R7.50 - THE ALLAN R. HENDERSON BEQUEST RecitalsA. Allan Roderick Henderson, late of South Yarra, solicitor, who died on 18 June 1956, bequeathed £3,000 to the University in the following terms‘£3,000 (three thousand) to the University of Melbourne such sum to be held in trust and invested and the income from the investment thereof to be applied in the purchase of books for the Library thereof and without limiting the generality of the foregoing words and without imposing any legal obligation on the said University I express the wish that the books purchased shall be books to be used by students studying History and I request that such fund shall be called the “Allan R. Henderson Bequest”.’ B. The University received the sum of £3,000 in satisfaction of the bequest, which sum increased to $6,229 at 31 December 1994. It is provided as follows1. The sum of $6,229 and any accumulations and additions to the sum forms the endowment of a fund called the ‘Allan R. Henderson Bequest’ (“the fund”) and the fund must be paid into an investment pool and remain there until the Council directs otherwise. 2. The net income of the fund is used for the purchase of books on history for the University library. Books so purchased must bear a book-plate indicating that they were provided from the fund. [Edit. am. 26/5/97; revoked as a Regulation and certified as a University trust record 26/5/10]