TALAT Lecture 4500 Resistance Welding 23 pages, 25 figures Basic Level prepared by Lutz Dorn, Technische Universität, Berlin Objectives: − − − − − − to describe the spot welding characteristics of aluminium and its alloys, the spot welding process, the choice of process parameters, strength values, electrode life and requirements for quality assurance Prerequisites: - general engineering background, - metallurgy and physical properties of aluminium and - surface characteristics (e.g. TALAT lecture 5101) Date of Issue: 1994 EAA - European Aluminium Association 4500 Resistance Welding Table of Contents 4500 Resistance Welding .........................................................................................2 4500.01 Introduction to Spot Welding ................................................................. 3 Suitability of Aluminium and its Alloys for Spot Welding .....................................3 Comparison of Physical Properties of Aluminium and Unalloyed Steel.................4 Resistances during Spot Welding of Steel and Aluminium.....................................5 Constitution of the Oxide Film ................................................................................6 Surface Pretreatment ................................................................................................7 Contact Resistance after Surface Pretreatment ........................................................8 Effect of Storage Time on the Contact Resistance ..................................................9 Peltier Effect (Schematic) ........................................................................................9 Characteristics of Differently Designed Spot Welding Machines .........................10 Relative Voltage Drop of a Resistance Welding Machine ....................................11 Factors Influencing the Life of Electrodes.............................................................12 Influence of Storage Time on Life of Electrodes...................................................12 Influence of Machine Design and Current Type on Life of Electrodes .................13 4500.02 The Process of Resistance Spot Welding .............................................. 14 Current-Force Diagram for Spot Welding Aluminium..........................................14 Recommended Values for Spot Welding with Direct Current ..............................15 Example of a Field of Suitable Welding Parameters .............................................16 Minimum Values for Spot Welding Aluminium Parts ..........................................16 Effect of Weld Spot Diameter on the Shear Strength ............................................17 Correlations between Surface Pretreatment, Weld Strength and Electrode Life ...18 Repeated Tensile Stress Fatigue Strength of One-Spot Samples...........................19 Fatigue Tests Using Specimens Similar to Engineering Parts ...............................19 Fatigue Strength of Spot Welded 1.6 mm Thick 2024 cl Sheets ...........................20 4500.03 Quality Assurance..................................................................................... 21 Allowable Imperfections of Spot Welds in Aluminium Alloys (According to Aeronautical Standards) Determined by Metallography........................................21 Allowable Imperfections of Spot Welds in Aluminium Alloys (According to Aeronautical Standards) Determined by X-Ray Examination ...............................21 4500.04 Literature................................................................................................... 22 4500.05 List of Figures............................................................................................ 23 TALAT 4500 2 4500.01 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Introduction to Spot Welding Suitability of aluminium and its alloys for spot welding Comparison of physical properties of aluminium and unalloyed steel Resistances during spot welding of steel and aluminium Constitution of the oxide film Surface pretreatment Contact resistance after surface pretreatment Effect of storage time on the contact resistance Peltier effect (schematic) Characteristics of differently designed spot welding machines Relative voltage drop of a resistance welding machine Factors influencing the life of electrodes Influence of storage time on life of electrodes Influence of machine design and current type on life of electrodes Suitability of Aluminium and its Alloys for Spot Welding The suitability of aluminium and its alloys for spot welding depends mainly on 3 factors: − − − surface condition chemical composition metallurgical condition. Because of its high affinity to oxygen, the free surface of aluminium is covered by a dense, tightly adhering oxide film. This film is a non-conductor of electricity and must, therefore, be removed prior to welding. This is generally accomplished mechanically by brushing or chemically by etching. The oxide film, if it comes in direct contact with the contacting electrode, would lead to a local accumulation of heat at the contacting region and metal pick-up on electrode, i.e., the electrode life would be very limited. Both electrical and thermal conductivity depend strongly on the chemical composition. The very good electrical conductivity of pure aluminium makes it necessary to use large currents. Consequently, both thermal stressing and electrode wear are high. The state of a metal, whether hard or soft, depends on its metallurgical condition. Cold worked aluminium can generally be better spot-welded than aluminium in a soft condition (Figure 4500.01.01). TALAT 4500 3 Surface Condition Contact Resistance Electrode Wear Suitability for Spot Welding Thermal Conductivity l ica n m sitio e Ch p o m Co Electrical Conductivity Electrode Penetration Resistance M e Co tallu nd rgi itio ca n l Source: Leuschen Suitability of Aluminium and its Alloys for Spot Welding alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies 4500.01.01 Comparison of Physical Properties of Aluminium and Unalloyed Steel The physical properties of the parts to be welded have a very strong effect on the quality of the joint. Thus, the electrical conductivity X of pure aluminium at 20 °C is 35 m/Ω mm² and can, depending on the purity and the content of alloying elements, fall down to 15 m/Ω mm² for other aluminium alloys. In contrast to this, the electrical conductivity of low alloyed steels is less than 9.3 m/Ω mm². Similarly, the thermal conductivity of aluminium alloys lies between 100 to 240 W/m K, i.e., about thrice as large as the corresponding value for steel (Figure 4500.01.02). Comparision of Physical Properties of Aluminium and Unalloyed Steel (0.15%C) at RT Density Melting Range Electrical Conductivity Thermal Conductivity (g/cm³) (°C) (m/Ωmm²) (W/mK) Coeff. of Thermal Expansion (10-6 K -1 ) Al 99.5 2.70 646-657 34-36 210-220 23.5 AlMn AlMg1 AlMgSi0.5 AlMgSi AlMg0.4Si1.2 AlCuMg1 2.73 2.69 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.80 645-655 630-650 585-650 585-650 590-650 512-650 22-28 23-31 28-34 24-32 26-30 18-28 160-200 160-200 200-240 170-220 160-190 130-200 23.5 23.6 23.4 23.4 23.4 23.0 AlMg3 AlMg5 AlMg4.5Mn 2.70 2.60 2.66 580-650 560-630 574-638 16-24 15-22 16-19 110-170 100-160 110-140 23.0 23.0 24.2 C-Steel 7.85 1510 9.3 50 11.0 Material Designation alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies TALAT 4500 Comparision of Physical Properties of Aluminium and Unalloyed Steel (0.15%C) at RT 4 4500.01.02 Due to the high thermal conductivity of aluminium, a large portion of the heat created is absorbed by the cooled electrode and the surrounding material. Consequently, a stationary state of equilibrium between the heat input and output is reached within a short welding time. For this reason, it is essential that the welding energy for aluminium be delivered within as short a time as possible. Thus, the current required for welding aluminium is about twice that for welding steel sheets of the same thickness, and this although the aluminium alloys have a much lower melting point. Resistances during Spot Welding of Steel and Aluminium The formation of the weld nugget depends mainly on the current strength, the resistance and the welding time. The heat generated can be calculated using Joule's law: Q = 0.23 ⋅ I2 ⋅ R ⋅ t where Q = amount of heat I = current R = electrical resistance t = time The total resistance is made up of the contact resistances and the material resistances. The material resistances of the sheets and the contact resistances between the sheets themselves and between sheet and electrode have very different orders of magnitude for aluminium and steel. The welding parameters (current, time, force) have thus to be adapted for the higher electrical and thermal conductivities of aluminium. Resistance During Spot Welding of Steel and Aluminium IS FEI R 1 : Material Resistance of Top Electrode R 2 : Contact Resistance Electrode/ Sheet R 3 : Material Resistance of Top Sheet R4 : Material Resistance of Bottom sheet R 5 : Contact Resistance of Sheet/ Sheet R 6 : Contact Resistance of Sheet/ Electrode R 7 : Material Resistance of Bottom Electrode FEI Resistance at Start of Welding R 1 , R7 . R 2 , R 4 , R6 . R 3 , R5 . Steel Aluminium F : Electrode Force EI I : Welding Current S Negligibly Small Small Large Large Small Source: Leuschen alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies TALAT 4500 Resistance During Spot Welding of Steel and Aluminium 5 4500.01.03 An intensive cooling of the electrodes is of paramount importance to avoid any electrode metal pick-up tendency. Due to the low resistance of the material aluminium, the spot welding must be carried out with high welding currents within short welding times using a special electrode force programme (Figure 4500.01.03). Constitution of the Oxide Film The high affinity of aluminium for oxygen, which causes metallic blank aluminium to be covered at once with a thin, dense and tightly adhering oxide film, has a major effect on the suitability of aluminium for spot welding. The oxide film has a high thermal stability and a melting temperature of over 2,000°C and is a non-conductor of electricity. Diffusion processes govern the formation and growth of this oxide film; its thickness increases in proportion to the square-root of time. Constitution of the Oxide Film P D P M M M 5 - 10 nm S 1 - 2 nm H H Al Al D H M S P : : : : : : Base Metal Porous Oxide Film Heterogeneous Metallographic Constituents Mixed Oxides Barrier Layer Pores Source: F. Ostermann alu Constitution of the Oxide Film Training in Aluminium Application Technologies 4500.01.04 The oxide film consists of an almost pore-free barrier layer and a covering porous oxide layer. The typical thicknesses lie between 0.005 and 0.01 µm (Figure 4500.01.04). During welding, the high electrode contact pressure causes the sheet surfaces to be deformed locally. This causes the brittle oxide film to crack, so that the welding current can now flow through the fine contact bridges; due to the heat developed and the continuing deformation, the contact bridges are enlarged, causing the contact resistance to fall rapidly. TALAT 4500 6 Surface Pretreatment Chemical surface pretreatment is more suitable than mechanical surface pretreatment for large aluminium surfaces. It consists of the following steps: − cleaning − drying − etching − rinsing − passivation and rinsing − drying Most of the etchants used also attack the metallic aluminium once the oxide skin is removed and, if the contact time is long enough, form a new coating layer which once again increases the contact resistance. Therefore, the etching parameters must be strictly adhered to and followed by a thorough rinsing by spraying with cold or warm (preferably deionised) water (Figure 4500.01.05 and Figure 4500.01.06). Chemicals Etching Conditions Composition Temperature Time 1. Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Composition Temperature Time 2. (Na2CO3) + Sodium Fluoride (NaF) Composition Temperature Time 3. Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4) 95% + Sodium Fluoride (NaF) Composition Temperature Time 4. Nitric Acid (HNO3 ) 66% + Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) 40% alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies TALAT 4500 Composition Temperature Time 1.1 50g/l RT 2min 1.5 200g/l RT 2min 2.1 75g/l 20g/l 50°C 30sec 1.2 50g/l 60°C 1min 1.6 200g/l 60°C 1min 2.2 75g/l 20g/l 50°C 2min 3.1 100g/l 15g/l RT 4min 4.1 1050g/l 280g/l RT 8sec 3.2 100g/l 15g/l RT 4min 4.2 1350g/l 23g/l RT 50sec 1.3 50g/l 60°C 2min 1.7 200g/l 60°C 2min Not Suitable for G-AlSi and G-AlSiMg. Neutralise after etching in ca. 30% HNO3 Only for Cu and Si contents of 1% As required, dip in 50% HNO3 to remove deposit 4.3 91g/l 0.5g/l RT 5.5sec Surface Pretreatment I 7 Remarks 1.4 200g/l RT 1min 4500.01.05 Chemicals Etching Conditions 5. Hydrofluoric Silic Acid (H2 SiF) 32.5% Composition/ Temperature/ Time 6. Sulphuric Acid (H SO ) 95% + 4 2 Chromium Trioxide (CrO3 ) Composition/ Temperature/ Time 7. C-Phosphoric Acid (H3 PO4 ) 85% + Butanol (CH3 (CH )OH) + 2 Propanol Composition/ Temperature/ Time (CH3 CH(OH)CH3 ) 8. O-Phosphoric Acid (H3 PO4 ) 85% + Potassium Dichromate (K Cr O ) 2 2 2 Composition/ Temperature/ Time 9. O-Phosphoric Acid (H3 PO4 ) 85% + Nitric Acid (HNO3 ) Composition/ Temperature/ Time alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies 5.1 8.7g/l RT 3min 6.1 35g/l 148g/l 55°C 20min 7.1 171g/l 324g/l 234g/l RT 7.5min 8.1 40g/l 0.4g/l 25°C 10min 9.1 1360g/l 49g/l 90°C 2min Remarks 5.2 38.7g/l RT 9min 6.2 100g/l 5g/l 60°C 20min 7.2 171g/l 324g/l 234g/l RT 20min 8.2 40g/l 0.4g/l 25°C 35min 9.2 1360g/l 49g/l 90°C 5min As Required, Dip in ca. 30% HNO to 3 Remove Deposits Surface Pretreatment II 4500.01.06 Contact Resistance after Surface Pretreatment A proper surface pretreatment can reduce the contact resistance between electrode and sheet to values between 3 and 50 µΩ (Figure 4500.01.07). Alkaline solutions, e.g., 10 to 20 % sodium hydroxide solution and mixed acids, are the most commonly used etchants. The acids added to the solution inhibit the aggressive surface reaction of the sodium hydroxide solution, making an exact adherence to the optimum etching time less critical. Ready-for-use etching solutions save the step of preparing such solutions and can even be applied locally with a brush or sponge. 20 AlMgSi1F32 Contact Resistance R ES µΩ AlMgMnF26 15 AlZnMg1F36 10 5 0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 6.1 6.2 7.1 7.2 8.1 8.2 9.1 9.2 Type of Pretreatment alu Contact Resistance after Surface Pretreatment Training in Aluminium Application Technologies TALAT 4500 8 4500.01.07 Effect of Storage Time on the Contact Resistance In some cases, the etching step is followed by a post-treatment in 20 to 50 % nitric or ortho phosphorous acid. This treatment removes any excess etchant residues from the surface which, if not removed, could lead to harmful deposits, like for example, the deposition of copper during the etching of copper-containing alloys. Another effect is to create a uniform thin oxide film (< 0.01 µm). This ensures that the contact resistance values have low scatter from the very beginning, and that this value changes little even during long storage times due to the dense surface covering layer (Figure 4500.01.08). Effect of Storage Time on the Contact Resistance Contact Resistance R EB 14 7.1 Orthophosphoric Acid Etching AlMgMn F26 4.2 Nitric Acid Post-Treatment AlMgSi1 F32 } Etching with Nitric Acid-Hydrofluoric Acid Mixture AlZnMg1 F36 mW 10 Material s FEl Type of Pretreatment AlMgMn F26 2mm 7.5kN 7.1 AlMgSi F32 2mm 7.5kN 4.2 AlZnMg1 F36 2mm 7.5kN 4.2 8 5 4 2 0 0 alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies 80 160 240 Storage Time tL 320 480 Effect of Storage Time on the Contact Resistance h 4500.01.08 Immediately after the last rinsing step, the parts must be dried with warm air, in order to prevent the formation of flecks which could increase the contact resistance and electrode metal pick-up tendency. A sure method of preventing formation of flecks is by dipping the rinsed sheets in methanol before drying them with hot air. Peltier Effect (Schematic) During direct current welding, the Peltier effect occurs, causing a larger electrode wear at the anode than at the cathode. This effect is caused by the heat consumed during transfer of electricity at the contact cathode-sheet and the heat released at the contact anode-sheet. This difference in reactions is caused by the corresponding positions of aluminium and copper in the electrochemical potential series. The additional heat released at the anode leads to a higher thermal stressing and to lower electrode life (Figure 4500.01.09). TALAT 4500 9 Peltier Effect (Schematic) Element Voltage (V) K -2.925 Na -2.713 Mg -2.37 Cu + Al -1.66 Zn -0.763 Fe -0.440 Cd -0.402 +Qp Ni -0.23 Sn -0.140 - Qp Al Pb -0.126 H2 0.000 Cu +0.337 Spot Welding of Al Ag +0.799 Direct Current Cu Pt +1.20 Au +1.50 F +2.87 Electrochemical Potential Series Based on Hydrogen Electrode at 25°C Al Source: Leuschen alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies Peltier Effect (Schematic) 4500.01.09 In order to minimise this effect, welding machines have been developed in which the electrode polarity is changed after each spot weld. Characteristics of Differently Designed Spot Welding Machines Besides the commonly used single-phase welding machines for spot welding, one also now has the three-phase welding machines which can deliver the high currents required. The latter work either according to the frequency conversion principle or with secondary rectification. Thus the following requirements can be much better fulfilled: − − reduction of power requirements improvement of the power factor cos ϕ − reduction of the unbalanced power loading. The construction of a single-phase alternating current machine is simple but leads to an unsymmetrical (unbalanced) power loading at high energies and possesses a low power factor. Another disadvantage is the limited sheet thickness which can be welded. Modern high-energy spot-welding machines are constructed nowadays as three-phase machines with their typical low power requirements and high power factors. Using these machines, it is possible to weld sheets up to 6 mm in thickness (Figure 4500.01.10). TALAT 4500 10 Characteristics of Differently Designed Spot Welding Machines Three Phase Frequency Changer Single Phase AC Three Phase Rectifier Pulsed Current DC with Rest Waviness Two-Phase with Cyclic Alternation Three-Phase Welding Current Phase Cut Sinus Current (50Hz) Grid Loading Two-Phase Power Requirement High Power Factor 0.4-0.7 0.8-0.9 0.9 Maximum Weldable Al SheetThickness 3+3 6+6 6+6 Low Low Characteristics of Differently Designed Spot Welding Machines alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies 4500.01.10 Relative Voltage Drop of a Resistance Welding Machine A comparison of the weld throat depths of machines of different constructions, clearly shows the disadvantage of the single-phase alternating current machine. The voltage drop here is about 3 to 6 times higher (Figure 4500.01.11). This fact must be taken into account, especially when large amounts of ferro-magnetic materials, e.g., clamping and transporting arrangements, reach into the secondary window. Relative Voltage Drop of a Resistance Welding Machine 6 1 Relative Voltage Drop 5 Single-Phase AC (50Hz) 1 4 3 2 Three Phase Frequency Changer (30Hz) 3 Three Phase Frequency Changer (5.6Hz) 2 4 2 3 4 1 Three Phase Rectifier 0 0 200 alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies TALAT 4500 400 600 800 Depth 1000 1200 1400 1600 mm Relative Voltage Drop of a Resistance Welding Machine 11 4500.01.11 Factors Influencing the Life of Electrodes The regulating and controlling possibilities, the welding machine and the parts to be welded have a strong influence on the life of the electrodes. Reducing the electrode metal pick-up is of great importance and can be influenced by having a uniform surface condition obtained through the use of mechanical and chemical pretreatments. This can be best controlled by measuring the contact resistance between electrode and sheet. The regulating and controlling possibilities of the welding machine, e.g., chronological programming of current and force, the resetting behaviour of the electrodes as well as cooling of the electrode, affect the stroke frequency and consequently the number of possible weld spots. The higher stroke frequency of roll seam welding necessitates a direct external cooling of the electrodes (Figure 4500.01.12). Factors Influencing the Life of Electrodes Part Controlled Factors Alloy Work Thickness Surface condition Machine Properties ac Welding Parameters Cooling ne co n tr ol le dF a ct o rs Electrode Material Electrode Work Area Ma c h in e t in g Se t Co s M hi Stroke Time No. of Spots Electrode Life it nd io n Source: Leuschen alu Factors Influencing the Life of Electrodes 4500.01.12 Training in Aluminium Application Technologies Influence of Storage Time on Life of Electrodes With suitable chemical surface pretreatments, the sheets retain their suitability for welding over long periods of time, i.e., the attainable life of electrodes also remains unchanged. In spite of this, efforts must be undertaken to keep the storage time as low as possible in order to avoid problems caused by dust dirtying the surface of the sheets (Figure 4500.01.13). TALAT 4500 12 Influence of Storage Time on the Life of Electrodes AllMgSi1 F32 Sheets Chemically Pretreated s = 2mm, CuAg-Electrode, 300mm Spherical Radius Shear Tensile Force FSZ kN 12 a) Storage Time t L = 0h 11 12 b) Storage Time t L = 170h 11 0 0 alu Training in Aluminiu m Application Technologies 100 200 300 Number of Welded Spots 400 500 Influence of Storage Time on the Life of Electrodes 4500.01.13 Influence of Machine Design and Current Type on Life of Electrodes Since the energy input of direct current machines is more uniform and occurs without current surges (peaks), higher electrode lives can be obtained than with alternating currents. The life of the electrodes can be further enhanced by changing the polarity of the electrodes after each weld spot, thereby reducing the Peltier effect and having a more uniform wear. Stationary equipment with a higher stiffness also have longer electrode lives than spot welding tongs (Figure 4500.01.14). Influence of Machine Design and Current Type on Life of Electrodes 4.0 kN Shear Force 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 Frequency Changer Machine (Is Rectifier Machine (Is AC Machine (Is Tongs (Is 1.0 0.5 = 32kA) = 32kA) = 32kA) = 32kA) FEI = 4kN ts = 4Per 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Number of Welded Spots Source: Leuschen alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies Influence of Machine Design and Current Type on Life of Electrodes 4500.01.14 The distortion in the tong arms gives rise to an added frictional effect in the contact region electrode-sheet. Similar effects occur when the electrodes are arranged slantingly. TALAT 4500 13 4500.02 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The Process of Resistance Spot Welding Current-force diagram for spot welding aluminium Recommended values for spot welding with direct current Example of a field of suitable welding parameters Minimum values for spot welding aluminium parts Effect of weld spot diameter on the shear strength Correlations between pretreatment, weld strength and electrode life Repeated tensile stress fatigue strength of one spot samples Fatigue tests using specimens similar to engineering part Fatigue strength of spot welded 1.6 mm thick 2024 cl sheets Current-Force Diagram for Spot Welding Aluminium A current-force programme in which both parameters change with time, is used to produce welds of high quality. An initial force is applied to ensure a good contact between sheet and electrode, thereby reducing the contact resistance. The force is then lowered, i.e., the contact resistance between the sheets increases, and the current is allowed to flow. The rate of current increase (up slope), amplitude, time and current decrease rate (down slope) can be regulated to suit the alloy to be welded. Heating of the metals during current flow causes these to soften, so that the force decreases. Shortly after the maximum current is reached, the force is increased to press the sheets against each other (forging effect). Similar programmes are mandatory for welding in the aerospace industry (Figure 4500.02.01). Guidelines are available for the spot welding of a large number of aluminium alloys. The parameters stated in the guidelines depend, among others, on the surface condition and roughness, type of current, material thickness as well as form of electrodes and material. The currents used for aluminium are much higher than those required for spot welding steel, making it necessary to utilise machines with a higher power rating for spot welding aluminium. The type of material used for the electrodes has a significant influence on the operational life. Experience has proved that material strength and hardness are of greater importance than the electrical conductivity. TALAT 4500 14 Current-Force Diagram for Spot Welding Aluminium (2024cl, 1.6 + 1.6mm) 15 I in kA 40 I F1 F1' 12 F in kN 30 F2 9 20 6 10 3 0 0 0 10 0.2 20 0.4 30 0.6 40 0.8 0 Cycles sec 50 1.0 Source: SLV Berlin alu Current-Force Diagram for Spot Welding Aluminium 4500.02.01 Training in Aluminium Application Technologies Recommended Values for Spot Welding with Direct Current Because of differences in the characteristic physical and mechanical values of steel and aluminium, a different set of parameters has to be used for the spot welding of these materials. Because of the high thermal conductivity of aluminium, the welding times chosen should be as short as possible to prevent the formation of a stationary state of equilibrium in which the input heat is absorbed by the material and is thus no longer available for the formation of the weld nugget. Consequently, this means that very high welding currents have to be used (Figure 4500.02.02). The welding machines take this fact into account and are designed for the proper power ratings. Since aluminium has a lower hardness than steel, the electrode forces required for spot welding are lower. High forces would cause unallowable electrode indentations in the aluminium Values Set Sheet Thickness mm 0.35 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.25 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 16 16 16 16 16 20 20 20 25 25 Radius / mm 75 75 75 75 100 100 100 100 100 150 Electrode Force kN 1.5 1.8 2.2 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.5 8.0 10.0 Electrode Diameter mm Electrode Spherical Welding Current kA Welding Time 18-22 19-24 24-30 25-32 26-34 27-35 30-38 34-42 38-45 44-50 Per 2 2 3 3 4 5 6-8 7-9 8-10 9-12 Weld Nugget Diameter / mm 3.0 3.5 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 7.0 8.0 8.5 9.5 Weld Spot Diameter / mm 3.5 4.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.7 8.7 9.3 10.3 Source:DVS Pamphlet 2932 T.3 alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies TALAT 4500 Guide Values for Spot Welding with Direct Current 15 4500.02.02 Example of a Field of Suitable Welding Parameters The welding parameters depend on the most appropriate correlations between current, time, force and weld strength. These are determined experimentally in test series in which constant and variable parameters are chosen. The appropriate welding data which delivers the required standard weld strengths can thus be determined (Figure 4500.02.03). Example of a Field of Suitable Welding Parameters 2024 cl 1.6 + 1.6 mm CuCr-Electrode F1 = 13 kN F2 = 7 kN Level of Minimum Average Tensile Shear DIN 29 878 50 8 35 2 0 d 4 C 40 ur re nt 45 6 55 kA W el Electrode Force 10 30 3 Source: Krüger alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies 4 6 8 Cycles 10 Weld Time Example of a Field of Suitable Welding Parameters 4500.02.03 Minimum Values for Spot Welding Aluminium Parts Analogous to the parameter settings, geometrical values like weld spot and nugget diameter as well as distance from edge depend on the material. The amount of overlap and the distance between the weld spots depend on the electrical conductivity of the work material, i.e., the distance chosen between the weld spots increases with increasing electrical conductivity. The diameters of weld spot and weld nugget depend on the electrode geometry and on the number of weld spots. Therefore, the effect of increasing electrode diameter on the weld spot strength must be regularly controlled. The minimum strengths are laid out in the appropriate regulations (Figure 4500.02.04). TALAT 4500 16 Minimum Values for Spot Welding Aluminium Parts Material AlMg5Mn Sheet Thickness t Min. Weld Nugget Diameter dL Min. Weld Spot Diameter dp Min. Distance from edge v Electrode b Diameter dE Min. Flange Width t Electrode b Diameter dE Min. Overlap All Values in mm AlMg0.4Si1.2 1.0 1.15 1.25 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 1.0 1.15 1.25 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.9 5.7 6.3 6.9 4.5 4.8 5.0 5.5 6.3 7.1 7.8 4.4 4.7 5.0 5.4 6.3 7.0 7.6 5.0 5.3 5.5 6.0 7.0 7.8 8.6 5.5 5.9 6.3 6.8 7.9 8.8 9,5 6.3 6.6 6.9 7.5 8.8 9.8 10.8 16 20 16 20 17.5 18.0 19.0 19.5 23.5 25.0 26.5 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 24.5 26.0 27.5 16 20 16 20 13.0 14.0 14.5 15.5 18.0 19.5 21.0 14.5 15.5 16.0 17.0 19.5 21.5 23.5 dL≥ 4.0*√t dL≥ 4.0*√t b ≥ dE / 2 + r + v + x v ≥ 1.25∗dp dp = 1.1*dL r = 1.5*t ü = 2*v+y x = Flange Width Tolerance + Flange Misalignment + Electrode Misalignment = 2.5 y = Sheet Misalignment + Electrode Misalignment = 2.0 Source: Leuschen alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies Minimum Values for Spot Welding Aluminium Parts 4500.02.04 Effect of Weld Spot Diameter on the Shear Strength The load-carrying capacity of the joint depends on the weld spot diameter. Depending on the welded materials, weld spot diameter and shear strength increase proportionally (see Figure 4500.02.05). Heat-treatable alloys which have been age hardened, lose this hardening effect in the heat affected zone of the weld. A heat treatment of such components is, in principle, possible but its practical use is strongly limited by the part size and possible distortion expected. Therefore, the unavoidable loss in strength is compensated for by increasing the weld spot diameter. Larger weld spot diameters are necessary to attain the required shear strength with softer materials. TALAT 4500 17 AlMg5Mn kN 8 Tensile Shear Force AlMg0.4Si1.2 t = 2.0 mm t = 1.5 mm t = 1.25mm 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 4 5 6 7 8 Weld Spot Diameter 9 10 mm Source: Leuschen alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies Effect of Weld Spot Diameter on Tensile Shear Strength 4500.02.05 Correlations between Surface Pretreatment, Weld Strength and Electrode Life The mechanical pretreatment can be carried out with simple equipment and does not require any special rooms. The softer alloys (pure aluminium, AlMn) tend to "smear" easily so that proper care must be taken while working with them. The same care must be taken for plated alloys, in order to prevent a mechanical removal of the thin plating. Small areas can be mechanically pretreated with hand-held or rotating (ø > 200 mm) brushes made of stainless steel or also with steel wool. Grinding is carried out using grinding wheels or grinding bands. Abrasive powder with uniform particle size is used to obtain a fine surface finish. Overheating is prevented by using moderate grinding pressures, appropriate operating speeds (30 to 40 m/min) as well as by introducing additives (fat, paraffin) to the abrasive powder. A disadvantage of mechanical surface pretreatments is the roughening of the surface. The contact resistance can only be reduced down to 50 to 100 µΩ, the associated heating at the interface electrode/sheet surface leads to electrode metal pick-up. The mechanical pretreatment produces an active surface which oxidises rapidly to form a new oxide film. Consequently, the contact resistance rises sharply within short storage times, increases of 20 µΩ occurring within about 20 min (Figure 4500.02.06). TALAT 4500 18 Alloy 6082-T6; t = 2mm ; Fel = 8kN ; Rel = 300mm Shear Tensile Force in kN 12 Etched Is = 49kA 10 5 0 100 200 300 12 400 500 600 No. of Points n 700 800 900 1000 1100 Brushed Is = 52.2kA 10 8 6 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 No. of Points n 700 800 900 1000 1100 Correlations between Surface Pretreatment, Weld Strength and Electrode Life alu Training in Aluminium Ap plication Technologies 4500.02.06 Repeated Tensile Stress Fatigue Strength of One-Spot Samples The fatigue behaviour of materials can be ascertained at values of 2 x 107 cycles and more. Weld defects like pores and cavities which are not located at the weld nugget edges have hardly any influence. Cracks and reductions in cross-section due to too high electrode pressures, reduce the fatigue strength sharply. The amount of overlap also has a significant effect on the fatigue behaviour (Figure 4500.02.07). Tensile Force Amplitude 2.0 kN ü 1.5 ü = 15mm ü = 40mm t = 2.0 mm t = 1.25mm 1.0 0.5 0 104 2x104 5x104 105 2x105 5x105 106 2x106 5x106 No. of Cycles 107 2x107 5x107 108 Source: Leuschen alu Fatigue Strength of Single-Spot Welded Samples 4500.02.07 Training in Aluminium Application Technologies Fatigue Tests Using Specimens Similar to Engineering Parts The results of fatigue tests can only be compared using standardised specimen forms. The load transfer and additional bending are decisive factors for single and double layered joints. The specimens have to be prepared singly, i.e., they may not be taken out of the sheet or the constructional part. The welding is carried out using special arrangements, and the welding procedure must always be recorded (Figure 4500.02.08). TALAT 4500 19 Test Specimen A ( Part 1 and Part 5 ) Load Transfer = 0 Additional Bending = 0 Part 1 Part 5 Metallurgical Influence of a Single Weld Spot on the Base Material Properties ( not bridge-connected ). Peltier Effect must be considered while Welding with DC. Test Specimen D ( Part 3 and Part 4 ) Load Transfer = Medium Additional Bending = High Example: End of a Skin Stiffener Electrode Diameter to be considered while Welding, eventually both surfaces to be treated; compare Inside Dimensions of U-Profile Test Specimen E ( Part 3 Once, Part 4 Double ) Load Transfer = High Additional Bending = 0 Part 4 Part 3 2 1 3 1 Part 4 Test Specimen B ( Part 1 and Part 10 ) Load Transfer = Low Part 1 Part 3 2 1 3 Part 10 Part 8 4 2 1 3 5 Example: Base Structure Test Specimen C ( Part 2 Double, displaced relatively by 180o ) Load Transfer = low Additional Bending = Low Part 2 2 1 Test Specimen F ( Part 8 Double ) Load Transfer = High Additional Bending = High Test Specimen G ( Part 6 Double, Parts 7 and 9 Single ) Load Transfer = High Additional Bending = High Example: Cutting Location 3 5 4 6 2 1 3 8 7 9 Part 9 Part 7 Part 6 2 8 11 5 1 7 10 4 3 9 12 6 Part 6 Source : DVS Pamphlet No. 2709 4500.02.08 Component-like Specimens for Fatigue Tests alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies Fatigue Strength of Spot Welded 1.6 mm Thick 2024 cl Sheets Experiments have shown that the effect of specimen form on the fatigue strength is much greater than that of other variables like lower or higher current, cracks, corrosion etc. The effect of the added bending due to specimen form is clearly visible. Therefore, a careful evaluation of the results is essential (Figure 4500.02.09). 200 R = 0.1 10% 5*104 Pü = 50% 90% No. of Cycles Low High Cracks, Sprays Low High Low High Corrosion Surface Prot.+Corr. B Low High "Curved" Corrosion Surface Prot. + Corrosion A Lower Reference Value Low High Corrosion Surface Protection + Corrosion 20 10 9 8 7 6 5 Low Static Shear Strength High High, without Plate 30 Low High Cracks, Sprays Corrosion Surface Protection + Corrosion 2*106 BASE MATERIAL Stress Amplitude [N/ mm² ] 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 D E F G C Specimen Types According to DVS 2709 Source: Krüger, SLV Berlin alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies TALAT 4500 Fatigue Strength of Spot Welded 1.6mm Thick 2024cl Sheets 20 4500.02.09 4500.03 Quality Assurance • Allowable imperfections of spot welds in aluminium alloys (according to aeronautical standards) determined by metallography • Allowable imperfections of spot welds in aluminium alloys (according to aeronautical standards) determined by x-ray examination. Allowable Imperfections of Spot Welds in Aluminium Alloys (According to Aeronautical Standards) Determined by Metallography The geometrical characteristics and allowable defect dimensions for spot welds depend on the corresponding evaluation group (EG). The EG I has the strictest requirements (crack and inclusions are not allowed in this evaluation group) (Figure 4500.03.01). Allowable Imperfections of Spot Welds in Aluminium Alloys Determined by Metallography Ser. No. Characteristics I 1 t2 2 Inclusions, cavities 3 Length of cavity or inclusions 4 Distance of cavity or inclusion from edge 5 Penetration of cavity or inclusion 6 Penetration depth of nugget within 0.8 dr 7 Nugget diameter d ²) 8 Gap thickness 0,5 dr 9 Indentation depth or bulging t1 Plating II Cracks III Inclusion or Cavity Bulging Distance Inclusion or Cavity Indentation Penetration Depth Gap Width Weld Nugget Penetration EG Inclusion or Cavity Length 0,8 dr dr 1) 0,5 dr Aerodynamic Not aerodynamic I II III II III II, III II III I, II, III I, II, III I, II III I, II, III I I II,III I, II, III I, II III Required or allowable value Not allowed Longest single crack 10 % of weld nugget penetration, measured from nugget middle Longest single crack 30 % of weld nugget penetration, measured from nugget middle Not allowed 2 (in number) 3 (in number) ≤ 0.15 dr 1) ≤ 0.25 dr ≥ 0.15 dr ≤ 0,25 dr ≤ 0.50 dr ≥ 0.2 t1 and ≤ 0.9 t1 ≥ 0.2 t1 and ≤ 1.0 t1 ≥ 0.2 t1 and ≤ 0.8 t1 ≥ 0.2 t1 and ≤ 0.9 t1 see table ≤ 0.05 (t1 + t2) or ≤ 0.15 mm larger of ≤ 0.05 (t1 + t2) or ≤ 0.12 mm the values ≤ 0.075 (t1 + t2) or ≤ 0.15 mm allowed ≤ 0.2 t1, bu ≤ 0.1 mm For t1 ≤ 0.2 mm, allowed 0.3 t1 For t1 > 0.2 mm, allowed 0.1 t1 or 0.13 mm For t1 ≤ 0.2 mm, allowed 0.2 t1 or 0.2 mm For t1 > 0.2 mm, allowed 0.4 t1 Overlapped spot with roller I, II, III see table Penetration Depth 10 seam weld on the 0,8 dr line 1 ) dr = the weld nugget diameter measured on the metallographic specimen ²) dr = the required minimum weld nugget diameter Source: DIN 29 878 alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies Allowable Imperfections of Spot Welds in Aluminium Alloys Determined by Metallography 4500.03.01 Characteristics which can be made visible in a metallographic section allow a much more comprehensive evaluation of the quality of the spot weld joint than radiographs. The effort of producing the former is also much higher. Allowable Imperfections of Spot Welds in Aluminium Alloys (According to Aeronautical Standards) Determined by X-Ray Examination Inclusions and cavities can also be determined using the radiographic testing method. An important factor here is the location distance of the defect from the edge. Defects TALAT 4500 21 located within the interior of the weld spot have a lower notch effect and are therefore not as dangerous as those located at the spot boundaries (Figure 4500.03.02). Allowable Imperfections of Spot Welds in Aluminium Alloys Determined by X-Ray Examination Inclusion or Cavity Distance from Edge Inclusion or Cavity Length dr Ser. No. Characteristics 1 Cracks 2 Inclusions, cavities 3 Inclusion or cavity length 4 Total area of inclusions or cavities 5 Inclusion or cavity distance from edge EG Allowable Values I II III I II III II III II, III II, III I, II not allowed 10 % 30 % not allowed 2 (in number) 4 (in number) ≤ 0,15 dr ≤ 0,25 dr < 10 % of nugget area < 5 % of nugget area ≤ 0,15 dr Source: DIN 29 878 alu Training in Aluminium Application Technologies Allowable Imperfections of Spot Welds in Aluminium Alloys Determined by X-Ray Examination 4500.03.02 4500.04 Literature B. Leuschen, Joining aluminium body materials, in F. Ostermann (ed.) „Aluminium Materials Technology for Automobile Construction“,MEP Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd., London, 1993 TALAT 4500 22 4500.05 List of Figures Figure No. Figure Title (Overhead) 4500.01.01 4500.01.02 Suitability of Aluminium and its Alloys for Spot Welding Comparison of Physical Properties of Aluminium and Unalloyed Steel (0.15% C) at RT Resistances During Spot Welding of Steel and Aluminium Constitution of the Oxide Film Surface Pretreatment I Surface Pretreatment II Contact Resistance after Surface Pretreatment Effect of Storage Time on the Contact Resistance Peltier Effect (Schematic) Characteristics of Differently Designed Spot Welding Machines Relative Voltage Drop of a Resistance Welding Machine Factors Influencing the Life of Electrodes Influence of Storage Time on Life of Electrodes Influence of Machine Design and Current Type on Life of Electrodes 4500.01.03 4500.01.04 4500.01.05 4500.01.06 4500.01.07 4500.01.08 4500.01.09 4500.01.10 4500.01.11 4500.01.12 4500.01.13 4500.01.14 4500.02.01 4500.02.02 4500.02.03 4500.02.04 4500.02.05 4500.02.06 4500.02.07 4500.02.08 4500.02.09 4500.03.01 4500.03.02 TALAT 4500 Current-Force Diagram for Spot Welding Aluminium Guide Values for Spot Welding with Direct Current Example of a Field of Suitable Welding Parameters Minimum Values for Spot Welding Aluminium Parts Effect of Weld Spot Diameter on Tensile Shear Strength Correlations Between Surface Pretreatment, Weld Strength and Electrode Life Fatigue Strength of Single-Spot Welded Samples Component-like Specimens for Fatigue Tests Fatigue Strength of Spot Welded 1.6 mm Thick 2024 cl Sheets Allowable Imperfections of Spot Welds in Aluminium Alloys Determined by Metallography Allowable Imperfections of Spot Welds in Aluminium Alloys Determined by X-Ray Examination 23