Syllabus Item Checklist

Syllabus Item Checklist
Course Number, Course Title
Class meeting time and place (Lab meeting time and place if applicable)
Instructor's name, contact information (email/phone), office location and office hours
Course overview/description/purpose
Student Learning Outcomes (course goals or objectives)
Pre- & Co-requisites & Breadth of Knowledge (BoK) Areas: knowledge or skills students should already
have and how it fits with other courses
Course Format
□ Brief description of a typical class period: include teaching and learning strategies used
□ Electronic Communication: communication method between instructor and students (For
example: Announcements via Bb that will also be emailed, respond to email within 24 hours)
Course Materials
□ Required readings/equipment: print and online (Example: Textbook and online homework
program, calculator, Excel)
□ Optional readings/resources: print and online
Classroom Procedures/Policies
□ Diversity and Inclusion statement
□ Academic Integrity
□ Special Needs and Accommodations Policy: Language provided by Disability Services
□ Technology policy: instructor’s expectations for technology use in class and outside of class for
classwork. Consequences of misuse.
□ Attendance policy: missed work, tardiness, excused absences, safety considerations, snow day
□ Student expectations of instructor
□ Instructor expectations of student
Assessments/Activities and Grading Policy
□ Exams/Quizzes/projects: description of assessment types
□ Pre-class and post-class work: description/expectations
□ In-class work: description/expectations
□ Grading policy: How assessments will contribute to overall course grade
□ Pass/Fail, Audit, and Withdrawal Policy
Course calendar: topics, learning outcomes, activities, assessments/due dates, corresponding
“I reserve the right to update this syllabus as class needs arise. Be assured that I will communicate to you any
changes to our schedule, syllabus or policies quickly and efficiently through the ...” (name the vehicle)