Name : ______________ Class : Group :____________ Page - 1 - CCC4 : LRC circuit. Objectives: To use a datalogger CRO display to display the current and p.d. waveforms To invetsigate phase relationship between current and p.d. in CR and LR circuits. Apparatus : Datalogger LRC-circuit board 1 1 Voltage Sensor connecting leads 2 Exp 1 :Study of C-R (1)connect the voltage sensors to the interface and open the programme LCR.DS (2) connect the circuit below . (3) Connect the output voltage in a sine wave and Set the frequency of the output signal to 2 Hz and 2V peak voltage in the signal generator. Start the datalogger by clicking start. fig 1 fig 2 8.2 mH 330µF channel B E 2V channel A 10Ω 33Ω 100µ 100Ω 33Ω 330µF E output E Voltage Gain Time Base 1 Name : ______________ Class : Group :____________ Page - 2 - 4. Result and analysis 4.1 Draw the three CRO display curve , the Vr , Vc and Vcr (output voltage) in the fig 3 below. Set the time base to 100ms/ div. You may freeze the pattern by stop the datalogger. fig 3 The Phasor diagram of Vc , Vr and Vcr Time base = ms cm-1 4.2.Explain briefly why the Vc and Vcr are nearly in phase when the frequency is small ( 2 Hz). ______________________________________________________________________________ 4.3 In fig 3, find the Phase difference between Vc and Vr. The phase difference between Vc and Vr is _________ 5 Increase the frequency of the output signal 40 Hz the signal generator. 6 Result and Analysis Draw the three CRO display curves , the Vr , Vc and Vcr (output voltage) in the fig 4 below.for 40 Hz The Phasor diagram of Vc , Vr and Vcr fig 4 Time base = ms cm-1 6.1 state the change of peak value of the Vr as the frequency increased(from 2Hz to 40Hz). ______________________________________________________________________________ 6.2 Explain briefly why the Vr and Vcr are nearly in phase when the frequency is large ( 40 Hz). ______________________________________________________________________________ 6.3 In fig 4, find the Phase difference between Vc and Vr. The phase difference between Vc and Vr is _________. 2 Name : ______________ Class : Group :____________ Page - 3 - Smart Tool 6.4 Measure the peak value of the Vr. Using the smart tools. Then calculate the peak value of the current Io and hence find the impedance of the CR circuit at 40 Hz. Measure the peak value of the Vr. = __________ V The peak value of the current Io = _____________= __________A The impedance of the CR circuit at 40 Hz.=________________ 3 Name : ______________ Class : Group :____________ Page - 4 - Exp 2 :Study of L-R (1)connect the voltage sensors to the interface and open the programme LCR.DS (2) connect the circuit below . (3) Set the frequency of the output signal to 100 Hz in the signal generator. Start the datalogger by clicking start. fig 1 E output fig 2 8.2 mH channel B E 2V peak 10Ω channel A 33Ω 100Ω 100µ 330µF 100Ω E (4) 4.1 Draw the three CRO display curve , the Vr , VL and VLr (output voltage) in the fig 3 below. Set the time base to 2 ms. fig 3 The Phasor diagram of VL , Vr and VLr Time base = ms cm-1 Answer the following question. 4.2 Explain briefly why the Vr and VLr are nearly in phase when the frequency is small (100 Hz). ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4.3 In fig 3, find the Phase difference between VL and Vr. The phase difference between VL and Vr is _________ 5 Increase the frequency of the output signal in step of 100 Hz to 1000 Hz in the signal generator. Start the datalogger by clicking start and display the waveform in a suitable timebase. 4 Name : ______________ Class : Group :____________ Page - 5 - 6 Result and Analysis 6.1 Draw the three CRO display curves , the Vr , VL and VL r (output voltage) in the fig 4 below. The Phasor diagram of VL , Vr and VLr fig 4 Time base = ms cm-1 6.3 State the change of peak value of the VL as the frequency increased. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6.4 Explain briefly why the VL and VLR are nearly in phase when the frequency is large ( 1000 Hz). ______________________________________________________________________________ Exp. 3 LRC- In series Resonance (1) connect the circuit below . (2) Connect the output voltage in a sine wave and Set the frequency of the output signal to 10 Hz and 2V peak voltage in the signal generator. Start the datalogger by clicking start. 8.2 mH channel B 330µF 10Ω 33Ω 100µ 100Ω 330µF EB 2V peak 8.2 mH channel A 10Ω EA E output (4) Measure the peak value of the Vr at different frequencies from 10 to 160 Hz 5 Name : ______________ Class : (5) Results and analysis frequency /Hz 10 20 30 Vr / V Group :____________ 50 60 70 80 90 Page - 6 - 100 110 120 130 140 160 5.1 find the frequency fo at which , the peak value of Vr is maximum in a step of 1Hz.The frequency fo is called the resonance frequency. fo = _______ Hz and the Vr at resonance = ______V 5.2Explain briefly why the p.d. across R is not equal to the output voltage (i.e. 2V) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5.3 Sketch the variation of peak value of Vr with frequency. 5.3 State three precautions in doing Exp1 and Exp 2. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6 Name : ______________ Class : Group :____________ Page - 7 - 5.4 Sketch the waveform display in Datastudio Scope display of VLCR , Vr and Vc at the frequency of fo. The Phasor diagram of VL ,Vc, Vr and VLCR fig 4 Display analysis At resonance: (1) Io is maximum and impedance of LCR is __________________ and is equal to _____ (2) VL and Vc are in ________ ( anti-phase / phase) and VL = Vc. Therefore VLC = ____ although VL and Vc are in a __________ ( large or small ) value. (3) VLCR and VR are in __________ ( phase/out of phase / anti-phase ) and Value of VR = VLCR. 7