Output Current Ripple Factor Performance of Half-Wave Half-Wave Rectifier Rectifier With and Without Freewheeling Diode Diode Taufik Ali O. 0.Shaban Shaban Ahmad Nafisi Department Engineering Department of Electrical Electrical Engineering Engineering California University University California Polytechnic Polytechnic State University Obispo, CA 93407 San Luis Obispo, 93407 - Abstract - The objective objective of this work is to investigate investigate ripple ripple factor of half-wave circuits. The ripple factor is one of half-wave rectifier rectifier circuits. ripple factor important characteristic necessary when designing characteristic necessary designing a power electronic converter. converter. The ripple factor factor measures how much much deviation output parameter deviation the converter converter output parameter has, such as the current, from from its nominal designed output current, designed value. In this paper output current of half-wave the ripple factor factor of the output half-wave rectifiers rectifiers will investigated. More specifically, ripple factor factor of output be investigated. specifically, the ripple output current from more practical half-wave rectifiers include current practical half-wave rectifiers that include inductive load with or without freewheeling diode will be without a freewheeling analyzed and then compared to that of the basic half-wave half-wave rectifier consisting consisting only of a resistive rectifier resistive load. Derivation Derivation of the equations for for the ripple factor for for the three half-wave equations ripple factor half-wave rectifier rectifier circuits will first first be presented. From these results, circuits presented. From results, plots will be generated using Pspice that will allow us to conveniently conveniently compare performance of each of the rectifiers. rectifiers. compare the ripple ripple factor factor performance INTRODUCTION I. INTRODUCTION In power conversion conversion circuits, the actual actual output waveform of any converter constructed constructed from the input sources will in from the input. This tells us that the general be different different from output must contain unwanted components along with the wanted components. components. These unwanted components are unfortunately unavoidable unavoidable and they can be described unfortunately described as the Fourier components. components. The complete collection of unwanted unwanted components defines distortion. The terms harmonic distortion distortion components defines simply harmonics or simply harmonics refer to this unwanted unwanted behavior. behavior. Particularly in dc application Particularly application such as that of rectifier circuits, the collected collected unwanted unwanted· components are typically referred to by the term ripple. A more specific definition is ripple factor measure how much deviation which is a tool to measure deviation the converter output parameter nominal designed value. parameter has from its nominal value. distortion of Due to the fact that ripple is closely related to distortion waveform, it is therefore crucial to consider consider the output waveform, addressing distortions in the initial steps addressing the questions questions about distortions of converter converter design. design. How much the load can tolerate, whether or not there there are specific specific frequencies frequencies that are especially especially bad avoided, the necessity for filtering, and should be avoided, filtering, and ripple-related specifying distortion limits are some of the ripple-related specifying distortion issues that might be brought up prior to designing designing the converter. Moreover, prior knowledge converter. knowledge of the ripple factor is also also very significant since it can be used as an indicator of the quality waveform. From practical point of view, view, quality of the output waveform. knowledge knowledge of the ripple factor before hand will aid us in designing designing a cost-effective cost-effective converter sircuit, circuit, such determining determining the need of having an extra freewheeling freewheeling diode used in a halfhalf­ half­ waveform. wave rectifier to improve the quality of output waveform. In most dc applications, applications, the output ripple represents represents both a variation around the desired dc level and a possible variation around possible energy effect at undesired undesired frequencies frequencies [1]. [l]. In a standard standard dc supply, supply, it specify the maximum peak to peak ripple, and is common to specify often the ripple rms magnitude magnitude as well. well. For example, example, typical 50-100 mv range numbers numbers for peak to peak ripple fall in the 50-100 for low dc voltages. voltages. A good rule of thumb is that the ripple fo.r ripple output. will WIll be about 11% % of the nominal output. II. THE THE BASIC HAW-WAVE HALF-WAVE RECTIFIER Rectification is the process of converting ac power to dc Rectification power. uncontrolled rectifier uses only diodes diodes as power. An uncontrolled rectifying elements. The dc output voltage rectifying elements. voltage is fixed in magnitude by the amplitude amplitude of the ac supply voltage. voltage. magnitude However, contains However, the dc output is not pure, that is, it contains significant components or ripple. To suppress significant ac components suppress this ripple, a typically inserted inserted after the rectifier. The simplest simplest filter is typically configuration of rectifier is the half-wave circuit configuration half-wave rectifier and 1. Here, the half-wave is shown in figure figure 1. half-wave rectifier circuit whose source voltage supplying a purely wh?s~ source volta~e is a sine wave is supplying resistive load. During cycle, when the reSIstive load. Durmg the positive half cycle, voltage at the anode is positive with respect to the cathode, cathode, the diode turns on. on. This allows current through through the load positive half sine resistor. Thus, the load voltage follows follows the positive sine wave. half-cycle, the voltage anode wave. During the negative negative half-cycle, voltage at the anode becomes negative diode negative with respect to the cathode and the diode turns off. There is no current flows flows through R. Figure 2 through R. shows half-wave rectifier shows the output voltage voltage waveform of the half-wave rectifier using an input waveform sinm frequency of waveform of i,sin 0Jt and with frequency v, 60Hz. 60Hz. Fig. 1. Half-wave rectifier with resistive load Fig. 0-7803-6401-5/00/$10.00 © 0-7803-6401-5/00/$10.00 Q 2000 2000 IEEE EEE 1186 1186 12 .. .,.......,~--~----::----."..---~-----;:----, to" ( 5 ) into equation equation (4) (4) yields: yields: Substitutions of equations (1) and (5) K r = 1.21 IS,= 1.21 :: t (6) (4) which tells us that the ripple factor for a half-wave rectifier half-wave rectifier with resistive resistive load is constant. constant. 0'" 1111r.i 2D11S 311M _IRS SIllS 611lts 7-.s 8116 9111tS IV. Iv. THE HALF-WAVE RECTIFIER RECTIFIER WITH INDUCTIVE INDUCTIVE LOAD Ti_ rill Fig. 2. 2. Load voltage half-wave rectifier with resistive resistive load Fig. voltage waveform wavefonn of half-wave The load current, current, IIR, R, which is equal to the diode current will be periodic periodic since since the input signal is periodic. However, similar to the output voltage, voltage, the load current is also a very poor de dc with its value equal to its average: average: A I I R =2,. t V f iR(t)drot = 2,. R f sin rotdrot = -1CR' _--L a P+---l A 1 V " 21t+a An improved improved version of the basic half-wave half-wave rectifier circuit figure 3, whereby an inductive inductive load is is depicted in figure connected rather than just a simple resistive load. load. (1) 0 Half-wave rectifier with inductive load Fig. 3. Half-wave Equation (1) shows that with this type of rectifier the average 1/3 of its peak value. load current is less than 1/3 III. 111.THE THE RIPPLE RIPPLE FACTOR example, we can easily see that the ioad Using the previous example, current will have ripple, and if we define this ripple to be: In steady periodic steady state, the output current IR(t) IR(t) must be periodic sinusoidal input waveform is a periodic since the sinusoidal periodic waveform. waveform. By applying KVL: KVL: diR(t) R. V,. di, (t) R vs OX --+-1 + -i,R (t)=-smwt (1) = -sin L dt L L (7) It can be shown that the solution for the this differential differential equation is: is: (2) where: where: (8) 2lt+a 11RI= 2~ fi;(t)drot (3) a where: where: current, then we can define define the is the rms value of the load current, normalized ripple or ripple factor which is given by; (4) (4) </l = tan _[WL] Ii (9) (9) I Using the same method as was done in equation equation (1), ( l ) , the average value of the current described by equation (8) with conduction angle a c1 is found to be: dimensionless and is useful in measuring The ripple factor is dimensionless from its how much deviation the output parameter has from nominal designed designed value, value, and therefore plays an important role nominal in designing designing a converter circuit. circuit. To determine determine the ripple factor of our previous example, example, the calculated: rms value of the load current needs to be calculated: (10) The rms of equation equation (8) can be derived by using the same definition in equation (5) ( 5 ) which yields to: definition (1 I) (5) 1187 1187 . where: + ~ 4Lsm 2 t/l able to investigate which scheme yields the smallest rippie ripple factor. Recall that for the case where the half-wave rectifier has resistive load only, the ripple factor is found to be constant as shown in (6). [(a-t/l)-t sin 2(a-t/l)] (12) of the purely resistive load, As previously done in the case of once the expressions for the average value and the rms are obtained, the ripple factor may then be derived using (4). half wave rectifier is illustrated in figure A more practical half of an extra diode allows the load current 4. Here the insertion of freewheel the to continue to flow, or in other words to freewheel current. Henceforth, this additional diode is called the current. freewheeling diode. For continuous conduction, that is the freewheeling of current never decays to zero, it can be shown that the ratio of 1t!ro. the inductor and the load resistor has to be greater than Ida. The load current for this particular circuit can be described as:: as -~I] V [ sin(rot-(/»+--:z;-e sin(/> iR(t)=-!... L Z when And, l-e The three different circuit configurations for the half-wave I, 3, and 4 are then simulated rectifier, as shown in figures 1, and the results are recorded and compiled to produce several plots from which we can conveniently check to see which configuration gives us the best performance in terms of of the ripple factor. Overall, five different cases are provided using different values of of either the resistor load or the inductor. inductor. The first three cases, the value of of the resistor re::istor is kept constant at R=O.10,10, and l0Q 100 for cases 1,2, 1, 2, and 3 respectively. respectively. In the R=O.lQ,lQ, last two cases, the inductor values are fixed at kL=30mH 3 0 m H and 300mH for cases 4 and 5 respectively. The results of of the computer simulations for all five cases are shown in figures 55,6,7,8 , 6 , 7 , 8 and 9. Normalized ~ Ripple with R-0.10 R=O.10 Ohm Normalbul ipple Factor wlth (13) 1L t 0 << rot O o t < 1t x V[ iR(t)=--.!.. Z sin (/> (/> R _.!1.(Lt)] eL' y---------------..., 0.8 ~ ~ Without FD 0.7 I\". ----------------1 0.6 jO.5 (14) wim Fb J lVr l-e -u ' 0.4 0.3 < orott e < 2n 21t 21t where 1t xc with: with: Z Z= =~r-R-;:-2 & q+-:(wL---:-:;-Y z y 0.2 -I---.._ -I---.._ _ 0.24 , . 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.29 0.3 0.3 0.0 0 --l ~ I ' I , 0.6 0.4 0.5 0 .6 0.7 Indust.llca Inductence V.lw.8 Valuea fhl [HI (15) (15) The same procedure can again be conducted to yield the average and rms values of the currents in (13) and (14), as were done in the previous two cases using the same definitions as shown in (3) and ((5) respectively. Once these definitions 5 ) respectively. values obtained, then the ripple factor equation for these values are obtained, currents currents can be derived using equation (4). , 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.0 (FD) Fig. 5. Ripple factor with and without Freewheeling Diode (FD) when Rd.lOf2 R=O.lOO -Case - Case 11 I NormaliZed Ripple Factor with R-1 R=1 Ohm Normailzed 1 1.0,. 0 . . - - - - - . , . . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - , I 0.9 0.9 ,Q :::1'-... 1 --------------j V. COMPUTER SIMULATIONS v. SIMULATIONS ~ ~ To aid the analysis analysis of the ripple factors factors of the three cases, namely, namely, the half-wave rectifier with resistive load, with inductive inductive load, load, and with freewheeling diode, a computer simulation used. Using this tool, we will be simulation using Pspice is used. 0.8 ii! ii! 3 0.5 I 0.4 )0.4 I without FD Without FD 0.7 .66 00. IP ~::",I 0.1 0.0 O V ~_- 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 O.O With FD wim FD _ __- 0.2 0.2 ' 0.3 0.3 _ __0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 _ __l 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 __ 0.6 0.9 0.8 ~ I 1.0 1.0 Inductance Value.lHl Values M Fig. Fig.6. 6. Ripple Factor with and and without Freewheeling Freewheeling Diode (FD) (FD) when when R=10· R=lQ Case Case 22 - Fig. Fig. 4. 4. Half-wave Half-waverectifier rectifier with inductive inductive load load 1188 1188 ~~ I Normalized Ripple Factor Factor with R=10 R=10 Ohm Ohm t-----------------..., 1.o 1.0 .0 8 0.9 ~ 0.8 0.8 2 0.7 :. WlthoutFD %.. 0.6 ~ 0.6 .- ~ a o0.5s ...4.~ 0.4 $~ 0.3 0.3 e~ 02 0.2 1 With FD 0.1 OO.o.J---_-_-.,..-_-_-_-..--_---! 0.0 .' 0.2 0.7 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 Inductance Values [H] Inductance Values [HI ~ Fig. Freewheeling Diode (FD) (FD) Fig. 7. Ripple Ripple Factor with and without Freewheeling when R=lOQ -- Case 3 Normalized with L.. 30 mH NormallzedRipple Ripple Factor Factor wlth L-30 mH , I The The results show that in general the half-wave rectifier with freewheeling diode performs the best in terms of the ripple factor factor of its output current. current. In the case of half-wave rectifier with resistive load, the value of the ripple factor is resistive load, constant at 1.21 1.21 and is independent of the load resistor and the amplitude of the input voltage source. source. However, as the further show, this is not true for the other two results further rectifiers with inductive inductive load where the ripple factor is dependent upon both the load impedance and the input source. diode, if source. In the half-wave rectifier with freewheeling diode, the load resistor is kept constant constant while inductance value is varied, the ripple factor of half-wave rectifier with freewheeling diode is always lower than those of the other freewheeling two rectifiers. Moreover, its minimum ripple factor is found to be about 0.25. Another interesting observation is that the higher the value of the load resistor, the higher the value of the inductance needed to reach its minimum ripple factor point. In another case where the inductance is fixed but the load resistor is varied, the ripple factor for both half-wave rectifiers with inductive inductive load will reach its lowest value and then converges to the ripple factor of the half-wave rectifier with resistive load. 1 1.2 . 2 . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,I / ~ t 1.0 1.0 EL.a0.8 I-ii:Ba 0.6 Ij1 VI. CONCLUSIONS CONCLUSIONS WllhoulFO Without FD I 0.6 - r·6 4 0.4 z 0.2 0.0 I----_---_---.,..------.---~ 10 20 30 40 10 o0 50 Resistance Vaiuea [Ohms] Resistance Values [Ohms] Fig. 8. 8. Ripple Fig. Ripple Factor Factor with and without Freewheeling Diode (FD) (FD) when kL=30mH 3 O m H - Case 4 Normalized with L=300 NormalizedRipple RIpple Faclor Factor wlth L-300 mH mH I 1.2 r--------------------, In this paper, the ripple factor factor characteristics of three different circuit configurations configurations of the half-wave rectifiers different were investigated. Several examples on how to derive derive the equations for the average and rms values were presented from which the expression for the ripple factor can further be obtained. obtained. Results from from computer simulations were provided and several plots were included from five five different cases. From these results, it is clear that the smallest smallest and therefore the best ripple factor factor can be obtained when inductive load with the extra freewheeling freewheeling diode is used. Further work for this project will include, include, but not limited to, to, lab implementations implementations and measurements measurements of these circuits to supply us with empirical results which can then be compared with those results that are obtained from the computer simulations. simulations. REFERENCES REFERENCES Withoul FD WllhoUIFO ~ 1.0 J5- 0.8 0.8 .!! n st [ l ] P.T. Krein, Elements of of Power Electronics, ed., [I] Electronics, 1lst ed., Oxford, New York, 1998. 1998. !l: E 0.6 ii: 0.6 I5j 0.4 o6 =z 0.2 ~ 0.4 0.2 0 . 0 . J - - - _ - - _ - - _ - - _ - - _ - - - lI 0.0 1 500 300 100 100 200 300 400 500 600 o0 Resistance ResistanCBValues [Ohms] [Ohms] Fig. 9. Ripple Factor with and Fig. 9. Ripple and without Freewheeling Diode (FD) (FD) L300mH -- Case 5 when L=300mH 1189 1189