FACT SHEET SKILLS CONNECT PROGRAMS The Australian Government supports business and industry by contributing directly towards the costs of accredited workforce training and development. Activities can include up-skilling and re-skilling employees, accelerating and boosting Australian Apprenticeship completion rates and equipping workers with higher skills in literacy and numeracy. SKILLS CONNECT FUND The Skills Connect Fund enables employers to address their whole of workforce development needs through access to nationally recognised, vocational education qualifications and training package skill sets, as well as foundation skills, mentoring and other support services. Co-funding grants can assist with the costs of undertaking nationally recognised vocational training and support services to maximise productivity outcomes. The fund streamlines and simplifies the application and funding process into a single ‘transaction’ with the Government. Importantly, it gives employers greater choice in the type of skills/training solutions they need to develop their workforce and address skills and training needs. The fund may also enable enterprise-based funding to extend into the regions, including remote areas, where opportunities for engagement tend to be limited due to thin markets and multi-sector industry profiles. Supports mature age workers: The Skills Connect Fund also supports training for mature age workers to continue making their valuable contributions to business and the economy. Mature age workers bring an enormous amount of knowledge and capability to the workplace. These life skills have not always been formally recognised through accredited qualifications. This lack of formal qualifications can often lead to early retirement and career limitations. Employers can apply for grants of up to $4,400 (includes GST) to assist mature age workers (aged 50 years and over) to gain qualifications that are relevant to their work. Enterprises seeking single, focussed solutions can still access individual funding initiatives, including: NATIONAL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT FUND The National Workforce Development Fund (NWDF) places business and industry at the heart of the training effort. It operates on an industry-driven model that enables businesses to co-invest with the Government to train, re-skill and up-skill workers in areas of identified skills needs. The NWDF is proving to be successful in meeting the workforce training needs of hundreds of Australian businesses. Industry Skills Councils are working with industry to identify projects that will respond to workforce training needs in areas of highest demand. This effort covers all sectors, from construction and logistics to manufacturing, aged care and hospitality. Training ranges from Certificate III to Diploma level. Cocontributions are on a sliding scale, where large enterprises contribute up to 66 per cent of costs and small and medium firms 33 to 50 per cent respectively. WORKPLACE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERACY The Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) program enables training in language, literacy and numeracy to be integrated into other workplace vocational training and qualifications. WELL underpins increased productivity, communication and occupational health and safety for workplaces, and provides improved job security and career prospects for workers. The training model is flexible, tailored to the needs of the workplace and can be based on industry specific, nationally endorsed training packages. There is an employer contribution element to this initiative. The training supports increased workplace productivity, communication and work health and safety whilst also improving the job security and career prospects for workers. It is designed to help workers with low level language, literacy and numeracy skills to access the training that will help them meet the expectations and requirements of their current and future employers. The funding provided is granted on a competitive basis and is regarded as ‘seed’ funding, meaning it should support employers to cultivate a culture of training in their workplaces. AUSTRALIAN APPRENTICESHIPS MENTORING The overarching purpose of the mentoring program is to increase the retention and completion rates of Australian Apprentices, particularly in the first 12 months of training. The funding model supports targeted mentoring to help apprentices to progress through apprenticeships. Mentoring may involve support for their employers or supervisors to encourage positive employment relationships and support. The Australian Apprenticeships Advisers program sits under the mentoring package. It is targeted to school leavers who are considering a career in a skilled occupation with demonstrated skills need, and would like to know more about an Australian Apprenticeship in that industry or occupation. Please note: It is recommended that you contact the department at mentoringpackage@innovation.gov.au prior to submitting an application for funding. ACCELERATED AUSTRALIAN APPRENTICESHIPS The Accelerated Australian Apprenticeships initiative aims to support a systemic shift to competency-based progression and completion in vocational education and training, with a focus on Australian Apprenticeships. Australian Government funding is available for industry-led partnerships to develop and implement innovative models that extend the reach of competency-based progression in Australian Apprenticeships in their sector. This is available in the form of one-off grants to Industry Skills Councils, peak industry bodies or other organisations. SKILLS CONNECT For further information about the suite of Skills Connect initiatives visit he website: www.skillsconnect.gov.au or email: skillsconnect@innovation.gov.au