SUICIDE Warning signs of suicide deep depression withdrawal/isolation from friends and family

Warning signs of suicide
deep depression
withdrawal/isolation from friends and family
drop in grades
drop in grades
drop in activities, sports, hobbies, etc.
major loss of any kind (boyfriend or girlfriend)
eating and sleeping habits change
giving away treasured possessions
preoccupation with the subject of death
talk of suicide or worthlessness
personal neglect-appearence
sudden calm after a big upset
showing dramatic (sudden) improvement
How to help in a suicidal crisis
recognize the clues
trust your judgment - don't let others mislead you into ignoring the signals you may not be over reacting
tell others-share your feelings or knowledge with someone who may be able
to help (parent, teacher, counselor, friend, priest)
stay with the suicidal person if possible- however never jeopardize your
health or safety in doing so
listen to the person - Don't give false reassurances that everything will be
OK - don't minimize their problem
urge professional help as follow up
be supportive - show that you care