July 2004 (revision) Guidance notes on Best Practice for Reading Gas Meters INTRODUCTION The original version of this document was published in August 1996. Due to legislative and institutional developments this document has been updated in accordance with the Utilities Act 2000 and the creation of Ofgem and energywatch. If you would like further information about the Gas Meter Installation Codes of Practice, they can be obtained free of charge from : Research and Information Centre Ofgem 9 Millbank London SW1P 3GE Tel: 020 7901 7003 Email: library@ofgem.gov.uk If you have any comments about this document or any issues relating to this document, they should be sent in writing to: The Metering Team Ofgem 9 Millbank London SW1P 3GE Email: metering@ofgem.gov.uk Fax: 0207 901 7197 Where additional guidance is required on any aspect of this document, all requests should be addressed in writing to the above. Ofgem will consult with other appropriate organisations and technical experts (e.g. the IGEM and CORGI) to provide the information requested. NB Any guidance on Electricity Meter Reading will be published by Elexon. 2 CONTENTS PURPOSE 6 RESPONSIBILITIES 7 REGISTERED GAS METER READER PRACTICES 8 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. Selection of Meter Reading Personnel Training Relationship to Gas Users Liability Insurance Confidentiality 3.5.1. Gas User Details 3.5.2. Confidentiality Agreement 3.5.3. Access to Data 3.5.4. Data Transfer 3.5.5. Data Retention 3.5.6. Data Protection Act 3.5.7. Health & Safety 3.5.8. Audit 3.5.9. Sub-Contract 3.5.10. Handling of complaints 3.5.11. Rights of Entry The Meter Reading Process 3.6.1. Frequency of Reading 3.6.2. Non-Cyclic Reading 3.6.3. 'Must Read' Requirements 3.6.4. Safety Cheeks and Actions 3.6.5. Tamper Checks and Actions 3.6.6. Data Transfer Formats 3.6. 4. AUTOMATIC METER READING (AMR) 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 8 9 10 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 18 General Equipment Specification 4.2.1 Meter Interface 4.2.2. Data Storage 4.2.3. Power Sources 4.2.4. Periodic Data 4.2.5. Communications Gas User liaison Installation 4.4.1 Location 4.4.2. Making Good 4.4.3. Records Service and Maintenance Decommissioning 4.6.1. Removal of Equipment 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 3 4.7. 4.8. 4.9. 4.10 4.6.2. Transfer Accuracy and Reconciliation Safety 4.8.1 Hazardous Areas 4.8.2 User safety 4.8.3 Adverse Conditions 4.8.4 Labelling Security Environment 4.10.1 Electro-Magnetic Compatibility 4.10.2 Site Environment 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 5. ABBREVIATIONS 24 6. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 25 4 APPENDICES 1 INFORMATION ON THOSE INVOLVED WITH THE SUPPLY OF GAS 26 2 SAMPLE EMPLOYEE VETTING PROCEDURE 28 3 APPROPRIATE EXPERTISE FOR METER READERS 4. SAMPLE METER INDEXES 31 5 EMERGENCY GUIDELINES (GAS ESCAPE) 34 6 GUIDELINES FOR SUSPECTED/ACTUAL METER TAMPERING 35 7 SAMPLE CODE OF CONDUCT 37 8 GAS METER READING AND INSPECTION CODE 39 5 30 PURPOSE This document aims to set out guidance on best practice for the reading of Gas Meters . For the purpose of this document, any reference to Meters shall include volume Conversion Systems, where fitted. This document seeks to draw attention to the obligations, contained in the Gas Act 1986 (as amended by the Gas Act 1995 and the Utilities Act 2000) with its associated Licences, which relate to the reading of Meters. In these Guidance Notes, whenever reference is made to the Gas Act 1986, the reference is taken to include the later amending Act as detailed above. The organisations that advise Ofgem of their intention to comply with the guidance given, can be registered with Ofgem as so doing. Such organisations shall be referred to in the rest of these Guidance Notes as Registered Gas Meter Readers. A list of Registered Gas Meter readers is available from the Research and Information Centre at Ofgem or on the Ofgem web site (http://www.ofgem.gov.uk/temp/ofgem/cache/cmsattach/6784_gas_meter_readers_2003.pdf) These notes are not intended to cover those meter readings obtained by the Gas User. The guidance given in this document relates to the reading of gas meters arranged by a licensed gas Supplier. Where a situation appears to be within the scope of this document but is not precisely covered by the text, please contact Ofgem for guidance (see page 1 for contact details). The Gas Metering Definitions document sets out the definitions used within these Guidance Notes and the associated Gas Meter Installation Codes of Practice. 6 2 RESPONSIBILITIES Registered Gas Meter Readers are responsible for reading gas Meters (including any volume Conversion Systems fitted) to an agreed programme and transferring the data collected to the relevant parties. Whilst reading Meters, either by manual or remote means, they shall comply with the guidance contained in this document. The Supplier is responsible for supplying gas to a Gas User, and also for deciding, (where necessary in consultation with the Gas User) how gas consumption data will be collected. Suppliers are not obliged to follow these Guidance Notes, nor are they obliged to appoint agents that are registered as following these Guidance Notes. Suppliers are obliged, as a condition of their licence, to reveal whether their meter readers (including agents) are Registered or not, if asked by a Gas User or their Shipper. Appendix 1 gives a brief overview of the relevant responsibilities of those involved with the supply of gas. 7 3 REGISTERED GAS METER READER PRACTICES 3.1 Selection of Meter Reading Personnel Meter readers shall be of good character and be able to demonstrate that they can adequately perform the duties of reading Meters. The Gas Supplier’s Licence (standard condition 17) requires that registered gas meter readers’ have the ‘appropriate expertise’. Registered Gas Meter Readers shall have procedures to ensure that only fit and proper persons are employed. Appendix 2 shows an example of an employee vetting procedure. Whilst operating within current employment legislation, Registered Gas Meter Readers shall recruit employees with due regard to:- a) Behaviour and Appearance The important role that a meter reader plays as the 'public face' of the Company. b) Security The Gas User's requirement to be able to 'trust' people/officials who enter their premises and homes. Due regard shall be taken of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, previous criminal convictions, and the checking of potential employee references. c) Numeracy and Literacy Meter readers shall be able to record Meter Readings, as well as meter and installation details, accurately. d) Inspection The skills needed to recognise and understand different engineering and metering installations. e) Physical Conditions The ability to cope with the physical nature of the duties. 8 3.2 Training Registered Gas Meter Readers shall implement a training policy that ensures that all new employees who will read Meters are adequately trained before they commence operational reading of Meters. The Suppliers Licence Condition 17 requires that officers of the Supplier possess the appropriate expertise to perform the particular tasks that they will be required to undertake (see Appendix 3). The training policy shall also encompass a programme of refresher training and new techniques/skills training for existing employees. It is recommended that the training programme for basic skills in reading Meters be provided to NVQ standard. The appropriate level shall be agreed in discussion with the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA). A basic skills course in reading Meters shall as a minimum include:a) Reading skill The ability to accurately read a Meter Index and capture a reading from the variety of Meter types installed in the field. Appendix 4 shows some examples of the range of Meter Indexes involved. b) Installation knowledge Understanding and recognising different types of Meter and different Meter Index configurations. c) Inspection skills The ability to inspect different types of Meter Installation, and the environment surrounding the Meter, in order to identity non-standard, unsatisfactory, unsafe Meter Installations or those that have suffered illegal or unauthorised interference. Appendix 6 gives guidance on the procedure to follow for suspected or actual instances of tampering. d) Process/procedure knowledge Understanding the relevant working practices (e.g. what to do if the customer is out; leave card or try again). e) Documentation knowledge The ability to understand and complete relevant documentation for reading Meters. f) Equipment skills Proficiency in the operation of relevant data-capture equipment. 9 g) Safety knowledge Understanding the hazardous nature of gas, and understanding the meter reader's safety responsibilities, including those relating to gas escapes and the identification of unsafe situations. Appendix 5 outlines a procedure to follow for gas escapes. h) Customer service skills Provision of relevant skills to enable the reader to project an acceptable 'public face' of the Company. i) Confidentiality knowledge Understanding of the meter reader's responsibility to protect the confidentiality of the Company's data and a Gas User's details (including responsibility under the Data Protection Act). Meter readers shall be aware of the procedures for handling emergency situations or suspected meter tampering (see Appendices 5 and 6). 3.3 Relationship to Gas Users The Metropolitan Police Doorstoppers' Code of Practice was used as the basis for the following issues relating to contact with Gas Users and members of the public. Registered Gas Meter Readers shall as a minimum comply with the following a) Identity Cards A meter reader shall carry at all times, and show to a Gas User when gaining access to premises, a valid Identity Card which shall include a photograph. The Registered Gas Meter Reader shall control the issue, use and redemption of the Identity Cards for its employees. Standard Condition 24A of the Suppliers' licence requires that members of the public may readily confirm the identity or authority of an officer of the Supplier and that the Supplier should ensure that identity cards, uniforms, liveried vehicles etc. are not misused. b) Uniform All meter readers shall wear at all times, whilst reading Meters and carrying out related activities, the valid and recognisable uniform of their company. The Registered Gas Meter Reader shall control the issue, use and redemption of uniforms for its employees c) Behaviour and Appearance A meter reader will be considered to be the public face of the Supplier and shall adopt the highest standards of behaviour. The meter reader shall afford all Gas Users, and other members of the public, common courtesy at all times. 10 d) Hours of Reading A meter reader shall only call at a Gas User's premises or home during the hours of 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Saturday, except with the prior agreement of the Gas User. Calls on Sundays and Bank holidays shall only be made with the prior agreement of the Gas User. It is recommended that consideration be given to restricting calls to the hours of daylight, e.g. different hours for summer and winter, especially for older Gas Users who are often nervous of callers after dark. Where the meter is located in non-domestic premises, it is recommended that visits coincide with the relevant business hours. e) Safety A meter reader shall be aware at all times of the potential hazards with gas, and shall exercise due caution when exercising his duties as set out in para 3.6.3. For example, he shall not smoke or use naked lights, and shall use intrinsically safe equipment where appropriate (e.g. in Hazardous Areas). f) Meter Reading Process A meter reader shall exercise his duties efficiently. A meter reader shall not falsify Meter Readings. g) Keys - Gas Users Keys to a Gas User's premises, or meter housing, may be issued. These shall be kept secure when in the meter reader's possession, not passed to any third party, and returned promptly. h) Passwords - Gas Users The reading information may include passwords or security details which are used to gain entry to premises. Such details shall remain restricted information and not be divulged to any third party. i) Access to Data If the Gas User, or his authorised representative, at the time of a visit to read a Meter requests his reading data, the meter reader shall inform the Gas User of the Meter Reading as displayed on the Meter. j) Meter Reading Related Activities If the Registered Gas Meter Reader is contracted to carry out other work in addition to reading and inspection, they need to agree the scope and control of that work through the terms of the contractual relationship. However, the following examples shall be considered :i) If a Registered Gas Meter Reader fits batteries to metering equipment, the relevant equipment manufacturer's instructions must be followed for replacing the batteries. 11 Also, the old batteries must be disposed of in a safe and secure manner, having due regard to the appropriate environmental legislation. ii) If Registered Gas Meter Reader is contracted to set pre-payment meters, the work should be agreed between the parties involved. iii) If a Registered Gas Meter Reader empties coin meters, procedures should be developed to govern the activity that take due regard to the safety of the meter reader, the Gas User and the general public. k) Other Activities Registered Gas Meter Readers shall not use visits to read Meters or carry out related work to market or provide other services without the prior written agreement of the Gas User. In addition, a meter reader shall not abuse his opportunity to enter premises and homes for the purpose of reading Meters to ‘promote or sell’ products, services or advice to Gas Users. This does not affect the duties and responsibilities of Registered Gas Meter Reader employees to recognise and respond to unsafe gas situations as required by the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1994 as amended by the Gas Safety (installation and Use) (Amendment) Regulations 1996. Note: In these Guidance Notes, whenever reference is made to the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1994, the reference is taken to include the later amending Regulations as detailed above. Where meter readers perform other activities when not reading Meters, they shall not use their meter reader Identity Card or Uniform. i) Vehicles A Registered Gas Meter Reader should ensure that, as far as possible, all vehicles used by meter readers carry their recognisable company logo. Registered Gas Meter Readers should consider producing a Code of Conduct for their employees. This would clearly set out what is, and is not, acceptable conduct. An example of such a Code is in Appendix 7. 3.4 Liability Insurance A Registered Gas Meter Reader must maintain adequate Employers Liability Insurance, Public Liability Insurance Is optional. The Minimum cover of £5,000,000 per incident is considered satisfactory for the majority of situations. Further guidance on this can be obtained from the Health and Safety Executive. 12 3.5 Confidentiality 3.5.1 Gas User Details In order to carry out the meter reading activity, a Meter Reader will, by necessity, have access to information that includes personal details of Gas Users (e.g. name, address, security password etc.) and commercially sensitive details (e.g. name of Supplier, Meter Index reading etc.). A Registered Gas Meter Reader and its employees shall not unnecessarily divulge any of this information to a third party. 3.5.2 Confidentiality Agreement A Registered Gas Meter Reader shall implement a policy for all its employees to be 'bound' by a confidentiality agreement regarding the control of commercially sensitive information. In particular, if a Registered Gas Meter Reader provides a reading service for a number of companies, it shall develop procedures to ensure that one Supplier's reading information is not divulged to another. 3.5.3 Access to Data Meter reading data is potentially valuable information. The Gas User, Supplier, Shipper, and Gas Transporter all have a legitimate interest in accessing this data. A Registered Gas Meter Reader only has access to Meter Reading data on behalf of the Supplier, and with the goodwill of the Gas User. The Registered Gas Meter Reader shall therefore only release data to the Supplier relevant to the period that the Supplier is associated with the supply of gas to that Meter. How data is transferred to or accessed by any other interested parties is a contractual matter which may, or may not, involve the Registered Gas Meter Reader. Registered Gas Meter Readers shall not unreasonably refuse to supply data to the Gas User, with the exception of data relating to fraud and tamper indicators etc. 3.5.4 Data Transfer It is the responsibility of the Registered Gas Meter Reader to ensure that all Meter Readings collected are transferred safely and securely to the Supplier. The method of data transfer is a matter for commercial agreement between these parties. Specific controls for certain meter types and configurations are contained in Section ‘U’ of the Network Code. 3.5.5 Data Retention The Registered Gas Meter Reader shall only retain data for the period specified by the Supplier. 13 It is recommended that the Registered Gas Meter Reader and the Supplier agree minimum and maximum data retention periods for data, both for individual Gas Users, who may change Supplier and no longer have their Meters read by the Registered Gas Meter Reader etc, and for all data following contract termination. 3.5.6 Data Protection Act The control of personal information may be covered by the Data Protection Act 1998. A Registered Gas Meter Reader shall ensure all its responsibilities in this context are properly understood and met. 3.5.7 Health & Safety A Registered Gas Meter Reader is covered by the requirements of Health and Safety at Work legislation in addition to the specific requirements of these Guidance Notes. In the event that current Health and Safety regulations conflict with any requirements of these Guidance Notes, the Health and Safety regulations shall have precedence. 3.5.8 Audit In order to satisfy industry concerns regarding the quality of meter reading, Ofgem or the Gas Transporter may undertake audits (including the obtaining of a meter reading). The Registered Gas Meter Reader will co-operate with an audit where it is either a contractual obligation or, in the opinion of Ofgem, it is reasonable to do so. 3.5.9 Sub-Contract Where a Registered Gas Meter Reader sub-contracts work within the scope of these Guidance Notes to another party, it is the responsibility of the Registered Gas Meter Reader to ensure that the sub-contractor complies with the requirements of these Guidance Notes. 3.5.10 Handling of complaints A Registered Gas Meter Reader shall ensure that its employees are competent to handle complaints from Gas Users. As a minimum, they shall be able to clearly identify the relevant party for complaints as appropriate e.g. billing and meter accuracy queries/complaints to the Supplier. 3.5.11 Rights of Entry Meter reader's do not have an automatic right of entry to a Gas Users' property, even to read Meters located in external meter boxes. It is recommended that Suppliers seek the agreement of Gas Users to read Meters located in external meter boxes without needing to gain permission on each visit. 14 Meter readers may enter a Gas User's property to read the Meter only if the Gas User allows them entry on request. If permission is not granted, they shall leave immediately. Gas User's establishments may have specific security requirements for obtaining access. Registered Gas Meter Readers shall comply with any such requirements. There are circumstances where access to property can be gained without the consent of the Gas User. Where a Registered Gas Meter Reader is involved in such Rights of Entry action, they shall ensure that they comply with the provisions of the Rights of Entry (Gas and Electricity Boards) Act 1954. Registered Gas Meter Reader only have Statutory Rights of Entry where they are acting as agents of a licensed Supplier. If a Registered Gas Meter Reader is working for a non-licensed entity, such as a Gas User, they do not have any Rights of Entry. 3.6 The Meter Reading Process 3.6.1 Frequency of Reading The frequency of reading for each Gas User shall be determined within the contract between Registered Gas Meter Reader and the Supplier. The contract should specify a target date on which the Meter Reading should be taken. The contract should also specify the required period during which readings should be provided by the Registered Gas Meter Reader. It is unlikely that a Registered Gas Meter Reader will gain access to all Gas Users' Meters within the target window. The contract with the Supplier should specify the percentage of readings where access shall be gained that is acceptable. This will influence the working practices of the Registered Gas Meter Reader in terms of the number of visits it makes to premises, the timing of visits, the perseverance of each visit etcThe Registered Gas Meter Reader shall advise the Supplier if any reading information is inaccurate or out of date (e.g. meter location, access details etc.) and supply the updated details where possibleA Registered Gas Meter Reader may install and/or operate equipment to read Meters automatically, (see Chapter 4). 3.6.2 Non-Cyclic Reading A Registered Gas Meter Reader may be asked to perform non-cyclic readings e.g. opening readings on a change of Supplier, billing readings on change of occupancy etc. These readings should be undertaken in the same way as cyclic reads. 15 3.6.3 'Must Read' Requirements Although Suppliers will attempt to obtain readings by meter reader visit or Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system on a regular basis, it is inevitable that in some cases a reading will not be obtained. Suppliers are likely to establish arrangements with Gas Users, whereby the Gas User can provide readings, or the Supplier will estimate the consumption. This is acceptable, up to a point. However, if several attempts to obtain an actual reading have been unsuccessful, the basis of billing from the Supplier to the Gas User is undermined. Similarly, if the Gas Transporter relies on these readings for its invoicing requirements, that basis is also undermined. Because of this, the Network Code defines a Must Read frequency for Meters. Given the potential movement of Gas Users between Suppliers, the Gas Transporter is the only party who will have a record of the reading history of each Meter. It is therefore likely that the Gas Transporter will inform the relevant Shipper that a ‘Must Read' situation is imminent. Where necessary the Gas Transporter will undertake the ‘Must Read'Additional efforts shall be made by the Registered Gas Meter Reader to secure a reading where a 'Must Read' situation exists. Failure to provide a reading may prompt the Supplier or the Gas Transporter to invoke the Rights of Entry set out in the Gas Act 1986. 3.6.4 Safety Checks and Actions Although the main role of the Registered Gas Meter Reader is to provide accurate and timely readings, it also has an important role in inspecting the security and integrity of the Meter Installation. A Registered Gas Meter Reader shall have in place procedures for reporting all suspected gas escapes immediately. Appendix 5 outlines such a procedure. 3.6.5 Tamper Checks and Actions A Registered Gas Meter Reader has an important role in reporting all violations of the security and integrity of the Meter Installation. A Registered Gas Meter Reader shall have an agreed procedure in place with the Supplier or Gas Transporter for reporting all suspected cases of meter tampering in a timely manner. Appendix 6 outlines such a procedure for the meter reader. 16 3.6.6 Data Transfer Formats It is a contractual decision between the Registered Gas Meter Reader and the Supplier as to the mechanism by which information/data will be transferred between organisations- Similarly, the content of the data transfers, including the information required to facilitate meter reading, is also a contractual matter. However, it is recommended that:a) b) c) The transfer of large amounts of meter reading information be achieved by means of electronic data transfer. If data is transferred electronically, it should be done using industry standard data formats. The requirements of the Gas User are considered. 17 4 AUTOMATIC METER READING (AMR) 4.1 General The AMR system shall record and transmit the Meter consumption data, including the data from any Conversion Systems included in the Meter Installation and any tamper or safety information. Where an AMR system is to be installed, the provision of a suitable Meter is a contractual matter to be agreed between the Supplier and the Registered Gas Meter Reader. The issues identified in this section specifically refer to information obtained from a gas Meter Installation. Any other facilities provided via an AMR link are to be seen as additional and shall not interfere with the secure and timely transmission of Meter Readings and related data. 4.1 Equipment Specification 4.2.1 Meter Interface The AMR equipment shall have inputs suitable for the Meter or other equipment, e.g. Conversion Systems, to which it is to be connected. In particular, it shall not interfere with the correct operation of the Meter or other equipment to which it is to be connected and it shall conform to any specifications for the Meter or other equipment's outputs (see also Para 4.8) Where Conversion Systems are fitted as part of the Meter Installation, the AMR equipment shall interface to these in addition to the Meter and the requirements of IGEIGM/5 - 'The Installation and Use of Electronic Gas Meter Volume Conversion Systems' shall be complied with as appropriate. 4.2.2 Data Storage Where AMR equipment stores cumulative consumption data, e.g. meter pulses which are accumulated into a register that is designed to track the Meter Index reading, it is recommended that all such data be stored in a non-volatile memory which does not require any form of power source to retain the data e.g. E2PROM. 18 It any data is stored in memory which requires some form of power source including batteries, it is strongly recommended that the AMR equipment has status indicators which indicate that data may have been lost if the power source fails. 4.2.3 Power Sources AMR equipment may be powered by any suitable power source, provided that:a) b) c) The Gas User and the Supplier are made aware of the need for, and frequency of, any maintenance visits to service or replace the power source. The data storage requirement of para 4.2.2 are met. Where the AMR equipment has cumulative consumption data registers which record pulses from the Meter or other equipment, and it is powered from any external power source, the equipment shall have a backup power source or other mechanism such that the consumption data continues to be recorded during an external power failure or disconnection. The duration of operation from the backup power source or other mechanism should be sufficient to ensure that any failure of the equipment to communicate is detected and corrective action can be taken before the backup power source or other mechanism fails. In the event that the backup power source or other mechanism fails before the main supply is restored or other corrective action is taken, the equipment shall set a status flag or other indicator that data loss may have occurred. 4.2.4 Periodic Data Where AMR equipment records periodic consumption, the equipment shall maintain the accuracy of the start and end of the time periods with respect to Greenwich Mean Time to within an accuracy agreed with the Supplier. Where the data is used for system balancing purposes, the equipment shall conform to the requirements of the Network Code. 4.2.5 Communications The equipment and installation shall be approved by the relevant bodies for connection to or use of the chosen medium of communication e.g. British Approvals Board for Telecommunications (BAB-1) for telephone, Radio Communications Agency for radio. If the communication medium or equipment is shared with the Gas User for other applications, the Registered Gas Meter Reader shall ensure that the Gas User is aware of, and agrees to, any implications of the equipment operation. 19 4.3 Gas User Liaison Whether or not the installation of AMR equipment affects the fabric, fixtures and fittings of the Gas User's premises, an explanation of the work involved and the operation of the system must be given to, and written authorisation obtained from, the Gas User before work is carried out. 4.4 Installation It is the responsibility of the Registered Gas Meter Reader to ensure that all AMR equipment is safe, fit for purpose and meets the requirements of the Supplier. 4.4.1 Location The location of all AMR equipment shall take account of any Hazardous Area Zone classification (para 4.8.1) and other safety considerations (pare 4.8). It shall be positioned so as to avoid causing any risk to safety or creating a hazard. It shall be securely fixed, and shall not present an impediment to the use of any other equipment in the vicinity. The AMR equipment shall not be installed so as to obscure the Meter Index or other display on the Meter, nor shall it impede access to any Meter or other communications ports or interfaces e.g. an isolation barrier output for connection to a Gas User's energy management system. Access to the Meter for servicing etc. shall not be impeded by the position of the equipment. The equipment shall be installed to ensure ready access for repair, service or replacement in order that the minimum disruption is caused to the Gas User. 4.4.2 Making Good The Registered Gas Meter Reader shall ensure that on completion of any installation work the site is restored as closely as possible to the condition in which it was found prior to the commencement of the work. 4.4.3 Records The Registered Gas Meter Reader shall maintain records which are sufficient to identify the source of Meter Reading data, the location of the equipment and meet any other requirements of these Guidance Notes. 4.5 Service and Maintenance The Registered Gas Meter Reader shall ensure that the Supplier and the Gas User are clearly advised of the frequency of service visits to maintain the equipment at the time of installation. The Registered Gas Meter Reader shall ensure that its records which identify the source of Meter Reading data and the location of the equipment are kept up to date with any changes made during service and maintenance activities. The Registered Gas Meter Reader shall ensure that redundant or surplus equipment which they remove is returned to its owner or, if owned by the Registered Gas Meter Reader, is disposed of with regard to the security of the equipment and the relevant environmental legislation. If a Registered Gas Meter Reader fits batteries to metering equipment, the relevant equipment manufacturer's instructions for replacing the batteries shall be followed and the old batteries must be disposed of in a safe and secure manner, having due regard to the appropriate environmental legislation. 4.6 Decommissioning 4.6.1 Removal of Equipment Upon termination of the contract to read a Gas User’s Meter, the Registered Gas Meter Reader shall remain responsible for its own installed equipment until it is removed or ownership transferred to another party. When removing AMR equipment, the Registered Gas Meter Reader is responsible for the safe removal and disposal of the equipment, and shall make good the installation in line with the surrounding area. If having made reasonable efforts, a Registered Gas Meter Reader is unable to gain access to the premises to remove its equipment, it may discharge its obligations for the maintenance, removal and disposal of the equipment by giving written notice sent by recorded delivery to the Gas User and allowing a reasonable period for a reply. 4.6.2 Transfer The Registered Gas Meter Reader, or the owner of the equipment, may transfer responsibility for the equipment to another Registered Gas Meter Reader or owner following termination of its contract, but it is not required to do so. It shall not, however, preclude access to the Meter Installation for the connection of alternative equipment. 4.7 Accuracy and Reconciliation The objective of AMR equipment and systems is to record and transmit data which accurately reflects gas consumption as recorded on the Meter Index, in order to reduce the number of visits required to the Gas User's premises to read the Meter and enable access to more real-time data. The information transmitted shall be verified as required by the Network Code. The information shall also be subject to periodic reconciliation against the Meter Index. This reconciliation shall be carried out at least every two years, The accuracy of all AMR equipment shall be verified on installation and re-verified following Meter removal and/or replacement. All verification and reading information will be subject to contractual arrangements and audit. 21 4.8 Safety 4.8.1 Hazardous Areas Some Meter Installations may be sited in areas classified as hazardous. The Registered Gas Meter Reader is responsible for ascertaining if the area is classified as hazardous by discussion with the Gas User or the relevant authorities e.g. the Health and Safety Executive. Any equipment installed in a hazardous area, or connected to Meters located in a hazardous area, shall be suitable for use in such areas and shall be installed in accordance with the relevant standards e-g. BS 5345 - 'Code of Practice for Selection, Installation and Maintenance of Electrical Apparatus for use in potentially explosive atmospheres', IGE/GM/1, IGE/GM/4, IGE/GM/6 and IGE/GM/7 as appropriate. 4.8.2 User Safety The design and installation of equipment shall ensure that no-one is put at risk. It shall conform to the requirements of the relevant European Directives e.g. Low Voltage Directive. Installations shall conform to IGE/GM/7 - 'Electrical Connections to Gas Meters', BS 7671 - 'Requirement for Electrical Installations' and BS 6400 'Installation of Domestic Gas Meters' and take account of IGE/GM/1 ‘Gas Meter Installation for pressures not exceeding 100 bar’ or IGE/GM/6 'Specification tot Low Pressure Diaphragm and Rotary Displacement Meter Installations with Badged Meter capacities exceeding 6 m3/h, but not exceeding 1076 m3/h’ as appropriate. 4.8.3 Adverse Conditions The Registered Gas Meter Reader shall ensure that the selection and installation of equipment is such that adverse conditions such as fire, flood etc. do not result in a condition that would pose an excessive risk of damage to persons or property. The Registered Gas Meter Reader should consider the advice of the relevant authorities and test houses in evaluating the suitability of equipment. 4.8.4 Labelling Equipment shall be clearly labelled to identify the ownership and contact details together with any conditions required for safe operation. This shall include guidance on the procedure to adopt where the Meter is disconnected or subjected to a maintenance check which interrupts the AMR equipment's recording of consumption or other data. In such cases, the equipment will require re-verification in accordance with para 4.7. 22 4.9 Security The AMR equipment and systems shall be designed to prevent unauthorised third party access. Where a Meter or AMR equipment provides an indication of tampering, this information shall be forwarded to the Supplier and the Gas Transporter for action. The details of the tampering and subsequent action shall be recorded for future reference. Where tamper indications are provided, the Registered Gas Meter Reader shall have a procedure for the resetting of these following activation. The Registered Gas Meter Reader shall prevent consumption data being given to the wrong party when a Gas User changes Supplier. 4.10 Environment 4.10.1 Electro-Magnetic Compatibility Any equipment installed by the Registered Gas Meter Reader and the installation itself shall satisfy the relevant EMC regulations and standards, It is the Registered Gas Meter Reader's responsibility to determine the relevant standards depending upon the environment of the installation site. 4.10.2 Site Environment The AMR equipment shall be suitable for the physical conditions of the installation including the range of expected environmental conditions e.g. temperature, humidity, etc. 23 5 ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations apply within these Guidance Notes AMR BABT E2PROM EMC HSC HSE IGEM Ofgem GT Automatic Meter Reading British Approvals Board for Telecommunications Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory Electro-Magnetic Compatibility Health and Safety Commission Health and Safety Executive Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (a non-ministerial government department and the regulator of the onshore gas industry in Great Britain) Gas Transporter 24 5 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS Listed below are the documents referred to in the text of this document. Except where stated in the text, reference should always be made to the latest edition or amendment. Document Publisher Data Protection Act 1998 Her Majesty's Stationery Office Gas Act 1986 Her Majesty's Stationery Office Gas Act 1995 Her Majesty's Stationery Office Utilities Act 2000 Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1994 Her Majesty's Stationery Office Gas Safety (Installation and Use) (Amendment) Regulations 1996 Her Majesty's Stationery Office Health and Safety at Work Act Her Majesty's Stationery Office Rights of Entry (Gas and Electricity Boards) Act 1954 Her Majesty's Stationery Office Rehabilitation of Offenders Act Her Majesty's Stationery Office Gas Metering Definitions Ofgem Information 'Xchange Business Rules British Gas Transco, 31 Homer Road, Solihull BS 5345 -'Code of Practice for Selection, Installation and Maintenance of Electrical Apparatus for use in potentially explosive atmospheres' British Standards Institution BS 6400 - 'Installation of Domestic Gas Meters' British Standards Institution Note: BS 6400 is currently being revised and will be renamed 'Installation of Domestic Sized Gas Meters' BS 7671 - 'requirement for Electrical Installations' British Standards Institution IGE/GM/1 -'Gas Meter Installation for pressures not exceeding 100 bar' Institution of Gas Engineers 25 Document Publisher IGEIGM/5 -'The Installation and Use of Electronic Gas Meter Volume Conversion Systems' Institution of Gas Engineers IGEIGM/6 -'Specification for Low Pressure Diaphragm and Rotary Displacement Meter Installations with Badged Meter Capacities exceeding 6m3/h, but not exceeding 1076m3/h' Institution of Gas Engineers IGE/GM/7 -'Electrical Connections to Gas Meters' Institution of Gas Engineers 26 APPENDIX 1 - INFORMATION ON THOSE INVOLVED WITH THE SUPPLY OF GAS HSC AND HSE The Health and Safety Commission and the Health and Safety Executive are statutory bodies whose overall purpose is to ensure that risks to people's health and safety from work activities are properly controlled. HSE has the day to day responsibility for enforcing gas safety legislation. CORGI The Council for Registered Gas Installers (CORGI) is responsible for the mandatory registration of businesses as required by regulation 3(3) of the Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations 1994. Registration is only granted to those businesses deemed competent to carry out work on gas fittings. CORGI will additionally be responsible, as agents for Ofgem, for the deeming of the competence of those installers who apply to carry out work under the Codes of Practice for specific Meter Installations - COP/1a, COP/1b and COP/lc. It might be helpful to think in terms of CORGI as the HSE's agents as regards safety and Ofgem’s agents in relation to Meter Installation accuracy. IGEM The Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM) is acknowledged as the foremost independent authority in the British gas industry. They are responsible for the publication of the Gas Measurement Procedures. Gas Transporter The Gas Transporter is responsible for transporting gas to an agreed point within predefined or agreed pressure and volume parameters, whilst maintaining the safety and integrity of their system. The Gas Transporter is also responsible for providing such services as are required under licence or legislation and for providing additional services as might be agreed from time to time. This would normally include maintaining a Sites and Meter Database covering all Primary Meters and in some instances the maintenance of safety equipment. If requested by the Shipper, the Gas Transporter is responsible for meeting certain requests for meter installations. THE SHIPPER The Shipper is responsible, if requested by the Supplier, for arranging a meter installation with the Gas Transporter in accordance with the terms of its licence. The Shipper is also responsible for liaising with the Supplier and the Gas Transporter regarding the current and projected gas consumption, the location and size etc. of the meter installation, the location of the gas service, and the programming and execution of the Meter Work. 27 THE SUPPLIER The Supplier is responsible for supplying gas to a Gas User, and is responsible for:a) deciding (where necessary in consultation with the Gas User) how gas consumption data will be collected. b) making meter installation arrangements for the Gas User if asked to do so. c) identifying with the Gas User the maximum current and projected gas consumption through the meter installation, including the range of flow variations. d) liaising with the Shipper and the Gas User on the gas consumption, the location and size etc. of the meter installation, the location of the gas service, and the programming and execution of the Meter Work. THE GAS USER The Gas User is responsible for providing adequate details on the current and projected gas consumption, for providing a suitable location and adequate housing for the meter installation and, where appropriate any associated equipment, in accordance with the requirements of tile Gas Transporter, for obtaining planning approval from the appropriate authorities for the construction of a meter house where appropriate and for maintaining the meter environment in accordance with the Gas Act 1996 and the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1994. METER OWNERS The owner of the Meter Installation is responsible for its correct operation in respect of the registration of gas consumptionenergywatch energywatch is responsible for representing the interests of all gas and electricity consumers. 28 APPENDIX 2 - SAMPLE EMPLOYEE VETTING PROCEDURE The information in column 1 below shall be obtained from all applicants who shall sign to confirm the information is correct. Any false declaration shall constitute grounds for immediate dismissal. All information shall be verified in accordance with column 2. The verification shall be recorded in column 3 and signed by the supervisor/manager responsible. Information to be obtained Verification required Applicants Name Documentary evidence of identity, ideally with photograph or minimum 2 documents with name and address e.g. driving licence Documentary evidence of residence e,g, driving licence, utility bill. Applicant to confirm details in writing Current Address and length of time at this address. Is current address a permanent or temporary home ? Previous Address(es) it less than 5 years at current address Is Applicant registered on the Electoral Roll ? If so, at what address 9 Applicants NI Number Previous employment history (minimum 5 years or since leaving full lime education) Names and addresses of 2 References Any previous convictions or criminal Record Undertaking to notify employer of any change to the above information As for current address Applicant to confirm details in writing Documentary evidence e.g. P45, P60, Tax Coding notice Confirm employment history with each employer References to be obtained in writing. Applicant to confirm details in writing. Any convictions not regarded as spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 to be subject to management review with due regard to the duties to be undertaken. Written undertaking required 29 Verification OK ? Yes/No APPENDIX 3 – Appropriate Expertise for Meter Readers Suppliers Licence Condition 17 requires that inspection of meters shall be carried out by a person having the appropriate expertise for the following tasks: (a) reading the meter (b) inspecting the meter and the associated installation for evidence of tampering; (c) inspecting the meter and that installation for any evidence that the meter has not continuously been in position for the purpose of registering the quantity of gas supplied; (d) arranging for information in respect of any gas leakage identified in the vicinity of the meter to be passed on in accordance with the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 as if the licensee had been informed thereof; (e) inspecting the meter for any evidence of deterioration which might affect its due functioning or safety; and (f) where necessary and subject to consent of the owner of the meter, changing any batteries in the meter NB Dis-assembling of any part of the meter is not required for any of these tasks. 30 APPENDIX 4 - SAMPLE METER INDEXES The following examples show four examples of Meter Index which may appear on a Meter, although there are a wide range of variations across different manufacturer's and models of Meter. The main variations are in the number of dials or digits on the index and the multiplication factors. Meters are normally read in 100s of cu.ft. or whole numbers of cu.m., ignoring the decimal sub-multiples. For example, in the dial-type Meter Index (Figure 1), there are 5 dials having multipliers of 10, 100, 1000, 10000 and 100000 cubic feet (cu.ft.) per division, plus a test dial showing 2 cu.ft. per revolution. The index on the example shown is 138210 cu.ft-, but normally only the first four digits would be recorded, i.e. 1382, making the Meter Reading 138200 cu-tt. The direct-reading index in Figure 2 shows 5 digits with the least significant (right hand) red digit recording in tens of cu.tt with a fixed printed zero and a test dial showing 1 eu.tt per revolution. In this case the index on the example is showing 123410 cu.ft., but normally only the first four digits would be recorded i.e. 1234 and not red digits, making the Meter Reading 123400 cu-ft. The direct-reading index in Figure 3 shows 6 digits with the least significant (right-hand) digit recording in hundreds of cu.ft. as the printed multiplier is X100, with a test dial showing 10 cu.ft per revolution. The Meter Reading on the example shown is 12345600 cu.tt. and all six digits would be recorded. The electronic Meter Index in Figure 4 records in cubic metres, not cubic feet and displays consumption in sub-decimals of a cubic metre for test purposes. The index on the example shown is 00254.013 m3, but normally only the whole numbers of cubic metres, i.e. the first five digits, would be recorded making the Meter Reading 00254 m3. In many cases, different multiplier factors between xI and xI000 will apply to the Meter Index according to the various sizes of Meter within a single model range from one manufacturer. The multiplier factor will appear on the Meter Index in some form, but Registered Gas Meter Readers will need to cater within their training programmes for the variation in Meter Indexes. It is not unusual for conversion devices to have a multiplier greater than that of the Meter to which they are connected e.g. a converter may have a multiplier of x100 on a Meter with a multiplier of x10, 31 1 EXAMPLE OF A DIAL-TYPE METER INDEX Figure 1 2 EXAMPLES OF PIRECT-READING METER INDICES Figure 2 Figure 3 32 3 EXAMPLE OF AN ELECTRONIC METER INDEX Figure 4 33 APPENDIX 5 - EMERGENCY GUIDELINES (GAS ESCAPE) General Rules for Registered Gas Meter Reader employees The following are General Rules that should be followed when a gas escape is discovered by any employee of a Registered Gas Meter Reader employed to read Meters or perform associated work. This is not intended to be a definitive procedure. 1 DOMESTIC PREMISES a) Advise the Gas User that there is a gas escape b) Advise the Gas User: to open doors and windows to get rid of the gas. to check if the gas to an appliance has been left on unlit or if the pilot light has gone out. to turn off the supply at the meter. not to use matches or naked flames. not to smoke. not to turn electrical switches (including door bells) on or off. c) If a Gas User is not present, you should turn off the supply at the meter unless there is a reason for not doing so. d) 2 Report the gas escape immediately to the British Gas Transco emergency service. INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL PREMISES The same rules as in la to 1d above apply except a) You shall make every effort to inform the responsible person e.g. the site manager, site supervisor, or appropriate person in authority, of the gas escape. b) The responsible person shall take the decision to turn off the gas supply. If in your judgement an immediate danger exists, you may turn off the supply of gas in the absence of a person in authority. c) When reporting the gas escape as in para Id above, it is necessary, where possible, to give details of the nature of the escape, the location within the premises, and in addition the complexity of the meter installation, if possible. 34 APPENDIX 6 - GUIDELINES FOR SUSPECTED/ACTUAL METER TAMPERING General Rules for Registered Gas Meter Reader employees The following are General Rules that should be followed when a suspected case of meter tampering is discovered by any employee of a Registered Gas Meter Reader employed to read Meters or perform associated work. This is not intended to be a definitive procedure. 1 SUSPECTED TAMPERING a) It you suspect that the meter installation has been tampered with, you must record details of the suspected method or evidence of tampering using the specified procedures. b) It you believe that the meter installation is unsafe (i.e. the integrity of the installation has been affected by interference) you shall report it as if it were an escape to British Gas Transco using the procedure in Appendix 5. c) The Meter Reading and the meter details, it different from those expected, shall be recorded. d) It is good practice for you to make additional personal notes for future reference. 2 ACTUAL TAMPERING a) If you discover an instance of meter tampering, you shall follow the procedure below, and then immediately report the case to the Registered Gas Meter Installer for them to immediately advise the Gas Transporter. b) An installation that has been tampered with is deemed to be unsafe. You shall report the circumstances toTransco using the procedure in Appendix 5, who will treat it as an uncontrolled escape. c) You shall record the tampering details using the specified procedures. In appropriate cases, you shall sketch the details of the tampering (e.g. by-pass fitted, meter 'propped up', meter reversed etc.). d) In appropriate circumstances, you should mark the reverse of the meter with evidence that the meter had been turned (e.g. by scratching your 'employee number' on the reverse of the meter). e) The Meter Reading and the Meter details, if different from those expected, shall be recorded f) You shall record any meter status displays that are activated as a result of tampering. g) It is good practice for you to make additional personal notes for future reference. 35 3 SAFETY You must at all times be mindful of your own safety, the safety of the Gas User and the safety of the general public. You should use your judgement, when carrying out these guidelines, to ensure that safety is not compromised. YOU SHOULD NOT ENDANGER YOURSELF IN CARRYING OUT THESE DUTIES AND SHOULD LEAVE THE PREMISES IF YOUR SAFETY IS THREATENED Note: For security reasons, this procedure does not attempt to define all the means by which tampering can occur. 36 APPENDIX 7 - SAMPLE CODE OF CONDUCT General Rules of Conduct for Registered Gas Meter Reader employees The following are General Rules of Conduct for all employees of a Registered Gas Meter Reader employed to read Meters or perform associated work. 1 SAFETY AND SECURITY You shall :a) Observe all gas and other safety regulations, statutes and authorised Codes of Practice. b) Not act in a manner likely to endanger yourself or any other person (including members of the public) or property. c) Not smoke in any area designated as a 'No Smoking' zone, where safety or a special health hazard might exist, e.g. 'Live Gas Working'. d) Co-operate with security and safety measures prescribed to protect life and property, using safety equipment where appropriate. 2 GENERAL CONDUCT AND PERFORMANCE AT WORK You shall :a) b) c) d) Ensure when on duty that your performance is not affected by drink or drugs. Not smoke whilst on Gas Users premises. Not act in an abusive, violent or irresponsible manner towards persons or property. Not discriminate against Gas Users on any grounds e.g. sex, colour, race, creed, nationality or ethnic origin. e) Obey reasonable instructions and follow laid down working procedures. f) Act in a manner which will maintain satisfactory relations with Gas Users and members of the public, avoiding unwelcome physical advances, suggestive remarks and language likely to cause distress or offence. g) Carry out work in a careful, attentive and competent manner, to the required standards. h) Avoid bringing the gas industry into disrepute or in any way hindering the efficiency of its operation. 3 THEFT, FRAUD, PERSONAL GAIN AND DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION You shall not:a) misappropriate property; b) divert business to a competitor; or c) reveal confidential information to an unauthorised party. 37 MISCELLANEOUS You shall :a) wear such uniform or protective clothing as is provided; b) produce an identity card when required, and wear it in such a manner that it can be seen at all times; and c) dress in a presentable manner suited to your job and the circumstances in which it is performed. IF IN DOUBT This Code has been prepared to give guidance. If you are ever in doubt about any matter concerning conduct, you should seek advice from your manager. 38 APPENDIX 8 – GAS METER READING AND INSPECTION CODE (REVISED EDITION) GAS METER READING AND INSPECTION CODE 20 December 2000 (minor revisions January 2004) Produced by the Suppliers Metering Forum, in pursuance of Standard Condition 17 (13) of the Gas Suppliers Licence 39 CONTENTS 1. BACKGROUND 2 2. PURPOSE 2 3. OPTIONS 2 4. CONSUMER OBLIGATIONS AND DUTIES 3 5. GOVERNANCE OF THE CODE 8 6. GLOSSARY OF TERMS 9 40 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Domestic gas consumers may make arrangements for the ordinary reading of their meter. 1.2 From 1 January 2001, no gas supplier licensed to supply gas to domestic consumers may refuse to enter into a contract with a domestic gas consumer for the supply of gas, on the basis that the consumer makes their own meter reading arrangements, provided that those arrangements comply with the requirements set out in this document. 1.3 All gas consumers may request that meter inspections be carried out by a person, company or organisation (the meter inspection agent) named by the consumer. A gas supplier may not refuse such a request if the meter inspection agent possesses the appropriate expertise and would accurately and efficiently carry out the tasks specified in section 4.2.3 of this document. Additionally the gas supplier must have reasonable cause to be satisfied that the meter inspection agent will comply with requirements set out in this document. 1.4 Gas Suppliers’ obligations and the supporting details may be obtained by looking at Standard Conditions 8 and 23 of the Gas Suppliers’ Licences. If consumers have any queries about the content of this document, they should contact their supplier in the first instance and if their query remains unresolved, they are requested to contact ‘energywatch’ (see glossary for details). 2. PURPOSE 2.1 This document sets out the responsibilities of gas consumers who arrange for the provision of their own meter reading and/or meter inspection service as appropriate. In particular, it sets out the requirements to secure the accurate reading of the meter and the prompt transmission of data in an appropriate form. 2.2 The rights in respect of meter reading apply to domestic consumers. Non-domestic consumers who wish to make their own arrangements should contact their supplier. 3 OPTIONS 3.1 METER READING Gas consumers have the following options in respect of the ordinary reading of their meter. These are: a) to make their own meter reading arrangements; b) to do nothing, in which case their gas supplier will continue to make meter reading arrangements. The gas supplier may not refuse to accept the meter reading arrangements of a domestic consumer, provided the arrangements comply with the requirements set out in this document. 41 3.2 METER INSPECTIONS Gas consumers have the following options when deciding whether to carry out a meter inspection service. These are: a) to choose a meter inspection agent and request that their supplier accepts the use of that agent; b) do nothing, in which case their gas supplier will continue to carry out meter inspections. It should be noted that option (a) does not imply that consumers, their relatives or any other person occupying the premises where the relevant gas meter is installed, may carry out their own meter inspections. Gas suppliers may not refuse to accept the meter inspection agent nominated by any consumer, provided the agent possesses the appropriate expertise, can accurately and efficiently carry out the meter inspection and can comply with the requirements set out in this document. 4. CONSUMERS’ OBLIGATIONS AND DUTIES 4.1 METER READING Where a domestic consumer makes their own arrangements for the ordinary reading of their meter, those arrangements shall comply with the requirements set out in this section. 4.1.1 Agreement The consumer must have an agreement in place with their gas supplier to the effect that the consumer no longer requires the supplier to make arrangements for the ordinary reading of the consumer’s meter. From an agreed date, ordinary meter reading will be arranged by the consumer in accordance with the terms of the agreement with the supplier and the requirements set out in this document. Suppliers of domestic consumers may not refuse to enter into an agreement provided that the consumer adheres to the requirements set out in this document. 4.1.2 Access The person reading the meter must have access to the meter(s) from which the consumer’s gas consumption is to be determined. 4.1.3 Meter Reading Shall have the meaning given to it in the glossary to this Code. 42 4.1.4 Notice Periods Where domestic consumers decide to: • make their own meter reading arrangements, (which may include reading the meter themselves), or • accept the meter reading service provided by their gas supplier, or • change their current gas supplier to another supplier and that supplier provides a meter reading service, a reasonable notice period, before the preferred option takes effect, may be required by their supplier and will be specified in the agreement with their gas supplier. 4.1.5 Fraudulent Behaviour The person reading the meter must not falsify the meter reading or any other information provided. 4.1.6 Time-scales Any meter reading taken must be provided to the gas supplier within the period specified in the agreement between the consumer and the gas supplier. The gas supplier may not specify an unreasonable period. 4.1.7 Transmission and Frequency of Meter Readings The method, format and frequency by which meter readings are to be transmitted should be in accordance with the agreement between the domestic consumer and the gas supplier. The gas supplier may not make unreasonable demands in terms of the frequency of meter reading requirement and may not unreasonably refuse the use of the transmission medium or format preferred by the consumer, or unreasonably withhold their agreement. 4.1.8 Supplier Rights The gas supplier reserves the right to visit the domestic consumer’s meter at any reasonable time regardless of any agreement that may exist between the gas supplier and the consumer for the provision of meter readings. If it is found that the consumer has not complied with the obligations for meter reading set out in this section, the consumer: (a) may be charged for meter readings obtained by the supplier and/or (b) may be in breach of the agreement with the gas supplier. 4.1.9 Queries 43 If a consumer has any queries regarding this document, the provision of their meter reading service or the provision of a specific meter reading, they should contact their gas supplier in the first instance. 4.1.10 Data Protection Gas suppliers and their agents reserve the right to use the meter reading information collected, for purposes other than to ascertain the amount of the consumer’s gas bill, including, but not limited to, the derivation of annual consumption quantities and the calculation of transportation and gas shipper invoices; and to pass that information on to other licence holders, e.g. shippers, the gas transporter and their agents, for the sole purpose of the undertaking of reasonable activities. 4.2 METER INSPECTIONS Gas suppliers have a legal duty to undertake an inspection of their customer’s meter and the associated installation at intervals of not more than two years. All consumers may request that their supplier agrees to these inspections being carried out by a meter inspection agent, chosen by the consumer. This request must be made in writing to the gas supplier and if the supplier and the gas transporter agree to this request (and this may take up to 28 days) the meter inspection agent must carry out inspections as requested by the supplier. A gas supplier or gas transporter may not refuse such a request if the meter inspection agent possesses the appropriate expertise and would accurately and efficiently carry out the tasks specified in section 4.2.3 of this document. Additionally the gas supplier and gas transporter must have reasonable cause to be satisfied that the meter inspection agent will comply with requirements set out in this document. On completion of each inspection, the agent is required to submit a report to the supplier. This section sets out the consumer’s obligations should they wish to choose a meter inspection agent. 4.2.1 Agreement Consumers must have an agreement in place with their gas supplier to the effect that the consumer’s named meter inspection agent will carry out inspections of the meter and associated installation from a date agreed by the supplier. Suppliers of gas to consumers may not refuse to enter into an agreement provided that the consumer agrees to adhere to the requirements set out in this document. 44 4.2.2 Before Carrying Out Meter Inspections The consumer must choose a meter inspection agent who possesses the appropriate expertise and who will accurately and efficiently carry out the tasks specified within the definition of a meter inspection (see glossary). The consumer should send a written request to their gas supplier stating that they wish to choose an agent to perform meter inspections. This request should include relevant information relating to the agent, as specified by the consumer’s gas supplier. Once the gas supplier has agreed to the consumer’s request, the inspection agent must carry out meter inspections as set out in section 4.2.3. 4.2.3 The Meter Inspection The consumer shall ensure that his nominated meter inspection agent carries out a proper meter inspection, as defined below, by the time it falls to be carried out or within 28 days of receiving a request from the gas supplier whichever date occurs first. The consumer shall ensure that his nominated agent informs the consumer’s supplier to that effect. The inspection shall be carried out by a person of appropriate expertise and shall include the following tasks – a) reading the meter; b) inspecting the meter and associated installation for evidence of tampering; c) inspecting the meter and that installation for any evidence that the meter has not continuously been in position for the purpose of registering the quantity of gas supplied; d) arranging for any information in respect of any gas leakage identified in the vicinity of the meter to be passed to the gas emergency service on 0800 111 999; e) inspecting the meter for any evidence of deterioration which might affect its due functioning or safety, and f) where necessary and subject to the consent of the owner of the meter, changing any batteries in the meter. 4.2.4 After the Meter Inspection The consumer shall ensure that his nominated meter inspection agent submits a report in respect of the tasks carried out as part of the inspection, to the consumer’s gas supplier within a reasonable time of carrying out the inspection. If the consumer’s gas supplier has expressly requested that an inspection be carried out, the report must be submitted within 35 days of that request. If these obligations are not complied with, the consumer’s gas supplier reserves the right to undertake the meter inspection, and withdraw its 45 agreement that inspections be carried out by the consumer’s nominated meter inspection agent. 4.2.5 Suppliers' Rights The gas supplier reserves the right to inspect the domestic consumer's meter at any reasonable time regardless of any agreement that may exist between the gas supplier and the consumer for the provision of meter inspection reports. If it is found that the consumer has not complied with the obligations for meter inspections set out in this section, the consumer; a) may be charged for meter inspections obtained by the supplier and/or b) may be in breach of the agreement with the gas supplier. 5. GOVERNANCE OF THE CODE. 5.1 This document (“the Code”) has been compiled by the Gas Forum through the Suppliers Metering Forum (SMF), and has been duly designated by the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (the authority), under Condition 8(2)(b) of the Standard Conditions of the Gas Suppliers' Licence. 5.2 Responsibility for modification of the Code rests with the Gas Forum through the SMF. 5.3 Taking into account any representations received from Suppliers, customers or their representatives, and following such consultation as deemed appropriate, the SMF will submit any changes it wishes to make to the Code to the Authority, for its approval; following its approval in writing, it shall revise the Code accordingly. 5.4 As soon as practicable following the preparation of the Code or any revision made to it, the SMF will send a copy of the Code or any revision (in each case in the form approved by the Authority) to the Authority and to the Gas and Electricity Consumers' Council. 5.5 No changes may be made to the Code otherwise than in accordance with the foregoing procedures. 5.6 If for any reason the SMF ceases to exist, the Gas Forum (and if the Gas Forum itself ceases to exist, with a group or body which is equally representative of gas suppliers, at the discretion of the Authority) shall consult with the Authority, in order to identify the appropriate body to carry out the change procedures specified above, and after such consultation shall confirm such appropriate body for this purpose. 5.7 The Supplier shall: 5.7.1 At least once in each year, draw the attention of those of its domestic customers who have made their own arrangements, to the existence of the Code and of any substantive revision of it and to the means by which 46 they may inspect a copy of such Code in its latest form, and; 5.7.2 Give or send free of charge a copy of such Code (as from time to time revised) to any person who requests it. 47 6. GLOSSARY OF TERMS Agreement Agreement shall mean the Meter Reading or Meter Inspection Service Transfer Agreement, entered into between the consumer and the gas supplier, providing for the consumer to assume responsibility for their own meter reading and/or meter inspection service, prior to the transfer of responsibilities in accordance with section 4 of the ‘Gas Meter Reading and Meter Inspection Code’. This agreement may; a) form part of the consumer’s supply contract b) be an amendment to the consumer’s supply contract, or c) be a stand-alone document. Day For the purposes of this document, a day is as defined within the gas supply contract. Domestic Gas Consumer ”Domestic Consumer” shall have the meaning as defined in the Gas Suppliers Licence. A customer supplied or requiring to be supplied with gas at domestic premises (but excluding such customer in so far as he is supplied or requires to be supplied at premises other than domestic premises). Energywatch ‘energywatch’ is the independent consumer organisation, which represents the interests of all gas and electricity consumers. It was set up by Parliament in November 2000 with the merger of the Gas Consumers Council and Ofgem's regional offices. ‘energywatch’ deals with all customer complaints. If you have a complaint you can contact energywatch by telephone on: 0800 88 77 77 Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (the authority) 45 906 0708 Gas and Electricity Markets Authority is responsible for statutory responsibilities under the Gas, Electricity and Utilities Acts and developing regulatory strategy and policy. The authority is the governing body of Ofgem. Gas Supplier A person who supplies gas, which has been conveyed through pipes under a licence, given under the Gas Act 1986 to premises in Great Britain. Meter Inspection Standard Condition 23 of the Gas Suppliers licence, requires that an inspection of the meter be carried out every 2 years. This is to ensure the security and integrity of the meter. If a meter or any part of the installation is considered unsafe, for whatever reason, the inspection agent will report the matter to the gas emergency service. The 48 inspection consists of a number of tasks, which are outlined in section 4.2.3 of this document. Meter Inspection Agent A person, who possesses the appropriate expertise to accurately and efficiently, carry out the tasks specified within the definition of a meter inspection. Meter Operator A company that is sub-contracted by a Licenced supplier to carry out the metering obligations of the supplier. Meter Point Reference Number A reference number or code assigned by the Gas Transporter for identifying the particular point at which gas conveyed to a site is metered. Note: This number will stay with the premises, even if the meter is exchanged or there is a change of occupier. Meter Reading A meter reading is a record of the register on the consumer’s meter, which may display dials or numbers, accompanied by: a) the consumer’s name; b) the post code at the address of the meter; c) the date that the reading is taken; d) the meter serial number (as displayed on the meter); e) the meter point reference number (this will be on the gas supplier’s invoice), and f) whether the meter has been exchanged since the date of the last meter reading. Meter Serial Number An identification number printed or stamped on the front of your meter by the meter manufacturer. This number may not be unique to your meter and can include up to 14 digits made up of both alpha and numeric characters. Ofgem The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) is the regulator for the gas and electricity industries in Great Britain. Ofgem protects the interests of consumers, ensuring they get genuine choice and value, by promoting effective competition and regulating monopolies. Ordinary Reading Meter reading as required at intervals set by your gas supplier, such intervals normally reflecting gas suppliers’ billing practices associated with the gas supply contract. 49 Gas Transporter The holder of a licence pursuant to the Gas Act 1986 (as amended) for the conveyance of gas through pipes which are situated in their authorised area. Register The visual display (either digital or dials) on the meter, which is prima facie evidence of the volume of gas supplied. 50