Selected comments from the MicroBytes readers… Do you agree that incandescent light bulbs should be outlawed? Yes– 14% No – 85% “There is a tremendous hidden cost in using incandescent bulbs. The energy needed to power those bulbs results in increased pollution (acid rain, mercury, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, fine particulates carbon dioxide) which directly cause adverse health effects, decreases the life of paints (good for the paint companies, bad for the rest), adversely effects fresh water quality.” “Absolutely not. This is one more example of government overreaching its authority without full consideration of the consequences, and on the basis of marginal gain.” “Outlaw compact fluorescent light bulbs also, since they contain mercury. Go with LED’s.” “The mercury content of the new style bulbs will someday be considered a health and environmental hazard.” “Mandated improvements in energy efficiency are the only solution addressing the vast increases in demand driven by population surge. Apparently "people" these days aren't very eager or thoughtful enough to be good stewards of the finite resources we have.” “Incandescent bulbs are inefficient, hot, do not last long. Fluorescent bulbs are dangerous due to hazardous compounds incorporated in the making of them. LED seems to be the answer, although currently too expensive. Increased use will lower costs.” “While CFL’s do contain mercury the amounts not released by fossil fuel plants because of CFL's greater efficiency outweigh the amounts that the CFL’s contribute to the environment. Additionally CFL’s themselves will soon be replaced by more efficient LED’s.” “A century old technology that wastes almost all of the energy it consumes. LED will be the future, but not if incandescent bulbs can remain dirt cheap.” “Yes, and we have an environmental responsibility to protect our children from the CFL bulbs that we have to dispose.” “No new incandescent bulbs should be sold.” “Buy Hg free CFL’s already.” “Until we have an efficient system for recycling the toxic compact fluorescent bulbs, we should not be outlawing the incandescent bulbs.” “If I want to pay for the electricity required to use "inefficient" incandescent bulbs, it should be my right. Compact fluorescent bulbs emit ugly light, don't last as long as claimed, and cannot easily be disposed. What happens to those companies that produce incandescent bulbs? Will they be bailed out?!?” “There are so many fixtures/lamps that can use only incandescent bulbs. The CFL's are really ugly in fancy fixtures. Also, disposing the CFL's is a problem. Think this through before implementing this!” “There's nothing more fun than having the local HazMat team over for dinner when you break a light bulb!!” “While CFL is a valuable and important change for energy conservation there are still applications where incandescent, halogen or LED lighting makes absolute sense. Small space lighting such as a storage room where leaving the light on occurs is a good application for fluorescent tubes or CFL. Occasional lights can also benefit from CFL. Certain bathroom fixtures still require an incandescent lamp to work properly.” “I hate the color of the CFL's. They give off a hideous blue cold light. I buy the incandescent bulbs for the warm yellow light they give off alone.” Do you agree that incandescent light bulbs should be outlawed? Page 1 of 2 Yes– 14% No – 85% “Let people decide what they want to use, it is their right. Government can educate people not legislate their consumer behavior.” “While a good idea in theory, the reality isn't working in the home environment. The MUCH more expensive, energy efficient florescent bulbs do NOT last as advertised; my experience is a lifespan similar to the incandescent bulbs. The approved disposal locations in my area are not obvious and the size of the bin suggests that most of the burned out bulbs continue to be illegally placed in the trash.” “Unfortunately, prohibition has never worked. Instead of outlawing the incandescent bulb, an effort should be made to make them more efficient.” “The new mercury containing bulb sale is just a cover up. The aim of the sale is to transfer the highly toxic difficult to get rid of mercury from one country to another. In this case the receiver is the stupid one who is paying extra to get the poison.” “This is a silly mandate. We are simply exchanging one bad for another. This really is a money grab by light manufacturers.” “Mercury contamination of our ground water and sitting in landfills awaiting distribution is not what I want to leave as a legacy for our future generations. We should be forward thinking and use more efficient LED and continue to use incandescent lighting not the CFL.” “Besides being an environmental issue, fluorescent light bulbs cannot replace all of the functions that incandescent bulbs perform. For instance, my silkworm incubator is heated by a 60W incandescent bulb. A fluorescent would not produce the needed amount of heat.” “Piece of unscientific nonsense. Here in the UK we've been struggling with this silly idea for about 5 years now. When will the bureaucrats who dream up these silly ideas get real?” Do you agree that incandescent light bulbs should be outlawed? Page 2 of 2