Step-Up DC/DC Converters with the Tristate Quasi-Z-Source Network S. Diwahar, S. Surjith Barnala, N. Vikneswaran & M. Gurunathan Kalasalingam Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu E-mail : Abstract – This paper presents the Step-Up DC/DC Converters With The Tristate quasi- Z-Source Network. This paper is based on the step-up dc/dc converter family with a cascaded quasi-Z-source network. The tri-stage network could be derived by adding of one diode, one inductor, and two capacitors to the two quasi-Z-source inverter. It has advantages of Voltage boost and buck functions in a single stage, continuous input current and improved reliability. Theoretical analysis of the tri-stage quasi Z-Source network in the shoot-through and non-shoot-through operating modes is described. To further decrease the shoot-through duty cycle at the same voltage boost factor, the number of stages of the quasi Z-Source-network could be increased. impedance network connected between the dc source input. The Traditional Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) inverter uses two Z-Source impedance network for boosting the dc input voltage to a higher value respectively. The Fig.1 shows the traditional method of q-ZSI. Although it is not a favorable solution since it uses two isolated dc sources and a number of passive elements which can increase the cost of the project. Therefore it is not economical because it increases the cost, size and weight of the inverter. The above disadvantages are overcome by the following inverter consisting of a single z-source NPC inverter and a single dc cascaded inverter that uses only half of the passive elements and only a non isolated dc source. Keywords – DC–DC power conversion, power conditioning units (PCUs), pulse width-modulated power converters, rectifiers. II. EXISTING METHOD I. INTRODUCTION Fig.1: Traditional Method The Three level Z-Source inverter is an inverter used for the buck boost energy conversion. The three level Z-Source inverter uses two LC impedance and two isolated dc source. It is very expensive and it requires a modulator for balancing the network inductive voltage boosting. This project presents the design and control of two three level Z-Source inverters whose output voltage can be stepped up or down by using only one LC Fig. 2 : Existing Method The circuit of the two-stage qZSI during the shootthrough states is shown in Fig.2. This paper is mainly ISSN (Print) : 2278-8948, Volume-2, Issue-3, 2013 63 International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (IJAEEE) used on the power conditioning units (PCUs) for residential power systems. PCUs are used to interconnect distributed energy sources to the residential loads. The distributed energy sources used here are the low voltage sources such as fuel cells, solar panels etc. Due to safety and dynamic performance requirements, the PCU should be realized within the dc/dc/ac concept. This means that low voltage from the energy source first passes through the front-end step-up dc/dc converter. Afterward, the output dc voltage is inverted in the three-phase inverter and then the ac voltage is obtained. The front-end step-up dc/dc converters provides a very high voltage gain. This paper analyzes the design of the two-stage qZSI, whereas the design and operation of the converter remain the same as those with traditional isolated full-bridge converters. To regulate the varying input voltage, the front-end qZSI has two different operating modes: shoot-through and non-shoot through modes. the two stage q-ZSI network. Therefore the proposed inverters can operate with the correct Amplitude-time average and the inductive voltage boosting is produced all the times. Therefore with the pulse width modulation scheme the proposed inverter can operate with the correct amplitude-time and the inductive voltage boosting is produced at all the instances. The cost of the inverter is not reduced. Further it doubles the cost needed for the traditional NPC inverter. In the non-shoot-through mode, the qZSI performs only the voltage buck function. This operation mode is typically used during light-load conditions, when the output voltage of an fuel cell or a solar panel reaches its maximum. The inverter is controlled in the same manner as with the traditional VSI, such that only one switch in each phase leg conducts. The transistors in the fullbridge configuration are controlled alternately in pairs such as T1 and T4 or T2 andT3 with 180°-phase-shifted control signals. In this operating mode, the duty cycle of inverter switches could never exceed 0.5. When the input voltage drops below some predefined value, the qZSI starts to operate in the shoot-through mode. In order to boost the input voltage during this mode, a special switching state called the shoot-through state is implemented in the pulsewidth modulation (PWM) inverter control. Fig.3 : Proposed Method The proposed z-source inverter are controlled with the ac outputs existing between the three voltage levels of the +Vdc, 0V, -Vdc using the phase leg switching states. Alternatively when voltage boost operation is commanded both inverters must function with an additional shoot through state inserted. The simplest method for introducing the shoot through state is turned on all the switches. The process of turning on of all the switches from a single phase leg to effect a short circuit is not the minimal loss method. This shoot-through state is forbidden in the traditional network, because it would cause a short circuit of dc capacitors and destruction of power switches. The cascaded qZS network makes the shootthrough states possible, effectively protecting the circuit from damage. Moreover, the shoot through states are used to boost the magnetic energy stored in the dc-side inductors L1, L2, L3 and L4 without short circuiting the dc capacitors C1, . . . , C4. This increase in the magnetic energy, in turn, provides the boost of the voltage during the shoot through state. Therefore the proposed z-source inverter do not need time delay for the short circuit protection unlike most traditional inverters and the inverter is expected to perform the better process. To reduce volume and cost of z-source network the low-frequency current ripple should be eliminated and also greater voltage boost is desired for reducing voltage stress across switches. The shoot through duty cycle is kept same to maintain constant boost. The Voltage stress for simple control, maximum boost and for our proposed maximum constant boost control are compound. This can be done by comparing the ratio of voltage stress and equivalent dc voltage in which the low voltage stress across devices for proposed method than the other III. PROPOSED METHOD The proposed z source inverter consists of three stage LC network with the cascaded q-ZS inverter network. The modulation in the network is done by the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) scheme. The operation performed in the three stage q-ZSI network is same as ISSN (Print) : 2278-8948, Volume-2, Issue-3, 2013 64 International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (IJAEEE) control methods. Finally this method can be simulated experimentally by giving input to the parameters such as L1, L2,C1,C2,. It can be verified that the output voltage is zero when all four switches are turned on simultaneously to produce shoot through state. And also during shoot through period capacitor is charging the inductor and the inductor current increases during the shoot-through state with no low frequency ripples in the inductor current. The proposed method is compared with other methods to check its effectiveness. Voltage stress is low in proposed method and the passive components requirements is minimized. It achieves maximum voltage boost factor with the continuous conduction than the traditional operation. checking the output voltage is same as input voltage without any harmonic injection. So, by the three stage qZSI network, the voltage boosting capability is increased. The voltage stress and current stress are reduced further. The duty cycle value is reduced from 0.33 to 0.25 respectively. The comparision of the different stages q-ZSI network is shown in the fig.5. IV. SIMULATION RESULTS proposed method of three stage qZSInetwork The simulation results indicates the pulse generation for the proposed work which is shown in the Fig.4. In the Fig the conduction of the thyristors T 1, T2, T3, T4 of the inverter are shown respectively. First the thyristors T1 and T2 are conducting with the normal operating mode. The normal operating mode is also known as non-shoot through mode. The non shoot through mode mode takes place during the light load conditions. At that time the thyristor T 4 is triggered by the pulse width modulation technique. So that the non conduction period of the thyristors T 1 and T2 are made to have the continuous conduction by the triggering of the thyristor T4 respectively. existing method of two stage qZSI network Fig. 5 : Comparison of different methods V. CONCLUSION In the existing system the main drawbacks are greater voltage boost are required, voltage stress and current stress are maximum across the devices, clamping circuits are required, the parasitic components gets reduced the voltage gain. Our proposed method will overcome the above drawbacks. The boosting capability will be increased and the voltage stress & current stress are get reduced. By turning all the zero states in to shoot through states, the voltage stress is minimised and the inverter gets maximum boost. It is only suitable for the applications with fixed or high output frequency and not for variable and low output frequency since it requires large dc Inductor when the output frequency is very low due to the low-frequency current ripple. VI. REFERENCES [1] Fang Zheng Peng,: Z-Source Inverter, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 39, NO. 2, MARCH/APRIL 2003 [2] Poh Chiang Loh,: Three-Level Z-Source Inverters Using a Single LC Impedance Network , , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, MARCH/APRIL 2007 [3] Miaosen Shen : Constant Boost Control of the ZSource Inverter to Minimize Current Ripple and Voltage Stress , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, MARCH/JUNE2006 [4] Chandana Jayampathi Gajanayake: Extended-Boost Z-Source Inverters, EEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 25, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2010. Fig. 4 : Pulse generation for the proposed work And then the thyristor T 3 and T4 is conducting in the shoot through mode. Now the thyristor T 2 is triggered at that time. So that again the non conduction period of the thyristors T3 and T4 is to have the continuous conduction. The simulation is done for ISSN (Print) : 2278-8948, Volume-2, Issue-3, 2013 65