Addendum 10 - San Antonio Water System

Dos Rios Water Recycling Center (DRWRC) Digester Mixing and System
Enhancements, Phase II
SAWS Job No. 11-6502
Solicitation No. B-12-053-MF
To Bidder of Record:
This addendum, applicable to the project referenced above, is an amendment to the bidding
documents and as such will be a part of and included in the Contract Documents. Acknowledge
receipt of this addendum by entering the addendum number in the space provided in the bid
Revisions to Contract/Technical Specifications:
1. Division 00 – Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract,
replace the following:
a. Instructions To Bidders
i. Item No. 23, delete the first paragraph of this item and replace with the
“To assist the San Antonio Water System Contracting Office in
performing the bidder evaluation and subsequent recommendation of
award, the apparent low bidder shall submit the following items within
one (1) day of the bid opening. Failure to provide the required
information within the specific time, may result in determining a nonresponsive bidder:”
b. Contractor’s Bid Packet Checklist
i. Replace the “Contractor’s Bid Packet Checklist” Section with the attached
“Contractor’s Bid Packet Checklist” Section.
2. Specification Section 16196 – Low Voltage AC Surge Protective Devices (SPDs)
a. Replace the following in Article 2.1.A.:
“Cutler Hammer.
General Electric Co.
Square D
Allen Bradley”
Addendum No. 10
Page 1
With the following:
Square D
General Electric
Allen Bradley
5. Siemens”
3. Specification Section 16461 – Distribution Dry-Type Transformers
a. Replace the following in Article 2.1.A.:
1. “General Electric
2. Square D”
With the following:
1. “Square D
2. General Electric
3. Eaton
4. Siemens”
4. Specification Section 16480 – Low Voltage Motor Control Centers
a. Replace the following in Article 2.1.A.:
1. “Square D
2. General Electric Co.”
With the following:
1. “Square D
2. General Electric
3. Eaton
4. Siemens”
5. Specification Section 16486 – Mechanical Equipment Manufacturer’s Provided Control
a. Replace the following in Article 2.1.A.:
1. “General Electric Co.
2. Eaton/Cutler-Hammer
3. Square D Co.
4. Allen Bradley”
Addendum No. 10
Page 2
With the following:
1. “Eaton
2. Square D
3. General Electric
4. Allen Bradley
5. Siemens”
b. Replace the following in Article 2.6.A.1.:
a. “Cutler Hammer
b. General Electric Co.
c. Allen Bradley
d. Square D”
With the following:
a. “Eaton
b. Square D
c. General Electric
d. Allen Bradley
e. Siemens”
6. Specification Section 16487 – Electrical Manufacturer’s Provided Control Panels
a. Replace the following in Article 2.1.A.:
1. “General Electric Co.
2. Eaton/Cutler-Hammer
3. Square D Co.
4. Allen Bradley”
With the following:
1. “Eaton
2. Square D
3. General Electric
4. Allen Bradley
5. Siemens”
b. Replace the following in Article 2.6.A.1.:
a. “Cutler Hammer
b. General Electric Company
c. Allen Bradley
d. Square D”
Addendum No. 10
Page 3
With the following:
a. “Eaton
b. Square D
c. General Electric
d. Allen Bradley
e. Siemens”
This addendum consists of four (4) pages, plus one (1) attached specification section. The
remainder of the bid documents remains unchanged.
Greg T. Swoboda, P.E.
Project Manager
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Texas Firm Registration No. F-754
Each bidder is required to acknowledge receipt of this Addendum No. 10 on the Bid Proposal
and by his/her signature affixed hereto and file same as an attachment to his/her bid.
The undersigned acknowledges receipt of this Addendum No. 10 and the bid submitted herewith
is in accordance with the information and stipulation set forth.
Signature of Bidder
Addendum No. 10
Page 4
Dos Rios Water Recycling Center (DRWRC) Digester Mixing and System Enhancements, Phase II
SAWS Job No. 11-6502
SAWS Solicitation No. B-12-053-MF
Items to be included for Submittal with Bid:
1. Bid proposal
2. Proposal certification; page BP-8
3. Bid Bond(s)
4. Signed page(s) of Addendum(s)
5. Good Faith Effort Plan
6. Conflict of Interest Questionnaire – Form CIQ
7. Letter of Insurance Verification and/or sample Certificate of Insurance verifying insurance
8. TWDB Form WRD 255
9. TWDB Form WRD 259
10. EPA Form 5700-49/TWDB Form SRF-404
11. Agreement Concerning Sludge Sampling (if sample taken)
12. Acknowledgement of Pollution Abatement Compliance
Items to be submitted by apparent low bidder (See Instructions to Bidders, Page 7, #23)
1. Financial Statement
2. Company Information Packet
3. Statement regarding ability to complete the project
4. Record of Performance/Similar Projects
Items to be submitted with Awarded Contract:
1. TWDB Form ED 103
2. TWDB Form ED 104
3. TWDB Form WRD 216 (include copy of current SMWB certification)
4. TWDB Form WRD 217
5. TWDB Form WRD 373
TWDB 08/12