/ INSTRUCTIONS HEAT$INK P_Lm_mRYD_.K-24991 REPAIR AND REPIACEMENT DC-3062 POWER CONVERSION SMALL MEDIUM for MODULE LARGE THREE PHASE FULL WAVE These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible conttngency to be met in connection wtth installation, operation or maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise whtch are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser's purposes, the matter should be referred to the General Electric Company GENERAL ELECTRIC WARNING HIGH VOLTAGE. ELECTRIC WHETHER THE AC TO GROUND WILL SMALL 1. POWER With CONVERSION Stud Mounted To replace follows: SHOCK CAUSE SERIOUS a stud MODULE mounted SCR in the Conversion b. Remove Conversion c. Remove fan bracket d. Remove the front e. Remove printed f. Take g. Remove the 2 nuts securing the heatsink h. Remove the failed SCR the i. Clean cloth. j. Apply a thin coat of General equivalent thermal compound) surface. heatsink Install Module and Reassemble With To Press replace Pak to the from fan cover case INJURY. from module, the module. circuit card cover assembly from its' with from at the the in which if a fan heatsink mounting as the Conversion is supplied. assembly. bracket. with the failed SCR. heatsink. orientation and proceed surface with a lint-free Electric G322L VersalubeePlus (or to the replacement SCR mounting Tighten the module from SCR mounting same Module, case. from heatsink SCR circuits original assembly. to 30 in. lbs. 1. FATAL SCR's Open all electrical Module is located. the OR (DC-3062) a. k. 2. CAN VOLTAGE SUPPLY IS GROUNDED OR NOT, HIGH VOLTAGES BE PRESENT AT MANY POINTS WITHIN THE SCR DRIVE. the SCR reinstall of stud it its' nut in the leads with as in the a torque wrench case. SCR's a Pres Pak SCR a. Open all electrical Module is located. b. Remove Conversion c. Remove fan bracket d. Remove the front in the Conversion circuits Module and cover to the from fan from case case. from module. the module. 2 * Registered Trademark of General Electric Co., U,S.A. Moduletproceed in which as follows: the Conversion e. Remove printed circuit f. Remove Heatsink g. Remove SCR. the h. Remove failed i. With assembly 2 nuts a soft card from cover from from its' heatsink mounting the heatslnk clamp assembly. bracket. containing the failed and both SCR. lint-free cloth heatsinks where both the Inspect all SCR mounting clean the aluminum plate failed SCR and the good SCR mount. surfaces to make sure they are smooth. j. Apply a small dab of General Electric G322L Versalube Plus (or equivalent thermal compound) to each side of the two SCR's being installed so that under pressure the compound will cover only the raised center SCR surfaces. k. Place the assembly. 1. The the Check n. With are to the Reassemble the see the nuts alternately 2-1/3 turns o. SCR's in the clamp parts should two nuts tightened showing m. two same cell finger in 1/4 each. orientation be assembled finger tight on both 'clamp holes tight turn the module same are use steps, and the original in the original manner and so that the number of threads rods. still over a wrench until reinstall as to the it in the heatsink tighten nuts the have case. each roll nut completed pins. WARNING HIGH VOLTAGE. ELECTRIC SHOCK CAN CAUSE SERIOUS OR FATAL INJURY. WHETHER THE AC VOLTAGE SUPPLY IS GROUNDED OR NOT, HIGH VOLTAGES TO GROUND WILL BE PRESENT AT MANY POINTS WITHIN THE SCR DRIVE. POW CONV RSZON ODL S(D0-306 , Pres Pak SCRUs To replace a Pres Pak SCR in the a. Open all electrical Module is located. b. Remove the front cover c. Remove the transformer assembly pulse with the Conversion circuits from failed to the Module, case proceed in which as follows: the Conversion the module. card (red with the cover) from the heatsink SCR. d. Remove the heatsink assembly e o Remove the black f. Remove the 2 nuts g. Remove the failed lint-free cloth. h. Apply a small dab of General Electric G322L Versalube Plus (or equivalent thermal compound) to each side of the replacement SCR so that under pressure the compound will cover only the raised center SCR surfaces. i. Place place j. The clamp parts should be two nuts tightened finger same on both clamp rods. k. Check insulating from that heatsink SCR from from the heatsink clamp containing the module. assembly° the failed SCR. SCR, and clean the heatsink surfaces with a soft Inspect the surfaces to make sure they are smooth. the SCR in the the SCR center to see the channel failed the same hole orientation as the original over the heatsink roll pin. assembled in the original tight so that the threads SCR center hole is still over assembly, and manner and the showing are the the heatsink roll pin. 4 1. With the nuts finger tight use a wrench to tighten each nut in 1/4 turn steps until the nuts have completed 2-1/6 turns the 1/2" thick SCR or 2-1/3 turns for the 1" thick SCR. m. Reassemble covers. the heatsink, reinstall it in the module, and alternately each for replace all WARNING, HIGH VOLTAGE. ELECTRIC WHETHER THE AC TO GROUND WILL LARGE P,ONER .CONVERSION The Large with two Power SCR's SHOCK MODULE Conversion per CAN CAUSE SERIOUS OR FATAL INJURY. VOLTAGE SUPPLY IS GROUNDED OR NOT, HIGH VOLTAGES RE PRESENT AT MANY POINTS WITHIN THE SCR DRIVE. (DC-,3062) Module contains three heatsink assemblies assembly. In general, factory equipment is required to properly replace an SCR in the large module heatsink assembly. Accordingly, an SCR should be replaced by exchange of the heatsink assembly containing a bad SCR with factory supplied assembly. To remove a heatsink assembly in the Open all electrical is located. b. Remove c. Remove two assembly. bolts d. Disconnect the control wire e. Remove two control wires f. Hold the heatsink assembly in place and remove washers at each end of heatsink assembly. g. Remove h. Remove the plastic sink assembly. i. Remove the 3 control leads resistor-capacitor cover. j. Reassemble, the original the the cover in the near to assembly cover with the heatsink case in which proceed the as follows: Conversion Module (air baffle). to disconnect heatsink the Module, a. the front circuits Conversion a by ac the each from the removing at replacement assembly. the power bus ac power SCR and frcm heatsink heatsink heatsink connection. the current the Conversion 6 screws the at 2 nuts and conical Module. the assembly assembly transformer. rear that used of the heat- connect to in place of the GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY - DIRECT CURRENT MOTOR & GENERATOR PRODUCTS DEPARTMENt ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA 113531 GEK-24991 (4/75) GENERAL0 ELECTRIC ?