Proceedings of 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee TRANSVERSAL DEFLECTION OF ELECTRONS MOVING IN PARALLEL WITH LINEARLY POLARIZED LASER BEAM AND ITS APPLICATION* E.D. Gazazyan, K.A. Ispirian, M.K. Ispiryan, YerPhI, Yerevan, Armenia D.K. Kalataryan, D.A. Zakaryan#, YSU, Yerevan, Armenia Abstract The motion of electrons in linearly polarized laser beams in a finite length interaction region and then on a field free drift length is investigated. It is shown that in the interaction region the trajectories of the electrons are almost straight lines with very small oscillations. In the drift region the electrons acquire significant transversal deflection that allows to carry out the measurement of the length and longitudinal particle distribution of femtosecond bunches. The dependence of this deflection upon the electron energy, interaction region length, etc is studied. The principles of the construction of femtosecond oscilloscopes are discussed. x= B2e2 E02 Be2 E02 2B 2 + 1 2 sin ϕ × px0 + 0 η + (2) k 2ω2 2kω2 [ ] × [8sinϕ0 cos(η + ϕ0 ) − 3sin2ϕ0 − sin2(η + ϕ0 )] INTRODUCTION At present when attosecond pulses are produced and −21 even a proposal [1] for obtaining zeptosecond (10 s ) electromagnetic bursts has been published, there are methods for measurement of the characteristics of femtosecond (fs) laser pulses. However, only 30-100 fs electron bunches have been produced [2,3], and though some methods for obtaining [4] of femtosecond electron bunches have been proposed, there is no simple, time domain method [5] for their measurements. Following [6] after considering the motion of electrons in a finite length interaction region with circularly polarized laser photons and then in a field free region in the works [7,8] it has been proposed a time domain method for the measurement of the length and particle distribution of femtosecond electron bunches. In this work the same problems are considered for the case of linearly polarized plane wave (see Fig. 1). THE SCANNING OF THE ELECTRON BUNCH AND PRINCIPLES OF THE MEASUREMENTS Figure 1: The experimental arrangement. y=− 2 BeE0 sin ϕ 0 2 BeE0 [cos(η + ϕ 0 ) − cosϕ 0 ] η− kω kω (3) px = p x0 + py = where z B= or = E 0 cos (ω t − kx + ϕ 0 ) , (1) solving the equation of motion of electrons in the interaction region with length Lint between the mirrors M 1 and M 2 one finds the solutions in the form eE 0 [sin( η + ϕ 0 ) − sin ϕ 0 ]2 (4) [sin( η + ϕ 0 ) − sin ϕ 0 ] ω (5) the electrons, η = ωt − kx and the constant B is equal m 2 c 2 + p x20 + p x 0 2 2m c ω = ck Ey = H ω2 ϕ 0 is the phase, p x 0 is the initial momentum of For the fields of linearly polarized laser photons with frequency Be 2 E 02 when 2 = { } 1 γ + γ 2 −1 2m 0 c (6) γ = ε / mc 2 = 1 − (v / c) 2 >> 1 , B ≈ γ / mc . The coordinate of the electron u (see Fig.1) is connected with ϕ 0 = uω / v = −2πu / vT ϕ0 by the relation where T = 2π / ω . Fig.2 shows trajectories of 50 keV electrons with ϕ 0 = 0, π / 4, π / 2,3π / 4, π ,5π / 4,3π / 2,7π / 4 , ____________________________________________ *Work supported by ISTC grant A-372 # c 0-7803-8859-3/05/$20.00 2005 IEEE in the interaction region for CO2 laser field ( λ = 10 µ ) 4054 Proceedings of 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee E 0 = 2.10 8 V / cm , ( curves 1,2…8, respectively). The q 0 (u ) = q 2 ( y 2 ) motion is 2 dimensional ( z = 0 ) and in the frame where the electrons are in rest the trajectories have the form of “eight” in agreement with [9-11]. On the screen at a distance interaction region y 2 = y1 + p y1 p x1 L from the end of the ⋅ L ≈ KL (7) where y1 , the coordinate of electrons at the end of the interaction region due to drift and oscillations is small, and the so called bunch scanning factor is equal to K= p x1 where = A [ A2 γ −1 + γ + γ 2 −1 2 2 ] , (10) NUMERICAL RESULTS The below given results are obtained when some of the parameters have the values γ = 1.1 , CO2 laser field E0 = 2.108V / cm , Lint = = 5 cm, L =100 cm. Fig 3 shows the dependence of y 2 = y 2 (u ) . Fig. 4 shows the dependence of the bunch scanning factor K on A . As it is seen it is better to work at values of A between the extrema of K Figure 2: The trajectories in interaction region. p y1 dy 2 (u ) . du Figure 3: The dependence of y 2 = y 2 (u ) . (8) taking place at eE 0 [sin(η1 + ϕ 0 ) − sin ϕ 0 ], (9) A= m0 cω η = η1 = ωt1 − kLint ( t1 is the time of electron fly which one has A=± 2 (γ + γ 2 −1 γ −1 2 ) ≈ ±1 for eE 0 ≈ 1 or E 0 ≈ 3.21.10 9 V/cm. mcω through Lint ). The functions y 2 = y 2 (ϕ 0 ) and y 2 = y 2 (u ) are non-linear, i.e. in contrast to the case of circular polarization in the case of linearly polarized photons the scanning of the electrons is non-linear. Nevertheless, i measuring the initial and final points on the screen y 2 f and y 2 one can measure the length of the electron bunch Tb using (3). Measuring the distribution of the electron density on the screen q 2 ( y 2 ) one can determine the initial distribution q 0 (u ) of the electrons in the bunch using the following relation coming out from the charge conservation law 4055 Figure 4: The dependence of K upon A . c 0-7803-8859-3/05/$20.00 2005 IEEE Proceedings of 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee Fig. 5 shows the dependence of the scanning factor K upon the particle energy. It is seen that as it was expected the bunch image is larger for lower electron energies. Using the derived relations and the dependences illustrated in figures one can choose optimal parameters of the device for the measurement of parameters of femtosecond electron bunches. These as well as other problems as the methods of detection of the scanned image and expected precision will be discussed in further publications. REFERENCES [1] A.E. Kaplan and P.L. Shkolnikov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 074801. [2] H. Lihn, P. Kung, C. 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