7 天 魅力江南美食豪华游 (Land-GV4) 行程特色 住宿 上海 南京路 东水关城墙遗址 中山陵 城隍庙 上海新天地 南京 夫子庙 烟波渔港 长江大桥 天数 1 2 无锡 蠡湖公园 薛家花园 苏州 耦园 李公堤 杭州 船游杭州西湖 上海 – 开元漫居酒店或同级 X 2 晚 南京 – 鼎业开元酒店或同级 X 1 晚 苏州 – 苏苑饭店或同级 X 1 晚 杭州 – 瑞莱克斯酒店或同级 X 1 晚 无锡 – 协信维嘉酒店或同级 X 1 晚 膳食 注明 • 景点安排如有先后次序调整,以中国当地旅行社确认为准; • 6 早餐 • 酒店参考以当地星级标准; • 4 午餐 • 风味美食: 无锡乾隆宴、苏州水乡宴、杭州本帮菜、南京烟波渔港、上 • 4 晚餐 海私房菜 购物店: 西湖龙井、紫砂壶、丝绸、珍珠 行程不包括: 1. 额外付费项目 *(成人 /儿童:RMB500/人): 新外滩,烟波渔港,薛 家花园,船游西湖,李公堤(必须参加) 2. 司机及导游小费 *: RMB175/每人 • • 行程 膳食 新加坡 – 上海 齐集于樟宜机场,搭乘国际航班前往上海。上海是中国的大都会,集金融、贸易、文化为一体。 上海 – 南京 早餐 3 南京 – 无锡 早餐 午餐 晚餐 早餐 晚餐 4 5 6 早餐后前往【南京路】,游览【东水关城墙遗址】,接着游览庄严肃穆的【中山陵】,享用著名南京风味—南京 午餐 盐水鸭,餐后夜游【夫子庙】十里秦淮河并品尝【烟波渔港】正宗淮阳风味(自费项目) 晚餐 早餐后参观五十年代中国自己设计建造的第一座跨长江下游的【长江大桥】,午餐享用“淮扬风味”。餐后专车 前往鱼米之乡——无锡,前往【蠡湖公园】,经典欧式建筑,与邻近的的山水植物交相辉映,傍晚前往弘历王朝 大酒店品尝乾隆爷下江南时喜欢的无锡当地的乾隆宴。 无锡 – 苏州 早餐后游览江南最大官邸花园——【薛家花园】(自费项目)。而后前往有东方威尼斯美誉的苏州,抵达苏州 后,游览苏州古典园林之一并被列为联合国世界文化遗产名录的【耦园】(自费项目)耦园三面临诃,一面通 街。傍晚在金鸡湖畔【李公堤】品尝苏州风味(自费项目,9 至 11 月配有每位一只阳澄湖大闸蟹),美味佳肴 配以美妙的湖景夜色,定让您流连忘返。 苏州 – 杭州 早餐后前往苏州丝绸厂,感受大自然赐予人类的“天宝之物”丝绸织染过程。乘车前往杭州,【船游杭州西湖】 (自费项目),花港观鱼,柳浪闻莺等西湖景点让人流连忘返。前往杭州龙井茶园,品尝著名杭州龙井茶,晚餐 与杭帮菜博物馆品尝正宗杭帮菜风味餐。 杭州 – 上海 早餐后前往上海,游览坐落在最繁华的市中心地带【城隍庙】,这里是上海老城保留最完整的一块风水宝地,也是 小吃王国,花费不多即可尝到地道的上海美食小吃。之后游览【上海新天地】,它是以上海近代建筑的标志—— 石库门建筑景区为基础体现出现代休闲生活的气息。傍晚游览十里洋场上海新外滩(自费项目). 7 上海 – 新加坡 早餐后自由购物,专车前往浦东国际机场搭乘国际航班返回温馨的家。 ADULT (LAND ) ADULT TWIN ADULT TRP $488 $488 SGL ROOM $688 HALF TWIN $488 SHOPPING TOUR (4 STOP) Validity: 01SEP- 31DEC 2016 Tipping to Mandarin Speaking Guide/Driver @RMB 175 per trip/passenger CHILD(LAND) WITH BED $488 早餐 午餐 晚餐 早餐 午餐 早餐 NO BED $458 7D JIANGNAN GOURMET TOUR (Land-GV4) Tour Highlights Shanghai Nanjing Road Dongshuiguan Ruins Sun Yatsen Mausoleum Chenghuang Temple Xintiandi Shanghai Nanjing Confucian Temple Yangtze River Bridge Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Wuxi Li Lake Park Xues’ Garden Suzhou Ou Garden Jinji Lake Front Hangzhou West Lake Cruise Accommodations Shanghai: Manju Century Hotel or similar x 1N Nanjing: Dingye New Century Nanjing or similar x 1N Suzhou: Suyuan Hotel or similar x 1N Hangzhou: Relax Hotel Hangzhou or similar x 1N Wuxi: Veegle Sincere Hotel Wuxi or similar x 1N Meals • 6 B'fast • 4 Lunch • 4 Dinner Remarks • Sequence of itinerary is subject to change without prior notice • In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese itineraries, the Chinese version shall prevail • Hotel ratings are based on local standard • Shopping: Clay Teapot, Pearl, Silk, Longjing Tea • Compulsory Added Tour (Adult/Child: RMB500/person) : Huaiyang Dish, Xues Garden, West Lake cruise, The Bund, Li Gong Dam • Tipping for Guide & Driver : RMB175/per person Itinerary Details Singapore – Shanghai Check-in at Changi Airport for your flight to Shanghai. Upon arrival at Shanghai, our tour guide will escort you to the hotel for rest. Shanghai – Nanjing The highlight of today is a visit to Dongshuiguan Ruins and Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. Enjoy Nanjing Salty Duck this afternoon and then visit the Confucian Temple and cruise along Qinhuai River. Tonight we shall enjoy a Traditional Huaiyang cuisine at a local restaurant (Added item). Nanjing – Wuxi Today we will visit the Yangtze River Bridge – the first ever double decked road-rail truss bridge designed and built by China’s own technician back in the 50’s. Then enjoy a traditional lunch before heading to Wuxi – the Pearl of Lake Tai. We shall stop at Li Lake Park and witness the magnificent scenic view. We are going to serve you the Qianlong Feast – the meal that Emperor Qianlong of Qin Dynasty took when he visited Jiangnan. Wuxi – Suzhou Visit Xues’ Garden (Added Tour) after breakfast. Xues’ Garden was built in the late Qing Dynasty. Before lunch we shall stop by at the Pearl Breeding Center and Yixing Clay Teapot Museum. Later we proceed to the Ou Garden (Added Tour) in Suzhou. The garden is recognized with other classical gardens in Suzhou as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It locates in the intersection of canals and is surrounded by water on three sides. It is accessible directly from the canal by boat. Afterward we move on to Jinji Lake Front and enjoy a traditional Suzhou cuisine. (Hairy crab per person will be served during September to November) Suzhou – Hangzhou Experience the process of coloring of silk in the morning, and then we head towards Hangzhou and cruise on the West Lake (Added Tour). Enjoy some of the stunning scenic views such as Flower Pond, Orioles Singing in the Willows, and Three Ponds Mirroring the Moon. Later we head to a tea farm and enjoy some famous Longjing tea. Enjoy a traditional Hangzhou cuisine (Added tour) this evening. Hangzhou – Shanghai Proceed to Shanghai after breakfast at hotel. Upon arrival, visit the Chenghuang Temple to explore the old Shanghai people’s livelihood. Also visit Xintiandi Shanghai an affluent car-free shopping, eating and entertainment district. After that we shall go visit the new Shanghai bund (Added Tour). Shanghai – Singapore (B) Transfer to Pudong International Airport for your flight home after breakfast. Wish you have a pleasant trip. Meal B/L/D B/L/D B/D B/L/D B/L B