Visual comfort

Visual comfort
Visual comfort depends on the visual clarity.
Buildings are responsible for a significant consumption of energy for lighting. Therefore natural lighting
should be preferred to create conditions of visual comfort.
It is important to include in the project enough openings to make use of the available natural light, and
not only the natural light from the sun. There should be a proportionality between the openings and the
compartments dimensions.
Natural lighting should be carefully controled to avoid the raise the environmental thermal load and,
therefore, increase energy consumption, through the use of ventilators and air conditioning systems.
A common glass, although transparent, change the solar light spectrum, filtering mainly the ultraviolet
radiations and part of the infra-red. The solar control glass diminish considerably infra-red transmissions
and, therefore, should be applied in situation where the grazzing of the environments has risks of high
thermal load.
Translucent glass dicreases the total light quantity that goes in the building, but can shed the light deeper in those environments. The are new materials, glasses that allow the entrance of light without an excessive heat input.
The colors used on the flooring and walls should be, if possible, light to allow for the light to be reflected
and incorporate illumination on the horizontal plans.
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When lighting objects, there should be established positions for the lighting focus and for the light trajectories that don’t coincide with sight gaze direction of the people in the space.
To avoid glare, the window frames and interior walls adjencent to the windows should be light, to
diminish contrast.
Light in a given space is mainly the equilibrium between the clarities within it. If we consider light direction falling on the objects (difuse light), different kinds of light are produces that highlight or not certain
reliefs. There should be considered this effect on the architectural design phase.
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