Energy Systems Engineering for Global Sustainability, Instructor Iddo Wernick Spring 2014 Syllabus (subject to refinement/updating) SUS 7200B—Energy Systems Engineering for Global Sustainability Instructor: Dr. Iddo Wernick. Prerequisites: ChE 22900 or Engr 23000 or Chem 33000 OR Consent of instructor. Room: TBD. Time: Monday 4:50-7:20pm. Office hours: Monday 3-4 PM, Room 307B Shepard Hall Description: This course is intended to provide students with the background and tools to analyze energy choices for the future. World energy supplies, demand, and trends. The politics of energy. The scientific basis for anthropogenic global warming and its impact on climate and planetary ecosystems. Characterization and analysis of conventional sources of energy and fuels production including refineries, fossil fuel fired power plants, and gas turbine combined-cycle systems from both thermodynamic and environmental points of view. Alternate sources of power including nuclear, wind farms, solar (both photovoltaic and thermal), and biomass. Energy consumption by the transportation, manufacturing, and space heating and cooling segments of the economy. Societal barriers such as denial, lockin, and NIMBY. After completing this course, students should: (1) Have a working knowledge of the supply and demand components of energy usage on both a national and global scale and the impact of the near-term end of cheap oil. (2) Have an understanding of the scientific basis of global warming and climate change, the predicted global impact, and the prospects based on various mitigation scenarios. (3) Have an understanding of the technological, environmental and economic aspects of producing and distributing energy from the entire range of inputs such as fossil fuels, nuclear fuels, solar isolation, wind, hydro, and biomass. (4) Be able to analyze, based on thermo-dynamic, safety, and economic considerations, the prospects for new energy technologies. (5) Be able to perform a systems engineering, life-cycle analysis of proposed technologies to reduce energy consumption. (6) Understand the societal and political factors that can inhibit the introduction of new approaches to dealing with our energy crisis, factors such as technological and economic lock in, perceived risk versus actual risk, and changes in lifestyle. Textbook: There is no textbook for the course. A bibliography will be distributed on the first day of class. Required readings will be provided on Blackboard. Objectives: To provide background and tools to analyze energy systems. The course will provide students with a technical overview of how human societies generate and consume energy. Emphasis will be placed on engineering systems and the environmental consequences of different energy options. The course will also address the economic and political context of how energy systems have evolved in the past and could evolve in the future. 1 Energy Systems Engineering for Global Sustainability, Instructor Iddo Wernick Spring 2014 Syllabus (subject to refinement/updating) Class Format: After the 3rd lecture the course will follow a seminar format for half of each class period. Students will be required to make 2 presentations over the course of the semester on an issue relating to one or more of the following areas: 1) Energy resources 2) Electricity generation 3) Energy distribution 4) Energy consumption 5) Geo-engineering 6) Energy policy Grading: Homework – 30% Participation – 20% Presentations – 50% Lecture Sequence: What is energy? o 1st law of thermodynamics o Equivalence between different forms of energy o Natural Examples (non-engineered) Readings Horse Power Promise and problems of emergy analysis History of Energy Use - Oxen to Nuclear reactors o o o o o o Agriculture Materials Fuels Engines/Turbines Transportation Electricity Readings o Tutorial Energy, Power, Entropy o Chapter 2 Without Hot Air Physical principles of energy conversion o Second law of thermodynamics – Heat and work o Faradays Law o Primary and secondary energy 2 Energy Systems Engineering for Global Sustainability, Instructor Iddo Wernick Spring 2014 Syllabus (subject to refinement/updating) Readings The Latest Infatuations Farewell to Fossil Fuels Resources o o o o Resources and Reserves Hydrocarbons Other natural sources Auxiliary materials Readings The Nonsense of Biofuels - under Bio Energy The Coal Question Introduction - under Resource Assessment Carbon Forever – under Hydrocarbons Technologies for electricity generation o Conventional electricity production o Renewable electricity production o Utility Economics Readings Levelized Cost of New Electricity Generating Technologies Chapter 18 Without Hot Air True Cost of Electric Power Energy systems and biogeochemical flows of CNSP and Toxics o o o o o Earth’s Carbon cycle and anthropogenic emissions Earth’s radiation balance and climate forcing Sulfur cycle Nitrogen cycle Toxics Readings Climate backlash The Industrial System Technologies for energy consumption o o o o Total Energy Demand by sector, by fuel, HVAC Motors Lighting 3 Energy Systems Engineering for Global Sustainability, Instructor Iddo Wernick Spring 2014 Syllabus (subject to refinement/updating) Readings Solid-state lighting: an energy-economics perspective Scandinavian Hospitals Distribution o o o o Co-generation Smart Grid Electricity Markets Carbon markets Readings Load Management Strategies Mobility and Transportation o o o o Automobiles Other passenger modes Shipping-Freight Synthetic Fuels Hydrogen Biofuels Batteries Readings The Evolution of Transport Energy Storage Stationary vs. Mobile Types of storage Physical limits Readings Electric Power Storage CRS Course Bibliography (preliminary) Books Vaclav Smil, 2010, Energy Myths and Realities: Bringing Science to the Energy Policy Debate Vaclav Smil, 2010, Energy Transitions: History, Requirements, Prospects 4 Energy Systems Engineering for Global Sustainability, Instructor Iddo Wernick Spring 2014 Syllabus (subject to refinement/updating) Vaclav Smil, 2000, Energies: An Illustrated Guide to the Biosphere and Civilization Vaclav Smil, 2010, See for Smil papers Burton Richter , 2010, Beyond Smoke and Mirrors: Climate Change and Energy in the 21st Century John M. Deutch and Richard K. Lester, 2004, Making Technology Work: Applications in Energy and the Environment, Cambridge University Press Robert B. Laughlin, 2011, Powering the Future: How We Will (Eventually) Solve the Energy Crisis and Fuel the Civilization of Tomorrow David MacKay, 2001, Sustainable Energy without the hot air, More Political Robert Bryce, 2010, Power Hungry: The Myths of "Green" Energy, and the Real Fuels of the Future Amory Lovins, Marvin Odum and John W. Rowe, 2011, Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era Daniel Yergin, 2011, The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World; Also, “The Prize”, 1991 More Natural Resources Jared M. Diamond, 1999, Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies Thomas Gold, 1999, The Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels Reports, Papers The Future of Nuclear Power: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study, 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Available on the web. The MIT Energy Initiative Wernick I.K., 2007, Global Warming and the Industrial System, International Relations and Security Network (ISN), Zurich, Switzerland. On Borrowed Time?: Assessing the Threat of Mineral Depletion,2003, John E. Tilton, Resources for the Future (Rff Press),, Washington, DC. J Y Tsao et al 2010, Solid-state lighting: an energy-economics perspective, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43 354001 doi:10.1088/0022-3727/43/35/354001 5 Energy Systems Engineering for Global Sustainability, Instructor Iddo Wernick Spring 2014 Syllabus (subject to refinement/updating) Jesse H. Ausubel, 1991Energy and Environment: The Light Path, Data Sources U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2011 6