Lab Experiments 60 Experiment-293 F ATTENUATION IN OFC Dr Jeethendra Kumar P K KamalJeeth Instrumentation & Service Unit, TATA Nagar Bangalore-560 092.INDIA. Email: Abstract Using two Optical Fiber Cables (OFC) of 1.5m and 3m length and an optical current meter, the amount of laser light attenuation in the cable and attenuation coefficient are determined. Introduction As light travels along a fiber, there is attenuation which results in the loss of optical power. It is mainly due to absorption of the signal by the fiber material, scattering by the walls of the fiber, and bending of light resulting from laying of the cable. Each of these contributes to the total amount of fiber attenuation. If X and Y are two points along a cable then the attenuation loss between these two points can be measured. The total attenuation, A, between these points is given by …1 Where Px is the power output at point X. P y is the power output at point Y. Point X is assumed to be closer to the optical source than point Y, as shown in Figure-1. The total amount of attenuation will also depend on the wavelength of the light used. The attenuation coefficient α or the attenuation rate, is given by α= dB/km Where …2 L is the distance between points X and Y. α is a positive number because Px is always higher than Py (as X is closer to the source than Y). Point X Point Y L Source side Px Py Load side LE-Vol-10, No-1, March-2010 Lab Experiments 61 Figure-1: Geometry of cable power measurement To make measurements in a lab, one needs to determine the optical power of light at two different positions of the cable. However, in the lab one cannot cut the cable and measure power at two points. Instead measurements are made using two or three pieces of cables joined together as shown in Figure-2. This method is called cutback method. Cable-1 Source end of the cable Cable-2 Two cables joined togeather Load end of the cable Figure-2: Two OFCs joined together, the cutback method The losses arising from joining of two cables can be neglected for lab experiments. The cutback method begins by measuring, with an optical power meter, the output power PX of the test fiber of known length L. By joining two similar OFCs the combined length becomes 2L and its power output PY is measured. Also one can use two cables of the same quality but of different lengths, as shown in Figure3, used in this experiment. We have taken two cables of 1.5m and 3m length for this experiment. In this way one can avoid the loss taking place due to joining of the cables. Identical cables of the same material, which are easily available in the market, can be used for this experiment. One end of the cable of length L (1.5m) is coupled to the laser and its other end is connected to the power meter which measures PX. For a cable of length 2L, the output power is PY. The length difference (3.0-1.5= 1.5m) between the two cables gives the length L. Figure-3: The OFCs used in this experiment The ratio of output power to input power is called attenuation caused by an OFC. It is generally represented in decibel, as shown in equation-1. Since power is given by product of voltage and current, one can use equation- 3 to experimentally determine cable attenuation. P =VI =RI2 …3 Based on this relation the power at point X becomes LE-Vol-10, No-1, March-2010 Lab Experiments 62 PX = RI2X , and power at point Y becomes PY = RI2Y Where R is resistance of the cable. Since we are going to measure attenuation coefficient per km and the resistances remain the same, hence equation-1 can be rewritten as ோூమ ூమ ೊ ೊ ூ A = 10 log( ோூమ ) = 10 ݈ ݃ூమ = 20 ݈ ݃ூೣ …4 Therefore, by measuring currents at points X and Y, attenuation can be determined. A 200 µA current meter and photocell optical sensor is used to record the current. The complete experimental set-up is shown in Figure-4. The optical sensor (photocell) is fixed to a chuck (suitable holder) in which OFC head is inserted and is fastened securely. The sensor is connected to a digital micrometer. A 625nm red diode laser having a chuck fixed to its outlet is used, as shown in Figure-4. Figure-4: Complete experimental set-up Apparatus Used Diode laser 625nm, digital dc micro ammeter 0-200µA, two OFCs of 1.5m and 3m length, Optical sensor mounted on a stand and fitted to a chuck. The complete experimental setup is shown in Figure-4. Experimental Procedure 1. The 1.5m OFC is fitted to the laser chuck and other end of is connected to the light sensor. The micrometer reading is noted : LE-Vol-10, No-1, March-2010 Lab Experiments 63 IX =140.6µA 2. The trial is repeated to get consistent readings. The readings obtained are tabulated in Table-1. 3. Now the 1.5m OFC is removed and 3m OFC is connected to laser and its other end is connected to the light sensor and current in the meter is recorded : IY = 94.4µA 4. The length difference between the two cables is noted L = 3m-1.5m = 1.5m Attenuation and attenuation constant are determined using equations 4 and 2 respectively. ூ ଵସ. A = 20 ݈ ݃ூೣ = 20 log ଽସ.ସ = 3.46 Attenuation constant α= dB/km = ଷ.ସ ଵ.ହ௫ଵషయ = 2306 ݀ܤ/݇݉ Results Attenuation constant of audio *IEEE 1394 fire wire cable (Toslink fiber cable) = 2306dB/km Discussion The value of attenuation constant α varies from 0.5dB/km to 1000dB/km [2] depending on the type of the cable and wavelength used. One may have perform the experiment with longer cable to get more accurate α value. Further, this experiment can be done along with the numerical aperture experiment published in LE, Sept.issue-2009[3]. By looping the cable we observed very small change in the current. Hence loss due to folding or looping of the fiber is negligible in the case of this optical fiber. References [1] Laboratory measurements, Electrical Engineering [2] [3] Dr Jeethendra Kumar P K, Numerical aperture of fiber optics cable, LE Vol-9, N0-3, Sept.-2009, Page-212. * Technical name LE-Vol-10, No-1, March-2010 Training Series,