CWB NWP Overview Chin‐Tzu Fong Meteorological Information Center Central Weather Bureau Outline 1. Brief history for NWP at CWB 2. Recent advances • Global forecast system • WRF‐based regional forecast system 3. Outlook and conclusion Brief History for CWB/NWP (I) Background A demand for CWB to improve heavy rainfall forecasts. Taiwan suffered severe floods in 1981, causing more than NT$ 10 billion dollars loss and many people to die. A trend of the NWP technology popularly used by other national meteorological services. Introduction of NWP CWB started the NWP development in 1983. Taiwanese‐American experts organized to assist CWB A strategy proposed for the whole process Take progress step by step to ensure CWB’s staff to get trained, aiming to Cultivate in‐house professionals, in the end to Establish in‐house capability for independent maintenance and development Since 1983, CWB had been through four phases of NWP related development plan. The fifth‐phase development plan from 2010 to 2015 is undergoing. Brief History for CWB/NWP (II) 2010‐2015 Sustain the advance of numerical prediction technology, particularly improving the skill for high‐impact weathers. Goals including: •Higher resolution: GFS~20km, Reg.~3‐2km •More advanced DA system to enhance the use of satellite and radar observations. •High resolution ensemble prediction system 1995‐2009 (Establishing in‐house capability) CWB specialists were getting skilled in NWP technology and gradually dominated the development work. CWB extended the application of numerical prediction technology from weather to short‐term climate forecast. 1983‐1994 (starting from scratch) Overseas experts dominated the implementation of NWP systems, but trained CWB staff to create in‐house professionals. 2011:CWB WRF ensemble prediction system operational, 20 members at 00/12Z run. 2011:CWB spectral GFS upgraded to T319L40. 2008:CWB WRF operational. 2007:CWB spectral GFS upgraded to T239L30. 2001:CWB non-hydrostatic regional model operational with 45/15/5km domains. 1994: The 2nd generation global spectral and regional models operational at CWB with resolution of T79L18 and 60/20km nested domains. 1989: The 1st generation global/regional models operational at CWB with resolution of 275km/90km. Supercomputer Evolution 1987 1994 2000 2006 • Averagely, CWB upgrades the supercomputer every 6‐7 years, able to gain 15‐20 times more computing power than the old one. New Generation Supercomputer Three‐year installment, providing 6%, 6% and 88% capacity from 2012 to 2014 respectively. The new supercomputer will be a Peta‐Scale machine, near 100 times faster than the old one. Fujitsu HPC Recent Advances of NWP • • Global Forecast System WRF‐Based Regional Forecast System Global Forecast System - DA Data assimilation method Before • OI 2003 • Only GTS convectional obs. assimilated • NCEP/SSI (Spectral Statistical Interpolation) 2003 • Besides GTS, radiance added but very limited 2010 • NCEP/GSI (Grid Statistical Interpolation) • GPS/RO and more radiance assimilated Observations GTS – through the channel of JWA and NOAA/GSD Radiance – direct from NCEP FTP Site starting 2003 Radiance Assimilation at CWB/GFS According to assessment of data contribution to forecast improvement by ECMWF, Satellite observations of AMUSA, IASI and AIRS are the top priority for radiance assimilation at CWB/GFS. Only NOAA15 AMUSA before 2010 500hPa Anomaly Correlation 20N‐80N Currently, all AMUSA assimilated by GSI IASI added in 2013 AIRS added in 2014 80% 60% 40% 20% CWB/GFS radiance use relative to NCEP/GFS 20S‐80S 6hr gain in forecast Global Forecast System ‐ Model Resolution T319L40 (~42km) for 8‐day forecast. T119L30 (~110km) for 45‐day forecast at 00/12Z, participating in a NCEP’s activity for dynamical model MJO forecast. Physics Surface layer : similarity Gravity wave drag (Palmer et al. 1986) Shallow convection scheme (Li and Young 1993) Year Parameterization Old Version Updated version 2005 Land surface model Bucket method Two‐layer land model (Pan and Mahrt 1987) 2007 Grid scale precip. Diagnostic method Cloud microphysics scheme (Zhao and Carr 1997) 2008 Radiation Radiation package by Hashvardhan et al. 1987 Unified two‐stream scheme with k‐ correlated method (Fu and Liou 1992;1993 and Fu et al. 1997) 2009 Cumulus Relaxed A‐S scheme NCEP/Simplified A‐S scheme (Pan and Wu 1994) 2009 Boundary layer TKE‐ scheme NCEP/First‐order non‐local scheme (Troen and Mahrt 1986) Impact of CUP/PBL Update on CWB/GFS 500hPa Anomaly Correlation OLD CUP/PBL Too strong sub‐tropical high due to warm bias over tropics Dash line : New CUP/PBL Solid line : Old Version 6hr gain in summer forecast 2008年颱風路徑預報平均誤差 Typhoon track forecasts in 2008 New CUP/PBL 400 Improvement on sub‐tropical high prediction Dash line : Analysis Solid line : 5‐day forecast 預報誤差(公里) 350 300 250 Track forecast improved as well OLD 200 NEW 150 100 50 0 12 24 36 48 預報時間(小時) 60 72 Ongoing Update for Physical Parameterization Year Parameterization New version ongoing 2013 Land surface model NCEP/Noah land model 2014 Cumulus/ Shallow convection NCEP/New Simplified A‐S scheme 5‐day forecast RMSE for temp. at lower layer Oper. land model Noah land model Improve cold bias over land Dash line : Noah Solid line : Oper Temperature RMSE reduced Forecast Performance Progress for CWB/GFS Day 5 Anomaly Correlation over 20N‐80N for 500hPa H (1999‐2012) 1999年至2012年期間,CWBGFS在20‐80N內,第5日預報500hPa高度場之距平相關(AC,縱軸)。黑 線帶實心圓點為月平均變化,紅色粗實線為12個月移動平均(running mean)。 Continuous forecast improvement over the years due to: • Better forecast model • Better initial state (better data assimilation system, more observations) WRF‐Based Forecast System ARW‐WRF, NCAR community model system, was implemented at CWB in 2004 and went through comprehensive evaluations. WRF operational in 2008 as a new generation regional forecast system. Current status of CWB/WRF system as follows: 45/15/5km three nested domains with 45 layers in the vertical WRF 3DVar using partial cycling similar to NCEP Lateral boundary condition from NCEP GFS output as primary option 84 hrs forecasts at 00/06/12/18Z WRF‐based high‐resolution ensemble system operational in 2011 Same domain design as deterministic model 20 members predictions at 00/12Z using multi‐physics suites Support 368 townships weather forecast Provide better typhoon QPF over Taiwan Improvement for CWB/WRF Although WRF started to be operational at CWB in 2008, the performance was not so satisfied particularly for typhoon tracks. An example of poor WRF typhoon track forecasts for Morakot of 2009 Typhoon Morakot devastated Taiwan in August 2009, killing near 700 people. Effort has been taken to improve WRF forecasts over the years, including Initial field improved by use of 12‐hour partial cycling similar to NCEP. outer loops adopted in DA. implementation of typhoon vortex relocation, crucial for typhoon track forecast. Model physics improved by use of K‐F cumulus parameterization and reducing its associated warm bias, greatly beneficial for typhoon forecast. use of GWD parameterization, significantly improving the wintertime forecast. CWB has a close cooperation with NCAR’s scientists on WRF improvement. Improvement of CWB/WRF Track Forecasts 26 8 043 1 2 0 4 7 84 9 5 16 2 2 3 4 39 3 8 0 5 17922 1089 194 6 0 7 88 4 0219 7 43 6 05 98 1 83 7 4 4 2 68 7 79 8 4 47 9 51 66 9 2 5 6 32 7 403 0 1 75 502 6 6 28 36 57 36 55 3 1 3 1 1 Tracks by 2009 operational version 450 400 447 24 hr 420 395 350 300 250 100 314 259 227 200 150 305 301 48hr 205 183 178 24hr 138 2008 118 72hr 2009 43 51 2 1 4 3 2 1 Tracks by 2011 operational version TC track forecast errors of WRF (2008‐2012) 72hr 2 2010 104 2011 121 2012 In 2010, WRF used: • partial cycle/outer‐loop • relocation • K‐F scheme In 2011, WRF used • modified K‐F scheme Overall Performance Progress for CWB/WRF Yearly averaged score 72hr forecast RMSE for 500hPa H 72hr forecast RMSE for 850hPa T • • Modified K‐F scheme in 2011 Gravity wave drag in 2012 Typhoon QPF by CWB/WRF EPS To improve typhoon QPF, an application system established to facilitate the use of rainfall forecast data from WRF ensemble prediction system. Typhoon QPF over Taiwan ‐ Climatology Method • Due to mountainous terrain, rainfall distribution and amount is closely linked to the relative location of a typhoon to Taiwan. • A climatology method for typhoon QPF has been widely used at CWB based on a statistical relationship between the historical rainfall data and typhoon tracks. Each panel represents a composite rainfall estimate for a typhoon located at the corresponding panel center based on a statistical climatology method . (葉天降 2009) Typhoon QPF over Taiwan • ‐ Climatology Method Pro and con for the climatology method • Pro: reasonable QPF for normal typhoons • Con: QPF tends to be significantly underestimated for cases of extreme rainfall, particularly associated with an interaction with the southwest or northeast monsoon flow like Morakot (2009) and Magi (2010). Typhoon Morakot (2009) embedded in a large‐scale convection zone Taiwan Typhoon Megi (2010) interacting with a cold front Taiwan >1200mm in a day >600mm in half a day Ensemble Typhoon QPF (ETQPF) • Based on the concept of the climatology method, a dynamical ensemble method for typhoon QPF was established by using real‐time predicted rainfall and typhoon tracks from WRF ensemble system instead of historical database. • Pro: extreme typhoon rainfall QPF can be detectable if predicted by models • Con: QPF accuracy depends on model capability in rainfall prediction Distribution of the predicted typhoon locations from EPS Given a specified track scenario, a composite rainfall map can be made with predicted rainfall of points within a certain circle around the track. 3‐hour accumulated rainfall predictions from members in a specific circle A user friendly system established to easily produce a composite QPF under different track scenarios 22 Outlook for Future NWP Development Model Data assimilation GFS ‐ go to 25km first, aiming to reach 15km Global ensemble system for week 2 forecast WRF ‐ 15/3km nested A rapid‐cycling WRF‐based model with a very high resolution (~1km) over Taiwan area for very short‐range QPF Ensemble‐3D/4D variation hybrid analysis technology Enhance the use of local observations particularly from the radar network to improve short‐range QPF Physical parameterization Better simulation for hydrological cycle, particularly over Taiwan’s complex topography Challenge for QPF over Complex Terrain Due to the difficulty in properly handling the physical interaction with terrain, accurate QPF over Taiwan is very challenging . Currently, in 5km resolution domain of WRF, clear deficiency in QPF is found. More detail diagnostics is needed to look for effective improvement. OBS Deterministic model Ensemble mean accumulated rainfall of 12‐24hour forecast by WRF (a monthly averaged result for May in 2012) WRF預報第12~24小時累積雨量 Conclusion NWP at CWB has made continuous progress over the years. The new Fujitsu supercomputer offers CWB an unprecedented opportunity for NWP development. With more advanced NWP technology and higher resolution models implemented in the near future, CWB is looking forward to providing the nation more accurate weather information, particularly for typhoon forecast, week 2 forecast and overall QPF. Top500/氣象排名 No14/No2 Top500/氣象排名 No91/No14 Top500/氣象排名 No293/No18 Top500/氣象排名 No45/No5 CRAY YMP-8i CDC Cyber 205 Computing power 1/3704 Computing power 1/303 2012-2014 FUJITSU FX10/PFX10 2006 2000 1994 1987 2012-2014 IBM P5-575 FUJITSU VPP5000 Computing power 1/15 Computing power ~100 Computing power 1 GFS : 40KM WRF-based : 45/15/5KM WRF EPS : 40 members/day GFS : 275KM RFS : 90KM ● GFS : 165KM RFS : 65/20KM ● GFS : 110KM NFS : 45/15/5KM ● ● Global : <20KM Regional : 1~2KM (finest) Ensemble : >100 members per days, more freq. and members Radar and satellite observations well assimilated by more advanced technology Thank you for your attention. Impact of the Partial Cycle full‐cycle and 12‐hour partial‐cycle WRF analysis minus NCEP analysis Full cycle Partial cycle (composite results from 78 cases for 700 hPa temperature) • • Full cycling accumulated systematic warm bias over data sparse area, the North‐Western Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Partial cycling suppressed the bias growth significantly. Impact of Vortex Relocation • First‐guest vortex separated from whole fields • The vortex relocated at the observed position before DA. • Overall track forecasts improved due to correct track tendency in the beginning phase. w/o vortex relocation with vortex relocation Hsiao et al. 2010 (Mon. Wea. Rev.) Use of K‐F Cumulus Parameterization • The Grell‐Devenyi scheme used originally was unable to well maintain the typhoon intensity, usually resulting in poor typhoon track forecasts. • The K‐F scheme can effectively improve the typhoon intensity and track forecasts. However it appears a significant warm bias over tropic. • A new trigger function in K‐F was adopted to reduce this bias, benefiting typhoon forecasts again due to more correct subtropical high. EC analysis K-F Original KF G-D Modified KF Warm bias Impact of GWD Parameterization GWD (gravity wave drag) was added in 2012. Blue ‐ forecast Red ‐ analysis Shading ‐ diff. 72hr forecast against analysis (lighter shading, less bias) 500hPa H 500hPa T RMSE of 72‐hr forecast for December 2008 w/o GWD w/o GWD with GWD with GWD with GWD w/o GWD 目前無法顯示此圖像。 Application System for ETQPF