Executive Summary R. Frank Nims Middle School

Executive Summary
R. Frank Nims Middle School
Leon County School District
Mr. Desmond Cole
723 West Orange Avenue
Tallahassee, FL 32310
Document Generated On January 12, 2014
Description of the School
School's Purpose
Notable Achievements and Areas of Improvement
Additional Information
Executive Summary
R. Frank Nims Middle School
Every school has its own story to tell. The context in which teaching and learning takes place influences the processes and procedures by
which the school makes decisions around curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The context also impacts the way a school stays faithful
to its vision. Many factors contribute to the overall narrative such as an identification of stakeholders, a description of stakeholder
engagement, the trends and issues affecting the school, and the kinds of programs and services that a school implements to support student
learning. <br><br> The purpose of the Executive Summary (ES) is to provide a school with an opportunity to describe in narrative form the
strengths and challenges it encounters. By doing so, the public and members of the school community will have a more complete picture of
how the school perceives itself and the process of self-reflection for continuous improvement. This summary is structured for the school to
reflect on how it provides teaching and learning on a day to day basis.
© 2013 AdvancED
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Executive Summary
R. Frank Nims Middle School
Description of the School
Describe the school's size, community/communities, location, and changes it has experienced in the last three years. Include
demographic information about the students, staff, and community at large. What unique features and challenges are associated
with the community/communities the school serves?
R. Frank Nims Middle School is located on the southside of Tallahassee, Florida, within blocks of Florida Agriculture & Mechanical University
and Florida State University. The school is home to 465 students. Nims' demographics are comprised 87% African American, 8% White, 3%
Latino/Hispanic American, 2% other. There has been a small increase in enrollment over the past few years. Nims is a Title I school. One
hundred percent of students receive free breakfast and lunch under the Provision II status.
Nims experiences a great deal of mobility with our students mostly due to issues related to students from low income families. It is not
uncommon for a student to be enrolled in the fall, withdraw, move elsewhere, and re-enroll in the spring. Nims also faces the challenge of
keeping students who are zoned to attend Nims. Many parents opt for school choice options at other Leon County Schools, which
periodically includes private and charter schools. Currently over 125 students who are zoned for Nims have chosen to attend a school other
than Nims.
Nims has one principal, two assistant principals and one dean. Nims is also served by five instructional coaches who work with 38 classroom
teachers. One hundred percent of teachers are highly qualified. Nims currently has 2 (5%) teachers ESOL endorsed, 3 (8%) teachers
reading endorsed, 17 (45%) with advanced degrees, 7 (18%) first year teachers, 27 (71%) teachers with 1-5 years of experience, 7 (18%)
teachers with 6-14, and 4 (11%) teachers with 15 years of year experience. The current principal is serving his second year after previously
serving 11 years as a dean and assistant principal (1994-2005) at Nims. The assistant principal for curriculum is completing her second year
at Nims. The assistant principal for administration is completing his first year at Nims. The dean of students is completing his third year at
© 2013 AdvancED
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Executive Summary
R. Frank Nims Middle School
School's Purpose
Provide the school's purpose statement and ancillary content such as mission, vision, values, and/or beliefs. Describe how the
school embodies its purpose through its program offerings and expectations for students.
Dedicated to putting students first, R. Frank Nims Middle School will be known as an award-winning school. Visionary in both plan and
accomplishment, R. Frank Nims Middle School will embrace families, volunteers and the community to support its educational programs in a
well-maintained, technologically rich facility. Working together with all stakeholders, R. Frank Nims Middle School will provide a loving,
compassionate learning community that nurtures and supports exemplary education for every student.
The mission of R. Frank Nims Middle School is to provide a safe and healthy school environment which will help students become
responsible and productive members of the school, the community, and the world. Students will be nurtured, respected, celebrated, and
loved. Our students will be a reflection of our dedication and determination to provide the highest quality education and maturation
opportunities for every student. Nims is working to increase the number of high school credit courses offered as well as the number of
students enrolled in these courses.
Students and adults will come together to experience an educational journey that excites curiosity, promotes personal and professional
growth, and empowers all to assume leadership roles in the 21st century. Together, working as a team, students and staff will be empowered
and inspired to make their dreams come true.
© 2013 AdvancED
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Executive Summary
R. Frank Nims Middle School
Notable Achievements and Areas of Improvement
Describe the school's notable achievements and areas of improvement in the last three years. Additionally, describe areas for
improvement that the school is striving to achieve in the next three years.
Nims Middle School has experienced a great deal of change over the years. The School Improvement Grant (SIG) has allowed us to put
resources into teaching and learning. Specifically, SIG has financially supported improved technology; it has paid for instructional coaches,
and purchased much needed curriculum, to include Springboard and Carnegie Learning (Math). Through state initiated instructional reviews
and similar district-based instructional reviews, a greater focus has been placed on individual student progress monitoring. The data that is
collected is used to keenly organize the instruction that is given by coming up with inventive ways to differentiate, remediate, and provide
enrichment opportunities.
College readiness is a focus as we prepare students for their future. The core curriculum is deeply entrenched in critical and exploratory
thinking. GEAR-UP and AVID programs provides instructional support to enforce these concepts.
We are perpetually striving to raise writing scores. District support has been critical to the growth we plan to see. Small group writing
instruction as well as whole group direct instruction in text dependent writing will assist in attaining increased writing proficiency. Nims is
using strategic writing strategies in all grades levels, 6-8, and not just solely at the 8th grade level. Writing continuity must continue from the
elementary level on through 8th grade. Springboard is being used in all three grade levels to better prepare students to take advanced level
courses and adapt to the increasing requirements of a common core curriculum. Each academic department is working feverishly to
implement data-driven instruction through frequent formative assessment and teacher-student data collaboration. Departments have also
developed common assessments and are working collegially to develop and implement instructional focus calendars based on school data.
The Nims Learning Community continues to look for ways to provide intervention for students struggling to pass or show growth the Florida
Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). There has been more of a focus placed on passing FCAT reading. With that focus as a primary
focus, Nims uses Junior Great Books, Achieve 3000, and Accelerated Reader to provide support and monitor reading progress. Algebra I
instruction is also critical to what we do. Pull-out support, one-on-one instruction, and small group learning stations have all been installed to
increase Algebra I End-of-Course exam (EOC) scores.
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Executive Summary
R. Frank Nims Middle School
Additional Information
Provide any additional information you would like to share with the public and community that were not prompted in the previous
During the 2012-2013 school year Nims students increased proficiency in FCAT reading, math, science, and writing.
During the 2013-2014 school year, many more students will be taking Algebra I End-of Course exams than ever before. Additionally,
students will be taking Biology and Geometry End-of Course exams this year.
Nims has expanded high school course offerings to include: Spanish I, Earth Space Science, Biology, Geometry, and Algebra I.
During the 2012-2013 school year a Performing Arts Program was added to include: Drama, Girls' Choir, and Boys' Choir. Band was already
in existence. Wider selections of elective courses were added because students were performing better on FCAT. This allowed for more
flexibility within their schedule; a decrease in the number of 7th and 8th grade student enrolled in intensive (remedial) courses.
Nims also has an award winning Robotics program that we are very proud of.
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