World Suicide Prevention Day 2016 Toolkit World Suicide Prevention Day Official Website Connect. Communicate. Care. Connect. Communicate. Care. T he World Health Organization estimates that over 800,000 people die by suicide each year – that’s one person every 40 seconds. Up to 25 times as many again make a suicide attempt. The tragic ripple effect means that there are many, many more people who have been bereaved by suicide or have been close to someone who has tried to take his or her own life. And this is happening in spite of the fact that suicide is preventable. ‘Connect, communicate, care’ is the theme of the 2016 World Suicide Prevention Day. These three words are at the heart of suicide prevention. Connect F ostering connections with those who have lost a loved one to suicide or have been suicidal themselves is crucial to furthering suicide prevention efforts. Although every individual suicide is different, there are some common lessons to be learned. Those who have been on the brink of suicide themselves can help us understand the complex interplay of events and circumstances that led them to that point, and what saved them or helped them to choose a more life-affirming course of action. Those who have lost someone to suicide, or supported someone who was suicidal, can provide insights into how they moved forwards on their journey. The sheer numbers of people who have been affected by suicide would make this a formidable network. Of course, these connections should be two-way. There will often be times when those who have been bereaved by suicide, and those who might be feeling suicidal themselves, need support. Keeping an eye out for them and checking that they are okay could make all the difference. Social connectedness reduces the risk of suicide, so being there for someone who has become disconnected can be a life-saving act. Connecting them with formal and informal supports may also help to prevent suicide. Individuals, organisations and communities all have a responsibility here. O pen communication is vital if we are to combat suicide. In many communities, suicide is shrouded in silence or spoken of only in hushed tones. We need to discuss suicide as we would any other public health issue if we are to dispel myths about it and reduce the stigma surrounding it. This is not to say that we shouldn’t exercise necessary caution; we don’t want to normalise suicide either. Careful, considered messages about suicide and its prevention are warranted, as is an awareness of how different groups of individuals may receive and interpret this information. WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY, September 10th, is an opportunity for all sectors of the community - the public, charitable organizations, communities, researchers, clinicians, practitioners, politicians and policy makers, volunteers, those bereaved by suicide, other interested groups and individuals - to join with the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) to focus public attention on the unacceptable burden and costs of suicidal behaviours with diverse activities to promote understanding about suicide and highlight effective prevention activities. Those activities may call attention to the global burden of suicidal behaviour, and discuss local, regional and national strategies for suicide prevention, highlighting cultural initiatives and emphasizing how specific prevention initiatives are shaped to address local cultural conditions. Initiatives which actively educate and involve people are likely to be most effective in helping people learn new information about suicide and suicide prevention. Examples of activities which can support World Suicide Prevention Day include: Equipping people to communicate effectively with those who might be vulnerable to suicide is an important part of any suicide prevention strategy. Broaching the subject of suicide is difficult, and these sorts of conversations are often avoided. There are some simple tips that can help, however. Most of these relate to showing compassion and empathy, and listening in a non-judgemental way. People who have come through an episode of extreme suicidal thinking often say that sensitivelymanaged conversations with others helped them on their course to recovery. • • • • • • • • • • • The media also have an important role to play in suicide prevention. Some types of reporting on suicide (e.g., prominent and/or explicit stories) have been shown to be associated with ‘spikes’ in suicide rates, but others (e.g., those that describe mastery of suicidal crises) have been shown to have a protective effect. Media recommendations have been developed by the International Association for Suicide Prevention and the World Health Organization to assist journalists in getting stories right. Please see: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Care A ll the connecting and communicating in the world will have no effect without the final ingredient – care. We need to make sure that policy-makers and planners care enough about suicide prevention to make it a priority, and to fund it at a level that is commensurate with its significance as a public health problem. • Launching new initiatives, policies and strategies on World Suicide Prevention Day, September 10th. Learning about connecting, communicating, caring and suicide prevention and mental health from materials found in IASP’s Web resource directory Using the WSPD Press Preparation Package that offers media guides in the planning of an event or activity. Downloading the World Suicide Prevention Day Toolkit that contains links to World Suicide Prevention Day resources and related Web pages Holding conferences, open days, educational seminars or public lectures and panels Writing articles for national, regional and community newspapers, blogs and magazines Holding press conferences Placing information on your website and using the IASP World Suicide Prevention Day Web banner, promoting suicide prevention in one’s native tongue. Securing interviews and speaking spots on radio and television Organizing memorial services, events, candlelight ceremonies or walks to remember those who have died by suicide Asking national politicians with responsibility for health, public health, mental health or suicide prevention to make relevant announcements, release policies or make supportive statements or press releases on WSPD Holding depression awareness events in public places and offering screening for depression Organizing cultural or spiritual events, fairs or exhibitions Organizing walks to political or public places to highlight suicide prevention Holding book launches, or launches for new booklets, guides or pamphlets Distributing leaflets, posters and other written information Organizing concerts, BBQs, breakfasts, luncheons, contests, fairs in public places Writing editorials for scientific, medical, education, nursing, law and other relevant journals Disseminating research findings Producing press releases for new research papers Holding training courses in suicide and depression awareness Joining us on the official World Suicide Prevention Day Facebook Event Page Supporting suicide prevention 365 days a year by becoming a Facebook Fan of the IASP Following the IASP on Twitter (, tweeting #WSPD or #suicide or #suicideprevention Creating a video about suicide prevention. See the IASP WSPD Playlist at: Lighting a candle a candle, near a window at 8 PM in support of: World Suicide Prevention Day, suicide prevention and awareness, survivors of suicide and for the memory of loved lost ones. Find “Light a Candle Near a Window at 8 PM” postcards in various languages at: Participating in the World Suicide Prevention Day - Cycle Around the Globe Learn about the WSPD Ribbon and find various sizes to download. Read about suggested activities that can be carried out for World Suicide Prevention Day. World Suicide Prevention Day World Suicide Prevention Day September 10th 2016 Join us on social media Light a candle near a window at 8pm on WSPD to show your support for suicide prevention Get involved in an event Take part in or organise a local or national event or activity to focus public attention on suicide prevention Cycle Around the Globe Facts & Figures Download the WSPD infographic Connect. Communicate. Care. Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest to support WSPD Download World Suicide Prevention Day Banners WHAT YOU CAN DO TO SUPPORT WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY Communicate Download the official brochure that discusses the theme of this year’s World Suicide Prevention Day. Light a Candle This PDF contains links to World Suicide Prevention Day resources and related Web sites. Toolkit URL: Connect. Communicate. Care. September 10, 2016 Download the WSPD Facts & Figures PowerPoint Presentation Find research and resources relating to this year’s WSPD theme: Join us in cycling to show that we are connected in our aim to prevent suicide WSPD Banner 700x401 PNG (English) WSPD Banner 700x401Animated GIF WSPD Banner 700x401PDF (English) WSPD Banners in Various Languages PNG and PDF Formats WSPD Banner 250x50 PNG (English) WSPD Cycle Image (Hi-Res PDF) WSPD QR CODE WSPD 2016 Press Preparation Package How to write a World Suicide Prevention Day Press Release (PDF) Fact Sheet for adding suicide prevention facts and figures to press release (DOC) Sample WSPD Cycle Around the Globe Press Release (DOC) Sample Light a Candle Near a Window at 8PM press release (DOC) Adaptable generic press release (DOC) A guide for generating local media coverage (HTML) A guide for national media (HTML) A guide for media interviews (HTML) A guide for giving radio interviews (HTML) Use this P.R. tool to help your organization prepare press releases for WSPD and to learn about media interviews. Cycle Around the Globe What distance do I have to cycle? Whatever distance you wish. There are no rules or recommendations regarding cycle length. We value and greatly appreciate all efforts you make to engage with the Cycle Around the Globe event. Every kilometre/mile counts towards the final count! Do I have to cycle with a group in an organised event? No. You can cycle in a group, in the gym or even just at home at your own pace. How do I register? You can register for this cycle at any time via our website at: Here you can tell us how far you plan to cycle in advance of WSPD. You can also download a participant bib to attach to your t-shirt on the day, a sponsorship form if you wish to arrange sponsorship for your cycle and also, a certificate of completion. How do I submit my miles after the event? Having completed the cycle, we would be delighted to hear how well you did. You can submit your miles or kilometers via the IASP website where you first registered. Do I need sponsorship to cycle? No, cycle participants do not need to collect any sponsorship at all. This worldwide cycling event is about raising awareness and community spirit. If you do wish to raise funds for your local or national suicide prevention charity or even for the IASP, you can do so by downloading our sponsorship form and following the instructions from there. Alternatively, if you or your company are interested in providing corporate sponsorship to Cycle Around the Globe, please get in touch by emailing Caroline Daly at: Where can I submit my cycle photographs? The International Association for Suicide Prevention invites you to light a candle at 8 PM Light a candle near a window at 8 PM to show your support for suicide prevention to remember a lost loved one and for the survivors of suicide. World Suicide Prevention Day Download the Light a Candle Near a Window at 8 PM e-card or postcard now available in over 50 languages As always, we encourage participants to share their experiences of their Cycle Around the Globe event. You can share you photographs with us via our WSPD 2016 Facebook page, Pintrest ( ) and Instagram (instagram/ Do I have to cycle on September 10th? If for any reason you cannot cycle on September 10th itself it is possible for you to still take part. Any cycle which has taken place throughout September can be included and can contribute towards the total distance covered by the Cycle Around the Globe. How do I organise a group cycle? Anybody can organise a group Cycle Around the Globe event. To organise a cycle you can arrange this locally and use the materials we provide on our IASP website. Before the event, be sure to submit your planned kilometres/miles to us via this link: From here you can also print off participant bibs for all of your enthusiastic cyclists. If you are interested in raising sponsorship for a local suicide prevention charity, you can also download a sponsorship form. We also provide certificates of completion for cyclists which can be downloaded and printed from the website and awarded to all your cyclists upon completion. Finally we love to hear from our participants; you can upload photographs on our WSPD 2016 Facebook page, on our Pintrest page and also via Instragram. World Suicide Prevention Day and Cycle Around the Globe are annual events sponsored by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), a 501 (c)(3) non-profit charibitale organization recognized by the IRS - Status EIN 20-4701041 Download the WSPD Cycle Around the Globe Frequently Asked Questions or F.A.Q. Please use your phone to scan the Light a Candle Near a Window at 8 PM QR code below and share this World Suicide Prevention Day activity. You are invited to use this square candle image as your Facebook or Twitter profile picture on WSPD Use the online form to submit WSPD activities for listing on the website Cycle Around the Globe Frequently Asked Questions Light a Candle Near a Window at 8 PM on World Suicide Prevention Day World Suicide Prevention Day WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY On September 10th WSPD Banner 250x50 Animated GIF Find out more at Press Preparation Package WSPD Square Banner PNG Join us on the Official World Suicide Prevention Day Facebook Event Page Follow WSPD activities on Twitter or tweet using hashtags #wspd #suicide #suicideprevention Read about World Suicide Prevention Day activities across the globe: See WSPD videos on YouTube IASP Facebook International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)