Suppose that the lowest value of β is 150. Therefore IB = IC/ β = 0, 0006/150 = 4 μA. → The voltage divider must provide 1, 2 V at 4 μA. Assume that R2 carries 40 μA (= 10 x IB). Therefore R2 = 1, 2 V/ 40 μA = 30 kΩ. → Now R1 carries 11 x IB = 44 μA and drops (UN – UR2) = (12 – 1, 2) V. Therefore R1 = 10, 8 V/ 44 μA = 245, 5 kΩ. Practically we can choose R2 = 27 kΩ and R1 realize by means two resistors: the first part is “invariable” 220 kΩ and the other part is “variable” 68 kΩ - trimming resistor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE BJT SIPMLEST AC MODEL – common emitter The UBE and IC of the BJT are related by the equation I E ≅ I S ⋅ (eU BE / U th − 1) ≈ I S ⋅ eU BE / U th Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 4 where Uth is thermal voltage (of about 26 mV at room temperature) – Shockley equation. For β >>1 we can write I C ≅ I S ⋅ eU BE / U th (1) We can easy derive that a signal conductance is g BE = 1 / re = dI C 1 I I = I S ⋅ eU BE /U th ⋅ = C ≈ E dU BE U th U th U th (2) We can model this property (in the given quiescent point IC, of course) as shown in Fig. 2. C ib ≈ uBE/(βre) B uBE EXTERNAL (SIGNAL) VOLTAGE iC ≈ uBE/re INTERNAL EMITTER OF AN IDEAL TRANSISTOR – ZERO VOLTAGE BETWEEN BASE AND EI (SIGNAL MODEL) 0 EI re = 1/gBE = Uth/IC – intrinsic (internal) ie = uBE/re re E emitter resistance (signal); it is not a resistor planted in the transistor; it only models the real conductance of the device – the signal collector current changes as a function of the input signal voltages uBE – accord in eq. (2); dIC → iC ; dUBE → uBE – signal changes Fig. 2 The simplest signal model of BJT in the quiescent point IC; β - current gain; all voltages referred to E Now we can easy determine signal equations of the BJT – see Fig. 2 (E – common point) iB = iC/β + 0.uCE = ((uBE/re )/β + 0.uCE ⇒ iC= uBE/re + uCE.0 ⇒ yBB = 1/(β.re); yCB = 1/re; That easy way we get the simplest admittance model of the BJT. yBC= 0 yCC = 0 Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 5 THE BJT MORE KOMPLEX AC MODEL – common emitter Base-width modulation - BJT As the applied collector-base voltage (UCB) varies, the collector-base depletion region varies in size. An increase in the collector-base voltage causes a greatest reverse bias across the collector-base junction, increasing the collector-base depletion region width, and decreasing the width of the base – Early effect. Narrowing of the base width has two consequences: - There is a lesser chance for recombination within the “smaller” base region. - The charge gradient is increased across the base, and consequently, the current of minority carriers injected across the emitter junction increases. In the forward active region the Early effect modifies the collector current IC and the forward common emitter current gain β as given by the following equations: I C ≅ I S ⋅ eU BE / U th ⋅ (1 + U CB / U A ) (3) β ≅ β 0 ⋅ (1 + U CB / U A ) (4) where UCB is the collector – base voltage (≈ UCE always) UA is the Early voltage (15 to 150 V) β0 is forward common-emitter current gain when UCB = 0 We can easy derive that a signal conductance is now g BE = 1 / re = 1 I I δI C = I S ⋅ eU BE /U th ⋅ ⋅ (1 + U CB / U A ) = C ≈ E δU BE U th U th U th (5) and gCE = 1 / rCE = δI C δI I I ≈ C = I S ⋅ eU BE /U th ⋅ (1 / U A ) ≈ C ≈ E δU CE δU CB UA UA We can model this more complex property (in the given quiescent point IC, of course) as shown in Fig. 3. (6) Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 6 iC C ib ≈ uBE/(βre) uCE/rCE ≈ uBE/re rCE = 1/gCE = UA/IC - emitter – B uBE EXTERNAL (SIGNAL) VOLTAGE 0 EI rCE ie = uBE/re re collector resistance (signal); it is not a resistor planted in the transistor; it only models the real conductance of the device – the signal collector current changes as a function of the signal voltages uCE , too – accord in eq. (6) – ideally is infinite E Fig. 3 The more complex signal model of BJT (extended) in a quiescent point IC; it models the Early effect, too; all voltages referred to E Now we can easy determine more complex signal equations of the BJT – see Fig. 3: iB = iC/β + 0.uCE = ((uBE/re )/β + 0.uCE ⇒ yBB = 1/(β.re); iC= uBE/re + uCE/ rCE ⇒ yCB = 1/re; yBC= 0 yCC =1/ rCE We don’t reason about influence of equation (4) –we suppose β constant. Thus the BJT matrixes are: B C B YBB YBC C YCB YCC Y- matrix model (ordinary) of the BJT; common emitter connection (7) B C E B YBB YBC -YBB –YBC (8) C YCB YCC -YCB –YCC E -YBB-YCB -YBC-YCC +Σ Σ =YBB+YBC +YCB +YCC extended Y- matrix model of the BJT – derived from the common emitter connection Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 7 THE BJT AC MODEL – Collector Capacitance Most of the potential difference between base and collector is distributed over a thin region at the PN junction, within which the voltage gradient is very high. Consequently, in the vicinity of the junction there are two sets of electric charges (one on either side). The junction acts in much the same way as a capacitor in which charges are separated by a thin sheet of dielectric – for small-signal analysis the effect is closely equivalent to that of a capacitance shunted across the junction. The magnitude of this capacitance depends on the collector-base potential difference, being greatest at low voltages. This “depletion layer” capacitance is the dominant capacitance at the collector -we can model this capacitance CCB (in the given quiescent point IC, UCB of course) as shown in Fig. 4. iCCB iC CCB C uBE/(βre) ib B uBE EXTERNAL (SIGNAL) VOLTAGE uCE/rCE ≈ uBE/re EI 0 rCE ie = uBE/re re Fig. 4 A signal model of BJT (extended) with capacitance CCB in a quiescent point IC, UCB; all voltages referred to E E Now we can easy derive (harmonic steady state: p = jω; or Laplace transform): ICCB = (UBE - UCE).p.CCB; IB = ((UBE/re )/β + ICCB = ((UBE/re )/β + (UBE - UCE).p.CCB IB =(1/(βre) + p.CCB). UBE - p.CCB. UCE ⇒ YBB = 1/(β.re) + p.CCB; YBC= - p.CCB (9) IC= UBE/re + UCE/ rCE - ICCB = UBE/re + UCE/ rCE - (UBE - UCE).p.CCB IC= (1/ re - p.CCB). UBE + (1/ rCE + p.CCB). UCE ⇒ YCB = 1/re - p.CCB; see the equations (7) and (8). YCC =1/ rCE + p.CCB (10) Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 8 We could add base-emitter capacitance CBE, further – current that flows through CBE is not amplified by the transistor. CBE changes so rapidly with base current that it is not even spcified on transistor datasheets; fT (unity frequency is given instead). THE QUIESCENT POINT OF A FET (FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR) Basic description of FET principle The FET controls the flow of electrons (or holes) from the source to drain by affecting the size and shape of a "conductive channel" created and influenced by voltage (or lack of voltage) applied across the gate and source terminals. This conductive channel is the "stream" through which electrons flow from source to drain. A) Consider an n-channel "depletion-mode" device. (It exists conducting channel between S and D for UGS = 0 V).A negative gate-to-source voltage causes a depletion region to expand in width and encroach on the channel from the sides, narrowing the channel. If the depletion region expands to completely close the channel, the resistance of the channel from source to drain becomes large, and the FET is effectively turned off like a switch. Likewise a positive gate-to-source voltage increases the channel size and allows electrons to flow easily – principle see Fig. 5 to Fig. 6. metal G S D SiO2 N N+ N+ P Fig. 5 A principle of depletion mode device – MOSFET; S – source; G – gait; D – drain; N - channel metal S G N+ D P N+ N Fig. 6 A principle of depletion mode device; junction FET – JFET; UGS < 0; N – channel; S–source; G–gait; D–drain; Do not forward bias the JFET gate. Forward gate current will burn out the JFET. If drain-to-source voltage is increased, this creates a significant asymmetrical change in the shape of the channel due to a gradient of voltage potential from source to drain – see Fig. 7 to Fig. 11. Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models D UDS ID P DEPLETION REGIONS 9 PINCH OFF POINT – the first PINCH OFF POINT – the other G UDS or Si O2 UGS = 0 ID ID UGS = 0 N IDSS UGS = 0 S . |UPINCH| Fig. 7 An effect of UDS on depletion region, UGS = 0; N - channel UDS = 0; UDS = 0, 5 V; UDS = 1 V; UDS = |UPINCH|= 2 V for example; ID = IDSS UDS > |UPINCH|; ID ≈ IDSS UGS D ID P DEPLETION REGIONS G UDS = 0 UGS or Si O2 N UGS S Fig. 8 An effect of UGS on depletion region, UDS = 0; N - channel UGS = 0; UGS = - 0, 5 V; UGS = -1 V; UGS = UPINCH = - 2 V for example; ID = 0 for any UDS UDS < UPINCH; ID = 0 for any UDS UDS Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 10 The shape of the conductive region (channel) is “pinched-off” near the drain end of the channel. If drain-to-source voltage is increased further, the pinch-off point of the channel begins to move away from the drain towards the source. The FET is said to be in saturation mode UDS - UGS D ID PINCH OFF POINT – the first P DEPLETION REGIONS PINCH OFF POINT – the other G UDS or Si O2 UGS = 0 UGS = 0 ID |UPINCH| IDSS UGS = 0 V IDP ID N S UGS = -0,5 V UDS |UPINCH| - |UGS| Fig. 9 An effect of UDS and UGS on depletion region - superposition, UGS = - 0, 5 V; UDS = 0 V; UDS - UGS = 0, 5 V UDS = 0, 5 V; UDS - UGS = 1 V UDSP - UGS = 2 V = |UPINCH| → UDSP = |UPINCH| + UGS = |UPINCH| - |UGS| = - UPINCH + UGS generally = 2 - 0, 5 = 1, 5 V; IDP < IDSS UDS > UDSP; ID ≈ IDP < IDSS UDSP = |UPINCH| - |UGS| OHMIC (LINEAR) MODE ID SATURATION MODE (ACTIVE MODE) UGS>0 MOSFETs only UGS=0; UGS<0; JFETs, MOSFETs IDSS UA – EARLY VOLTAGE 0 UDSQ Fig. 10 There is I – U characteristics of depletion FETs in this figure, UGS – parameter; N - channel U – quiescent voltage; N - channel UDS Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 11 ID MOSFET N-channel JFET N-channel UPINCH IDSS 0 UDS = UDSQ invariable UGS Fig. 11 There is I – U characteristics of depletion FETs in this figure, UDSQ – constant quiescent voltage; N - channel B) Consider an n-channel "enhancement-mode" device. (No conducting channel between S and D for UGS = 0 V).A positive gate-to-source voltage is necessary to create a conductive channel, since one does not exist naturally within the transistor. The positive voltage attracts free-floating electron within the body towards the gate, forming conductive channel. But first enough electrons must be attracted near the gate to counter the dopant ions added to the body of the FET; this forms a region free of mobile carriers called a depletion region, and the phenomenon is referred to as the threshold voltage UT of the FET. Further gate-to-source voltage will attract even more electrons towards the gate which are able to create a conductive channel from source S to drain D; this process is called inversion; principle - see Fig. 12, 13. metal G S D SiO2 N+ N+ P Fig. 12 A principle of enhancement mode device – MOSFET; S – source; G – gait; D – drain; N – channel – no induced now Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models UDS 12 ID UDS - UGS UGS S G D SiO2 N+ N+ INDUCED CHANNEL – N type P Fig. 13 A principle of enhancement mode device – MOSFET; UGS >UT ; N – channel – induced now Now is valid for the induced channel the same thing as for depletion channel - see Fig. 7 to Fig. 11 – superpositon of influence of UGS >UT and UDS; positive voltage UDS narrows the induced channel close the D; etc. The induced channel is “pinched off“ if UDS - UGS → 0, too. We have no current if UGS = 0 V; thus it is no defined IDSS, see Fig. 14 to Fig. 15. UDSP = UGS – UT OHMIC (LINEAR) MODE ID UA – EARLY VOLTAGE 0 SATURATION MODE (ACTIVE MODE) UDSQ UGS = 4 V UGS = 3 V UGS > UT ≈ 2 V for example UDS Fig. 14 There are I – U characteristics of enhancement FETs in this figure, UGS – parameter; N – channel induced if UGS > UT U – quiescent voltage; N - channel Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 13 ID MOSFET N-channel induced UDS = UDSQ invariable UT 0 UGS Fig. 15 There are I – U characteristics of enhancement FETs in this figure, UDSQ – constant quiescent voltage; N – channel – induced if UGS > UT For either enhancement-or-depletion-mode devices, at drain-to-source voltages much less than gate-to-source voltages, changing the gate voltage will alter the channel resistance, and drain current will be proportional to drain voltage (referenced to source voltage). In this mode FET operates like a variable resistor and the FET is said to be operating in a linear mode (ohmic mode). For reference, here is the universal FET drain-current formula (UT → UPINCH≡ UP for the depletion type FETs): [ 2 I D = 2k (U GS − U T ) ⋅ U DS − U DS /2 ] (11) - it is valid in linear region. If just U DS = U GS − U T than I D ”saturates” (pinch-off) and will be approximately constant further – saturation mode (region): [ ] [ ] 2 I D = 2k (U GS − U T ) ⋅ U DS − U DS / 2 = 2k (U GS − U T ) ⋅ (U GS − U T ) − (U GS − U T ) 2 / 2 I D = k ⋅ (U GS − U T ) 2 (12) - it is valid in saturation mode (region). The channel-length modulation effect (as a function of drain voltage UDS) causes the characteristics to converge at a common intersection – UA – Early voltage – see Fig. 10, 14 – models current dependence on drain voltage – equations (11) and (12) are modified: [ ] 2 I D = 2k (U GS − U T ) ⋅ U DS − U DS / 2 ⋅ (1 + U DS / U A ) LINEAR REGION (11a) Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models I D = k ⋅ (U GS − U T ) 2 ⋅ (1 + U DS / U A ) 14 (12a) SATURATION REGION For the depletion mode device we know that I D (U GS = 0) = k ⋅ (0 − U P ) 2 ⋅ (1 + U DS / U A ) ≅ k ⋅ U P2 = I DSS ; ⇒ k = I DSS / U P2 Thus in the saturation mode we can rewrite equation (12a): I D = ( I DSS / U P2 ) ⋅ (U GS − U P ) 2 ⋅ (1 + U DS / U A ) → I D = I DSS ⋅ (1 − U GS / U P ) 2 ⋅ (1 + U DS / U A ) (12b) SATURATION REGION –DEPLETION TYPES Some FET symbols Comparison of different enhancement-mode and depletion-mode MOSFET symbols, along with JFET symbols: P-channel N-channel JFET(it has conductive channel, too) MOSFET enhancement MOSFET depletion (N)MOSFET - depletion D (N)MOSFET - enhancement G S Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 15 Example 2 A depletion type MOSFET has a UP = - 2 V, IDSS = 5 mA and UA = 120 V. Derive a quiescent point of the FET – see Fig. 16 (ignore Early effect influence, now – UA →∞); UDD = 10 V; Rd = 5,1kΩ; RS = 1kΩ UDD Rd ID G UGS D UDS S RS RG Fig. 16 Basic autobias circuit of depletion type FETs (JFETs); RG usually from 500 kΩ to 5 MΩ 1. We suppose that (Fig. 10) UDS > UDSP = UGS - UP = UGS - (-2) = UGS+2V Thus the quiescent is in the saturation region and we can use eq. (12b), UDS/UA →0: I D = I DSS ⋅ (1 − U GS / U P ) 2 ⋅ (1 + 0) = I DSS ⋅ (1 − U GS / U P ) 2 (12c) 2. The gate voltage URG is 0 V because no significant current flows through RG. Thus it is valid (resistor RS generates the UGS) UGS = - RSID 3. We establish UGS = - RSID into (12c): ID = IDSS.(1 + ID.1000/UP)2 = 5.10-3(1+ID1000/(-2))2 = = 5.10-3.(1 -500ID)2 = 5.10-3(1 - 1000ID + 2,5.105 I 2D ); ID = 5.10-3(1 - 1000ID + 2,5.105 I 2D ) We easy get equation of the form 2,5.105 I 2D - 1200ID + 1 = 0 Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 16 This has a solution ID = 1, 07 mA (and ID = 3, 73 mA). We take the only physically solution ID = 1, 07 mA which gives UGS = - RSID = - 1000. 0, 00107 = - 1, 07 V. No physically solution 3, 73 mA gives UGS = - 3, 73 V – thus FET is would be fully “off”. 4. We determine a voltage drain-source UDS = 10 – (5100 + 1000) .1, 07.10-3 = 3, 47 V (Kirchhoff’s voltage law) and UDSP = -1, 07 - (-2) = 0, 93 V. It is valid UDS = 3, 47 V > UDSP = 0,93 V. Thus the quiescent point (1, 07 mA; 3, 47 V) is really in the saturation region as was supposed. Assumption in design is right. Example 3 A depletion (N) MOSFET (or JFET) in Fig. 16 has a UP = -3, 5 V, IDSS = 10 mA; UDD = 15 V. Calculate the component values if we need quiescent point (5 mA; 5 V). 1. We first suppose that (Fig. 10) UDS > UDSP – saturation (active) function region. Thus we can use the equation (12c) – ignored Early effect: ID = IDSS.(1 - UGS/UP)2 2. For the given values we get from this equation 5.10-3= 10.10-3.(1- UGS/(-3,5))2 => 1+UGS/3,5 = ±1 / 2 . This has a solution UGS = -1,025 V (and -5,975 V). We take the only physically solution UGS = -1,025 V (UP = -3, 5 V). No physically solution is UGS = - 5, 975 V – thus FET is would be fully “off”. 3. It is valid UGS = - RSID (no significant current flows through RG) => RS = -(-1,025)/5.10-3 = 205 Ω. 4. It is valid UDD = RdID + UDS + RSID (Kirchhoff’s voltage law). Thus we can rearrange this formula: Rd = (UDD-UDS)/ID - RS = (15 - 5)/5.10-3- 205 Ω = 1,795.103 Ω = 1,795 kΩ 5. We determine UDSP = UGS - UP = –1, 025 – (–3, 5) = 2, 475 V - the quiescent point (5 mA; 5 V) is really in the saturation region. 6. We choose RG = 1 MΩ. Component values are: RS = 205 Ω; Rd = 1, 795 kΩ; RG = 1 MΩ Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 17 Example 4 Suppose the component values gained in the example 3 (Fig. 16; UDD = 15 V, Rd = 1,795 kΩ, RS = 205Ω). Now we use other FET - IDSS = 12 mA, UP = - 4 V (selected at random). Determine a new quiescent point. 1. It is valid now UGS = - 205 ID and ID = IDSS .(1 - UGS/UP)2 (Early effect is ignored). 2. We establish UGS = - RSID into ID and easy get equation of the form I (205 ⋅ I D ) 2 2 ⋅ 205 ⋅ I D + − D +1 = 0 2 UP I DSS UP 3. This has a solution ID = 5, 869 mA (and ID = 64, 89 mA). We take the only physically solution ID = 5, 869 mA which gives UGS = - RSID = - 205. 0, 005869 = - 1, 20 V. No physically solution 64, 89 mA gives UGS = - 13, 3 V – thus FET is would be fully “off”. Example 5 An enhancement (N) MOSFET in Fig. 17 has a k = 2, 96 mA/V2, UT = 2 V, UA = 156 V. Derive a quiescent point (ignore Early effect). UDD = 10 V RD 1kΩ RG1 240kΩ D ID G RG2 150kΩ UGSQ RS UG 100Ω RZ 1kΩ S US ID Fig. 17 Basic bias circuit of enhancement type FETs 1. We suppose that (Fig. 14) UDS > UDSP = UGS – UT = UGS - (2) = UGS- 2V Thus the quiescent is supposed in the saturation region and we can use eq. (12a), UDS/UA →0: I D = k ⋅ (U GS − U T ) 2 ⋅ (1 + 0) = k ⋅ (U GS − U T ) 2 Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 18 2. It is valid (voltage divider, supposed zero gait current): UG = UDDRG2/(RG1+RG2) =10.150/(240+150) = 3,846 V. 3. It is valid (Ohm’s law) US = RSID 4. It is valid (Kirchhoff’s voltage law) UGS = UG - RSID 5. We establish US = RSID and UGS = UG - RSID into ID and easy get equation of the form I D = K [(U G − RS I D ) − U T ] = K [(U G − U T ) − RS I D ] 2 2 5. Rearranging this equation for given values gives us equation I 2D 10 4 − I D .707 + 3,41 = 0 This has solutions ID = 5, 2 mA (and 65, 5 mA) - whereas the second value is not right value (why not?). 6. Now we can calculate UDS = UDD - ID(RD + RS) = 10 -5,2.1,1 = 10-5,72 = 4,28 V UGS = UG - RSID = 3, 846 – 100. 5,2 . 10-3 = 3, 326 V UDSP = UGS – UT = UGS - (2) = 3, 326 – 2 = 1, 326 V => UDS = 4,28 > UDSP = 1, 326 V; thus the FETs quiescent point (5, 2 mA; 4, 28 V) is really (and correctly) in the saturation (active) region – as was supposed. Example 6 An enhancement (N) MOSFET in Fig. 18 has a k = 0, 25 mA/V2, UT = 2, 5 V. Derive a quiescent point (ignore Early effect). RG (510kΩ) UDD = 15 V RD (1,5 kΩ) D G UDS ID UGS S Fig. 18 Another bias circuit of enhancement type FETs Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 19 1. We can ignore gate current (in practice). Thus it is valid UDS = UGS, and ID = k(UGS - UT)2 = k(UDS - UT)2 = UDS = UDD- RDID= k [(UDD- RDID) - UT]2 2. Rearranging this formula we get easy ID2 RD2 - [2RD(UDD - UT) + 1/k]ID + (UDD - UT)2 = 0 This gives for known values 2,25.106 ID2 - 41500 ID + 156,25 = 0 This has solutions ID = 5, 27 mA (and 13, 17 mA) - whereas the second value is not right value. If it is ID = 5, 27 mA - UDS = UDD - RDID = 15 - 7, 905 = 7, 095 V = UGS – suitable voltage. If it is ID = 13, 17 mA - UDS = UDD - RDID = 15 – 19, 76 = - 4, 76 V = UGS – bad voltage. UDSP = UGS – UT = UGS - (2, 5) = 7, 095 – 2, 5 = 4, 59 V => the FET is really in the active region. THE FET AC MODEL – common source (in the active = saturation region) The UGS and ID of the FET (in the saturation region) are related by the equations (12a) – general description - and (12b) – depletion types (UT → UP and k = IDSS/(UP)2 for the depletion type FETs): We can easy derive now that a “GS” signal conductance is now (equivalent rearranging are used only) g GS = 1 / rm = = 2 ⋅ k ⋅ (U GS − U T ) ⋅ (1 + U DS = [ ] δI D δ = ⋅ k ⋅ (U GS − U T ) 2 ⋅ (1 + U DS / U A ) = δU GS δU GS 2 ⋅ k ⋅ (U GS − U T ) 2 ⋅ (1 + U DS / U A ) /U A ) = = (U GS − U T ) 2⋅ ID = OR another way = 2 ⋅ (U GS − U T ) [ [k ⋅ (U GS − U T ) ⋅ (1 + U DS / U A )]2 ] = 2 ⋅ k ⋅ k ⋅ (U GS − U T ) 2 ⋅ (1 + U DS / U A ) ⋅ (1 + U DS / U A ) = = 2 ⋅ k ⋅ I D ⋅ (1 + U DS / U A ) = 2 ⋅ I DSS ⋅ I D ⋅ (1 + U DS / U A ) U P2 If we suppose (in practice rightly) that UDS/UA << 1, we get known formulas: = Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 20 g GS = 1 / rm = 2 ⋅ k ⋅ (U GS − U T ) = 2 ⋅ ID (U GS − U T ) (13) = 2 ⋅ k ⋅ ID appropriate for enhancement types g GS = 1 / rm = 2 ⋅ ID (U GS − U P ) = 2⋅ I DSS ⋅ I D U P2 (14) appropriate for depletion types (and JFETs) Further we derive a “DS” signal conductance (equivalent rearranging is used only): g DS = 1 / rd = = k ⋅ (U GS = [ ] δI D δ = ⋅ k ⋅ (U GS − U T ) 2 ⋅ (1 + U DS / U A ) = δU DS δU DS k ⋅ (U GS − U T ) 2 ⋅ (1 + U DS / U A ) − UT ) / U A = = (1 + U DS / U A ) ⋅ U A 2 ID (1 + U DS / U A ) ⋅ U A If we suppose (in practice rightly) that UDS/UA << 1 again, we get known formulas: g DS = 1 / rd = ID UA We can model these known (derived) properties (in the given quiescent point ID, UDS of course) as shown in Fig. 19. (15) Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models external iD iCGD G uGS D CDG uGS/rm 0 0 INTERNAL SOURCE OF AN IDEAL FE TRANSISTOR – ZERO VOLTAGE BETWEEN GATE AND SI (SIGNAL MODEL) uDS/rd rd SI rm uGS/rm S 21 rd = 1/gDS = UA/ID - drain –source resistance (signal); it is not a resistor planted in the transistor; it only models the real conductance of the device – the signal drain current changes as a function of the signal voltages uDS rm = 1/gGS – intrinsic (internal) source resistance (signal); it is not a resistor planted in the transistor; it only models the real conductance of the device – the drain current changes as a function of the input signal voltages uGS ; dID → iD ; dUGS → uGS – signal changes Fig. 19 A signal model of FET in a quiescent point ID, UDS; all voltages referred to S Now we can easy determine signal equations of the FET – see Fig. 19: iG = 0.uGS + 0.uDS iD= uGS/rm + uDS/rd ⇒ yGG = 0 ; yGD= 0 ⇒ yDG = 1/rm = gm ; yDD = 1/ rd = gd If we impeach a gate-drain capacitance CDG (see Fig. 19 – green line; harmonic steady state: p = jω; or Laplace transform), we can easy derive ICGD = (UGS - UDS).p.CDG; IG = 0 + ICGD = 0 + (UGS - UDS).p.CDG IG = p.CDG. UGS - p.CDG. UDS ⇒ YGG = p.CDG; YGD= - p.CDG (16) ID= UGS/rm + UDS/ rd - ICGD = UGS/rm + UDS/ rd - (UGS - UDS).p.CDG ID= (1/ rm - p.CDG). UGS + (1/ rd + p.CDG). UDS ⇒ YDG = 1/rm - p.CDG; YDD =1/ rd + p.CDG (17) Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models Thus the FET matrixes are: G D G YGG YGC D YDG YDD Y- matrix model (ordinary) of the FET; common source connection G D S G D S YGG YGD -YGG –YGD YDG YDD -YDG –YDD -YGG-YDG -YGD-YDD +Σ Σ =YGG+YGD +YDG +YDD 22 (18) (19) extended Y- matrix model of the FET – derived from the common source connection ---------------------------------------------------------------Note to the FET model A simple FET model we can get another way. Suppose that instantaneous gate – to – source voltage is u GSI = U GSQ + u GS ; where UGSQ is the DC component and uGS is the AC component 2 (signal voltage). The instantaneous drain current is i DI ≅ k ⋅ (u GSI − U T ) . Substituting u GSI into iDI produces i DI ≅ k ⋅ (u GSI − U T ) 2 = k ⋅ (U GSQ + u GS − U T ) 2 = k ⋅ (U GSQ − U T + u GS ) 2 = 2 = k ⋅ (U GSQ − U T ) 2 + 2 ⋅ k ⋅ (U GSQ − U T ) ⋅ u GS + k ⋅ u GS The first term in equation is the DC (or quiescent) drain current ID (or IDQ), the second term is the time – varying drain current component that is linearly related to the signal u GS , and the third term is proportional to the square of the signal voltage u GS . For a sinusoidal input signal u GS , the squared term produces harmonics (nonlinear distortion) in the output current, thus output voltage, too. To minimize these harmonics (distortion), we require u GS << 2 ⋅ k ⋅ (U GSQ − U T ) ⋅ u GS this means that the third term will be much smaller than the second term. The last equation represents the small – signal condition that must be satisfied for linear amplifier. 2 Neglecting the u GS term we can write i DI ≅ k ⋅ (U GSQ − U T ) 2 + 2 ⋅ k ⋅ (U GSQ − U T ) ⋅ u GS = I DQ + i D The total current can be separated into a DC component (IDQ) and an AC component i D ≅ 2 ⋅ k ⋅ (U GSQ − U T ) ⋅ u GS . The small – signal drain current is related to the small – signal gate – to – source voltage by the transconductance g GS = g m = 1 / rm ≅ 2 ⋅ k ⋅ (U GSQ − U T ) ; see equations. (13) and (14), etc. 2 The term u GS we must not neglect if we solve problems of a distortion (parasite non – linearities) or modulation (functional non - linearities). ---------------------------------------------------------------- Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 23 TRIODE – VACUUM TUBES Basic description of triode principle - Underlying all tube operation is the fact that any hot metal is continuously emitting electrons (for an oxide-coated cathode under typical operating conditions, a 10% increase in temperature increases emission by about a factor of 3; current passing through the filament heats it). - Electrons, being negatively charged, are attracted to the positive plate – anode. - The number of electrons depends on the current flow - the higher the current, the greater the number of electrons and therefore the greater the charge. Since the cathode feels the influence of the plate through the negatively-charged electrons between them, the increasing current reduces the attractive force of the plate until the two reach a balance. At this point of balance, the effective field at the surface of the cathode is reduced to zero. Moving away from the cathode, the electrons accelerate. If we have just one anode and one cathode (vacuum diode) it is valid Child – Langmuir law I a = k ⋅ U a3 / 2 (Ua – an anode – cathode voltage; Ia – an anode current; k – constant – dependent on the tube construction). - A grid of wires between the cathode and the plate (fig. 20) is negative (normally always), which decelerates the electrons and hence controls the current to the plate – triode. Making some simplifying assumptions, he showed that the electric field as seen at the cathode is equivalent to a plate voltage of: U ef = U a / µ + U g ; µ is a constant for a given electrode geometry. In other words, the actual plate voltage is divided by µ to get the effective voltage. For example, in a typical medium-µ triode under normal operating conditions, the effective voltage as seen at the cathode is only around 5V, even though the plate is at 100V or more. An idealized formula is 3/2 3/ 2 I a = k ⋅ (U a + µU g ) = k ′ ⋅ (U a / µ + U g ) (Ug – a grid – cathode voltage; µ is a constant for a given electrode geometry). - If we add the second grid, we get tetrode (double grid tube). - If we add the third grid, we get pentode (triple grid tube). Fig. 20 A construction principle Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models UB Ia Ia Ra A (a) G ∆Ug = Ug 1 - Ug3; UaQ = const. Ug=0 Ug 1< 0 Ua Ug Ug 2<Ug1 C Rg Rk ∆Ia; UaQ= const. Ck Ug 3<Ug2 IaQ ∆Ug; ∆Ua IaQ= const Ia Ig A G Ug 24 SUg Ri ∆Ia; ∆Ua if Ug = const. Ua K (b) (c) UaQ Ua Fig. 21 a) An triode amplifier; b) A-V characteristic; c) small - signal model There is a basic connection of the triode amplifier in the Fig. 21a. The behavior of a triode is fully described by its plate curves, as shown in Fig. 21b. These show the anode (plate) current as a function of anode voltage (on the horizontal axis) and the grid voltage, becoming more negative as we move to the right of the family of curves. The used signal model is shown in Fig. 21c. Data sheets usually give a tube quiescent point as well as tube’s parameters in Fig. 21c. The gate voltage URg is 0 V because no significant current flows through Rg (if grid voltage is negative). Thus it is valid (resistor Rk generates the Ug – compare depletion FET – N channel): Ug = - RkIa. A capacitance Ck shorts out Rk - shorts AC signals. Quiescent point example Triode ECC83 (double triode) – it is indicate: UA = 250 V, Rk = 1600Ω, IA = 1, 2 mA, S = 1, 6 mA/V, µ = 100, Ri = 62, 5 kΩ. If we require Ra = 100 kΩ for example and this quiescent point, we can calculate a supply voltage UB = UA + (Ra + Rk).Ia =372 V. Small - signal model (parameters) and small-signal triode model Mutual transconductance is the slope of the transfer characteristic gm= 1/rm = S = ∆I a ∆U g Ua =const Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 25 It relates the mutual changes between anode current and voltage changes in grid circuit – see Fig. 21b, too – the transfer characteristic Ia = f(Ug; Ua = UaQ = const.) we can derive, if we need it, from Fig. 21b. Plate (anode, internal, output) resistance represents the change in voltage associated with a change in current in the anode circuit – see Fig. 21b, too. Ri = 1/Gi = ∆U a ∆I a Ug = const Gain coefficient represents the change in voltage in the anode circuit associated with change in voltage in the grid circuit – see Fig. 21b, too. µ= ∆U a ∆U g Ia = const Barkhausen formula It is evident that for small – signal changes is valid S . Ri = µ “More physical model” is in the fig. 22. A uAC/Ri 0 ia= iC Ri - anode – cathode resistance (signal); it is not CI a resistor planted in the triode; it only models the real conductance of the device – the signal anode current changes as a function of the signal voltages uAC G 0 uGC Ri iC = uGC/rm rm = 1/S C INTERNAL CATHODE OF AN IDEAL TRIODE – ZERO VOLTAGE BETWEEN GATE AND CI (SIGNAL MODEL) rm=1/S – intrinsic (internal) cathode resistance (signal); it is not a resistor planted in the triode; it only models the real conductance of the device – the anode current changes as a function of the input signal voltages uGC Fig. 22 Small – signal triode model; in the appropriate quiescent point; Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 26 TRIODE ADMITTANCE MODEL If we consider now just signal changes, thus from Fig. 21c or Fig. 22 we can easy derive formulas (common cathode) Ig = 0.Ug + 0.Ua Ia = S.Ug + Gi.Ua Thus we easy get (harmonic steady state) ordinary matrix model G A G 0 S A 0 Gi Ug Ua = Ig Ia If we take into account a capacity anode – gate (CAG), we easy determine more complex triode ordinary admittance matrix (compare FET matrix models) G G p.CAG A S - p.CAG A - p.CAG Gi + p.CAG Ug Ua You can get ordinarily extended matrix. = Ig Ia (20) Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 27 ADMITTANCE MODEL OF GENERAL ACTIVE THREE – TERMINAL DEVICE (We will suppose that input current is not function of a voltage u23; i1 << i and the device quiescent point is correct). All was described we can generally sum into Fig. 23 and two matrices and Table 1– we need just one general model. C21 iC12 i2 2 u23/r21 u12/(βr) i1 1 u12I =0 i≈ u13/r 2I i= u13/re r u13 EXTERNAL (SIGNAL) VOLTAGE r23 3 u23 2I – internal point of the ideal element (zero voltage u12I) i1 – input current r – defines the i2 changes as a function of the u13 r23– defines the i2 changes as a function of the u23 1 2 - pC21 1 g/β + pC21 2 g - pC21 g23+ pC21 Ordinary admittance matrix – common terminal 3 1 2 3 - pC21 1 g/β + pC21 - g/β - g – g23 2 g - pC21 g23+ pC21 - g23 3 - g/β - g g/β + g+ g23 Extended adm. matrix – external common terminal Fig. 23 A signal model of general active three-terminal device with capacitance C21; all voltages referred to the terminal 3; input current is not function of a voltage; i1 << i and the device – see Table 1 quiescent point is correct general bipolar field effect transistor; triode tripole transistor; FET device BJT terminal 1 ≡Base ≡Gate ≡Grid terminal 2 ≡Collector ≡Drain ≡Anode terminal 3 ≡Emitter ≡Source ≡Cathode input i/β iG → 0 iG → 0 current i1 it means it means that model β→ ∞ that model β→ ∞ g = 1/r ge = 1/re = S = 1/rm = g GS = g m = 1 / rm = 2 ⋅ k ⋅ (U GS − U T ) =IC/Uth gm 2⋅ ID I DSS ⋅ I D = = 2⋅ k ⋅ ID = = 2⋅ (U GS − U T ) U P2 r23 = 1/g23 rCE = UA/ IC rd = UA/ ID Ri C21 CCB CDG CAG Table 1. Sum of „all“ as mentioned above; y12 = 0 if input current is no function of u23 and parasitic capacitance is neglected. UT → UP – if depletion type Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 28 BJT versus FET The FET transconductance is g m = 1 / rm = 2 ⋅ k ⋅ I D = 2 ⋅ I DSS ⋅ I D / U P2 . It increased only as the square root of ID and is well below the transconductance ge = 1/re = IC/Uth of a bipolar transistor at the same operating current. We will derive later that a low transconductance means a low voltage gain. The problem of low voltage gain in FET amplifiers can we solve by means a current – source (active) load, but once again the bipolar transistor will be better in the same circuit. For this reason you seldom see FETs used as simple amplifiers, unless it is important to take advantage of their unique input properties – extremaly high input resistance and low input current. AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT (SMALL-SIGNAL EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT) Understanding and designing circuits can be made much easier if we can replace real devices by simplified mathematical models of the same thing. We know signal models (and their matrix models) of BJT, FET and TRIODE, now (“signal” active components of a circuit). We must be able to determine a signal model of whole electronic circuit. Capacitors A capacitor has frequency-dependent impedance Z C = 1 /( jωC ) = − j ⋅ X C ; X C = 1 /(ωC ) . We will ignore the phase-changing property as this is not relevant to our discussion here. As ω = 2πf reduces to DC, then ω = 2πf = 0 and we have X C = 1 /(ωC ) → ∞ . As ω = 2πf increases towards infinity, then we have X C = 1 /(ωC ) → 0 . This gives us two rules for capacitors in equivalent circuits: 1. Capacitors in DC equivalent circuits (determination of a quiescent point): replace capacitors by an open circuit. 2. Capacitors in AC equivalent circuits: replace capacitors by a short circuit. In fact, the designer usually chooses values of C which make XC negligible at all frequencies likely to be encountered for the amplifier. If we solve frequency properties of a circuit, the problem is more complex – capacitors must not be neglected (parasitic frequency properties of amplifiers, filters – functional capacitors). Coupling capacitors (vazební) Capacitors are used in this way to couple AC circuits together (without any steady DC bias conditions being affected) - XC must be small compared with other resistances in the circuit – at the minimum frequency specified for the circuit. This is an example of worst case design. Example 7 Find a suitable input coupling capacitor for an amplifier with a frequency response of 50 Hz to 15 kHz and RIN = 50 kΩ (Fig. 24), driven from a voltage source with ROUT = 50 kΩ. Referring to Fig. 24, we would choose X C = 1 /(2 ⋅ π ⋅ f min ⋅ C ) = ( RIN + ROUT ) / 10 . Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models [ 29 ] Therefore C = 10 /[2 ⋅ π ⋅ f min ( RIN + ROUT )] = 10 / 2 ⋅ π ⋅ 50 ⋅ (50 + 50) ⋅ 10 3 = 0,3 µF ROUT UOUT C is coupling capacitor; (any left side DC component) RIN UQ = “left side” DC component Fig. 24 A model circuit with a coupling capacitor C For some designs this can generate enormous C values, so designers opt for a more realistic X C = 1 /(2 ⋅ π ⋅ f min ⋅ C ) = ( RIN + ROUT ) value. Bypass capacitors (“přemosťovací”) In Fig. 25 we can see the bypass capacitor C transfers AC signal directly to earth, thus bypassing R. For AC, R is short circuited (and therefore its action is ignored), whereas for DC R comes into play and C is considered as an open circuit. DC MODEL DC MODEL R R1 OR R R1 AC MODEL R R2 R = R1//R2 AC MODEL R1 R2 Fig. 25 A model circuits with a bypass capacitor Example 8 Choose a capacitor to create an AC bypass across a 1 kΩ resistance at all frequencies in the range 25 Hz to 10 kHz. Using X C = 1 /(2 ⋅ π ⋅ f min ⋅ C ) = R / 10 , where R = 1 kΩ and fmin = 25 Hz, we have C = 10 / [2 ⋅ π ⋅ f min R ] = 10 /[2 ⋅ π ⋅ 25 ⋅ 1000] = 63 µF Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 30 Equivalent circuits of (power) supplies All active circuits require some form of energy sources. Usually we do not want a power supply the output of which varies with variation in load current drawn from it, thus we need an ideal DC voltage (power) source – its output resistance is zero. Therefore, the rules are: RULE 1. For power supplies (sources) in DC equivalent circuits: show all power supply voltages and currents in full. RULE 2. For power supplies (voltage sources) in AC equivalent circuits: replace all voltage sources with a short circuit – see Figs. 26, 28 and 29. If we use an ideal current source (with infinite internal resistance), another rule is valid: RULE 3. For current sources in AC equivalent circuits: replace all current sources with an open circuit – see Fig. 27. UN I1 I1 IC RC R1 UC IC RC R1 CV2 IB CV1 Ri UN IB UCE UCE 0, 6 V ui R2 (a) UC 0, 6 V IE RE UR2 RZ R2 UE IE RE UE UR2 (b) UN R1 Ri RC CV1 ui SIGNAL (c) R1 RC ui SIGNAL R2 RE CV2 Ri R2 RE RZ RZ (d) Fig. 26 a) A basic common emitter configuration (CE) – voltage divider biasing; b) a DC equivalent circuit – all capacitors are opened; c) AC - all capacitors and voltage power supply source are shorted; d) an AC equivalent circuit – ui - signal voltage we must not omit Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models UN RI ≈1, 2 V RD ID CV1 Ri UN ≈1 mA 0, 6 V 0, 6 V T2; β2; UAT2 IC RB IB RAT2 ≈ UAT2/1 mA RF IB CV1 Ri T1 UCE UCE 0, 6 V ui 0, 6 V ui (b) T1; β1; UAT1 (a) RAT2 ≈ UAT2/1 mA RF 31 RF Ri Ri T1 RAT2 ≈ UAT2/1 mA T1 ui (d) ui (c) Fig. 27 a) A common emitter configuration (CE) – current source as collector resistor (active): T2 (PNP), diodes, RI and RD create current source: it is evident that voltage across resistance RI is ≈ 0, 6 V; thus I C ≈ 0,6 / RI = 1 mA if RI = 600 Ω; we must choose ID >> IC/β2; b) a model of current source – RAT2 ≈ UAT2/IC – describes influence of T2 Early voltage; c) AC equivalent circuit and d) the rearranged AC equivalent circuit. Resistance RB defines a T1 base current. It is valid I B ≈ (U CE − 0,6) / RB = I C / β 1 . We choose (properly) U CE = U N / 2 than RB ≈ β1 ⋅ (U N / 2 − 0,6) / I C - attention, it creates negative feedback!! (2) (1) RG D I1 (2) G (1) U1 RG1 RG2 S RS S RD (3) RD RZ U2 Ui1 Fig. 28 AC equivalent circuit of the structure in Fig. 18 Fig. 29 AC equivalent circuit of the structure in Fig. 17 U2 Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 32 Basic texts Other text Questions ' Answers you find in this text 1. Explain basic principle of BJT. 2. Explain basic principle of FET. 3. Explain basic principle of triode. 4. Explain relationship between ordinary and extended matrices. 5. Explain a stabilization of transistor quiescent current (basic principle). Problems 1. Determine an admittance matrix of a BJT in Fig. 1. Suppose that Early voltage is infinite (= neglect influence of Early voltage), neglect capacity collector – base. 2. Determine an admittance matrix of a FET in Fig. 17, neglect parasitic capacity. 3. a) Determine a quiescent point of the NJFET in Fig. 30; UP = - 5 V, IDSS = 6 mA, UA = 100 V – we demand UGSQ = - 2 V. Determine UDD and all resistances; we suppose load resistance 10 kΩ. b) Determine an admittance matrix of a FET, neglect parasitic capacity. c) Draw AC equivalent circuit. 4. Suppose the component values gained in the example 3 (Fig. 16; UDD = 15 V, Rd = 1,795 kΩ, RS = 205Ω). Now we use other FET - IDSS = 8 mA, UP = - 3 V (selected at random). Determine a new quiescent current. UDD IDQ RD RZ UDSQ D G RG 510kΩ UGSQ RS IDQ S Fig. 30 Amplifier with RS Punčochář, Mohylová: TELO, Chapter 2, Quiescent point of basic active tripoles (BJT, FET, triode); their admittance models 33 Problems key Ad 1) We know – example 1 – that IC = 0, 6 mA and β is 150. Thus re = 1/y21 ≅ UT/IC = 26 mV/(0,6 mA) = 43 Ω 1/y11 ≅ β re = 6500 Ω. If we neglect the Early voltage than y22 = 0; y12 = 0 – we suppose that input current is no function of the voltage across collector and emitter. Ad 2) We know – example 5 – that if k = 2,96 mA/V2, UT = 2 V, UA = 156 V than ID = 5,2 mA. We easy determine gm =2. K. I D = 2 ⋅ 1/gd = UA/ID = 156/5,2.10-3 = 30 kΩ. 2,96 ⋅ 10 −35,2 ⋅ 10 −3 = 7,846 mS and also rd = Ad 3 a) It is known that in a quiescent point: IDQ = IDSS(1-UGSQ/UP)2 = 6.10-3(1-(-2)/(-5))2 = 2,16 mA and RSIDQ = + 2V – from this equation we get RS = 2/(2,16 .10-3) = 926 Ω. Further UDD = RDIDQ + UDSQ + RSIDQ . We suppose load resistance 10 kΩ. Thus we must choose RD << 10 kΩ - or else it will degrade voltage gain of the circuit (Thévenin´s theorem). Thus we choose RD = 2, 2 kΩ. We determine UDSP = UGSQ - UP = - 2 - (-5) = 3 V – fig. 10. We choose UDD = 12 V – then UDSQ = UDD - RDIDQ -RSIDQ = 12 - 2, 2 .103. 2, 16 .10-3- 2 = 5, 25 V – it is greater value than 3 V – the transistor is in the active (saturated) region – that is right quiescent point. Ad 3 b) Now we can derive: rd =1/gd = UA/IDQ = 100/(2,16 .10-3 )= 46,3 kΩ ⇒ gd = 21,6.10-6 S gm = 2IDQ/(UGSQ - UP) = 2.2, 16.10-3/(-2-(-5)) = 1,44 mS Ad 3 c) Equivalent AC you can see in fig. 31. (2) D I1 (1) G S G (3) RG RS RD RZ Fig. 31 Equivalent AC circuit of the amplifier in the fig. 30 Ad 4) ID = 4,125 mA – see solution in the example 4. Recommendation If you can solve and answer more than circa 60 % of the problems and questions, you may continue your study. 3. 2. 2009