Employment – working during your studies Tier 4 Students You are allowed to work in the UK if; o your Entry Clearance visa in your passport states ‘Work limited as per PBS rules’ OR o your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) states ‘Work 10 hrs max in term-time’ or ‘Work 20 hrs max in term-time’ If these statements do not appear on your visa, check with the International Office if you are able to work. The PBS rules allow Tier 4 students to work within the following limits; Type of student: Term-time: Vacations: Degree 20 hours maximum per week Full-time Postgraduate 20 hours maximum per week 20 hours maximum per week all year round, as programmes do not include long vacations. Pre-sessional 10 hours maximum per week Full-time International Foundation 10 hours maximum per week Full-time Programme The University of Bristol recommends students work no more than 15 hours per week during term-time in order to leave sufficient time for academic study Types of work Tier 4 students must not undertake All students must not engage in business, be self-employed, provide services as a professional sportsperson or entertainer, or pursue a career by filling a permanent vacancy. Finding work The Careers Service has specific information for international students on how to find and gain a job www.bris.ac.uk/careers/intstuds/index.asp National Insurance (NI) number You should apply for a NI number if you have started, or are about to start work. To make an appointment for an interview, telephone JobCentre Plus on 0845 600 0643. For further information please see the Careers Service website; www.bris.ac.uk/careers/jobshop/nin.asp Voluntary Work Voluntary work is a useful way to gain valuable work experience, useful knowledge, develop strengths and skills, meet people in Bristol and find out about our business culture. It can enhance your CV if you plan to look for work in the UK. Within the immigration rules, voluntary work is considered in the same way as paid work and is included in the number of hours you are allowed to work. There are many opportunities for voluntary work in Bristol: Student Community Action (SCA) is based in the Student’s Union and has opportunities for helping at one event to a regular commitment: www.ubu.org.uk/activities/volunteering/getinvolved/ Bristol Volunteering – helps volunteers find suitable volunteering positions in the city. Tel: 0117 989 7733, Email: info@volunteerbristol.org.uk, www.bristolvolunteers.org.uk/ Other local organisations include: At-Bristol www.at-bristol.org.uk/volunteer.html Bristol Zoo Gardens www.bristolzoo.org.uk/volunteer University Hospitals Bristol www.uhbristol.nhs.uk/work-for-us/volunteering/ National organisations include: Volunteering England www.volunteering.org.uk/ Citizens Advice Bureau www.citizensadvice.org.uk/index/join-us.htm European Economic Area (EEA) Students Students from countries within the EEA are able to work without any restrictions on the number of hours. However, all students, regardless of nationality, are bound by the University regulations for students regarding working during their course of study and you are expected to work no more than 15 hours per week during term-time in order to leave sufficient time for academic study. Student Visitor Visas Those on student visitor visas are not allowed to work, this means you cannot undertake paid or unpaid employment (including voluntary work) or work placements which are part of your course. International Advice and Support Centre 3rd Floor, Richmond Building, Queens Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1LN Tel: +44 (0) 117 331 8572. Fax: +44 (0) 117 331 8556 Email: os-as@bristol.ac.uk bristol.ac.uk/international-office Page 2 of 2