11. INVESTIGATION OF A JUNCTION FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTOR 11.1. Objective of the test Knowledge of field-effect transistors (FET), their structures and classification, principles of operation, characteristics and parameters; learning to measure static volt-ampere characteristics (VACs) and some other major parameters of FETs. 11.2. Important notes A FET is a three-terminal device in which current flows through a narrow conduction channel between two electrodes (source and drain) and is modulated by an electric field caused by a voltage applied at the third electrode (gate). FETs were introduced after BJTs. The first FET was proposed by Shockley in 1952. It was a junction field-effect transistor (JFET). Later another very similar family of insulated-gate FETs (IGFETs) was developed. More widely they are referred as metal-oxidesemiconductor transistors (MOSTs), metal-oxide-semiconductor FETs (MOSFETs) or metal-insulator-semiconductor FETs (MISFETs). Extremely high frequency (microwave) amplifiers are being designed using gallium arsenide-based FETs (GASFETs) that are metal-semiconductor FETs (MESFETs). BJTs are current-controlled devices while FETs are voltagecontrolled devices. FETs have extremely high input impedance, are more temperature stable than BJTs, can tolerate a much higher level of radiation, are simpler to fabricate and are attractive for use in integrated circuits. Generally, the drain current of a FET is dependent on the input and output voltages: I D f (U GS , U DS ) . According to this, there are two major parameters of a FET – transconductance gm and output resistance Ro that are given by 45 g m I D / U GS when UDS is constant; Ro U DS / I D when UGS is constant. Here ID is drain current, UGS and UDS are gate-source and drainsource voltages correspondingly. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.3. Preparing for the test: Using your lecture-notes and referenced literature [2, p. 58–75], consider FET structures, classification, principles of operation, characteristics and parameters; clear up how parameters gm and Ro can be found. Consider section “11.4. In laboratory” of this test. Prepare squared millimetre paper for graphs. Sketch the coordinate systems I versus U on the paper. The scale must be chosen taking into account types of the characteristics. Draw lines corresponding to the FET ratings: drain current IDmax = 20 mA, drain-source voltage UDSmax = 25 V, power Pmax = 200 mW. Prepare to answer the questions: Discuss and explain classification of FETs. Draw schematic symbols of FETs. Discuss the structure of a JFET. Explain the principles of operation of the transistor. Show polarities of the bias voltages for drain and gate circuits of the JFET with n-type channel. Draw the output VACs of a JFET and explain their shape. Draw the transfer VACs of a JFET and explain their shape. Draw the structure (section view) of a normally-off (enhancement) MOSFET. Explain the principles of operation. Draw the structure (section view) of the normally-on (depletionenhancement) MOSFET. Explain the principles of operation. Name the major parameters of a FET and show how they can be found using VACs of the FET. Demonstrate this (the teacher will point corresponding parameter). Compare the properties of bipolar and field-effect transistors. 46 Fig 11.1. Measurement circuit 1. 2. 3. 4. 11.4. In laboratory: Answer the test question. Familiarize with measurement devices and laboratory model. Before any measurements the control knobs of all the potentiometers of the laboratory model must be turned counterclockwise to the final position. During measurements, voltage and current must not exceed the highest values allowed for the used devices. In the case of this laboratory test: drain current IDmax = 20 mA, drain-source voltage UDSmax = 25 V, power Pmax = 200 mW. Connect the measurement circuit (Fig 11.1). Turn on the current source and set voltages as shown in Fig 11.1 (–9 V and +60 V). After the teacher has checked the circuit connect the measurement circuit to the current source. After any change of the measurement circuit ask the teacher to check it. Carry out measurements of the static VACs: 47 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. a) Measure and draw the output VAC ID versus UDS of the FET for the values of the gate-source voltage UGS pointed out by the teacher. To this end turn the control knobs of the potentiometers R2, R3, R5 and R6 counter-clockwise to the final position. Note the values of ID and UDS while increasing the voltage UDS and sketch the characteristic. During this measurement the voltage UGS must be constant. b) Measure and draw the transfer characteristics ID versus UGS of the FET for the two values of the voltage UDS pointed out by the teacher. These two values of UDS must exceed saturation voltage. To this end turn the control knobs of the potentiometers R2, R3, R5 and R6 counter-clockwise to the final position. Note the values of ID and UGS while increasing the voltage UGS till ID becomes 0, and sketch the characteristic. During this measurement, the voltage UDS must be constant. Examine the results. Consider the measured characteristics. Repeat the measurements if it is necessary. Using the measured output characteristics find FET parameters gm and Ro at the operation point indicated by the teacher. Find transconductance gm and pinch-off voltage UP using the measured transfer characteristics of the FET. 11.5. Contents of the report Objectives. Output and transfer characteristics of the FET. Calculation of gm and Ro. Value of UP. Conclusions (explanation of the measured output and transfer characteristics and physical meaning of major parameters of the FET; comments on values of the parameters). 48