Optimal Thermal Design of Forced Conwection Heat Sinks-Analytical R. W. Knight Assistant Professor. J. S. Goodling Professor. D. J. Hall Graduate Student. Mechanical Engineering Department, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 For fully developed flow in closed finned channels used to augment heat transfer, there exists an optimal geometrical design of the size and number of cooling channels. In this paper, the problem is generalized with a statement of dimensionless thermal resistance in terms of 9 the number of channels 9 a fin to channel thickness ratio 8 the length to width {planar dimensions) ratio of the heat source, and 9 a specified fin efficiency or fin length 9 a fluid to fin thermal conductivity ratio 9 the Prandtl Number of the coolant 8 a dimensionless pressure term, which incorporates the maximum allowable pressure drop through the cooling channels or alternatively, 9 a dimensionless work rate term, which incorporates the maximum allowable coolant pumping power required, An optimization scheme is described and used for comparison with two previously published cases wherein both designs were restricted to afixedfin to channel thickness ratio and laminar flow; one by Goldberg (1984) using air and copper and a second one only by Tuckerman and Pease (1981) for water-cooled Silicon wafers. Results from the present optimization scheme show that upon reexamination of the first study by Goldberg, significant reduction of thermal resistance can be obtained by using fin/channel dimensions other than unity. A similar reduction is found in the second instance (Tuckerman and Pease) with the relaxation of the laminar limitation. 1 Introduction For over a decade, efforts have been expended to provide innovative methods of heat removal from increasingly powerful electronic circuits. The methods used and being investigated are summarized in the recent book by Bar-Cohen and Kraus (1990). The present work is inspired by a technique devised by Tuckerman and Pease in 1981, which used very narrow channels etched onto the backside of a silicon wafer. Designed for optimal performance subject to some constraints (pressure drop, planar dimensions, fin efficiency, etc.) with laminar flow in mind and for water as the coolant, these authors made a test section which achieved a flux level of 790 W/cm2 with a maximum temperature rise of 71 °C. Their pioneering work is invariably referenced in successive papers on microchannel cooling. Goldberg (1984) built and tested an air cooled narrow channel heat sink. Three different fin thicknesses were considered, with the channel thickness always made equal to the fin thickness. All cases were restricted to laminar flow. The pressure drop across each device was adjusted to provide an air flow rate of 30 liters per minute. The lowest thermal resistance was Contributed by the Electrical and Electronic Packaging Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC PACKAGING. Manuscript received by the EEPD August 27, 1990; revised manuscript received June 25, 1991. Associate Editor: W. Z. Black. found from the design with the smallest channel width and the highest pressure drop. Sasaki and Kishimoto (1986) optimized the dimensions of channels at a given pressure loss through the water cooled fins in a silicon chip. Again, the criterion of fin to channel thickness ratio of unity was invoked. The analysis matched the experimental results well, however, the former is not presented. The optimal channel thickness was found to be at 340 /xm for a pressure drop of either 200 or 2000 kg/m2. Hwang et al. (1987) designed a novel cooling package which places the cooling channels just beneath and parallel to the heat source. This design, which differs considerably from the fin concept of Tuckerman and Pease where the channels are perpendicular to the source, was suggested in an earlier work by Tuckerman (1984, Fig. 2-7, p. 36). For Hwang's design, the fluid dynamics of the channel flow dominate the fin effects. A two-dimensional conduction analysis was performed with boundary conditions at the solid/liquid interface which used either laminar or turbulent convective correlations. Channel dimensions were systematically varied over a limited range of Reynolds numbers (1100 to 1600 for laminar flow and 12,000 to 13,000 for turbulent flow) and over a large pressure range from 13.1 to 682.4 kPa (1.9 to 99 psi). Nayak, Hwang et al. (1987) followed the previous cited work with experiments using the designs chosen above for a multichip module. Coolant flows were regulated so the convection Journal of Electronic Packaging SEPTEMBER 1991, Vol. 113 / 313 Copyright © 1991 by ASME Downloaded 25 Dec 2011 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm Ap thermal conductivity to present appropriate dimensionless parameters and to examine trends for the simplest of geometries. This is followed by an analysis for the more realistic case of finite fins, where the problem cannot be optimized analytically. /I insulation ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 Fig. 1 Schematic of heat spreader with infinitesimally thin fins in the channels was clearly in either the turbulent or laminar flow region and, as expected, the former gave lower thermal resistance than the latter. Phillips (1990) recently authored an article in which he reviews recent works as well as his own on microchannel heat sinks. Extensive discussion is offered on the influencing effects (simplifying assumptions, properties, friction factors, viscous dissipation, developing flow, etc.) and quantifies many of these parameters with a computer solution of the governing thermal resistance equation. Most results are presented in the form of thermal resistance as a function of channel width with all other parameters predetermined and specified, including the fin to channel thickness ratio. For the test case discussed, turbulent flow is shown to provide a lower value for thermal resistance than laminar flow. This paper generalizes the optimization method for sizing coolant channels for any scale heat sink (spreader), be it microscopic or macroscopic in size. Furthermore, the restrictions of laminar flow and fixed fin to channel thickness ratio are lifted. The first section deals analytically with a highly simplified model that includes infinitesimally thin fins with infinite Model The structure under study is shown in Figs. 1 and 8. It consists of a flat rectangular energy source whose cooling is enhanced by the addition of multiple parallel fins closed at the tips with a cover plate and with a coolant forced through the array. In a design setting, the size and circuit power are constrained. Therefore, in addition to the physical dimensions of width (W) and length (L), the rate of thermal energy to be removed (q) is fixed. Furthermore, the pressure drop across the fin array (Ap) would be a predetermined value due to specified pump or air handler. The usual assumptions for this type of analysis are made (steady state, constant properties, adiabatic end plate, two-dimensional analysis, and fully developed). It is recognized that the last item is not usually true for microchannels and that the heat transfer and frictional losses are larger for developing flow. For very narrow channels when n is large, the flow could be laminar. Conversely, the flow could be turbulent. The problem here is to design channel dimensions so the thermal resistance is a minimum. The thermal spreader can be analyzed as two-dimensional flow through narrow channels with the thermal boundaries held at either constant temperature or constant flux. Figures 2 and 3 display the temperature profiles through the heat sink for the two cases analyzed here. It is probable that the true solution lies somewhere between these two boundary conditions. However, results shown later indicate that the two solutions yield quite similar results. Using standard descriptors and nomenclature of heat exchangers where the wall temperature is constant in the streamline direction, the following equations are applicable (Incropera and DeWitt, 1990): q = mcp[Tft0-Tfi,] (1) Nomenclature A area cp constant pressure specific heat C\, C-> coefficients defined by Eqs. (57) and (65) D = depth of heat sink, see Fig. 1 D„ = hydraulic diameter of fluid flow channel / = friction factor, (Ap/L)Dh/ (pU2m/2) G = a parameter defined by Eq. (38) h = heat transfer coefficient k = thermal conductivity I = channel width L = length of heat sink in the direction of fluid flow flP,fin 1/2 m = Kfin^4c,fin m = total mass flow rate of coolant through channels n = number of cooling channels N&p = pressure difference number, (Ap/L)W3/(pv2) •Nwork = work rate n u m b e r , wW/(pvl) 3 1 4 / V o l . 113, SEPTEMBER 1991 7i Nu = Nusselt number, hDh/kan[i Ap = pressure drop through the heat sink channels P = perimeter Pr = Prandtl number, v/a <7 - heat source power Rec„ = Reynolds number based on hydraulic diameter ^ t l a m = laminar Stanton number, Nu(L/W)/(NApPr) Stturb = turbulent Stanton number, (L/W)/(N)&?T2n) T = temperature AT = largest temperature difference between coolant and source fluid velocity uVm == mean volumetric flow rate w = pumping power W = width of heat sink a = thermal diffusivity of fluid n> 73 = coefficients defined by Eqs. (37), (49), and (59) of fin thickness to r = ratio channel width i) = fin efficiency V = kinematic viscosity of fluid mass density thermal resistance, AT/q Q = dimensionless thermal reAT sistance, — : — q P = e= fcfluidW Subscripts c = cross sectional available for flow c,fin = cross sectional of fin / . ' = fluid inlet f,o = fluid outlet h = hydraulic H = constant flux case lam = laminar opt = optimal optJam = optimal laminar case opt-turb = optimal turbulent case ^ = surface available for heat transfer s,i = surface at the fluid inlet face S,0 = surface at the fluid outlet face turb = turbulent T = constant temperature case Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 25 Dec 2011 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm CI) V— •*-• T s T s crj 1— CD Q. T E CD T fo CD *™ td i_ AT AT CD Q. E 'f,o CD f,i \i Length Fig. 2 Length Constant temperature walls (T s - 7),0) = (T s - 7),,)exp( - hAs/mcp) Fig. 3 (2) Upon defining thermal resistance as the largest temperature difference between source and coolant (TSi0 - 7},,) divided by the electrical power of the source, these two equations are combined to form thermal resistance as A dimensionless thermal resistance 0 = q = hAs[TSJ- 7),,] = hAs[Ts,0 - 7>,0] q = mcp[Tf,0-Tfi,] (4) (5) Using the same procedure to define thermal resistance in terms of the largest temperature difference between source and coolant (Ts<0- Tf,d, Eqs. (4) and (5) are combined to form thermal resistance as 0 = A7 y^ *+J_ (6) hAs mCp 2.A Infinitesimally Thin Fins (Partitioning Walls) 2.A.1 Laminar Flow. With the use of several common heat transfer groups, the equations for thermal resistance are simplified. • In this problem, no characteristic velocity is specified. However, the friction factor based on hydraulic diameter can be manipulated to define one as: 2(Ap/L)Dh 2Ap/LDh 1/2 Va,b) /= Um = pU2m ' pf For very narrow channels, the laminar friction factor for fully developed flow is 9 6 / R e ^ . • The Nusselt number (hDh/kaaii). For fully developed laminar channel flow, it achieves constant values of 8.24 and 7.54 for the constant flux and constant temperature cases, respectively. • The Prandtl number {v/a). Further, when two groups are introduced, Eqs. (3) and (6) are made dimensionless. • A laminar Stanton number with L/W included I Stiam = — ) . The Stanton number is normally de\ NApPr Wj fined as Nu/RePr, but in this case NAp (defined below) takes the place of the Reynolds number .(L/W) is included for the sake of notational brevity. A dimensionless pressure drop number, NAp (Ap/L) W3 . This group is similar to the friction factor. pv It arises since, rather than velocity, the pressure drop is dictated by the fluid handler (pump or fan). Journal of Electronic Packaging AT Using this definition of dimensionless thermal resistance, Eqs. (3) and (6) are now concisely rewritten respectively as: 1 • AT/q = — (3) mcp[\ - exp( - fiAs/mcp)] This heat sink can also be modeled as though the coolant experiences a nonvarying flux of energy as it progresses through the channel. Again using the nomenclature of constant flux heat exchangers, Constant flux walls a. \2rf NApPr(D/W) [l-exp(-12Stian,«4)]-' for constant temperature (8) \2n [1 +1/(12 St l a m « 4 )]-' ~'NApPr(D/W) for constant flux (9) l ©la The minima of (8) and (9) are found to occur, respectively, when 12 Stlam/z4= 1.256 for constant temperature (10) 12 Stiamn4 = 1.000 for constant flux for (11) It is noteworthy that the two models yield values of n for lowest thermal resistance which differ by only [1.256/ 1.000]<1/4) or about 6 percent. This suggests that the choice of the model (constant temperature or constant flux) is of little consequence. For the case of laminar flow through narrow channels, the lowest temperature rise of the hottest portion of the circuit is obtained by partitioning the width approximately into n channels where (12) « = (12St lam ) ( - 1 / 4 ) This means that once the physical (W, D, L) and system (<y, A/?) parameters and the fluid (with properties p, v, a, k, cp) are chosen, if the flow is constrained to be laminar, which sets the Nusselt number, then the minimum thermal resistance occurs when n is determined by Eq. (12). Once n is determined, Reynolds number based on hydraulic diameter must be calculated and shown to be less than the critical Reynolds number (~ 2300) for laminar flow. For the problem at hand, this means that Reiam = N A / /(6« 3 )<2300 (13) 2.A.2 Turbulent Flow. The procedure above is now repeated for the turbulent analysis. Here the friction factor,/, for fully developed flow in smooth channels (Incropera and DeWitt, 1990) becomes (/ = 0.316 Rej," 1/4) (14) The Nusselt number is no longer a constant but its value can be obtained through the Chilton-Colburn analogy Nu / (15) 1 8 RePr,1/3 ' The dimensionless group hAs/mcp becomes for the turbulent case SEPTEMBER 1991, Vol. 113 / 315 Downloaded 25 Dec 2011 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm 1.5 Optimal Laminar Solution • - Optimal / ^ Turbulent Solution 0.5 Turbulent '% Transilion - -10'° 20 40 60 Laminar , I 80 100 120 n n!?mh-, ^ll^LTil*!°nlefs'h0ermal resistanpes as a function of the 1.5 Optimal Turbulent Solution by choosing n from Eqs. (19) or (20). Reynolds number based on hydraulic diameter must then be found and shown to be greater than the Reynolds number (~ 4000) which assures turbulent flow and allows proper use of these equations. For the problem at hand, this means that Optimal Laminar Solution \ ^ 1 ~~~~—-—_!_____ optjaminar Fig. 6 R a t i o o f d i m e n S ionless thermal resistances as a function of the number of channels for W i p = 1012 Ret„rh = 9 2A - 4,12/7 ^4000 (21) • 0.5 Turbulent N 1 AP= ° Transition where 9.42 is (2 16 /0.316 4 ) 1/7 . In cases where the resulting Reynolds number is less than 4000, Eq. (21) with Re turb = 4000 must be solved for n to find the best available turbulent solution. Laminar 8 10 i i 20 30 40 n Fig. 5 Ratio of dimensionless thermal resistances as a function of the number of channels for AVAp= 108 0.045 {L/W)nh (16) < 7 Pr 2/3 Again for the sake of notational brevity, Stturb, defined as (L/ W)/(NXH Pr 2/3 ), is introduced and Eqs. (3) and (6) simplify after non-dimensionalization for constant temperature and flux, respectively, to: hAs/mcp - „5/7 «*°~ 0.21,1' [1 - e x p ( - 0.045 St turb H 10/7 )r N%Vr(D/W) 0.21« 5 ©turb — NfJPr(D/W) [1 + 1/(0.045 St t u r i y 0 / 7 )] (17) (18) Noting that 0.316 is the coefficient of the friction factor Eq. (14), the constant 0.21 is determined from (0.316 4 /2 9 ) 1/7 while 0.045 is found from (0.316 8 /2 18 ) 1/7 . Optimization of thermal resistance with respect to n for the turbulent cases yields 0.045 Stturbn10 = 1.256 for constant temperature (19) and 0.045 St turb n 10/7 = 1.000 for constant flux (20) These four equations ((17) through (20)) are similar to their counterparts for the laminar development above, both in form and the exponential power of n in the two competing terms (one is the square of the other). The latter comes about as a result of the surface and cross sectional area dependencies on n. What was said about the significance of these equations for laminar flow applies here also. As for laminar flow, once the physical and system parameters and the fluid are chosen and the flow is constrained to be turbulent, then the minimum thermal resistance is obtained 316 / Vol. 113, SEPTEMBER 1991 2.A3 Laminar or Turbulent Flow. It is now possible to combine results from the constant flux cases above and provide a procedure which minimizes thermal resistance without imposing either the laminar or turbulent flow condition. This procedure is shown by use of an example in which 7VAp is fixed at a realistic value of 1010. This value corresponds to the cooling of a 5 cm by 5 cm heat source with room air at a pressure drop of about 1 kPa (or 5 inches of water) through the heat spreader. Equations (9) and (18) for laminar and turbulent cases are normalized against the thermal resistance occurring for the optimal laminar case (Eq. (9) with the solution to Eq. (11) inserted) and plotted as a function of discrete number of channels in Fig. 4. Several observations are made: • turbulent flow occurs at 63 or fewer channel (n found from Eq. (21) for Re = 4000) • laminar flow occurs at 90 or greater channels (« found from Eq. (13) for Re = 2300) • 6oPt_turbuient °r optimal turbulent thermal resistance occurs at n = 70 channels (solution of equation (20)) • ©opt_iaminar or optimal laminar thermal resistance occurs at n = 92 channels (solution of equation (11)) Designing a device for operation in the transition zone of Reynolds numbers between 2300 and 4000 (63 < n < 90) should be avoided since the flow is not characterized as being either laminar or turbulent. For the case at hand, a heat sink with 70 channels should not be used. The best design incorporates 63 channels where the flow is certainly turbulent. Lifting the constraint of laminar flow from the problem gives a turbulent thermal resistance which is 12% lower than that for the best laminar case (« = 92). Two other examples are presented for the same values of L/W and Prandtl number but differing NAp. For the case of a low NAp (108), Fig. 5 shows that the best laminar case (n = 29) produces a thermal resistance which is 30 percent better than the best available turbulent case (« = 13). At7V Ap =10 12 , Fig. 6 indicates the best laminar solution is not available. Equation (12) yields n = 293 for the best laminar case, but Eq. (13) reveals that this occurs at Re = 6626, well into the turbulent region. Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 25 Dec 2011 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm 1000 : : 1E-03 . . - • " • ' " " " ^ ^_^^J 1E-04 ^ \ opt lam 100 'opt /I c 500 200 Ap- insulation ^^^S^^^^^^^m^^^^^ I 1E-05 20 optjurb 10 y. ^ ^ ^ \ •' Laminar Turbulent 5 1E+08 i 1E+09 1E+10 1E+11 1E-06 1E+12 W flow Fig. 8 Schematic of heat spreader with finite fins Fig. 7 Optimal number of channels and dimensionless thermal resistances as a function of W4n The trend here is that for a given L/WanA fluid, there exists a value of NAp above which turbulent flow thermal resistance is lower than that for laminar flow and below which the opposite is true. If the design is restrained to laminar flow for some reason such as noise or erosion, there is an optimal number of channels which minimizes thermal resistance. If turbulence is allowed, the optimal design may be either in the laminar or turbulent regime depending on NAp. This point is expressed by use of Fig. 7 where the optimal number of fins is shown as a function of NAp over the realizable range of values for fixed L/W=\, D/W=\ and Pr = 0.71. The discontinuity in the nopt line which occurs at about 109 is due to the avoidance of solution in the transition zone (2300<Re<4000). Below NAp = 2x 1010, the optimal n found from the solution of Eq. (20) results in Re< 4000. Hence, Eq. (21) is solved for «opt_tUrb with Re = 4000. For NAp>2x 10fo Eq. (20) yields the optimal number of channels for Reynolds number greater than 4000. Here Eqs. (19) and (20) can be solved to show that «0pt_turb is proportional to NApw,°, whereas it is proportional to NApl when Eq. (21) is used. The best dimensionless thermal resistance is also plotted on that figure. It is noted that four orders of magnitude change in NAp results and only two orders of magnitude change in 9 . 2.B Finite Fins (Partitioning Walls) Overview. A more realistic model includes fins of finite thickness. Figure 8 defines the geometric parameters of this model. For this configuration there are n channels and n— 1 fins. The two effects resulting from the use of the finitely thick fins are a reduction of cross sectional flow area for fixed overall geometry (D and W) and the introduction of an influential fin efficiency. The same assumptions are made here regarding properties, steady state, entrance effects, etc. as were made in Section 2. To the previous list of fixed quantities must now be added the fin thermal conductivity, k(in. The variables to be determined by optimization are the number of channels and the channel (/) and fin (IV) thicknesses. As in the previous problem, the problem is constrained by specifying the pressure drop through the heat spreader. In addition, the fin length or fin efficiency is limited due to space considerations. If the problem is constrained solely by maximum pressure drop, resulting optimal designs could require, due to very high volumetric flow rates, pumping power comparable in magnitude to the rate of thermal energy to be removed from the heat source. Therefore, the problem could be further inhibited to a specified maximum pumping power. As before the formulation is made concise and general by non-dimensionalizing the thermal resistance equation and expressing it in terms of dimensionless parameters. Journal of Electronic Packaging Geometrical Factors. Figure 8 shows the geometry of the heat spreader being analyzed. V is the ratio of fin to gap thickness. The following four Eqs. (22)-(25) are strictly geometric. They describe respectively the hydraulic diameter of one channel, the cross-sectional area available for flow in the system, the aspect ratio for one channel, and the surface area available for heat transfer. D„ = 2W T(n-\)+W/D n+ nWD n + T(n-l) W/D l/D = n + T(n-V) Ae = nWL + As = n + Y(n-\) 2r,DL(n-l) (22) (23) (24) (25) The first term of (25) is the area available for heat transfer at the base and between the channels; the second is the effective fin area, with fin efficiency accounted for. The tip ends of the fins are assumed to be insulated, as are the two outer sides of the array. Dimensionless Groups. group introduced earlier, In addition to the pressure drop NAp = (Ap/L)W3 (26) pv1 a dimensionless form of pumping work is also required. Nwork= wW pv f (27) This problem can be driven by specifying a maximum pressure loss value, NAp. With that limitation alone, it is possible that the best solution will occur when the ratio of pumping work to heat source power is larger than unity, a clearly undesirable solution. The use of Nmrk will be demonstrated in Section 3. The relationship between NAp and N work is W work knmiW Ap WPr (28) One Dimensional Fins. Invoking the usual notation associated with one dimensional fins with a constant heat transfer coefficient, the following relation defining m is useful. hPn kfm ^4c,fin 2h (29) %rT7 For the approximate equality, it has been assumed that the length of the fin is much more than its thickness, L> >Tl. From the definition of N u ^ SEPTEMBER 1991, Vol. 113 / 317 Downloaded 25 Dec 2011 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm NUj,, kg (30) h=- Dh Use of Eqs. (22), (24), and (30) in Eq. (29) yields the following. n + Tin imDf^u^ ZT W/D kf\n W/Dn+ { l TW/D :^ l) (3D An infinitely long fin of constant cross-sectional area, with constant heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer in one dimension will transport heat through it equal to q!\n,«<7fin,oo = [h Pfia ^fin^cfin] [Tbase — Tfluid] (32) A fin of finite length D with an insulated tip, still assuming one dimensional heat transfer and constant h, will transfer heat through it equal to <jfi„. ?fin= [hPtinknnACi[in]W2tanh(mD)[Tbaxrnuid] (33) Under these constraints, an infinitely long fin will transfer the greatest amount of heat possible, for a given h, PSin, Acjin, kSm and T b a s e - 7>luid. Division of Eq. (33) by Eq. (32) reveals that a fin of finite length with an insulated tip will transfer tanh (m D) of the heat that an infinitely long fin will transfer. The efficiency of a fin with one-dimensional heat transfer, constant convective heat transfer coefficient and an insulated tip is tanh (m D) V= n (34) m D In this analysis, the percent of infinite fin efficiency is chosen as a design constraint. It should be recognized that when fins are in the 90 percent efficiency range, an increase of several percent efficiency could require a considerable lengthening of the fin. Dimensionless Thermal Resistance. For an array of channels and fins as seen in Fig. 8, where the heat source is one of constant flux at the base of the fins, the dimensional thermal resistances are the same as for the array with infinitesimally thin fins, equation (6). hA mc„ (6) mc„ (35) Traditionally, the first term in 8 is known as the convective resistance and the second term has been called the caloric resistance. The latter will be referred to as the capacity term, a phrase more appropriate to modern heat exchanger terminology. These two terms will now be represented by the above named dimensionless parameters for laminar and turbulent flow. Flow Characterization 2.B.1 Laminar Flow Capacity Term. For fully developed flow in a channel, the friction factor is defined by /= 2(Ap/L)D„ pU2m (36) For laminar f l o w , / i s given by /= 7i Re Dh (37) The value of 71 is determined by the aspect ratio of the rectangular channel. A parameter G is defined as suggested by Bejan, 1984. 3 1 8 / V o l . 113, SEPTEMBER 1991 Equation (39) yields results which agree with exact values (Kays and Crawford, 1980) to within 3 percent. For a fixed l/D, Eq. (38) gives G, (39) gives 71, a n d / i s determined from (37). Combination of Eqs. (36) and (37) with the definition of Reynolds number and solution for mean velocity yields the following relationship. U„ = 2ApD,, (40) jiLvp From the definition of Reynolds number, Eq. (40) and Eq (22), the Reynolds number for laminar flow is 2 ApW3 7i Lpv2 n + Re Dh- (41) Y(n-l)+W/D Use of the definition presented in Eq. (26) yields Re'Dh 7i n+ (42) T(n-l)+W/D for laminar flow. Since the mass flow rate, m, is equal to p Ac Um, use of Eqs. (22), (23) and (40) reveals the capacity thermal resistance in laminar flow yt(n+T{n-\)+W/D)2(n NApVrD/Wn ^fiuid^ mc„ + T(n-\)) (43) Substitution of Eq. (43) into Eq. (28) yields the relationship between geometry, pressure drop and pumping work for laminar flow. = With the definition of dimensionless thermal resistance as before, (6) becomes hA, (l/D)2+\ (38) (i/D+iy Note that G is invariant to an / to D transformation. This means that an aspect ratio of l/D gives the same G as an aspect ratio of D/l, as it should. Performance of least squares fit of a straight line in G to available values for 71 yields the result that (39) 7 l = 18.80 + 78.57 G. G= i work 7l N\P(D/W)n [n + Y(n-\)+W/D]2[n + T(n-\)] L_ W (44) Convective Term. The Nusselt number for fully developed laminar flow in a rectangular channel is also a function only of aspect ratio of the channel. Use of the same parameter G defined in Eq. (38), a least squares fit to the exact values available gives Nu Z 3 / „ / / =-1.047 +9.326 G (45) Nu Dh,T = -1.681 + 9.139G (46) NuDjiiH is the Nusselt number which results from a boundary condition of constant heat flux around the channel and Nu BA>r results from a constant temperature of the channel wall (Kays and Crawford, 1980). These equations agree with analytical results to within 3 percent. For this study, Nu flfr// is used to be consistent with the thermal resistance model. Equation (31) can be rewritten as follows. (D/W)2+(D/W) n+ 1 T(n-l) (mD)2T 2=0 NuflA knuili/kfm[n + T (n - 1)] (47) NuD/] in the above equation is found from Eq. (45), and it should be noted that NuflA is a function of n, T, and D/W. The convective component of thermal resistance is found from the definition of Nu fl/| and Eq. (25) as Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 25 Dec 2011 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm AW hAs 2.B.2 HuDh (n + T(n-l)+W/D)[n n + T(n-\) + 2r1(D/W)(n-l)(n Low Reynolds Number Turbulent Flow Capacity Term. factor is given by 2.B.3 For turbulent flow in channels, the friction /=72Re5 A 1/ (49) where y2 is 0.316. Equation (49) is valid, according to Incropera and DeWitt (1990), for fully developed flows with turbulent Reynolds numbers up to 20,000. This relation is valid, according to White (1974), for ducts of any cross section, as long as the ducts are not too thin. The mean velocity in turbulent flow in a channel is found by combination of Eqs. (36) and (49). 2 Ap 72 L n + u„,= 2W T(n-l)+W/D 1 (50) pv From the definition of Reynolds number Re < Dh- 1 T(n-l)+W/D ? n+ (51) Use of the relationship between mass flow rate and mean velocity yields the capacity component of thermal resistance in low Reynolds number turbulent flow. l5/7 5 [n + T(n-l)][n + T(n-l)+ W/D] 9 U1 {2 /y$) Ntp Pr n (D/W) knuidW m cp (52) ^ Mvork (2V^)' [n + T(n-l)][n /7 ~. < n (D/W) + T(n \)+W/Df W / ^ p „ l / 3 7=73Re^1/ 1 Y(n-\)+W/D n+ hA„ " "M/2 Pr' (55) (mDfT m ?r (k nuii/klin)ln NTP n + T(n-\)\ (57) Combination of the definition of Nu/)A, Eq. (55) and Eq. (25) yields the convective component of thermal resistance for low Reynolds number turbulent flow. iW 1 T(n-\)+W/D (61) [n + T(n-l)][n+T(n-l)+W/D)2n (2 /yl) N5A/p9Prn(D/W) ,1 i/9 (62) Convective Term. From the Chilton-Colburn analogy, Eq. (54), an expression for the Nusselt number in high Reynolds number flows is found. 1/9 A 1 n+ T(n-Y)+W/D Substitution of Eq. (63) into Eq. (31) yields NuDft = < 2" 9 (D/W)1 - (D/W)[n + T(n-\)]C2-C2 Pr 1 (63) =Q (64) where (mD)2T n U9 hl/2 ] K 9 P r " 3 ( W * n n ) [n + T (n - 1)] (65) The convective component of thermal resistance for high Reynolds number flows can also be found. + T(n-l)])] (66) Solution Procedure Generally, the overall size and configuration of the heat source to be cooled is known. The material from which the fins are to be made is usually known, from weight, economic and other considerations. As discussed above, the fraction of infinite fin performance can be specified and space or weight considerations can set a maximum allowable value for fin length. Identification of a cooling fluid and a nominal oper- [[n + V(n~l)]+W/Df ' [y2/29}ulN\npWn(L/W)[7,(n-l)(D/W)+n/(2[n Journal of Electronic Packaging n+ 3 (56) where hAs N Ap mc„ {[n + T(n-l)]+W/D]1 (L/W)[v(n-l)(D/W)+n/(2[n (D/W)s - (D/W) [n + T (n - l)]Q - Q = 0 (y\/2y ^ = knMW 11,1/99 ».,4/9p r l i ' N: 2W T(n-\)+W/D The relation between mean velocity and m reveals that C2 = Substitution of Eq. (55) into Eq. (31) gives C,= 2_Ap 73 L n + 1 (60) 1/5 pv From the definition of Reynolds number it is found that ReDh takes the following form for high Reynolds number flows. Um = Substitution of Eqs. (49) and (51) into (54) yields N Ap (59) The value of 73 is 0.184. The use of Eq. (49) for Reynolds numbers up to 20,000 and the use of Eq. (59) for Reynolds numbers greater than 20,000 leads to a discontinuity in / at 20,000. This was considered to be unacceptable. Equations (49) and (59) have identical / values at a Reynolds number of 49,820. In this study, Eq. (49) was used to determine / for Reynolds numbers up to 49,820, and Eq. (59) was used for values greater than that. The maximum difference in/values predicted by the two equations for Reynolds numbers between 20,000 and 49,820 is less than 5 percent. As in low Reynolds number flow, Eq. (59) and Eq. (37) are combined to find the following expression for mean velocity. (53) (54) Nu^-Re^Pr (48) Capacity Term. Equation (49) is traditionally cited as being valid for turbulent flows whose Reynolds numbers are less than 20,000 (Incropera and DeWitt, 1990). For high Reynolds numbers, the following relationship is given. /7 Convective Term. To find the heat transfer coefficient in turbulent flow, the Chilton-Colburn analogy between friction factor and heat transfer coefficient is used. The analogy is given by Incropera and DeWitt (1990) in the following form. Nu Dh~ T(n-l))](L/W) High Reynolds Number Turbulent Flow R e Substitution of Eq. (52) into Eq. (28) gives the relationship between geometry, pressure drop and pumping work for a given cooling fluid in low Reynolds number turbulent flow. + + T(n- 1)])] (58) SEPTEMBER 1991, Vol. 113 / 319 Downloaded 25 Dec 2011 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm ating temperature range gives fluid properties. A maximum pressure drop available across the array is often known. Additionally, the amount of pumping work to be expended to cool a device is prescribed. Therefore values of NAp and A^ork can be computed from Eqs. (26) and (27), respectively. The dimensionless quantities oiL/W, D/W (maximum), k!m/kf\u\i, Pr and {m D) can also be computed. Once these parameters are known, the governing equations above can be used to find the optimal design in terms of the smallest thermal resistance. The number of channels, n, and the ratio of fin thickness to channel thickness, Y, are systematically varied through a wide range of values. For a given n and Y: 3.A 3.A.I. Solution in the Laminar Region Solve Eq. (44) for NAp and Eq. (47) for D/W simultaneously. If either NAp or D/W is greater than the maximum allowable value, use trje appropriate maximum. 3.A.2. Calculate the Reynolds number using Eq. (42). If ReD/i is greater than 2300, the geometry under examination will not yield laminar flow, so skip to 3.B. 3.A.3. Calculate the thermal resistance using Eq. (43) and (48) in Eq. (35). If this 9 is lower that any previously calculated G, save n, Y, 0 , D/W, NAp and other appropriate values. 3.B Solution in the Low Reynolds Number Turbulent Region. 3.B. 1. Solve Eq. (53) for NAp and Eq. (56) for D/W simultaneously. If either NAp or D/W is greater than the maximum allowable value, use the appropriate maximum. 3.B.2. Calculate the Reynolds number using Eq. (51). If ReD^ is less than 4000, the geometry under examination will not yield completely turbulent flow, so go to 3.B.4. If ReC/i is greater than 49,820, the geometry under examination will not yield low Reynolds number turbulent flow, so skip to 3.C. If R e ^ is between 4000 and 49,820, proceed to 3.B.3. 3.B.3. Calculate the thermal resistance using Eqs. (52) and (58) in Eq. (35). If this 0 is lower than any previously calculated 0 , save n, Y, 0 , and other appropriate values. 3.B.4. Change n or Y and return to step 3.A. 3.C Solution in the High Reynolds Number Turbulent Region: 3.C1. Solve Eq. (63) for NAp and Eq. (65) for D/W simultaneously. If either NAp or D/W is greater than the maximum allowable value, use the appropriate maximum. 3.C.2. Calculate the Reynolds number using Eq. (61). If ReflA is less than 49,820, the geometry under examination will not yield high Reynolds number flow, so skip to 3.C.4. If ReD/i is greater than 49,820, proceed to 3.C.3. 3.C.3. Calculate the thermal resistance using Eqs. (62) and n Case I Goldberg (/ = 0.127 mm) Present Study Same pressure drop, Ap Same pumping power, w Case II Goldberg (/ = 0.254 mm) Present Study Same pressure drop, Ap Same pumping power, w Case III Goldberg (/ = 0.635 mm) Present Study Same pressure drop, Ap Same pumping power, w 320 / Vol. 113, SEPTEMBER 1991 r (66) in Eq. (35). If this 0 is lower that any previously calculated 0 , save n, Y, 0 , and other appropriate values. 3.C.4. Change n or Y and return to step 3.A. In this study, n values ranging from 2 to 500 channels and F values ranging from 0.01 to 2.0 are considered. In this manner, the optimal design for laminar and turbulent flow are found. 4 Results The results obtained here are applied to two previous studies: one by Goldberg (1984) with a copper thermal spreader and air as the coolant; and another work by Tuckerman and Pease (1981) with water-cooled silicon fins. In both studies, the fin to channel thickness ratio was set to unity and only laminar flow was considered. Use of the present optimization scheme shows that upon reexamination of the cases studied by Goldberg, significant reduction of thermal resistance can be obtained by using fin/channel dimensions other than unity. A similar reduction is found to be true for the case investigated by Tuckerman and Pease with the relaxation of the laminar limitation. 4.A Goldberg (1984) Goldberg designed, built and tested systems fashioned from the design procedure of Tuckerman and Pease (1981). The size of the square heat source was 0.635 x 0.635 cm (1/4 x 1/4 in.) with fins fixed at 1.27 cm (1/2 in.) length and a fin to channel thickness ratio equal to unity. The Nusselt number was chosen to be constant at 8 and the flow constricted to laminar. Air was the coolant and the material for the heat spreader was copper. Properties were evaluated at room temperature. Futher, the design by Goldberg hinged on a constant volumetric flow rate of 30 liters/min., thus fixing the capacitance component of thermal resistance. An "average" value of 0 c a p(=l/ 2mcp) was used, whereas the total capacitance value (0CaP= 1/ mcp) is used here. For a fixed flow rate of 30 liters/min, Goldberg's value of 0cap (0.9 C/W) corresponds to 1.8 C/W for comparison purposes in this paper. Goldberg did not optimize the design, but rather chose three values of fin and channel thickness of 0.127, 0.254 and 0.635 mm (5, 10 and 25 mils) for his experiments. In the present study, all conditions and properties were maintained the same as those of Goldberg; however, the fin to channel thickness ratio and the nature of the flow were allowed to vary. Comparisons are shown below for all the three cases investigated by Goldberg. In each instance, the optimization scheme described above was used by fixing either the pressure drop through the device or the power consumed by the fan at the same value set by Goldberg. In every case for these low pressures, the minimum thermal resistance was found in the laminar regime. NAp varied from 5 . 5 x l 0 6 to 1.34 x10 s for Cases I and III. As identified in Section 4. A.3, laminar solutions are better than turbulent ones in this low NAp range. The last column quantifies the improvement in thermal resistance, A6. Ap kPa(in H 2 0) vv, Watts V 1/min 25 1 1.17(4.68) 0.583 30 24 20 0.435 0.39 1.17(4.68) 0.73(2.92) 1.747 0.583 89.9 48.2 12.5 1 0.29(1.17) 0.146 30 18 20 0.316 0.39 0.29(1.17) 0.26(1.06) 0.239 0.146 49.2 32.8 5 1 0.047(0.19) 0.024 30 12 15 0.25 0.32 0.047(0.19) 0.075(0.30) 0.018 0.024 22.4 19.1 Ad, % 32.4 15.4 18.4 11.4 38.6 46.2 Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 25 Dec 2011 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm In the three cases above, the optimal design occurs with T considerably below a value of unity: the fins are thin compared to the channel width. In case I and case II, there is some penalty for optimization in the form of added flow rate, yet the total pumping power still is relatively small in comparison with the heater power. In case III, for the same pressure drop, a reduced flow rate of about 50 percent leads to a reduced thermal resistance of nearly 40 percent. ixm. wide, separated by fins of 191 /*m thick and 442 pm in depth. These data are not shown in the above table. It is recognized that entrance effects on both friction and heat transfer could influence the results presented herein. Care should be exercised to restrict the use of these results or procedures to cases where fully developed flow exists in the channels. 4.B Tuckerman and Pease (1981) A comparison is made below between the results of Tuckerman and Pease (1981) and the present analysis. In the former, very narrow channels were etched onto the backside of a silicon wafer for use as coolant passageways. Designed for optimal performance subject to laminar flow and for water as the coolant, these authors made a test section with a designed thermal resistance of 0.086 C/W. * It can be seen from the calculated values of the capacity and convective thermal resistance terms, that relaxation of the Y 5 Constraints Size, Length (L) by Width (W) pressure drop, Ap fin efficiency, 77 Coolant Fin Material fin to channel thickness ratio, V Nusselt Number type of flow 71, laminar friction factor Dimensionless Groups L/W maximum N&p maximum jVwork Calculated Results n, number of channels Depth, D, (im Fin thickness, fim Channel thickness, y.m Reynolds Number Volumetric Flow Rate, cm3/sec Aspect Ratio Nusselt Number Yi, laminar friction factor NAp ^"work Capacity Thermal Res, C/W Convective Thermal Res, C/W Total Thermal Resistance, C/W Reduction in thermal resistance Tuckerman and Pease 1 cm x 1 cm 206.8 kPa (30 psi) 76% water Silicon 1 6 laminar 96 Present Study same same same same same unrestricted unrestricted laminai• or turbulent a funct ion of aspect ratio 1 2.82 X 10'° 3.62 x 10'3 same same unrestricted 88 365 57 57 730 11 6.4 6 96 2.82 x 10'° 3.62 x 10'3 0.022 0.064 0.086 Laminar 83 357 60 61 834 12.4 5.8 5.9 77.8 2.82 X 10'" 4.08 X 10'3 0.019 0.058 0.077 10.5% constraint results in a reduction of both terms for the laminar case. When turbulent flow is allowed, these terms are reduced by 40 and 75 percent from those for the laminar analysis. The wide channels found for the best turbulent solution allow, for fixed pressure drop, a greatly increased mass flow, thereby reducing the capacity term. Comensurately, the heat transfer coefficient increases due to the presence of turbulence. The overall thermal resistance for the turbulent solution is reduced by 34 percent from that of Tuckerman and Pease whose design was confined to laminar flow. A maximum pressure drop of 206.8 kPa (30 psi) is common to all three cases, but there was no need to place an upper limit on pumping power in the present case. By doing so, the power consumed is raised by a factor of 2.5 over that of Tuckerman and Pease, from 2.27 Watts (corresponding to 11 cmVs flow rate at 206.8 kPa, or 30 psi) to 5.77 Watts. When compared to the maximum power of the electronic device (-790 Watts), the pumping to circuit power ratio is still less than 1 percent. If instead of the pressure drop through the device, the pumping power is limited to a maximum of 2.27 Watts, a reduction in thermal resistance of 13 percent is realized by lifting the laminar restriction. However, the pressure drop through the channels for the optimal turbulent solution is found to be 39 percent of the Tuckerman and Pease laminar case, or 79.2 kPa (11.7 psi). For this solution, there are 24 channels, each 234 Journal of Electronic Packaging Future Work The authors are currently testing two microchannel heat spreaders designed along the guidelines of Tuckerman and Pease; one optimized for performance in the laminar zone and one for peak performance with turbulent flow. In addition, the same effort is being made for macrochannel heat spreaders of dimensions 5 cm by 5 cm using aluminum and water and large heat sinks designed for optimal use with air. The modeling equations are also being modified to include entrance effects. Results will be reported in later publications. Turbulent 33 319 134 173 4006 27.9 1.85 35.8 not applicable 2.82 x 10'° 9.19 x 1013 0.009 0.048 0.057 33.7% References Bar-Cohen, A., Kraus, A. D., 1990, Advances in Thermal Modeling of Electronic Components and Systems, Volume 2, ASME Press, New York, N.Y. Bejan, Adrian, 1984, Convection Heat Transfer, Wiley, New York, N.Y., pp. 75-82. Goldberg, N., 1984, "Narrow Channel Forced Air Heat Sink," IEEE Transactions, Components, Hybrids and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. CHMT, No. 1, pp. 154-159. Hwang, L. T., Turlik, I., and Reisman, A., 1987, " A Thermal Module Design for Advanced Packaging," Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 347-355. Incropera, F. P., and DeWitt, D. P., 1990, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Wiley, New York. Kays, W. M., and Crawford, M. E., 1980, Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, McGraw-Hill, New York. Nayak, D., Hwang, L. T., Turlik, I., and Reisman, A., 1987, "A HighPerformance Thermal Module for Computer Packaging," Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 357-364. Phillips, R. J., 1990, "MicroChannel Heat Sinks," Chapter 3 of Advances in thermal Modeling of Electronic Components and Systems, Volume 2, Ed. by A. Bar-Cohen and A. D. Kraus, ASME Press, New York, N.Y. Sasaki, S., and Kishimoto, T., 1986, "Optimal Structure for Microgrooved Cooling Fin for High-Power LSI Devices," Electronics Letters, Vol. 22, No. 25, pp. 1332-1334. Tuckerman, D. B., 1984, "Heat Transfer Microstructures for Integrated Circuits," S.RC Technical Report No. 032, SRC Cooperative Research, Box 12053, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Tuckerman, D. B., and Pease, R. F. 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